



1、1训练 6 议论文A(2016 西宁检测)What is it that you love to do but never feel that you get it quite right? Perhaps you dont even tryany more because you think what you do is not 1 eno ugh. _Discouragement seems to follow us a good part of the time, 2 however hard we work , it seemsthat there is 3 someone else

2、who can do it much better.I have always enjoyed music and it is 4 to me that every musicia n has a5_of their own.My father 6 several in strume nts and whe n he played withother people , it was not difficult to 7 his sound in a group.Whether it was guitar or another instrument, he had his own 8 sound

3、.I 9 heard of a music teacher who comme nted to a discouraged stude nt,“ 10 else can make the sound that you make.” The sound that you make maynot be the same as some one elses , but who is to say which is 11 _ . It is saidthat , “ 12 is in the eye of the beholder.” Perhaps it could be said that ade

4、lightful sound is in the ear of the 13_ .Every pers on has a differe nt tone of voice that 14 only to them, 15_we all know people with an unforgettablelaugh or a way of 16 thatis uniqueto the m.It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all .It 17 be the way you whistle or thesound of

5、your footsteps.Each person has a(n) 18 on the world in some way.Someone else can do what you do, but theycannot do it 19 inthe same way that you do it.The next timeyou feel 20_, remember nobody else can make the sound that you make.本文是一篇议论文,主要论述了我们每个人都有自己与众不同的地方,都有自己独特的声音,正如音乐家各自演奏的特别音乐一样,所以当我们没别人做得

6、好时,不必气馁。1.A.easyB. goodC. simpleD. hardB 考查形容词辨析。根据本段第一句可知,文章开头提出了一个问题:什么是你喜欢 做却感觉做不好的事;由此可推知,下一句继续说明,也许你不再努力,是因为你认为自己做得不够好。故 B 项正确。22.A.becauseB. althoughC. whenD. ifA 考查连词辨析。空格前一句提出,气馁似乎伴随我们很久了,接下来分析了出现这一现象的原因:因为无论我们多么辛苦地工作,好像总是有人比我们做得好。故 A 项正确。3B alwaysD sometimesB 考查副词辨析。根据语境及空格前的“ however hard

7、”可知,此处指总是有人比我 们做得好很多。 always 意为“总是”,符合语境。故 B 项正确。 4 A.satisfyingB convincingC inspiringD interestingD 考查形容词辨析。 A 项意为“令人满意的”; B 项意为“令人信服的”; C 项意为 “鼓舞人心的”;D 项意为“有趣的”。根据“ enjoyed ”可知,“我” 一直喜欢音乐,因此 觉得每个音乐人都有自己独特的声音是一件非常有趣的事。故D 项正确。5 A.giftB soundC lifeD songB考查名词辨析。 A 项意为“天赋”; B 项意为“声音”; C 项意为“生活”; D 项意

8、 为“歌曲”。根据下文多次出现的“ sou nd”以及常识可知,音乐人有各自独特的声音。故 B 项正确。6A.playedB designedCcreatedD checkedA 考查动词辨析。A 项意为“演奏”,其后接乐器名词;B 项意为“设计”;C 项意为“创作”; D 项意为“检查”。根据空格后的“ when he played with other people ” 可知,此处也用 played。故 A 项正确。7A.turn downB call upC pick outD give offC 考查动词短语辨析。A 项意为“调小,拒绝”;B 项意为“打电话”;C 项意为“挑 选出”;

9、D 项意为“发出”。 联系上文可知, 每个音乐人都有自己独特的声音, 因此当父亲 和其他人一起演奏时,在一片音乐声中辨别出他的声音并不难。故C 项正确。3 A.seldomC never48A.loudCperfectD 考查形容词辨析。BDA 项意为“ (声音)大的”上文指出,powerfulspecial;B 项意为“强有力的”;C 项意为“完美的”;D 项意为“专门的,特殊的” 音;由此可推知,父亲的声音是特别的。故9A.onceCevenA 考查副词辨析。A 项意为“曾经”;我”为“仍然”。根据语境可知,故 A 项正确。很容易在一片音乐声中辨别出父亲的声 D 项正确。B yetD st

10、illB 项意为“但是”;C 项意为“甚至”;D 项意曾经听说过一位音乐教师评价一个气馁的学生的故事。510 A.AnybodyB SomebodyC NobodyD EverybodyC 考查代词辨析。根据下文“ The sound that you make may not be the same assomeone elses ”可知,此处指没有人能发出和你相同的声音。故C 项正确。11A.biggerB betterD lowerC deeperB 考查形容词辨析。联系下文可知,你的声音与众不同,但很难说谁的声音更好, 因为这是见仁见智的事情。故 B 项正确。 12A.BeautyB

11、InterestCPatienceD HonestyA 考查名词辨析。A 项意为“美”;B 项意为“兴趣”;C 项意为“耐心”;D 项意为“诚实”。 上文提到,很难说谁的声音更好, 所以此处进行了解释,声音好与不好是因人而 异的,主要看听的人的感受, 即美存在于发现美的眼睛里, 本空也与下文中的“ a delightfulsou nd”相照应。故 A 项正确。13A.speakerB receiverC listenerDlookerC 考查名词辨析。A 项意为“讲话者”;B 项意为“接受者”;C 项意为“倾听者”;D 项意为“观看者”。根据上文中的“美存在于发现美的眼睛里”可推知,此处指美妙

12、的声音存在于倾听者的耳中。故C 项正确。14A.devotesB addsCadaptsD belongsD 考查动词短语辨析。所给选项均可与空格后的 to 构成固定搭配: devote to 意为“奉献给.”;add to 意为“增加”;adapt to 意为“适应”;belong to 意为“属于”。此处指每个人都有属于自己的不同的语调。故D 项正确。15A.butB yetCandD forC 考查连词辨析。 上文指出,每个人都有各自与众不同的语调;下文指出,我们依据令人难忘的笑声或独特的说话方式来识别他人。上下文表递进关系。故C项正确。16A.runningB walkingCjump

13、ingD speakingD 考查动词辨析。此处指声音的独特性,因此指笑声和说话方式很特别。 故 D 项正确。17A.mustB mightCwouldD shouldB 考查情态动词辨析。A 项意为“必须”;B 项意为“也许”;C 项意为“将会”;D项意为应该”。根据上文“ It might not be the sou nd.”可知,此处也用might 与其6照应,意为“也许根本不是你的音乐声或嗓音,而可能是你的口哨声或脚步声使你独特”。故 B 项正确。18.A.choiceB. opinionC. dutyD. effectD考查名词辨析。 A 项意为“选择”; B 项意为“观点”; C

14、 项意为“职责”; D 项意 为“影响”。此处指每个人在某个方面都会对这个世界产生影响。have an effect on 意为“对有影响”,符合语境。故D 项正确。19.A.exactlyB. carefullyC. cautiouslyD. seriouslyA考查副词辨析。 A 项意为“正确地, 恰好地”; B 项意为“仔细地”; C 项意为“小 心谨慎地”;D 项意为“严肃认真地”。根据“ but ”可知,前后句为转折关系,即别人能 做你所做的事情,但他们做事的方式不可能和你恰好一样。故A 项正确。20.A.annoyedB. puzzledC. discouragedD. bothe

15、redC 考查形容词辨析。A 项意为“生气的”;B 项意为“迷惑的”;C 项意为“气馁的, 感到灰心丧气的”;D 项意为“烦恼的”。联系上文的论证可知,当你下次感到气馁时,记 住:没有人的声音和你的是一样的。故C 项正确。【导学号:90892073】B(2016 -汕头市段考)I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a collegeeducation.lf they can 21 it_ , they will certainly send them to the bestuni versities.Bu

16、t they n eed not feel 22 if they cant.If the childre n reallywant to go, theyll find a23_ . There are plenty of loans and scholarships forthe bright and 24 ones who cant afford to pay.Whenchildren grow up and want to 25_, their parents do not owe them a downpayme nt on a house.They do not have the 2

17、6 to babysit their gran dchildre n.lf they want to do it , itmust be con sidered a 27 but not an obligati on (责任,义务).Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.One of their obligations is to give their children a personal 28 .A child who is constantly made to7feel stupid

18、 and unworthy , constantly 29 tobrighterbrothers , sisters , or cousins will become so 30 _, so afraid of failing that he8(or she)w ont try at all.Of course they should be 31 correctedwhenthey do wrong, but its often betterto let children leann their mistakes by themselves32_. All our parents and gi

19、ve them chances to try and fail.They must learn to stand 33_.Whencriticisms( 扌比评)are really needed, they should be 34 with praises , with a smile and akiss.That is the way childre n learn.Parents owe their childrena set of solid values around 35 to build theirlives.This means teachi ng them to 36 th

20、e rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful toelders , to teachers , and to the law.The best way to teach such values is by deed and 37 . A childwho is lied to will 38. A childwho sees no laughter and no love in the homewill have difficulty laughing and loving.No child asks to be 39 _

21、 . If you bring a life into the world, you owe thechild 40_ .本文是一篇议论文,主要论述了父母欠孩子些什么。父母如果把一个小生命带到这个世界上来,就有责任和义务去指导和教育他(她)。21.A.findB. affordC. getD. acceptB 如果父母负担得起学费,当然会把孩子送去最好的大学。find 找到,发现;afford付得起;get 得到;accept 接受。方式,方法;hand 帮助。22. A.disappo in tedB. unhappyC. guiltyD. dissatisfiedC 如果他们付不起,也没有

22、必要感到内疚。disappo in ted 失望的,沮丧的;un happy不高兴的;guilty 有罪的,内疚的; dissatisfied不满意的。23. A . supplyB. hopeC. wayD. handC 如果孩子们真想上大学,他们自会有办法。supply 提供,供给;hope 希望;way924. A.healthyB. hon estC. eagerD. wealthyC 对于聪明好学却付不起学费的人来说,借贷和奖学金的种类还是很多的。healthy健康的;honest 诚实的;eager 热切的,渴望的;wealthy 富有的。25. A.get a jobB. get

23、 marriedC. go abroadD. live aloneB 当孩子长大想结婚时,父母无需为他们分期付款买房子而出底金。就业;get married 结婚;go abroad 出国;live alone独自生活。get a job 工作,1026 A.timeB dutyC rightD energyB 父母没有责任给子女当保姆照看孩子。have the duty to do sth. 有责任做某事。time 时间; duty 责任; right 权利; energy 能力,精力。 27 A.serviceB pleasureC habitD favourD 如果他们乐意这么做, 那也

24、只能看作是一种帮助, 而绝不是一种义务。service 服 务;pleasure娱乐; habit 习惯; favour 帮助,支持。 28 A.affairB valueC beliefD abilityB 父母的责任之一是让孩子们懂得自身的价值。 affair 事件; value 价值; belief 信仰,信念;ability 能力。 29 A.comparedB broughtC forcedD takenA 如果总让孩子感到自己愚蠢没有价值, 总是拿他 / 她和比他 / 她聪明的兄弟姐妹或同龄的亲戚朋友相比,他/她就会变得缺乏自信。be compared to 与. 相比较;brin

25、g 带来;force 强迫; take 带走。 30A.unusualCunknownB 解析见上题。unusual 不寻常的;unsure 不确定,不自信的;unknown 未知的;unfair 不公平的。 31A.gentlyB properlyCnearlyD possiblyB 当他们犯错的时候应该被适当地纠正。 gently 轻轻地, 温和地; properly 适当地, 合适地;nearly 差不多,几乎; possibly 可能地。 B now and thenCat onceDright nowA 但是最好让孩子自己及时地了解到自己的错误。 in time 及时; now an

26、d then 偶尔, 时不时地; at once 立刻,马上; right now 现在,马上。 33A.honourB failureCprogressD testB 根据上文可知, 所有父母应该相信自己的孩子,尊重他们, 宽容他们,并给予机会 让他们去尝试和失败,而且他们必须学会忍受失败。 honour 荣誉; failure 失败; progress 进步; test 测试,B unsureD unfair32 A.in time11考验。 1234. A.mixedC. balaneedC 在教育子女时,批评应该与表扬并重,而且批评时最好面带微笑,并亲吻他们一下。mix 混合,包含;i

27、n elude 包含;bala nee 平衡,并重;share 分享。35. A.itB. whichC. whomD. whatB 父母有责任教会子女掌握一整套牢固的生活和处世准则。这里values。36. A.eonsiderB. refuseC. followD. respeetD 这就意味着要教育他们尊重别人的权利和观点。consider 考虑,认为;refuse 拒绝;follow 跟随;respeet 尊重。B. experieneeD. less onC 教孩子这些价值观的最佳方法是做父母的以身作则。blame 责备;experienee 经历,经验;example 例子;les

28、son 课程,教训。38. A.lieB. winC. loseD. eryA 常听谎言的孩子也会向别人说谎。lie 撒谎;win 胜利;lose 失去;ery 哭泣。39. A . praisedB. bornC. aloneD. poorB 没有一个孩子是自己要求被生出来的。40. A.everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. somethingD 如果你把一个生命带到这个世界,那么你就对这个生命负有责任。everything 每件事;nothing 没事;anything 任何事; something 某些事。C(2016 豫东、豫北十所名校联考)Sometim

29、es, you are stuek in traffie, anxious about gettinga job , or stressed about making a deadline at work. 41 as_these situati ons are, they are also opport un ities to 42_kindness and gratitude.Respondinggently and thankfully will notB. in eludedD. sharedwhich 代指 solid37. A.blameC. example13,but it ca

30、n help you behappier and 44Like some one who 45 as part of their work43 make these situati ons go away,I find that when I practice14The men tal and physical 47 of kindness and gratitude are great.Suchsimple practices not only make you feel good, 48 they can also help protect your immune system ,redu

31、ce stress and anxiety, and strengthen self control.And49_, the person who is giving , the person who is receiving and the people whoare wit ness ing all ben efit from 50of kin dness and gratitude.However, being kind and 51is not a replacement for working towardimportant goals, or dealing with challe

32、nges.Practicing kindness and appreciationis a way to 52 the qualityof your experie nee and relati on shipswhile you aredoing these thi ngs. 53 your bra in may tell you, your ability to be kind andgrateful is n ot 54 upon either your circumsta nces or how you feel. 55_fact , kindness and gratitude ar

33、e available to you whenever you choose to practice them.During your lifetime many things will happen.You will experience some of themas pleasa nt and comfortable and others as56 an d unwanted.You do not havecontrol over the circumstances that life 57_ , but you do have a choice abouthow you 58 to th

34、em.Reacting to whatever 59 up with kindness and gratitude is a powerful 60, a choice supported by hundreds of scientificresearch studies and recomme nded in every lasti ng wisdom traditi on for thousa nds of years.What will you choose?本文是一篇议论文。生活中会遇到各种各样的事情,有令人不快的,也有令人开心的。不管遇到什么样的事情,我们都应当以感激和善意的态度去面

35、对。41.A.Undoubted B. UnfortunateC. Un desirableD. Unu sualC 根据上句可知,有时你会遇到交通堵塞,急着找工作,或者为赶工作进度而着急。根据常识可知,这些情况都是令人不快的,C 项意为“令人不快的,不受欢迎的”,符合语境。42.A.practiceB. ack no wledgeC. exchangeD. distinguishA 根据下文中的“ thankfully.it can help you be happier”以及第二段第一句 中的being kind and grateful duri ng my travelis a muc

36、h more 46 experie nee.,I am often more pleased and the travel15“ practice ”可知,尽管这些情况令人不快,但也是练习保持善意、感激心态的机会。A 项意为“实践,练习”,符合语境。43 A.speciallyB deliberatelyC alternativelyD necessarilyD 根据该句中“ but ”表达的语境可知,温和而感激地回应不一定会消除这些令人不 快的情形。D 项意为“必然地,必要地”,符合语境。 44 A.healthierB thinnerC tallerD wiserA 根据第三段中的“ he

37、lp protect your immune system ”可知,温和而感激地回应 这些令人不快的情形不一定会消除它们,但是这会使你更快乐、更健康。 A 项意为“更健康 的”,符合语境。 45 A.readsB travelsC typesD drivesB 根据该句中的“ during my travel.the travel”可知,出差是“我”工作的一部分。 46 A.disappointingB enjoyableC practicalD preciousB 根据该句中的“ I am often more pleased and.”可知,如果在出差过程中保持感激、善意、美好的心态,那么

38、“我”会更加高兴,本次旅程也会是令人更加愉快的经历。 空格处与“ pleased ”并列。B 项意为“令人愉快的”,符合语境。47A.conditionsB shortcomingsCbenefitsD standardsC 根据上下文可知,善意和感激所带来的身体和精神上的好处是巨大的。C 项意为“好处”,符合语境。 48A.soB whileCandD butD 根据该句中的“ not only ”可知,这种简单的实践不但使你感觉良好,还能有助于保护你的免疫系统。not only.but(also) 意为“不但.而且”,为固定搭配。故D 项正确。 49A.furtherB worseCsoonerD clearerA 根据上文可知, 这种简单的实践不但使你感觉良好, 还能有助于保护你的免疫系统; 根据下文可知, 付出的、 接受的和见证的人都从善意和感激的表达中获益; 根据空格处上下 文的句意可知,上下文表示递进关系。A 项意为“更进一步”,符合语境。1650A.descriptionsB attractionsD expectationsCexpressions17C 根据语境可知,付出的人、 接受的人和见证


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