



1、新人教版高中英语选修八U4课文重点句汇集1 It is pouring with rain and cab whistles are blowing in all directions. 天正下着倾盆大雨, 四面八方都传来出租马车的汽笛声。2 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 一些书可以浅尝辄止, 一些书可以狼吞虎咽, 而有少量的书则需要细嚼慢咽, 好好消化。3 But sir, once educated to speak properly,

2、 the girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. 但是, 先生, 一旦有人教她把英语说好了, 三个月内她就可以冒充成公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。4 Perhaps I could even find her a place as a ladys maid or a shop assistant, (which requires better English). 说不定我还可以给她找份工作, 当一名贵夫人的侍女或者商店的店员, 这些工作都要求更好的英语水

3、平。5 Professor Higgins (H): an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his or her position in society. (be convinced that)希金斯教授是一位语音学专家, 他认为一个人的英语水平决定了他(她)的社会地位。6 Colonel Pickering (P): an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task. 皮克林上

4、校(简称P):陆军军官, 后来成为希金斯的朋友。希金斯给他安排了一项任务。7 I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.我跟那位先生说话,又没做什么坏事呀。 aint 是不规范的语言,相当于am not, is not, has not, have not.8 Here you are (hands over the paper covered with writing). 给你(他把写满字的纸递过来)9 A man is hiding from the rain listening to people's lang

5、uage and watching their reactions. While watching, he makes notes. 有一个男士在躲雨,边听人们谈话,边观察着人们的反应。他一边观察, 一边做笔记。10 Disappointed at the outcome, but thinking it is better than nothing, eliza said: “ thank you, sir.”对先生付的钱表现出失望的样子,但想到有总比没有好,eliza 说:“谢谢,先生.”11 shes quite a common girl with dirty nails. 她是很普通

6、的一个年轻姑娘,手指甲脏兮兮的。12 People begin their working life in a poor neighbor of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand.人们在伦敦的一个贫穷地区开始工作, 年薪80英镑,而最终成为拥有10万英镑的富人。13 You can place a man by just a few remarks.你可以根据几句谈话来确定一个人是哪个地方的。 14 But they betray themselves every time they ope

7、n their mouths.但是他们一张嘴就露了馅。15 Look at this girl with her terrible English: the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. 你瞧那个姑娘, 英语说得那样糟, 命中注定要在贫民窟呆一辈子了。16 But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, the girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at a

8、n ambassadors garden party. 可是,先生(自豪地), 一旦那个女孩被教会说正确的英语, 她就能够在三个月后由一位大使举办的舞会上冒充一位女公爵。17 I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.(P29)我还以为你是一个便衣警察呢。18 There you are and you come from the west end of London, born in Lisson Grove if Im not mistaken.你呀, 要是我没有弄错的话, 你是伦敦西边的人, 出生在里森格罗弗。(B8 P29) 19

9、I came to England to make your acquaintance. 我也正是到英国来找你的。(B8 P30) 20 Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc, so that she can use them properly. 改正这些句子的语法, 拼写等, 以便她能正确使用。(B8 P31)21 Suppose you have a chance to help Eliza improve her use of the English language.假设你有机会帮助伊莉莎提高她运用

10、英语的水平。(B8 P31)22 .(fades out as they go off stage together)他们一起走下舞台消失了。(B8 P35)23 Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.亨利·希金斯和皮克林上校下坐着专心地谈话。24 I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds; but your hundred and thirty beat me.我

11、很欣赏自己,因为我能发24个明显的元音,但你能发130个音却击败了我。25 But shell need to be cleaned first.她得先把自己洗干净了。26 Id never have come if Id known about this disgusting thing you want to do to me.我要是早知道你们想对我做这种可恶的事, 我决不会来。27 Is this true of the characters in Shaws play? 28 When you g

12、o back in history, you cannot overlook that. 回顾历史,这一点是不可忽视的。29 She was only half resigned to it.”30 I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds. 本来我很自负,因为我能清晰地发出24个不同的元音。Unit 4 Pygmalion workbook翻译1. 亨利想让伊莱扎结识美国大使,这样他可以像个裁判一样在一旁看自己是否已经把她打造成个淑

13、女了。(make the acquaintance; ambassador; referee; passing off as)Henry wanted Eliza to make the acquaintance of the American ambassador, so he could act as a referee and judge whether he had passed her off as a lady.2. 小偷抢这个商店的时候只偷走了两件东西,一个古老的音乐盒和一张有传统民歌的老唱片。(rob; antique; musical box; wax disk)When t

14、he thief robbed the shop, he only took two items: an antique musical box and a wax disk with traditional folk songs on them.3. 伊莱扎进浴缸之前,皮尔斯夫人让她脱掉身上那脏兮兮的背心和糟糕的长袜。(bathtub; horrible; vest; stocking)Before Eliza got into the bathtub, Mrs Pearce made her take off her dirty vest and horrible stockings.4. 伊莱扎在英语语法方面和发音方面都需要帮助;她的发音还需要从正确说出字母开始。(in terms of; alphabet)Eliza required help in terms of English grammar and pronunciation. She needed to start by saying the alphabet correctly.5. 当伊莱扎练习屈膝礼的时候,她的裙子被钉子刮破了。(curtsey; nail)As Eliza was practising her curtsey, s


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