



1、让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句。一般翻译为 “尽 管”或即使”就是我们日常生活中用的 退一步说”的感觉。 使用的连词引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些: though, although,while, as;even if, even though; whether.or.; no matter+疑问词,疑问词 -ever ,regardless of+ 名词 / 名词短语 / 名词从句,despite , in spite of。切记 although 不可与 but 连用 用法(1) though, although 表示“虽然,纵然 ”之意。这两个连词意思大致相同,

2、在一般情况下可以互换使用。在口语中, though 较常使用, although 比 though 正式,二者都可与 yet, still或 never ,the less 连用,但不能与 but连用。例如: Although/Though he was exhausted, (still) he kept on working. 虽然他已经精疲力竭了,但仍然继续工作。(2) as, though表示 虽然 但是” 纵使 ”之意。as引导的让步状语从句必须以部分倒装的形式出现, 被倒装的部分可以是表语、 状语或动词原 形, though 也可用于这样的结构中,但 although 不可以这样用

3、。例如: Object as you may, I 'llgo.(=Though/Although you may object,I 'llgo.)纵使你反对,我也要去。(3) even if, even though表示“即使 ”, “纵使 ”之意,含有一种假设。 这两个复合连词的意思基本相同。 它们常互换使用, 但意义有细微差别。 even if 引导的让步从句含有强烈的假定性, 可用来表示与事实相反的假设, 但不能用来 描述已经发生的事实。而 even though 引导让步状语从句时,是以从句的内容为 先决条件的,即说话人肯定了从句的事实,表示已经发生了的事。例如:We

4、'll make a trip even if/though the weather is bad.即使天气不好,我们也要作一次旅行。(4) whether.or.表示不论是否”不管是还是”之意。由这一个复合连词引导的让步状语从句旨在说明正反两方面的可能性都不会影响 主句的意向或结果。例如: You'll have to attend the ceremony whether you're free or busy. 不管你忙不忙,都要参加这个典礼。Whether you believe it or not, it's true.无论你是否相信,这都是真的。(5

5、) “no matter+ 疑问词 ”或“疑问词 -ever ”的含义为 “都 ;不管 都” 它们引导的让步状语从句可以互换。例如: No matter what happened, he would not mind. (=Whatever happened,he would not mind.) 无论发生了什么, 他都不会介意的。Nomatter whoyouare, you must keep the law.(=Whoever you are, you must keep the law.不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。但no matte叶疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,而 “疑问词 -

6、ever ”还可以引导名词性从句。例如: Whatever (=No matter what) you say, I won't believe you. (Whatever引导让步状语从句 )无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。r II eat whatever (北o matter what) you give me. (whatever 引导宾语从句 ) 你给我吃什么,我就吃什么。Whoever comes wiII be weIcome. (Whoever 引导主语从句 ) 不管谁来都受到欢 迎。此外,有时 whiIe 也可以引导让步状语从句,但一般要位于句首。例如: WhiIe I

7、 Iike the coIour, I don't Iike the shape.我虽然喜欢那颜色,但不喜欢那形状。综上所述,我们可以看出,学习让步状语从句的关键是关联词的选用;其次,要 注意的是由 as 引导的让步状语从句要用倒装语序。让步状语从句表示: 虽然,尽管,即使等概念,由 aIthough, though (尽管,即使) , however (无论 怎样),whatever (无论什么),whoever(无论谁),whomever 无论谁),whichever (无论哪个) , whenever (无论何时) , wherever (无论哪里) , whether (是 否

8、) , no matter (who, what, where, when, etc)(无论),even if(即使),even though (即使)等词引导。如: We won'tbe discouraged even if(=even though) we faiI ten times. 我们就是失败十次也不泄气。It was an exciting game, though / aIthough no goaIs were scored.那是一场精彩的球赛,尽管一个球都没进。 (though, aIthough 不能与 but 连用) Whether you beIieve i

9、t or not, it'strue. 不管你信不信,这是真的。However (=No matter how) expensive it may be, I'IItake it. 无论它有多贵,我也要买下它。Don'tIet them in, whoever(=no matter who) theyare. 不管他们是谁,别让他们进来。No matter what I say or how I say it, he aIways thinks I'm wrong. 无论我说什么或怎么说,他总认为是我错。特别提醒1. no matter what (who,wh

10、ich,when,etc. )与 whatever(whoever, whichever ,whenever,etc. )的区别:当引导让步状语从句时,两者相同,可以互换,但当引导名词性从句(主 语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句)时则只能用 whatever ( whoever, whichever ,whenever,etc )。如上面最后两个例句可改为:However pure the water Iooks,I do not want to drink it.I want to marry the man I Iove, no matter who he may be.下面句子不能

11、用no matter结构(no matter 不能引导名词性从句): Whoever comes back first is supposed to win the prize.(主语从句 )I am ready to do whatever you want me to .(宾语从句)例证: Whatever you did, I will accept. 为让步状语从句 .I will accept whatever you did. 为宾语从句 .2. as 引导让步状语从句的用法引导让步状语从句时, as 意为“虽然,尽管 ”,通常从句要倒装,倒装的方法 是将从句的表语或状语放在 as

12、 之前,而用 though 引导让步状语从句时句字则不 必倒装(口语中也可倒装)。 e.g. Heavily as it was raining outside, they started out very early.Young as he is, he knows a lot=Though he is young 或 Young though heis,he.他虽然年轻,但懂得很多。(though也有这种用法,可以替换as, 但 although 没有这种用法 ) though 还可以用作副词,放在句末。如: It was hard work; I enjoyed it, though=I

13、t was hard work, but I enjoyedit.那工作很苦,但是我喜欢干。3. 用 though/although, as 引导让步状语从句时,句中不能用 but 表示转折语 气。不能说: Though he looks weak, but he is healthy.而要说: Though he looks weak, he is healthy.或者说: He looks weak, but he is healthy.我自己认为让步就是存在一定条件下的说法 .4 . however 用作副词,不可连接句子。 但可置于第二句的句首、句末或句中。 要特别注意标点的使用。eg: Alice is a good studentHowever, she has one shortcoming He has not arrived. He may, however, come later.The composition is all right. There is room for improv


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