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1、福建省厦门市莲美中学八年级英语Unit 10 I am going to be a basketball player教案 人教新目标版课时一课时一、教材内容分析二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度、价值观)Knowledge goals1. 掌握本课时重点词汇:computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional 2. 掌握本课时主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? -Im going to be an engineer when I grow up.

2、How are you going to do that? -Im going to study math hard. Where are you going to work?-Im going to work in Beijing.3. 掌握本课时语言目标:用be going to表示一般将来时。Ability goals培养学生应用英语谈论将来计划,提高学生听、说、读、写等能力。Emotion goals通过谈论将来打算做什么以及准备怎样实现目标,让学生考虑自己的将来,及早为将来做好准备,明白“远大理想需要不懈的努力才能实现”的道理。培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,体会学习英语和使用英语的乐趣


4、使学生用英语进行思维,用目标语言合作进行编对话活动,在此过程中,学生对自己的学习策略和情感进行调整,形成积极的学习态度,能主动地学习,在潜移默化中把知识转化成技能,促进语言实际运用能力的提高,既突出了重点,又突破了难点,同时小组活动可以降低任务难度与学生语言学习的焦虑程度,培养学生的合作意识及团队精神,通过口、笔头输出,总结并了解学生对本单元话题关键词汇的掌握程度;填写课堂评价表,引导学生反思自己在课堂上的学习态度和学习内容,以便在后续学习中更加明确目标、补缺补漏,增强学生学习自信心。五、教学环境及资源准备1. Preview:Ss get ready for the words and ph

5、rases in this unit.2. Make PowerPoint.3. A recorder and a tape.六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Pre-taskStep 1: GreetingsStep 2: Pre-task1. Lead-inIntroduce myself: “ I am a teacher. So a teacher is my job.” Ask Ss about their family members jobs, “What does your father do?” etc.2. Show Ss some pictures t

6、hen ask “What does he / she do?” Help the Ss answer ( computer programmer - Bill Gates is a computer programmer.) Teach other new words in the same way. ( computer programmer, basketball player, pilot, engineer, actor, artist)师生问候按座位顺序问学生问题,学生回答。图片展示,学生迅速回答问题。使学生快速进入英语情景,给课堂带来轻松愉快的气氛。同时通过图片问答来复习旧单词,

7、 调动学生的学习积极性。While-taskStep 3: While-task1. Presentation1) T: As we know, Bill Gates is very famous and has a lot of money. So I want to be a computer programmer. I am going to be a computer programmer. And Yao Ming is a famous professional basketball player. So I am going to be a professional basket

8、ball player.And Jackie Chan is famous, too. So I am going to be an actor.Then help the students to guess the usage of “be going to ”(打算) 2) Ask Ss to work in pairs using the sentence pattern:-What are you going to be when you grow up?-I am going to be3)After that, ask, “ Yes, youre going to be , the

9、n how are you going to do that?” Help Ss answer if necessary.4) Practice in pairs. (Show a magic house, encourage Ss to choose one and know their future job.)Show the following chart and let Ss act the dialogue out.(略)老师提问题,学生回答,之后,学生提问题,学生回答。即师生生生学生俩俩对话学生俩俩操练对话借助词汇来引出新句型“What are you going to be wh

10、en you grow up?Im going to be a .” 把新句型练熟之后,通过谈论本人的理想并借助多媒体展示图片引入新词汇,这样过度自然,分解了教学难点,并且直观、形象,印象深刻。接着用 “What are you going to be when you grow up?引出达到那个目标,应该做些什么, 学习新句型“How are you going to do that? Im going to practice basketball every day.” 以及“Where are you going to work? Im going to work in NBA.”结合

11、实际谈论自己的个人成长计划,引导学生为目标而奋斗。2. ListeningHave Ss listen to the tape and do the listening exercises on P59 and P60. Encourage Ss to give the answers and check the answers.3. Reading1) FastreadingHave Ss read the diary about Tians dream job and underline the things that she is going to do.2) Carefulreadin

12、gThen read the article again and try to tell us the things that Tian is going to do.学生听力训练学生快速阅读学生精读听力和阅读教学,主要是通过任务型的教学,让学生学会自主学习,归纳总结,培养主动学习的能力。尤其对所学内容能主动复习并加以整理和归纳的能力。Post-taskStep 4: Post-task1. Interview: work in groups. Make a interview in your group according to the form and then give a report

13、.Give a report like this:In our group, Li Lei is going to be a professional basketball player when he grows up. Because he thinks its very exciting. He is going to practice basketball every day. He is going to work in NBA.Task Two:Ask the students to look around the class and think about what they c

14、an do for their class.2. SummaryHave Ss summarize “ how to talk about the future intentions” and “how to make it”.Step 5: Homework Recite the new words and phrases of this class. Finish the exercises. Retell the story about Tians dream job.Step 6: FeedbackStep 7: Blackboard designUnit 10 Im going to

15、 be a basketball player.Section Ateacher, reporter, engineer, artist, be going tobasketball player, pilot, whatactor, howwaiter, doctor, computer programmer, where小组学习活动开展学习成果展示学生总结,老师回顾作业布置学生自评、互评活动板书设计(表格形式)此活动为小组活动。小组汇报,让学生谈谈自己及伙伴们将来想做的工作及如何实现理想。通过此项活动,学生树立理想,并制定实现理想的计划。通过小结,回顾本课主要内容。主要体现课堂活动任务的延伸,让学生了解学习效果。设置教学反馈表,通过学生自评、互评和教师评价,了解学生知识掌握情况及小组合作情况,为今后教学提供信息支持。教学流程图开始情 景 导 入任务前任务后作业布置任务中总结评价七、教学评价设计A、我做得很好 B、我做得比较好C、我做得还好,但还需进步 D、我得加把劲自评互评师评通过本课我1、对英语更加感兴趣,我会努力学好英语2、学会了本课时相关单词和词汇、掌握其表达法。3、更了解谈论未来的职业规划这一语言功能项目。4、培养了自主学习能力和创新能力我在小组合作中1、我在小组讨论中积


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