



1、课题 M6Unit1 Could you tell me how to get to theNational Stadium?课型 Listening and speaking班级 学生姓名 使用时间 学习目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:bank, museum, along, across, cross,opposite, tourist, excuse, excuse m e, street, turn, third, guidebook, booksh op, right, Why not ? could, underground, take 2、能够读懂表示问路和指路的交际用语。

2、3、能听懂有关问路、指路的简短对话。4、能用英语表达问路和指路。学习重点难点:1、能够听懂表示问路和指路的对话。2、能够正确使用下列句子进行对话:Can you tell me the way to ? Goacross ,go along the street and turn left at Is there a ( n) near-? How can I get ? Could you tell me how to get to 学习方法:合作交流,自主探究Learning process :PreviewI New words.1. bk ( 银行)2.m_s_m () 3.l_()4

3、 ._cr_ss ( ) 5.c_o_ss ()6 ._pp_s_te()7 .t_r() 8.exse( ) 9.s(街道)10.t(换方向)11.( 第三)12._book()13.(书店)14.( 是的,好)15.c_d()16.(地铁)17.t e ( 乘坐)n Translate the phrases into Chinese.1.劳驾 2.为什么不. 呢? 3.穿过 4.向左转5.乘地铁Cooperative learning Pre-listening Stepl I.Let the students to watch the video about asking the w

4、ay.2. Free talk:Showup the picture about Ankang hospital and let the students ask and answer use the sentences below:Can you tell me theway to ?/Is there a (an) near ?/How can I get ?/ Could 广 you tell me how to get to ?Step2 Task: Check the new words.1.Show some pictures of the places (bank, booksh

5、op, museum, street etc.) to get the students to say out the new words.2 .Ask the students to read the new words together.3 .Ask the students to number the places from the box with the pic tures. Then play the tape.(Activity 1) The bank is.A. between the museum an d the cinema.B. between the bookshop

6、 and the cinema.C. There is a restaurant the station.A. next to B. opposite4. Listen again and choose T or F.(Activity 2). The museum is on the left of the park.() A bank is between the cinema and the bookshop.() A restaurant is opposite the station.() While -listening,Stepl 1.Task1:Listening Ask th

7、e students to listen to the conversation in Activity 3.Task 2: Reading Let the students read the conversation to choose the best answers.(2) Ask the stude nts to read the conversation with the video. (3)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation.(4)let the students finish (Activit

8、y4), the check the answers.Task 3: Solve the language pointsAsk the students to show out some difficult language points that they found.(2)Help the students to solve the difficult points.Task4: Retell the dialogueAsk students to complete the passage.(Activity 6)(2)Ask three of the students to retell

9、 the dialogue.Post -listening, Task:Do some speakingShow the map and ask the students to talk about it like this:( 地 图附下表)Can you tell me the way to ?Go along the street, turn left/right ,opposite /near/between andlx»ok atAi kin Middle Sehoul(2)Have the students act out their new dialogues.Summ

10、arJ I study, and I summarize.Classroom consolidationI .根据汉语提示完成句子。1 .当你穿过龙城大街时一定要小心。You must be careful when you Longcheng Dajie.2 .请问,能告诉我去中国农业银行的路吗?Excuse me, can you tell me AgriculturalBank of China? 3.沿着皇后大街直走,然后在乔治大街右转。Queen Street, and then at GeorgeStreet.4 .你为什么不问问那边的那位年轻人呢? ask the young m

11、an over there?5 .劳驾!电影院在哪?! Where is the cinema?HomeworkI .单项选择1. Sorry. I don't know the way the National Stadium.A. by B. to C. into D. for2. Let's go to help that old man to walk the street.A. cross B. across C. over D. through3. - Don't throw litter here!A. Yes, please B. You're

12、welcome C. Me, too D. Sorry, I won't4. 一 Do you like to to school?No, I to school every day.A. walking; take a busB. walk; take busC. walking; by busD. walk; take a bus5. Where do you sit?-I sit the classroom, just the teacher's desk.A. in the front of; in the front of B. in front of; in fro

13、nt ofC. in the front of; in front of D. in front of; in the front ofn.用所给词的适当形式填空6. Wecan't walk (cross) the street when the traffic light is red.7. It's over there. You can(walk) there.8. Could you tell me how(turn) on the radio?9. Why not(ask) Miss Lee for help?10. Go along the street and

14、you(see) a bus stop.in .Make dialogues with partners after class like Activity 7.家长签字教师评价批改日期【课后反思】PreviewI New words.1.bank银行 2.museum博物馆3.along沿着4.across越过5.cross穿过6.opposite在. 的对面7.tourist游客8. excuse原谅9.street街道10.turn换方向11.third第三12.guidebook导游手册13.bookshop 书店14.right是的15.could可以16.underground地铁17.takre乘坐n Translate the phrases into Chinese.1 .excuse m e2 .why not. ?3 .go cross4 . turn left5 .ta


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