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1、图表作文套 句精选 501. the table shows the changes in the number of over the period from to 该表格描述了在年之年间数量的变化。2. the bar chart illustrates that 该柱状图展示了3. the graph provides some interesting data regarding 该图为我们提供了有关有趣数据4. the diagram shows (that) 该图向我们展示了5. the pie graph depicts (that) 该圆形图揭示了6. this is a cu

2、re graph which describes the trend of 这个曲线图描述了的趋势7. the figures/ statistics show (that) 数据(字)表明8. the tree diagram reveals how 该树形图向我们揭示了如何9. the data/ statistics show (that) 该数据(字)可以这样理解10. the data/ statistics/ figures lead us to the conclusion that 这些数据资料令我们得出结论11. as is shown/ demonstrated/ exhi

3、bited in the diagram/ graph/ chart/ table 如图所示12. according to the chart/ figures 根据这些表(数字)13. as is shown in the table 如表格所示14. as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in 从图中可以看出,发生了巨大变化。15. from the table/ chart/ diagram/ figure, we can see clearly that or it is clear/ appa

4、rent from the chart that 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到16. this is a graph which illustrates 这个图表向我们展示了17. this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from to 该表格描述了年到年间a与b的比例关系。18. the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in 该图以圆形图形式描述了总的趋势。19. this is a column chart showing 这是个柱形图,

5、描述了20. as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of 如图所示,两条曲线描述了的波动情况。21. over the period from to the remained level.在至期间,基本不变。22. in the year betwee n and 在年到期间23. in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998 1995 年至 1998 三年里24. from then on/ from this time onwards 从那时起25

6、. the number of remained steady/ stable from (month/ year) to (month/ year).月(年)至月(年)的数量基本不变。26. the number sharply went up to 数字急剧上升至27. the percen tage of stayed the same betwee n and 至期间的比率维持不变。28. the figures peaked at . in (month/ year)的数目在月(年)达到顶点,为29. the percentage remained steady at 比率维持在30

7、. the percentage of is slightly larger/ smaller than that of 的比例比的比例略高(低)。31. there is not a great deal of difference between and 与的区别不大。32. the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of 该图表表明的数目增长了三倍。33. decreased year by year while increased steadily.逐年减少,而逐步上升。34. the situation reached a

8、peak (a high point at) of %.的情况(局势)至U达顶(高)点,为百分点。35. the figures/ situation bottomed out in 数字(情况)在达到底部。36. the figures reached the bottom/ a low point/ hit a trough.数字(情况)达到底部(低谷) 。37. a is times as much/ many as b.a是b的倍。38. a increased by a 增长了39. a increased to a 增长到40. high/ low/ great/ small/ p

9、ercentage.比例高(低)41. there is an upward trend in the number of 数字呈上升趋势。42. a considerable increase/ decrease occurred from to 到发生急剧上升。43. from to the rate of decrease slow down.从到,下降速率减慢。44. from this year on, there was a gradual decli nel reduct ion in the ,reach ing a figure of 从这年起,逐渐下降至45. be sim

10、ilar to 与相似46. be the same as-与相同47. there are a lot similarities/ differences between and 与之间有许多相似(不同)之处。48. a has someth ing in com mon with b.a与b有共同之处。49. the differenee between a and b lies in a与b之间的差别在于50. (year) wit nessed/ saw a shar p rise in 年急剧上升。央文写作常用句型英语写作的题材多数同我们日常生活相关,它通常涉及事物间的比较,说明其相

11、似性和相异性,事物之间的因果关系,有时要求考生分析事实,找出 原因或解决问题的方法,或对一个问题提出个人看法等,所以考生在复习 写作进,要尽可能熟悉和掌握表达这些关系的常用句型:1、文章开头Recen tlyCurren tlyIn the past5years常用句there可型ishas bee na(a nin creas ing grow ing )amaz ingnu mber percen tage popu lati onofFor yearsun believableproportionpeop le stude ntswhoimpro veme nteducati onpeo

12、 piehasdeve lopmenteconomywomen' s rolehavep rogressofin dustrygreat cha ngesgrowthscie nee and tech no logywome n©With theWhen it comes tomostsayFaced with the majority ofpeople wouldargueWhen asked aboutquite a fewclaimthat dissue p roblemof hasdRece ntly thecon fiictbecome the focus of b

13、ee n brought to p ublic atte nti on.recentstudysharprisenewpollthere has bee n a(n)suddenfallinofficialreportdramaticin creasean alysis Accord ing to a (n)2文章主题句常用句型n ecessary urge nt esse ntialthatsp ecial immediate adequateatte nti on measures actio ns(should )bep aid take n calledtosto p preventt

14、heeffectivein troducedfightseriousCD It issituati on.phenomenon.Con sideri ng all these factors,All the evide nces tak ing into acco unt, we may (safely )From what has discussed above,® It is high time thattop roblem, butdrawcome to reach arrive atthe con clusi on thatwethe gover nmentthe whole

15、 societyput and end to looked intothetren d. phenomenon, tendency.stron glybelievedgreatfirmlyrecomme ndedthatp ersiste nteffortsmadegen erallyhop edcon ti nu ousen deavors(should )betake nsuggestedsusta inedmeasuresstoppedCD It ischeckp romote con troltheApparen tlyeasysolutio nObviouslynoquickreme

16、dycan beSurelyin sta ntmethod)fou ndtackleassuredtoresolveguara nteedsolvethe2、表达相似性(similarity A is to B what /as is Cs to D (A 之于 B 犹如 C 之于 D)*P hysical disease is to an in dividual body as moral correct ion is to the state. Just as ,so(正如,则 )*Just as woods are in dis pen sable to birds .so is the

17、 earth to huma n bein gs. A and B have sth. in common ( A 和 B 有共同之处)*As far as person ality is concern ed, they have almost everyth ing in com mon. A is similar to B.(A 与 B 相似)*My hobby is similar to his in that we both like collecti ng records, foreig n and domestic. The same is true of /The-same c

18、an be said of也是如此 )*As the econo mies of all coun tries are closely in terrelated m country can deve lop in self -seclusi on .The same is true of China.4、相异性(differenee )A is just the opposite (to B)(A 与 B 正相反)*Beiji ng is popul ous and crowded, while Can berra is just the oppo site. A differs from

19、B in that A 不同于 B 在于)*China ' s condition differs from oursri that china has the largest population in the world.Is not the same (既有优点也有不足 )*While it may be true that basketball and volleyball share certa in features, the exciteme nt each arouses in the sp ectators is mot the same.4、权衡(weighing

20、)The advantages outweigh the disadvantages (禾U大于弊 )*It seems safe to say that the adva ntages of marriage outweigh the disadva ntages of divorce. Nothing can rival是无比伦比的)*P erha ps noting can rival the pl easure from readi ng. has drawbacks as well as merits ( 既有优点又有不足 )*There could be no doubt that

21、 job -lopping has its drawbacks as well as merits. A is superior to B (A 优于 B)*Me n may be sup erior to wome n in p hysical affairs, yet there is no differe nee in in tellige nee.varies from person to person (是因人而异的 )* People ' s attitude towards drugs varies from person t person.several a nu mb

22、er of mai n general 6 分类(classification )a may beclassified into divided into put into categorized into 7、举例(example )There are many exa mples to show thatOne exa mple is :Another exa mple is. &空间顺序(space order )To the left (right ) sta ndsWhen you arrive at /inyouca n see A is situated /located

23、 at /in9、原因( cause )Among the most convincing reas ons give n .by people for ,one should be men tio ned.One may think of the trend as a result ofThe change in largely results from the fact thatThere are several causes for this significant growth inFirst - Second Fin ally A number of factors could ac

24、count for the development inWhy are /do ?For one thingFano ther-and the p rimary reas on isB is chiefly responsible forThe reasons forare complicAeid probably they are found in the factWe may look into every possible reason for this complicated phenomenon, which involves many factors.10、结果( effect )

25、It follows that This explains why The result /effect /consequence of is 11、过渡性句型(承上启下,使新观点不至显得过于突兀、武断) It is true that most job s are a series of more or less unpleasant chores, but it doesn follow that 's all they are.©This is true, no doubt, but it is mot the whole story by any means. It

26、is fairly well known that vitam in c is in dis pen sable to health, but it is p robably less well known that taking it excessively may do barm to the human body.4 This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself .it is one thing to be offered an opportunit

27、y ;it is another thing to take it and use it well .12、表示倍数与比例关系的句型 近年来图表作文经常出现,考生需要熟悉和掌握一些常和句型来解释图表,分析 和表达数据的倍数和比例关系:1 Asia ranks first both in area and in population among the even continents. Europe is second to Asia in population, but in area it is the last but one.2 We all hope that a country

28、9;s population should be in proportion t.o its areaUnfortunately, the reality often goes against our will.3 A is by far the larger university, being over three times as big as B .4 And in august as many as 39 car accidents were reported, indicating an increase of about 79 percent as compared with th

29、e number of January.13、引用图表内容时的过渡句型图表作文经常使用as从句做解释性描述的过渡:1 This table provides several important points of comparison between the twouniversities .as can be indicated in the table, the housing space for the staff of the staffof a in 1995was 34500square meters. which nearly doubled the B's correspondingfigure .2 As we could find out later in this unit .his plan was as he had expected.As is revealed in the graph,. CD As the survey


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