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1、本文档来源于网络搜集整理上传,希望可以让更多的人阅读!Unit 8词汇篇学大脑体直拿作业完成情况)教学目瓦学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。拿趣味引元)量知识梳重)make milk shake 做奶昔turn on接通(电流、煤气、水等):打开pourinto把倒入本文档来源于网络搜集整理上传,希望可以让更多的人阅读!a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶a good idea 好主意on Saturday在星期六cut up切碎putinto把放入one more thing 还有一件事 a piece of一片/张/段/首at this tim

2、e 在这时 a few 一些:几个fiHwith用把装满 coverwith用覆盖one by one 一个接一个:逐个;依次 a long time很长时间 how many+可数名词复数多少how much+不可数名词多少It' s time (for sb. )+to do sth. 到(某人)做某事的时间了 FirstNextThenFinally 首先接下来然后.最后一want + to do sth.想要做某事 forget to do sth.忘记去做某事 how + to do sth.如何做某事 needto do sth.需要做某事make+宾语+形容词 使怎样le

3、t sb. +do sth,让某人做某事拿特色讲新1. I want to watch TV. Please .A. turn it on B. turn on it C. turn it off D. turn off it解析:turn on接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开,代词应该放在动词和介词之间,故选A。2. There is milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home.OK.A. manyB. muchC. littleD. few解析:因为milk是不可数名词,故在much和little里选择,但根据题意来说应该是没有,

4、故为C。3. David, it's time lunch.A. for have B. haveC. to have D. hasIt , s time (for sb. )+to do sth. 到(某人)做某事的时间了,故选C。4. What should we do next?We must .A. cut them up B. cut up them C. cut up it D. cuts it up解析:cut up切碎,代词应该放在动词和介词之间,故选5. Can you a banana milk shake?Sorry, I can't. Can you h

5、elp me with it?makeB. doC. turnD. eat解析:make milk shake做奶昔,故选A。整当堂练可)基础演练一、用适当的介词填空。1. Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday November in the United States.2. The students got on the bus one one.3. Do you know the reason this special day?4. Then cook the meat a very high temperature for 20 minutes.

6、5. I learn English listening to English songs.1. on, in2. by3. for4. at5. by二、适当形式填空1. People celebrate it by (have) a big meal.2. Autumn is the best time (visit) Beijing.3. (put) the book on the desk, please.4. The (dish) are really delicious. Would you like some?5. Give me four (egg) and some (but

7、ter).6. (make) this kind of food, you need lots of ingredients.7. She is always forgetting(give) me my letter.1. having2. to visit3. Put4. dishes5. eggs, butter6. To make7. to give巩固提高1 .在中国,春节是特殊的一天。The Spring Festival is a in China.2 .他们通过看电影学英语。They learn English movies.3 .他们将要把游泳池里灌满水。They will

8、the swimming pool water.4 .周末是人们休闲放松的时间。The weekend is the time for people.5 .教师节是在9月10号。Teachers1 Day is.6 .我需要四片面包。I need.7 .然后,把瓶子里装满水。Then, the bottle water.8 .请用一块布把这张桌子盖起来。Please the desk a piece of cloth.9 .到了做晚饭的时间了。 cook dinner.10 .午饭我们通常吃肉和加了蔬菜的米饭。We usually have meat and rice for lunch.1.

9、 special day2. by watching3. fill, with4. to relax5. on September 10th6. four pieces of bread7. fill; with8. cover; with9. It's time to10. with vegetables、,当堂检期一、单选1. Please give me bread.A. aB. twoC. a piece D. a piece of2. We must cut the tomatoes and put them the blender.A.off;in B.up; intoC.

10、down; intoD.over; in3. Gina, don t forget some salt.A.addB.addsC.to addD.adding4. salt do we need?Two spoons.A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How long5. Can you a banana milk shake?Sorry, I can* t. Can you help me with it?C. turnD. eat6. What should we do next?We must .D. cuts it upcut them u

11、p B. cut up them C. cut up it7. Please the light when you leave the room.A. turn onB. turn downC. turn off8.一yogurt do you need?Three cups.A. How long B. How farC. How manyD. How much9. Mr. Green is hungry (饥饿的).Give him to eat.A. a bottle of waterB. some juiceC. three pieces of breadD. some salt10.

12、 Shall we go to the sea animal show tomorrow?Thank youB. Good ideaC. It doesn, t matterD. It* s very kind of you11. late. It's your first day to work.A. Don'tB. Be notC. Not beD. Don't be12. Would you like orange?No, thanks. It's enough.A. otherB. the other C. another D. others13. Wh

13、at's your favorite ?Oranges.A. colorB. fruitC. juiceD. vegetable14. How many are there in the basket?Two. I* m thirsty (口渴的).Let's cut one up and eat it.watermelonsB. banana milk shakesC. chicken sandwichesD. onions15. Let's make fruit salad!A. You' re welcome.C.Do you think so?B. Th

14、at's a good idea.D.Sorry, I don't know.DBCBA ACDCB DCBAB二、完形填空(西城2014-2015期末试题)I used to hunt (打猎)and have killed a few deer. There was great excitement in 16 and shooting(射击).One cold morning in winter, I went alone to a hillside. I carried my gun, a bottle of 17 and three thick sandwiches.

15、I found a natural hiding place, cleared the snow and sat down. It was pretty cold, but I had warm clothes on. I sat there waiting for about an hour. 18 showed. I ate two sandwiches and drank a little coffee. The place was really quiet.Suddenly, a big beautiful buck(雄鹿)appeared less than twenty feet

16、away from me. There was no 19 near to him. Surely I couldn* t miss. I waited for him to run with a start.To my surprise, he came toward me! He was curious(好奇的),I guess, or maybe he was stupid. For this was no youngster, but a fully grown-up one. He must have known about men and their guns. But this

17、buck came 20, and I still waited. His big eyes never moved from my face. His wonderful head with a set of antlers was clear in the sight.I was getting a bit 21 now. A buck can do a lot of harm to me. Well, he walked right up to where I was sitting. Then he stopped and looked at me!What happened next

18、 is hard to 22. But it all seemed quite natural. I reached up and scratched(挠)his head. And he enjoyed it! That big, wild, beautiful buck lowered his head and asked for 23!I scratched his head again and his body. His nose touched my shoulder. I 24 him my last sandwich.strong buckWell, he finally wen

19、t his way, down the hill. I just watched him go-a carrying a proud head.I picked up my bottle and gun, and started walking back. I 25 huntingfrom that day on.waitingC.drinkingD.driving16A.standingB.17A.waterB.teaC.milkD.coffee18A.SomethingB.Anythingc.EverythingD.Nothing19A.coverB.leafc.snowD.stone20

20、A.awayB.backc.closerD.farther21A.excitedB.nervousc.happyD.surprised22A.believeB.decidec.guessD.solve23A.foodB.playc.moreD.less24A.preparedB.fedc.carriedD.showed25 A. looked up B. picked up C. lifted up D. gave up二、完形填空16. B17. D18. D19. A20. C21. B 22. A23. C 24. B25. D当堂总结)拿家庭作正三、阅读理解(共10小题;共20.0分)

21、AIf someone is hurt, do you know what to do? Read about first aid for some medical problems.If Someone Has a Nosebleed (流鼻血) Using your fingers, press hard just under the bridge of the nose. Throw the head back if bleeding is not serious. Keep the patient (患者)quiet. Put ice around the patient* s nos

22、e. Place cotton(药棉)deep into the patient, s nose.If bleeding can't be stopped, call for medical aid.If Someone Faints (昏倒) Place the patient on his back with his head lower than his feet. Keep the patient warm. Do not give the patient any food or water. Have the patient rest for at least 15 minu

23、tes.If Someone Gets a Scorpion(蝎子)Sting (叮) Place the patient on her back. Keep the patient calm. Do not allow the patient to walk or move, if unnecessary. Cover the patient with something warm. Put ice on the area of the sting. Call for medical help or take the patient to a doctor immediately.26. T

24、here are medical problems in this passage.A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 527. If a person faints we should keep him quietB press his nose hardC. keep him warmD. give him water and food28. Ice is useful for .A. a nosebleed and a scorpion stingB. a nosebleed and a faintC. a scorpion sting and a faintD. a faint and a

25、bad coldIn most countries around the world, 16-year-olds have to wait for another two yearsto drive a car. Not so for 16-year-old Max Verstappen. He willbecome the youngest ever Fl driver when he races for the Toro Rosso team next year. He will be 17 when he takes part in his first Grand Prix (汽车大奖赛

26、),with drivers like FernandoAlonso, Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel. Now the youngest Fl driver, Jaime Victor, is 19 years and 125 days. Verstappen will make his first show at the Australian Grand Prix. He said, “Ever since I was seven, Fl has been my career goal (职业目标),so this chance is truly a

27、 dream come true.”into the Toro Rosso family.The Toro Rosso team boss Franz Tost was very excited, saying, “We are happy to welcomeWe think Max is one of the most skilledyoung drivers and we believe he has the ability to take on this challenge (挑战)successfully.It will now be up to us to offer Max a

28、car to make him have the best possible start to his Fl career.,z Max is the son of the former Fl driver Jos Verstappen. He said, “First of all, thanks to my father, who has always been by my side, day and night, year after year. 29. Now Max Verstappen is years old.19B. 18C. 17D. 1630. Max Verstappen

29、 will becomenext year.A. the youngest Fl driverC.the most skilled driverB. the best sports playerD. the most excellent coachVerstappen will take part in his firstGrand Prix withA. Jos VerstappenC.Franz TostB. Sebastian Vettel32. Franz Tost believed Max could becomeA.he is very youngC. he has good sk

30、illsD. Jaime Victora good driver because .B.he has a nice carD. his father is a driverI was a small boy of 8, and was having lunch in a restaurant with my mother and my grandma.ordered a Salisbury steak, confident in the knowledge that under that wonderful name was a good hamburger. When brought to

31、the table, it was with a plate of peas.I have always hated peas. I don t know why anyone would like to eat peas. I never ate them before. And I certainly was not about to eat them now.“Eat your peas,“ my grandmother said.“Mother,“ said my mom, “He doesn,t like peas. Leave him alone.”My grandmother d

32、id not answer, but I saw something strong in her eyes. T 11 pay you $5 if you eat them, she said.I sat there still. In my mind, $5 was a huge, nearly unimaginable amount (数量)of money, and as terrible as peas were, only one plate of them stood between me and that $5. I began to eat them.My mother was

33、 angry while grandma was pleased. My mother stared at (盯着)her mother and me. If there were a staring Olympics, she would win the gold medal. The stares made me nervous, and every single pea made me nearly throw up, but the image of $5 were in my mind, and I finally finished them.My grandmother left

34、for Aunt Lillian's a few weeks later. That night, at dinner, my mother served a big bowl of peas. I, of course, said no atonce. My motherlookedatmecoldly and then came the words that followed me for years.“You ate them for money,/z she said, “You can eat themfor love.”Oh, despair(绝望)! Oh, my god

35、! Now, too late, came theunderstandingthatI'ddrawnmyself into something from which there was no way to run away.What possible answer could I say against that?I ate them. I ate them that day and every other time they were served. The five dollars were quickly spent. My grandmother passed away a f

36、ew years later. But the story of the peas lived on, and the words became my forever nightmare(噩梦),"You ate them for money, you can eat them for love.”33. What kind of person is the grandma according to the writer?A. Strict. B. Terrible. C. Friendly。 D. Funny.34. After the lunch, the mother cont

37、inued to serve peas to her son because .A. she disliked her son very muchB. she wanted to see if he loved herC. she decided to teach him a lessonD. she wanted him to remember his grandma35. The writer wanted to tell us that .A. his grandmother became his nightmare本文档来源于网络搜集整理上传,希望可以让更多的人阅读!B. he rea

38、lized money was so easy to spendC. he never refused to eat peas from then onD. he learnt he should。't do everything for money四、短文7选5 (共4小题;共8.0分)A ten-year-old girl saved about one hundred other tourists in 2004 by warning them that a Tsunami (海啸),a huge ocean wave, was on its way across the sea

39、. She knew what was happening. Why? 36,“I was on the beach and the water started to go funny, z/ Tilly Smith told the reporter from the newspaper. ,zThere were bubbles (水泡)and the water went back suddenly.37. I told mum, she said.38. They cleared people from the beach just minutes before a huge wave

40、 reached the land. Luckily, no one died.39. "She's a very clever girl. It is very lucky that our class were learning about this kind of tsunami just two weeks before Christmas, “ he told the newspaper.A. They thought they were in danger.B. Tilly* s mother and the hotel workers acted quickly

41、.C. Tilly's teacher was very proud of her.D. I knew there was going to be a tsunami.E. Because she learnt about underwater earthquakes at school.五、阅读与表达(问答式)(共3小题;共6.0分)Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), known as the great master of China's dramatic arts, was the one who developed the modern Beijing O

42、pera.本文档来源于网络搜集整理上传,希望可以让更多的人阅读!本文档来源于网络搜集整理上传,希望可以让更多的人阅读!Mei Lanfang was born into a family of Beiing Opera performers in Beijing. He made his first performance when he was just 10 years old. He was especially good at playing females, or the Dan role.With a deep love for his people, he gave his wh

43、ole life to the art of Beijing Opera. During his stage career (舞台生涯)of over 50 years, not only did he carry on the best of the traditional art of opera, but also kept searching for ways to improve his art and created many lively and unforgettable artistic images(形象)by studying and learning from the

44、best of other local and national operas. He successfully put acting, singing and dancing together in his performing, and turned Beijing Opera into a colorful art of the highest stage effects (效果) As a result, he developed his own style called the ,Mei Lanfang School/z.Mei Lanfang was the first one who i


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