



1、学习必备欢迎下载Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?自主学习一、 重点词汇拓展1._ 切;割_(现在分词)_3._ 混合;混在一起_ (名词)_5._煮沸;烹煮_ (过去式)_二、 重点词组识记2. 最后地,最终 _ (形容词 )_4._盐;食盐 _ (形容词)_6._果汁机;搅拌器_ (动词)_1._打开(电器)_3.把倒入_5._把混合在一起 _7. two teaspo ons of relish_9. put i nto the ble nder_三、重点句型体验:2._切碎4._一瓶酸奶6. make fruit salad_8. p

2、eel three bananas_10. good idea_根据所给的图画情景和提示词,写出与图片相符的英语句子,标点符号已给出。1. cut v.切,割。其过去式为cut,过去分词为 cut。cut up 切碎,剁碎。Please cut up the vegetables into small pieces.请把这些蔬菜切碎。【注意】cup up 是由动词加副词构成的短语,其后接名词做宾语时,名词可以放在 cut up 中间,也可以放其后,但接代词宾格 it/them 时,应放在 cut up 中间。I gave him some carrots and he cut them up.

3、我给了他几个胡萝卜,他把胡萝卜都切碎了。典型例题:The banana is too big.You can_first.A. cut up themB. cut them upC. cut it upD. cut up it(答案:C )解析:因为 banana 是单数,所以用代词 it 替代;又因为 cut up 后接代词宾格做宾语时,代词应放在 cut up 中间。2. pour v.倒,往倒,倾泻。She poured some orange juice into my glass. 她往我的杯子里倒了些橘子汁。Would you like to pour me a cup of co

4、ffee, please. 请给我倒一杯咖啡好吗?The rain is pouri ng dow n. 天正在下倾盆大雨 .典型例题:She p_ herself ano ther cup of tea.(答案:poured)解析:她又给自己倒了一杯茶 。3. turn on 动词短语,打开,开(电灯,电视,自来水,煤气等)。反义词组是 turn off 关,关上;相关词组是 turn up,开大, 调高;turn1231. how, make, shake_ ?3. n ext, cut up_.5. how many, n eed_ ?知识要点452. first, peel_ .4.

5、the n, turn on_学习必备欢迎下载down,关小,调低。Please turn on the TV.请把电视打开。Don forget to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.你离开教室时不要忘记关灯。I can hear the music clearly. Please turn up the radio.我听不清音乐声,请把收音机的声音调大点。5.打开搅拌器电源,搅拌两分钟。two minu tes.学习必备欢迎下载Would you like to turn dow n the recorder? 你能把录音机

6、的声音调小一点吗?典型例题:Its dark (暗的)in the room. Please_ the light.A. turn onB. turn upC. turn downD. turn off(答案:A)解析:房间里太黑了,请把灯打开。4. How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少个香蕉?how many,多少,针对可数名词提问;对不可数名词提问应用how much.How many stude nts are there in your class? 你们班有多少人?Forty-two. Twenty boys and twen ty-two girl

7、s.四十二人。二十个女生,二十二个男生。How many bottles of water do you drink every day in summer?你夏天每天喝几瓶水?Two. 两瓶。How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?One cup. 一杯。How much money do you have in your pocket? 你口袋里有多少钱?Ten yuan.十元。【拓展】how much 还可以用来提问价格,表示多少价钱,相当于 What is the price of?How much is the pen? 这支钢笔多少钱?典型例题:1_

8、 students are there in you class?A. How muchB. How many C. HowD. How often(答案:B)解析:students 是可数名词的复数,how many 针对可数名词进行提问。2_bread is there on the table?A. How many, fiveB. How much, fifth C. How many, five pieces D. How much, five pieces答案:D解析:bread 是不可数名词,所以用 how much 来提问;又因为我们不能用数词修饰不可数名词,只能用数词加量词来

9、修饰不可数名词。3_一are the hamburgers?Ten yua n.A. How muchB. How many C. How farD. How often (答案:A)解析:How much 用来提问价格,表示多少价钱。这些汉堡多少钱?10 元。随堂达标一、单项选择1.You shouldthe bananas and put them in the ble nder.A.cut dow nB. cut upC .cut in2.Dad, can 1 turnthe TV? I want to watch the soccer game.A.onB.offC. up3.Howy

10、ogurt do you n eed?A.manyB .a littleC.much4.I needA. two slices of breadB. two slices breadC.two slice of bread5.Howglasses of milk do you drink every day?A.muchB.manyC. a little、用单词的适当形式填空1. _(not turn) on the ble nder before you put bananas and yogurt into it.2. How many_ (slice) of bread do we n

11、eed?3. Let_ (make) a banana milk soomthie together.4. How much_ (ora nge) do you want?5_ (fin al) mix all the in gredie nts up.三、完成句子1. 把酸奶倒进榨汁机。the ble nder.2.我们需要多少香蕉?do we n eed?5.打开搅拌器电源,搅拌两分钟。two minu tes.3.我需要一些帮助。1some help.4.我们需要把香蕉切碎。We n eed to学习必备欢迎下载四、短文填空eat, run, want, little, much, ma

12、ke, vegetable, better, young, oftenHenry is little fatter than he _ 1to be. He wants to lose some weight (减肥).So he is on a diet (节食).He tries not toeat too_2_and he eats very 3 sugar because it will 4 him fat. He also does exercise every day. He swimsvery 5, and he6about two kilometers a day. Now h

13、e is stronger than before. Henrys sister, Susan, is healthiertha n Henry. She is also7 and thinner tha n he is. She does exercise every day, too. She does nt8 much meat. Butshe eats a lot of fruit and 9 because she thinks they are 10 for her health.【能力提升】语法练习1.1 am hun gry. Please give me_ .A. a bre

14、ad B. some breadsC. a piece of bread D. two pieces of breads2. I am very busy. I_ you to look after my brother.A. wantB. makeC. thinkD. hope3. These cakes taste_ . Can I have ano ther one?A. goodB. wellC. betterD. bad4. _ the window, please. I a little cold.A. OpenB. Not openC. Don openD. Don close5

15、. _people are there in your family?Five.A. How ofte nB. How muchC. How manyD. How far6. Would you like to_ some water into my glass?Of course.A. makeB. pourC. putD. give7. Please put one teaspo on of salt into the water, the n_ .A. mix up itB. mix it upC. mix them upD. mix up them8. Do you know how

16、to_ a banana milk smoothie?Sorry, I don tknow.A. buyB. writeC. pour D. make9. Cut_the bananas and the n put them_ the ble nder.A. in; upB. on; upC. up; inD. make10. It not dark in the room. Why not_ the light?A. turn upB. turn offC. turn onD. turn dow n中考链接1. _ those lights, please. Don use so much

17、en ergy. 2008 河北A.Take offB. Put onC. Tur n offD. Turn on2. It mid night. Would you please_ the radio? 2008 莆田A. turn onB. turn upC. turn dow n3. _is this pair of this pan ts? 2008 天水It 100 yua n.A. How muchB. How ma ny C. How ofte n D. How far4. Please_the lights and close the door before you leave

18、, boys? 2008 义乌OK, we will.A. turn offB. turn onC. turn upD. turn dow n5. _do you prefer to study? 2008 泰安I prefer to study in a group.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Where快乐阅读The word san dwich is an En glish word. San dwich was an En glishma n. He lived two hun dred years ago. San dwich had lots学习必备欢迎下载1. 一

19、个洋葱_3. 一茶勺黄油_5.在顶部;在上面7. n eed to do9. roll the pan cake _三、重点句型体验:根据所给的提示词,写出与提示词相符的英语句子,标点符号已给出。1. here, recipe, for_3. the n, cut up_5. check, have, in gredie nts知识要点1. amount n.总数;总额;量;数额。amount 用来修饰不可数名词,常用短语是a large amount of.The amou nt of mo ney is 2,000 dollars.钱的总额是两千美元。The boss has a larg

20、e amount of mon ey.这个老板有一大笔钱。典型例题:food is wasted.A. ManyB. A large amou nt ofC. Amou ntD. A large of答案:B解析:大量的食物都被浪费掉了。a large amount of 用来修饰不可数名词。2. need v.需要。做实义动词,可以直接带宾语,也可以和带to 的不定式连用,可用于各种结构。I n eed some help.我需要一些帮助。They didn need to go.他们不必去。The bike needs to be repaired.这辆自行车需要修理。【拓展】need 做

21、情态动词。need 做情态动词表示“需要”,主要用于否定及疑问句中,没有时态与人称的变化。of money. He was very rich. But he liked playing cards for money. He often played all day and all night. One time, he playedtwenty-four hours and didn stop. He didn leave the card table to eat. He asked his servant to bring him some meat and somebread. He

22、 did not want to stop play ing while he ate. He put the meat betwee n two pieces of bread. In this way, he could go onplaying cards. From the name of this man , Sandwich , we have the wordandwich today .1. San dwich was_ before.A. En glish foodB. an En glish car C. an En glishma n2. San dwich_ playe

23、d cards.A. sometimesB. n ever3. Sandwich didn stopD. an En glish wordC. oftenD. some timewhe nheA. eati ngB. to eat4. San dwich played cards_ .A. all dayB. all night5. San dwich is the n ame of_today .B. foodA. a man自主学习、重点词汇拓展三明治_火鸡_顶;上部_、重点词组识记1.3.5.-(复数)(复数)_(反义词)played cards .C. drinkingC. day a

24、nd ni ghtC. drinkD. to drinkD. twelve hoursD. meatSection B2.薄片4. put _(复数)(过去式)2.两片面包4.三片鸡肉6.add to 8.put into the2. first, put, on, bread _4. fin ally, put, on the top学习必备欢迎下载Need I come?要我来吗?Yes, you must. 是,你得来。No, you needn .不,你不必来。学习必备欢迎下载典型例题:He did n n eed_(come) last ni ght.答案:to come解析:他昨晚

25、不必来。need 在此句中为实义动词,其后接带to 的不定式。3. mix v.混合;混在一起。常用短语mix up 搅匀;搅和;混淆;弄乱,其结构为动词加副词构成,后接名词或代词做宾语,名词可以放在中间或者后面,代词只能放中间。You should mix up all the in gredie nts. 你要把所有的材料混合起来。It too easy to mix him up with his brother. They look the same. 很容易把他和他的兄弟认错,他俩长的很像。典型例题:If you_blue and yellow, you will make gree

26、 n.A. put B. mixC. get答案:B解析:如果你把蓝色和黄色掺起来,你会得到绿色。4. fin ally adv.最后地;最终。其形容词为final。I worked out the maths problem fin ally. 最终我算出了那道数学题。Fi nally put the books away in the cupboard.最后把书收拾起来放到橱子里。We are gett ing ready for the fi nal exam.我们正在为期末考试做准备。典型例题:They_(fin al) realized that the whole thi ng w

27、as a joke.答案:fin ally解析:副词修饰动词。他们终于意识到整个事情是场玩笑。5. bread n.面包不可数名词,不与 a、an 等冠词及数词连用;可以用数词和量词构成的短语来修饰。How much bread do you need? 你要多少面包?Two slices, please.请给我两片。【拓展】可数名词与不可数名词名词是表示人,事物,地点或抽象概念的名称,有可数名词和不可数名词之分。1可数名词有单,复数之分,表示一个或多个,可以直接用数词来修饰。a book 一本书 two books 两本书2不可数名词:不分单,复数;抽象名词,物质名词和专有名词一般是不可数名

28、词。sand 沙 sugar 糖不可数名词一般没有复数形式,但是可以用一些量词来表示不可数名词的数量。(1) 表不定数量时,一般用 much, (a)1ittle, a lot of /lots of, some, any 等词修饰。much money, a little bread , a lot of ice cream , some juice(2) 表确定数量时,一般用数词+量词+of+不可数名词;变复数时可以把前面的量词变成复数。a bottle of milk , a glass of water, a can of beer, a piece of papertwo bottl

29、es of milk , two pieces of paper, two glasses of water典型例题:Of all the vegetables, I like_ best.A. potatoes B. eggs C. milkD. apples答案:B解析:根据 vegetables 可以判断出答案;在所有的蔬菜中,我最喜欢土豆。随堂达标一、单项选择1. There are_and a cup of yogurt.A. two slices of breadB. a2. I want to have.B. a slice of breadsC. twoslice ofD. t

30、wo slices of breadsB. two glass of oran gesD. two glass of orange学习必备欢迎下载A. three glasses of oran gesC. a glass of orange3. How many_Two, please.would you like?学习必备欢迎下载A. cups of teaB. cup of teaC. cups of teasD. cup of tea4. Meat_ delicious, but don teat too much.A.isB. are C. amD. be5. Ted, take s

31、ome_ to school. It so hot and you may feel thirsty.A. breadB. bananasC. oran gesD. juice二、用单词的适当形式填空1. First put mustard on two_ (slice) of bread.2. Do you like lettuce in_ (san dwich)?3. I would like some apple_(juice). I am thirsty.4. Here_ (be) some milk. Drink it, please.5 I n eed_(buy) some bre

32、ad.三、完成句子1.首先检查一_ you have_2.请问你能切碎这些西红柿吗?Can you3.你需the tomatoes, please?the in gredie nts into a blender.4.加点蜂蜜并把原料混合一下。 _some honey and_the in gredie nts.四、短文填空n eed, slice, n ext, check, the n, put, fin ally, enjoy,Do you know how to eat Beijing Duck? First, _ you have all the ingredients. You _

33、 green onion,pan cakes and_ of duck._ , put some sauce on a pan cake. Then_ a slice of duck on the pan cake._sauce,addsome gree n onion on it._ , roll the pan cake with all the in gredie nts in side. Now, you can_it.【能力提升】语法练习1._ orange do you n eed?Three bottles.A. How manyB. How muchA. buyB. buyingC. buys


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