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1、记叙文的篇章结构:记叙文的篇章结构: 开头开头the beginning-交代必要交代必要的背景,如:时间,地点,人物的背景,如:时间,地点,人物等。等。中间中间the middle-交代故交代故事情节(事情的主体)。如:事事情节(事情的主体)。如:事件的发生,发展和前因后果件的发生,发展和前因后果结尾结尾the ending-事情的事情的结果或感想,愿望等(结果或感想,愿望等(the result or feeling) 根据下根据下列图画中列图画中 Tom Tom 骑自骑自行车的经行车的经历,用英历,用英语写一篇语写一篇故事。故事。 短文要写短文要写得连贯、得连贯、完整。完整。Sample

2、 1 1. 主题主题 : 2. 时态:时态: 3. 人称人称:1. Go over the requirementA story (a traffic accident)past tenseTom , he Tom /ride a bike Along the street/road A few days ago/ the other day/ one day2. Go over the pictures(who, what, where, when, why, how) The driver/ frightened/ run away 2. Go over the pictures(who,

3、 what, where, when, why, how) A woman/ remember the number of the car The police The driver/ catch2. Go over the pictures(who, what, where, when, why, how)Key wordsKey wordssentencessentencesA woman saw the accident and remembered the number of the car. She called the police. The driver was caught.r

4、ide a bike /run fast tosee the accident/remember the number /call the police /be caught be frightened /run awayhit him/fall off his bikeWhen Tom was riding along the street. A car ran fast to him. The car hit him. And he fell off his bike.The driver was so frightened that he ran away. Tom was riding

5、 along the street. A car ran fast to him. The car hit him and he fell off his bike. The driver was frightened. He ran away. A woman saw the accident. She remembered the number of the car. She called the policeman. The driver was caught.Passage 13. Writing a passage 简单句大王 The other day, Tom was ridin

6、g along the street when he saw a car run fast towards him. He turned left quickly but it was too late. The car hit him and he fell off his bike. The driver of the car was so frightened that he ran away as fast as he could. He was soon out of sight, leaving Tom helpless on the spot. Fortunately, a wo

7、man happened to see it and remembered the number of the car. She called the policeman and told him what had happened. Finally, the driver was caught and punished for his wrong doing.Passage 2 Go over the requirement(person, tense, style) Summary : How to write a picture story?Go over the pictures(wh

8、o, what, where, when, why, how)Write a passage (using connectives and adding details and specific information. ) 点题(时间、地点、点题(时间、地点、人物、事件人物、事件) 事件的起因事件的起因 事件的发展事件的发展/ /过程过程 事件的结果事件的结果 扣题扣题 记叙文句型优化记叙文句型优化 半个月:半个月:half a month 15 days 半年:半年: half a year 6 months 两个礼拜两个礼拜: fortnight 开始:开始:at the beginni

9、ng of summer 结束:结束:at the end of winter 然后:然后:Shortly afterwards / without waiting 有时:有时:sometimes at times 最后:最后:At last eventually 结果:结果:as a result consequently 期间:Within / during the vocation - in the middle of the night 20年后:年后:in 20 years 有一天:有一天:one day the other day 第二天:第二天:the following day

10、 现在:现在:Now at the present time 有一次:有一次:On one occasion 另一次:另一次:On another occasion 一礼拜后:一礼拜后:A week later a week passed / went by 晚上:晚上:In the evening / in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in towards evening/ morning/ afternoon 记叙常用链接词记叙常用链接词时间顺序:Early in the morning / In the early morning; In the mid

11、dle of the day / At noon; Late in the afternoon / In the late afternoon; Far / Deep into the night; 记叙常用链接词记叙常用链接词Shortly afterwards, at once, immediately, all of a sudden, suddenly, soon;The moment, as soon as, the first time, not until, next time, etc;In the past / At present / In the future ;To s

12、tart with, next, then, finally;At first, in the beginning; at last, in the end; 记叙常用句型记叙常用句型On arriving at the spot, he was shocked.Unfortunately he had his feet broken at the age of 12. and fortunately, the teacher didnt find him copying others exercises.To my great surprise, there was a big fish o

13、n the hook.To my shock/disappointment/satisfactionout of expectation/without hesitation书面表达The cat crept slowly through the grass.The cat was watching the mouse the whole time.Watching the mouse the whole time, Watching the mouse the whole time, the cat crept slowly through the the cat crept slowly

14、through the grassgrass. .The gold was hidden under the ground.It was safe for many years.Hidden under the floorboards, the gold was safe for many years.1. There is a girl. She is sitting between us. 2. This is a book. The book was bought yesterday. There is a girl who is sitting between us.This is a

15、 book which was bought yesterday.Rewrite following sentences3. . 走在大街上,他遇见了一个老朋友走在大街上,他遇见了一个老朋友. . While he was walking in the street, he met an old friend.4. _, the city looks beautiful.Walking in the street从天空中看,When it is seen from the sky, the city looks beautiful.Seen from the skyreadingsleepin

16、gshoesbarkingcatdumbfounded(adj.目瞪口呆)目瞪口呆)要点:要点:1老人穿着拖鞋读报, 狗在边上睡觉。2 老人想出门,叫狗拿鞋。3 狗闭着眼睛,一动 不动,汪汪直叫, 老人很纳闷。4 猫嘴里叼着鞋走进 来,老人目瞪口呆。参考词语参考词语: slippers (拖鞋拖鞋)readingsleepingAn old man was sitting in an armchair at home,reading his newspaper. Beside him lay a dog, sleeping soundly.catdumbfounded(adj.目瞪口呆)目瞪口

17、呆)Seeing the cat, he was totally dumbfounded.The fire is burning, so I feel warm.I lost my bike, so I had to walk home.With the fire burning, I feel warm.With my bike lost, I had to walk home.My mother sat in a chair with a newspaper in her hand. She left without saying goodbye.He died with his work

18、 still unfinished.shoesslippers (拖鞋拖鞋)with his slippers oneyesclosedDog barkedwith two eyes closedcatdumbfounded(adj.目瞪口呆目瞪口呆)shoesThe cat came in with the pair of shoes in its mouth.An old man was sitting in an armchair at home, reading his newspaper. Beside him lay a dog, sleeping soundly. Suddenl

19、y the old man decided to leave home for a while, but he couldnt go out with his slippers on. So he woke up the dog to get the shoes for him. Out of his expectation, the dog just barked with two eyes closed again. The old man was completely puzzled. As he was wondering what was happening, he saw the

20、cat coming towards him with the pair of shoes in its mouth. Seeing this, he was totally dumbfounded. A car / run fast to/run into him Tom/ fall off his bike Suddenly 2. Go over the pictures(who, what, where, when, why, how)2004年辽宁年辽宁 下面下面4幅图片描述的是幅图片描述的是星期天上午星期天上午在在中山公中山公园园里发生的一件事。请根据图片所提供的信里发生的一件事。请

21、根据图片所提供的信息用英语为你校的息用英语为你校的“英语园地英语园地”写一篇短文。写一篇短文。 注意:注意:短文须包括所有图片的主要内容。短文须包括所有图片的主要内容。短文的内容要连贯、完整;短文的内容要连贯、完整; 短文单词数:短文单词数:100左右(已给句子中的单左右(已给句子中的单词不计入总词数);词不计入总词数); 参考词汇:货摊参考词汇:货摊stand (n.) ; 抢夺抢夺 snatch (v.) ; 逮捕逮捕 arrest (v.) 1点题(时间、地点)点题(时间、地点)星期天上午,中山公园,冰淇淋货摊旁星期天上午,中山公园,冰淇淋货摊旁2事件的起因事件的起因年轻妇女的包被抢年轻

22、妇女的包被抢3事件的发展事件的发展/过程过程人们追赶抢包者人们追赶抢包者 ;长排椅上坐着一位老人;抢;长排椅上坐着一位老人;抢包者从老人身旁跑过,老人用伞将他绊倒包者从老人身旁跑过,老人用伞将他绊倒4事件的结果事件的结果两名警察逮捕抢劫者:两名警察逮捕抢劫者:5扣题扣题妇女感谢老人,人们称赞老人的机智妇女感谢老人,人们称赞老人的机智审题审题描述过去描述过去个人经历个人经历第三人称第三人称4.主题:主题:3.人称:人称:1.体裁:体裁:2.时态:时态:记叙文体记叙文体 一般过去时一般过去时星期天上午,中山公园,冰淇淋货摊星期天上午,中山公园,冰淇淋货摊 One Sunday morning,;i

23、n Zhongshan Park.;At an ice-cream stand 年轻妇女的包被抢年轻妇女的包被抢 snatch her handbag away 人们追赶抢包者人们追赶抢包者 run after the snatcher 在附近长排椅上坐着一位老人在附近长排椅上坐着一位老人 There be sb. sitting on the bench nearby提纲提纲 从老人身旁跑过从老人身旁跑过 Run past the old man 拿起伞;将伞放在他两腿之间;拿起伞;将伞放在他两腿之间; pick up his umbrella ; put it between the tw

24、o legs of the snatcher; 摔一大跟斗摔一大跟斗 fall down on the ground heavily 两名警察来到并逮捕抢劫者两名警察来到并逮捕抢劫者 Came in a police car; arrest sb. 感谢老人的帮助感谢老人的帮助 Thank sb. for his help 称赞老人的机智称赞老人的机智 Praise the old man for his cleverness 1、几天前、几天前 the other day; several days ago 2、使人感到意外、使人感到意外 to ones surprise 3、就在这时、就在

25、这时 at that moment; at that time常用关联词常用关联词 副词:副词:suddenly, unfortunately, suddenly, unfortunately, luckily, immediately luckily, immediately as a result as a result so/suchthat so/suchthat two hours later, two hours later, and and One Sunday morning, many people went to Zhongshan Park. As it was very

26、 hot, some people got thirsty and were trying to buy some ice-cream. Suddenly a woman at the stand shouted because a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. Seeing this, immediately a few people began to run after him. However, the snatcher ran so fast that it was not easy to catch him. Luck

27、ily , there was an old man sitting on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatchers legs. The young man cried and fell down on the ground hard. A few minutes later two policemen came in a police car and arrested him.

28、 The woman thanked the old man, and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness. 第三节:书面表达(满分30分) 中学生在学校打手机或在课堂上发短信已成为普遍现中学生在学校打手机或在课堂上发短信已成为普遍现象,为此许多学校规定不允许学生带手机到校,更不允象,为此许多学校规定不允许学生带手机到校,更不允许在教室里打手机或发短信许在教室里打手机或发短信. 下面是关于一个学生因上下面是关于一个学生因上课发短信而违纪的事例,用英语将这个事例写成课发短信而违纪的事例,用英语将这个事例写成记述文记述文

29、,词词120个左右个左右 故事大概意思: 阿福上课时想起父亲因病住院,想用手机给阿福上课时想起父亲因病住院,想用手机给父亲发短信问问情况,不料正好被老师看见父亲发短信问问情况,不料正好被老师看见,老老师叫他立刻收起手机。阿福感到不乐。课后,师叫他立刻收起手机。阿福感到不乐。课后,阿福解释缘由并保证今后不带手机到学校阿福解释缘由并保证今后不带手机到学校composition correcting 写作步骤写作步骤:第一步审题第一步审题, 做到四确定做到四确定 1. 体裁格式体裁格式, 2. 主体时态主体时态 3. 中心人称中心人称 4. 内容要点内容要点: 记叙文记叙文一般过去时态一般过去时态

30、( 4 ) 第三人称第三人称When the other day, Where in an English courseWho Ah Fu What Send message to his father, find bywhy be ill in hospital how explain, reason, promise Phones are forbidden in class 1)The other day 2) in an English class, 3)when. 4) His teacher _ told to put it away immediately office ,aft

31、er class. 5) unhappy, 6) not, but scold, school regulation 7) ill in hospital, asked about 8) But the teacher _ 9, made an apology , promised Sample Remark Today Ah Fu was trying to send a short message with his cell phone in an English class when he suddenly found the teacher standing before him. H

32、is teacher looked at him sternly and told him to put it away immediately and go to the office after class. Ah Fu felt upset/unpleasant. 1)叙述过去的事情常以叙述过去的事情常以时间短语开头,时间短语开头, 交代交代时间时间2)交代时间发生的交代时间发生的地点地点3)发生事件发生事件4)事情的经过事情的经过(收起,收起,office)5)事情的经过事情的经过 (unhappy) Sample RemarkIn the office, his teacher di

33、dnt scold him ,instead, she told him that it was a school regulation for students not to use cell phones in class. Ah Fu then told the teacher that his father was ill in hospital, and he just asked about fathers illness. 6)事情的经过事情的经过(老师教育)老师教育) 7)说明原因说明原因8)事情的经过(老师教育)事情的经过(老师教育) Sample RemarkStill,

34、Ah Fu made an apology to his teacher and promised never to use it any longer in class. The teacher nodded and hoped that he could keep his promise. 9)结果结果(态度)(态度)10)老师的态度老师的态度 假设下面六幅图画描述的是你在假设下面六幅图画描述的是你在5月月3日日(星期星期五五)的一段亲身经的一段亲身经 历。请你根据画面所示内容,用英语写历。请你根据画面所示内容,用英语写一篇一篇100字左右的日记。字左右的日记。 Sample 1今天下午我

35、去看电影今天下午我去看电影.在路上在路上,我看到一个手提箱我看到一个手提箱从一辆自行车上掉了下来从一辆自行车上掉了下来.I went to see a film this afternoon.On the way, I found/saw a case fall down from/off a mans bike.我捡起箱子我捡起箱子,并想骑车人大声喊叫并想骑车人大声喊叫,但他却已经骑远了但他却已经骑远了.于是于是,我拦了一辆出租车去追赶我拦了一辆出租车去追赶失主失主.I picked up the case and shouted at the man, but he had already

36、 rode away.I stopped a taxi to to catch up with the man.我终于追上了失主我终于追上了失主,并把箱子还给他并把箱子还给他.失主非常的感动失主非常的感动,他拿出一些钱来感他拿出一些钱来感谢我谢我,但被我拒绝了但被我拒绝了.I caught up with him at last and gave the case back to him.The man took out some money to thank me, but I refused.May 3rd,Friday Fine This afternoon, I went to see

37、 a film. On the way, I saw a case fall off a mans bike. I picked up the case and shouted at the man to stop. But he didnt hear me and rode away. What should I do? Then I had an idea. I stopped a taxi and got into it with the case. And we caught up with the man. I gave the case back to him. The man t

38、hanked me very much and wanted to give me some money. But I refused . 一,合并为简单句一,合并为简单句把其中一句改为分词短语把其中一句改为分词短语把其中一句改为介词短语把其中一句改为介词短语 二,合并为复合句二,合并为复合句 三,把复合句改为简单句三,把复合句改为简单句把从句改为分词短语把从句改为分词短语把从句改为介词短语把从句改为介词短语 四,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、四,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等. 五,注意使用词组、习语来代

39、替一些单词,以增加文采。五,注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。 六六. 适当的联想与发挥。适当的联想与发挥。I went to see a film this afternoon.One the way to the cinema, I saw a case fall off a mans bike.I was on my way to the cinema this afternoon when I happened to see a case fall off a mans bike.I picked up the case.I shouted at the man loudl

40、y.But he didnt hear me and rode away.After picking up the case, I shouted at the man loudly, however he rode too fast to hear me.I shouted at the man the moment I picked it up, nevertheless, he was riding so fast that he couldnt hear me.Suddenly, I had an idea.I stopped a taxi to catch up with the m

41、an.I caught up with him at last. Suddenly, an idea flashed into my mind. I stopped a taxi and got into it with the case. Certainly, it didnt take me long to catch up with the man. I gave the case back to the man.The man took out some money to thank me.I refused.Getting the case back from me, the man

42、 was so grateful to me that he insisted on offering me some money as a reward. However, I refused him politely.实战演练实战演练Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Day My Classmate Fell Ill. 1、简单描述一下这位同学生病的情况;2、同学、老师和我是如何帮助他的;3、人和人之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受是.D

43、IY写作模板:架构阶段写作模板:架构阶段第一段:开篇句:第一段:开篇句:About _ Oclock one evening in _, doing sth_. 扩展句:扩展句:_. (展开描述展开描述)第二段:主题句:第二段:主题句:Without hesitation, _. It wasnt long before _.第三段:结尾句:第三段:结尾句:Is _? No matter what happens, we_. 扩展句:1、When _ , people showed _ spirit regardless of _.2、This kind of care between per

44、sons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice. DIY写作模板:填充阶段写作模板:填充阶段 第一段:开篇句:About nine Oclock one evening in May, my roommate Li Ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough. 扩展句:His head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. His forehead felt

45、 very hot. We took his temperature, which was 38.5. 第二段:主题句:Without hesitation, I dialed 120. It wasnt long before an ambulance arrived. 扩展句:1、One roommate brought a blanket for him.2、Another supported him in the ambulance.3、Our teacher insisted on giving him some money. 第三段:结尾句:Is he a suspected SA

46、RS patient? Nevertheless, no matter what happens, we wont retreat. 扩展句:1、When the savage SARS was spreading, people showed fearless spirit regardless of dangers to their own health. 2、This kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, the unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice. 范文Abou

47、t nine Oclock one evening in May, my roommate Li Ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough. His head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. His forehead felt very hot. We took his temperature. It was 38.5. Without hesitation, I dialed 120. It wasnt long before an ambulance arrived. One roommate brought a blanket for him. Another supported him in the ambulance. Our teacher insisted on giving him some money.


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