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1、植物营养元素失调症状图植物营养元素失调症状图氮素营养失调症状氮素营养失调症状Nitrogen Deficiency: The older leaves become uniformly chlorotic. After considerable time, older leaves become necrotic and drop off if abscission is possible for the species in question. Purple to red discoloration may develop in older leaves as they turn chlor

2、otic in some species such as begonia, marigold, and pansy. 旱作水稻旱作水稻N0N180大麦氮肥试验大麦氮肥试验N0N120Ammonium Toxicity 磷素营养失调症Phosphorus Deficiency: The plant becomes severely stunted and at the same time, the foliage becomes deeper green than normal. In some species, the older leaves develop purple coloratio

3、n. Older leaves then develop chlorosis followed by necrosis. Roots become longer than normal when the deficiency is moderate. Foliage plants: older leaves may lose their sheen, becoming dull green followed by red, yellow, and blue pigments showing through the green particularly on the undersides of

4、the leaves along the veins. These symptoms spread across the leaf. Older leaves abscise if possible, otherwise necrosis develops from the tip towards the base. 水稻水稻红壤小麦磷肥试验红壤小麦磷肥试验-P+P+P-P钾素失调症状钾素失调症状Potassium Deficiency: The margins of older leaves become chlorotic followed by an immediate necrosis

5、. Similar necrotic spots may form across the blades of older leaves but more so towards the margin. Soon the older leaves become totally necrotic. Seedlings and young bedding plants, prior to the formation of chlorosis and necrosis on older foliage, are more compact and deeper green than normal. Som

6、e foliage plants will develop oily spots on the undersides of older leaves, that then become necrotic. 高粱高粱-P+P钙素营养失调症状钙素营养失调症状Calcium Deficiency: Symptoms are expressed at the top of the plant. Young leaves may develop variable patterns of chlorosis and distortion such as dwarfing, strap-like shape

7、, or crinkling. The edges of leaves may become necrotic. Shoots stop growing. Petals or flower stems may collapse. Roots are short, thickened, and branched. Foliage plants: in addition to the above, the older leaves may become thick and brittle. In Philodendron scandens subspecies oxycardium and in

8、Epipremnum aureum Ca has symptoms of a mobile nutrient. Yellow spots occur in the basal half of older leaves. These spots enlarge into irregular yellow areas containing numerous scattered oil-soaked spots. 镁素营养失调症状镁素营养失调症状Magnesium Deficiency: Older leaves develop interveinal chlorosis. In several s

9、pecies pink, red, or purple pigmentation will develop in the older leaves following the onset of chlorosis. Foliage plants with pinnately (netted) veined leaves: Bronze-yellow chlorosis begins at the upper margin of older leaves progressing downward along the veins leaving a green v-shape pattern at

10、 the top of the leaf. As chlorosis progresses down the leaf a green v-shape of tissue remains at the bottom. Eventually the tip and then the base become chlorotic. Necrosis follows chlorosis in the same pattern. 硫素营养失调症状硫素营养失调症状Sulfur Deficiency: Foliage over the entire plant becomes uniformly chlor

11、otic. Sometimes the symptoms tend to be more pronounced toward the top of the plant. While symptoms on the individual leaf look like those of nitrogen deficiency, it is easy to distinguish sulfur deficiency from nitrogen deficiency because nitrogen deficiency begins in the lowest leaves. 香蕉香蕉锌素营养失调症

12、状锌素营养失调症状Zinc Deficiency: Young leaves are very small and internodes are short giving the stem a rosette appearance. These leaves are also chlorotic in varying patterns but tending toward interveinal. In kalanchoe, zinc deficiency can express itself as a fasciation (a flattened, highly branched stem

13、). 硼素营养失调症状硼素营养失调症状Boron Deficiency: Incomplete formation of flower parts such as fewer petals, small petals, sudden wilting or collapse of petals, and notches of tissue missing in flower stems, leaf petioles, or stems. Death of the bud giving rise to branching followed by death of the new buds even

14、tually leading to a proliferation of shoots termed a witchs broom. Short internodes, crinkling of young leaves, corking of young leaves, stems, and buds, thickening of young leaves. Chlorosis of young leaves but not in any definite pattern. Roots short and thick with eventual death of root tips. Sym

15、ptoms of boron deficiency in papaya硼中毒硼中毒铁素营养失调症状铁素营养失调症状Iron Deficiency: Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves. Young leaves of seedlings sometimes develop general rather than interveinal chlorosis. In late stages, the leaf blade may loose nearly all pigment taking on a white appearance. Fe-borage锰素营养失调症状锰素营养失调症状Manganese Deficiency: Inter


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