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1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑45批评-责备-责骂-控告篇 第 45 篇批判-责怪-责骂-控告 篇 1 1 批判- 责怪 1.1 gave sb a (good/ real) dressing down (for sth) 【英语解释】talk to sb angrily because they have done sth wrong 【中文解释】严加训斥,狠狠地训斥/责骂,狠狠地训一顿 he gave the children a good dressing-down. bills teacher gave him a dressing down for eating in clas

2、s. the captain gave the lieutenant a dressing down for not being in proper uniform. his sister gave him a real dressing down for wasting so much time. that naughty child should be given a good dressing down. allen was given/got a good dressing down by fromhis father for neglecting his studies. after

3、 that dressing-down, i wont be late again. the boss gave fred a real dressing-down for breaking the machine. he gave the children a good dressing down. his work was bad, so the boss gave him a dressing down. after that dressing-down i wont be late again. the boss gave fred a real dressing-down for b

4、reaking the machine. elise was delighted i rang, but gave me a terrible dressing down for not ringing before or sending a postcard. 1.2 give sb an earful 【英语解释】scold sb; tell sb how angry you are about sth they have done 【中文解释】诉你对他们生气了,为什么生气;斥责;埋怨,对大发牢骚 i came home from the company function at 4.30

5、a.m. and my wife gave me an earful. the boss here is one of those people who, if you do something wrong, hell give you an earful. i was so mad at her! i really gave her an earful. when i find that little jerk im going to give him an earful. he gave me a real earful about being late so often. my wife

6、 gave me an earful of things im doing wrong. 1.3 give sb a (good)roasting 【英语解释】talk angrily to sb in order to tell them that you disapprove of their behaviour 【中文解释】申斥,痛斥,严峻批判 his brother gave him a good roasting for breaking the baseball bat. 1.4 give sb a pasting 【英语解释】criticize sb very severely

7、【中文解释】严峻批判 she gave me a real pasting for handing in my essay a week late. 1.5 give sb a tongue-lashing ame 【英语解释】give sb a spoken expression of annoyance or disapproval 【中文解释】痛斥 1.6 give sb a rollicking 【英语解释】criticize sb angrily for sth that they have done 【中文解释】斥责,指责 he gave us both a rollicking.

8、 1.7 give sb a talking to 【英语解释】talk to sb angrily because youre annoyed about sth they have done 【中文解释】给一顿教训,大骂一顿,训斥,申斥,斥责 if you ask me, what that girl needs is a good talking-to. johnnys mother gave him a good talking-to for pulling up the neighbours flowers. what sarah needs is a good talking-to

9、. addicts dont stop what theyre doing just because someone gives them a talking-to. you should give that child a good talking-to, if you want my opinion. she gave her son a good talking-to yesterday. teachers often gives their students a good talking-to for their being too lazy. 1.8 give sb the roug

10、h side of your tongue bre 【英语解释】speak angrily or harshly to sb about sth they have done 【中文解释】严斥,对粗言粗语 hes really going to give the boy the rough side of his tongue. i would give him the rough side of my tongue. 1.9 give sb stick bre 【英语解释】criticize sb for sth they have done, sometimes in a humorous

11、 way 【中文解释】批判,斥责,责怪;嘲讽 the crowd gave the players a lot of stick for their terrible performance. 1.10 give sb a rocket 【英语解释】criticize sb angrily because they have done sth wrong 【中文解释】斥责,痛骂 the young man had behaved badly, so my father gave him a rocket. his boss gave him a rocket for losing the co

12、ntract. 1.11 give sb a hard time 【英语解释】criticize sb a lot 【中文解释】严峻批判,揪住不放 my boss has been giving me a really hard time. 1.12 give sb grief 【英语解释】criticize sb in an annoying way 【中文解释】数落,责怪,指责,批判,埋怨 id better go home nowmy mum will give me grief if im not back for dinner. even the producers mother g

13、ave him grief for cancelling the show. i was sick of being stuck at home, with lorraine giving me grief about finding a job. stop giving me grief and let me finish this! 1.13 give it (to sb) hot (and strong); give it to sb 【英语解释】criticize sb a lot 【中文解释】责骂,斥责,严斥,痛骂;让尝尝厉害 your father will give it to

14、you when he comes home! his mother gave it to him for messing up the house. ill really give it to you if i find out youve been telling lies. when he got back, his mother gave it to him for not stopping to buy something for dinner. you should give it to him hot, or you might spoil him. that officer g

15、ive it hot to any man who disobeys orders. hell never talk unless we give it him hot. ill give it him hot and strong. 1.14 give sb shit (about sth) 【英语解释】insult sb or criticize them 【中文解释】污辱;批判,把批得一钱不值 shes always giving me shit about my clothes and stuff. 1.15 give sb hell 【英语解释】shout at or speak a

16、ngrily; scold sb severely 【中文解释】呵斥,申斥,狠狠地责骂 im going to give bill hell when he gets home. hes late again. dad will give us hell when he sees that mess. my dad gave me hell when he found out that id borrowed the car. she gave him hell when he came home late that night. my father wasnt there when i ca

17、me in late, but he game me hell in the morning. his mother gave him hell for coming home so late. the boss gave him hell for losing a big customer. id better go. my wife will give me hell if im late home again. caroline would give me hell for evermore if she thought id mistreated her best friend. bi

18、ll, why do i always have to give you the devil? 1.16 give sb a rap on the knuckles; rap sb on/over the knuckles; rap sbs knuckles 【英语解释】give sb/ receive strong criticism for sth; punish sb slightly 【中文解释】给以/受到严峻遣责,厉声训斥,指责,批判 the teacher gave the naughty pupil a rap on the knuckles with a ruler. the

19、prime minister gave the justice minister a rap on the knuckles for injecting his own personal opinion into the press conference. the judge gave the defence lawyer a good rap on the knuckles for arriving late at court. some of the teachers were rapped for poor performance. the company was rapped over

20、 the knuckles for broadcasting the interview. because the student was usually well-behaved, the dean let him go with only a rap on the knuckles. the general rapped the captain on the knuckles for speaking out of turn. if i find it is true that they had settled the matter without my knowledge, i shal

21、l rap their knuckles. the boss complained about my laziness and rapped me severely over the knuckles. the president rapped the cia for giving him mistaken information. rap someones knuckles to punish someone she rapped his knuckles for whispering too much. dont rap my knuckles. i didnt do it. you wi

22、ll have your knuckles rapped if you are not careful. 1.17 give sb a piece of your mind 【英语解释】tell sb that you are very angry with them 【中文解释】严峻责骂,严峻责怪/申斥,生气地责怪,坦率地批判,好好教训一顿;给提看法,毫不客气地质问,向直陈不满,告知你很生他们的气,不客气地说出自己的真正想法,对直言不讳 ive had enough from john. im going to give him a piece of my mind. sally, stop

23、 it, or ill give you a piece of my mind. im going to give that little rascal a piece of my mind when i catch him! hell get/ill give him a piece of my mind if he dares come here again! you cant let people get away with that sort of thing. you should have given her a piece of your mind. ill give her a

24、 piece of my mind if she so rude to me like that just once more. ive had enough from john. im going to give him a piece of my mind. sally, stop it, or iil give you a piece of my mind. i gave jimmy a piece of my mind for being so bad as to be kept after school every day. im going to go and give jimmy

25、s teacher a piece of my mind. no matter how bad he is, thats certainly no reason for keeping him after school day after day. the bosss secretary gave him a piece of her mind for having peremptorily cancelled the christmas party he had promised that the company would give for the orphanage. no matter

26、 how bad he is, thats certainly no reason for keeping him after school day after day. its already 2 a.m. just wait until he gets home. im going to give him a piece of my mind! be careful how you criticize brad. hes likely to give you a piece of his mind. i gave jimmy a piece of my mind for being so

27、bad as to be kept after school every day. if he doesnt turn that music down soon, im going to give him a piece of my mind. this stupid idiot passed me on the left, then cut in ahead of me so close i had to jam on the brakes to keep from hitting him. when i caught up with him at the stoplight, i roll

28、ed down my window, and boy, did i give him a piece of my mind. today i"ll give my business manager a piece of my mind. i"m tired of him coming in an hour late every day. i"ll tell him to be here on time or look for a job some place else. 2a: derek called you a lazy, no-good, bastard.

29、b: im going to give him a piece of my mind! 1.18 give sb what for; give it to sb bre 【英语解释】tell sb angrily that you are annoyed with them; punish sb severely 【中文解释】严峻斥责,痛骂,责骂;惩处,整理,严惩,痛打,狠狠揍一顿 billys mother gave him what for because he didnt get home on time. i will really give you what for if you d

30、ont straighten up. your father will give you what for if you go home like this. your father will give you what for if he finds out what youve done! ill really give it to you if i find out that youve been lying. if you take my car again without asking me, ill give you what for. you thief! ill tell yo

31、ur father and hell give you what for! the manager will really give it to you when he find out what youve done. jerrys girl gave him what for forgetting about their date last night. when we broke mr. grouchs window, he really gave us what for. i gave one of them what for. i smashed him up all right.

32、he wont want to come and fight us again in a hurry. i gave one of them what for. i smash him up all right. he wont want to come and fight us again in a hurry. ill give her what for if she does that again。 i really got what for from my boss when i was late. jane got what for from her father for damag

33、ing his car. 1.19 bawl out (for) ame 【英语解释】speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong 【中文解释】大声训斥,责怪,痛骂,怒斥 mom bawled me out for the mess in my room. the teacher bawled him out for being late again. the colonel bawled us all out for inefficiency. she bawled me out for being late. the teache

34、r bawled the student out for arriving late. teachers dont usually bawl out students. 1.20 chew sb out; eat sb out ame 【英语解释】speak angrily to 【中文解释】狠狠斥责,严峻责怪,训斥,责骂,臭骂 the boss chewed me out for being late to the meeting. the boss is always chewing out somebody. the sergeant chews his men out for some

35、thing almost every day. the teacher really chewed jimmy out for breaking the window. eds father really gave him a good chewing out for using the car without permission. he chewed out his secretary for being late to work every day. because of his failure to finish the job on time, he got chewed out b

36、y his boss. i hate to chew you out, daughter, but you mustnt stay out so late at night. even his mother used to chew him out in public. the senate science and space subcommittee chewed out nasa for failing to conduct the necessary tests. the boss called diane into his office and chewed her out for l

37、osing the thurman account. toms father was really angry when tom didnt come home until midnight. he chew tom out and then said tom had to stay at home for two weeks. the coach ate out the entire football team because of their poor playing. every time i make the smallest mistake my boss always eats m

38、e out about it. 1.21 dish it out 【英语解释】criticize other people 【中文解释】数落,指责,批判,痛斥;严惩 he enjoys dishing it out, but he really cant take it. amy, you dish out the beans while i cut the meat. the chief was really dishing out the praise at todays department meeting. our english teacher likes to dish out t

39、he homework. the challenger dished out a lot of punishment, but the champ was able to take it. the chief must have really been angry with you. you could hear him dishing it out from all the way across the hall. theres no reason to get angry just because someone criticizes you a little. the trouble w

40、ith you is that you can dish it out but you cant take it. i wouldnt want to get in a fight with doug. he can really dish it out. when it comes to flattery, you can really dish it out, cant you. 1.22 lash out (at) 【英语解释】criticize sb in an angry way 【中文解释】猛然怒斥,严峻斥责,狠批,痛骂,猛烈抨击 i used to lash out at my

41、children for no reason. in a bitter article he lashed out at his critics. blunt and outspoken, he often lashed out with strong language at those who opposed him. be careful of the directors tongue; he often lashes out in sudden anger at anyone who annoys him. he lashed out at his critics. the articl

42、e lashed out at social injustice. he lashed out at the oppositions policies. on the ninth hole, pete suddenly lashed out at scott and accused him of cheating. 1.23 hit out at/ against 【英语解释】express strong, especially public, disapprove of 【中文解释】严峻批判,猛烈抨击 the bishop has hit out at what he describes a

43、s an immoral defence policy. the author hits out at his critics in his book. 1.24 be/ get on sbs case (about sth); be/ get on sbs back 【英语解释】be criticizing sb continuously 【中文解释】不停地指责,批判 dads always on my case about something or another. shes always on my case about cleaning my room. my boss is alwa

44、ys on my case about some little thing or other. im tired of your being on my case all the time. the next time your parents get on your case about playing video games, tell them this is the future. it seems as if somebody is always on his back. 1.25 land on ame 【英语解释】speak angrily to sb 【中文解释】痛斥 dale

45、 landed on him for forgetting the documents. 1.26 round on 【英语解释】suddenly speak angrily to sb and criticize or attack them 【中文解释】突然责骂/指责 he rounded on journalists, calling them a pack of vultures. then, for no reason at all, she rounded on me and started screaming. 1.27 jump on (sb for) 【英语解释】speak

46、to sharply, showing disapproval, especially unfairly 【中文解释】(尤指不公正地)叱责,责骂,把狠狠地训斥一通,严峻批判,责怪 she jumps on me every time i made the slightest mistake. the teacher jumped on him for giving in untidy homework. hell jump on every little mistake you make, no matter how trivial. ryder used to jump on me for

47、every little mistake. 1.28 jump all over sb 【英语解释】criticize sb; find fault with 【中文解释】责骂,批判 as soon as i entered his office, he jumped all over me. toms boss jumped all over tom because he made a a careless mistake. 2a: .quot;what"s wrong with joe?quot; b: quot;he"s feeling bad because his

48、 boss jumped all over him this morning.quot; 1.29 call sb on the carpet (for) 【英语解释】reprimand a person 【中文解释】批判,申斥 one more error like that and the boss will call you on the carpet. im sorry it went wrong. i really hope he doesnt call me on the carpet again. the chief called us on the carpet for spe

49、nding too much on entertainment. the salesman was called on the carpet for losing three customers in one month. one more error like that, and the boss will call you on the carpet. im sorry it went wrong. i really hope he doesnt call me on the carpet again. johns boss called him on the carpet this mo

50、rning for his failure to cooperate with his fellow employees. the chief called us on the carpet for spending too much on entertainment. 1.30 dump on sb ame 【英语解释】criticize sb severely and oftehn unfairly; treat sb badly 【中文解释】不公正地指责,非难,诋毁,贬低;亏待 dont dump on the teachers weve got, theyre doing a good

51、 job. why did dad dump this chore on me and not you? oh, yeah, you have a big school project and i dont! in most organizations, the work that nobody wants to do gets dumped on the newest employees. 1.31 charge sb with 【英语解释】say publicly that you think sb has done sth wrong or bad 【中文解释】(公开)指责,责怪,批判

52、opposition mps charged the minister with neglecting her duty. 1.32 get your claw into sb 【英语解释】criticize sb severely; show jealousy or strong dislike of sb, especially by saying unpleasant things about them 【中文解释】严峻批判,恶意攻击;中伤;对表现特别嫉妒 wait until the media gets its claws into her. shes really got her

53、claws into her neighboursit must be because theyve got tow new cars. wait until the media gets its claws into her. the editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial. 1.33 lay into 【英语解释】criticize sb very strongly for sth they have done 【中文解释】痛斥,责骂 the teacher really laid into us th

54、is morningtold us wed all fail if we didnt start doing some work. you should have heard my wife laying into me about coming home late night. my father really laid into me when i got home. mother laid into me for not doing my homework. 1.34 rip into 【英语解释】angrily attack sb with words or physically 【中

55、文解释】猛烈抨击;猛击 he really ripped into sue for not showing up when she was supposed to. the angry teacher ripped into the student. 1.35 tear into 【英语解释】criticize sb very strongly, especially unfairly 【中文解释】(尤指不公正地)猛烈抨击/痛斥 tom tore into john and yelled at him for an hour. dont tear into me like that. you

56、have no right to speak to me that way. all i said was that she could maybe try harder and she really tore into me. 1.36 pitch into 【英语解释】attack or criticize sb by hitting them or insulting them 【中文解释】攻击,批判,批判 she started to pitching into me as soon as i arrived. 1.37 wade into 【英语解释】attack sb with w

57、ords in an forceful angry way 【中文解释】猛烈攻击,痛打;抨击,狠狠地骂一通,痛骂,痛斥 he waded into an opponent and knocked him out. he really waded into the child for lying to him. she waded into him as soon as he got home. i must have offended her somehow, because she really waded into me. 1.38 get at 【英语解释】criticize sb re

58、peatedly in an annoying way 【中文解释】不断地挖苦,一再数落/指责/批判;嘲弄,愚弄,取笑,挖苦,讽刺 dont try to get at him. he has a bad temper. she cant think why jims always getting at her. hes always getting at me. she feels shes being got at. stop getting at me to clean my shoes, ill do them tonight. no names were mentioned, but we all knew who was being go


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