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1、牛津译林版高一英语上册Mi-Unit 1知识要点一.译林牛津版高一英语必修一 U1知识清单:1 .What is .like?What does sb. look like?What does sb. like?How is sb.?What is sb?2. going to British high school 动名词作主语 Eg.: Playing with fire is dangerous.玩火是危险的。Seeing is believing.眼见为实。Do you mind telling me what happened?你介意告诉我发生了什么吗?Better take a s

2、leeping bus for a long journey.长途旅行最好乘卧铺车。3. enjoyable enjoy enjoyment enjoy doing enjoy oneself4. experience n.经验(不可数名词,其后通常接的是in或of短语) 经历(可数名词)vt.经历,体验She wrote a book about her experiences in America.Have you experienced real struggle?He has a lot of experience in surfing games.be experienced in

3、.在有经验5. attend vt,出席,参加attend school 上学 attend the meeting 开会,参加会议attend the wedding参加婚礼attend to sb,照顾某人,关怀某人attend to one's work用心从事某人的工作。对比:attend Join, join in, take part inattend:主要是指以观众和听众的身份来参加,一般用于指参加会议、出席典礼或者招待会等,也可以 指上学,听课,挺演讲或者讲座等。join:指参加某个组织并且成为其中的一名成员。join in:参加某项活动,尤其是指参加某项正在进行的活动

4、。take part in :参加某项工作'活动或者事业,并且在其中其作用。6. earn vt获得,嬴得,挣得earn one bread/ living 谋生 earn/ win respect 赢得尊重earn money 挣钱 earn one s place 赢得地位对比:earn, win, gain, achieve getearn:指为钱或是其他的报酬工作。含有报酬是应得的意思。He earned four thousand yuan a month.win:指在竞争战争比赛中获胜,并可能由此而得到奖赏。Zhangjie won the most excellent s

5、inger prize last year.gain:指获得有用或是重要的东西,常用于和钱没有关系的场合。He gained lots of experience during the journey to Africa.achieve:通过努力而达到目标He achieved the goal at the age of 50.get:常规用词7. respect n. (ucn) vt 尊敬、敬重give/send/pay one's respects to sb.向某人问候have respect for 尊敬.respect sb. for因噂敬某人 have respect

6、to牵涉到,关系到注意到,考虑到 hold sb. in respect 尊敬某人out of respect for sb.出于对某人的尊敬show one's respect for 对一 表示尊敬 with the respectto关于8. devote oneself to sth./ doing sth. = be devoted to sth./doing sth.专注做某事,忠于做某事。t。是介词,后面接名词,代词,动名词。to 是介词的常用短语:look forward to, pay attention to, stick to 坚持、紧跟、黏住,be used t

7、o9. average adj. 一般的,普通的,平均的。n.平均、平均数above/bclow( the ) average 在平均水准以下或以上,on the /an average 平均地,up to the average 达到平 均数10. n. vi.斗争,挣扎struggle with/ against sb. /sth.同某人某事斗争 struggle for sb. /sth.为某人某事斗争 struggle to do sth. 努力去做某事have a struggle( in )doing sth.干某事费劲11. as +adj. +a./an + 可数名词的单数+a

8、s , as +adj. + 可数名词复数+as,as+ adj./adv. +asas long as 只要,as well as 除 之外也,as.as possible 尽可能,as soon as. 就 ,as many/ much as 多达,as early as 早在not so. as:不如12. for fun闹着玩,make fun of嘲笑取笑,have fun doing sth,愉快的做某事,what fun!多么有趣呀fun不可数名词,funny adj.滑稽的,可笑的,用来描述令人发笑的事和物。13. prepare vt. vi.prepare+n.准备 ,pr

9、epare+for+n .为 做准备,prepare +sb. +to do使某人作准备去做某事prepare +to do 准备做,be prepared for 为 做好准备,be prepared to do sth,做好准备做某事preparation n.14. though, although, however, while, in spite of 的区别:1 .) though除了强调让步意义外还可以作并列连词,表示and. but, yet. however等的含义,though还 可以用作副词,放在句末。They're very different, though

10、they did seem to get on well when they met.2 .) although是从属连词,强调让步意义,多用于句首,且位于句首时,后面不能用but,但可以用 yet, still.Although everyone played well, we lost the game. Everyone played well. However, we still lost the game.3 .)however位于句首时,常用逗号隔开,位于句中时,通常在前后各加逗号。4 .) in spite of是介词短语,后接名词或名词短语,不接从句。9In spite of

11、his age, he still leads a busy life.15. look back on 回顾,look for 寻找,look through 浏览,look at sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事 look like 看起来象,look afrer 照顾照料,look down on 看不起瞧不起,look up to 尊敬,look fonvard to , 期待look into sth,调查某事100k up sth.in the dictionary 查字典16. satisfaction n. satisfied adj. satisfy vt.ex

12、press one's satisfaction at/ with (the result)对结果表示满意in with satisfaction 满意的,to one's satisfaction 使人满意的是,sth. be a satisfaction to sb.某事令人满意17. first of all首先,第一,above all首先,最重要的是,at all根本,after all毕竟,到底,in all总计,总共18. not. until.until.的区别:相同点:noJ.untiL.,until二者都可以译为:直到not .until.直到才(开始)。主

13、句位于动词一般是终止性动词.until.直到才(结束)主句谓语动词一般是延续性动词I didift leave until she came back.You can't get off the bus until it has stopped.She will wait until her mother comes back home.He had lived here until the war broke out.注:nol until及后面的状语部分放到句首的时候,后面的主句要部分倒装,Not until then did he realize his mistake.二、重点

14、词汇列表动词searclL murder, support, exist名词creature, witness, research, possibility, case, evidence, progress, treasure, strength形容词puzzled, puzzling, convincing, disappointed, similar重点词组run into, step up, due to, go missing, show up, according to, put on, rule out, look into, make up, take charge of, s

15、o far, be similar to, be said to do, run after, on average三、精选词汇讲解1. search(1) search vt./vi.搜索,搜寻,搜查search sb搜(某人的)身;search somewhere在某处搜查search somewhere for sth.在某处搜寻某物;search for sth.搜寻/寻找某物They searched him without any reason他们亳无理由地搜了他的身。They searched every part of the temple for the murderer.他

16、们对这座寺庙进行了全而搜查,以便找出凶 手。Scientists are searching for a cure for the disease.科学家正在寻找治愈这种疾病的办法。He is searching for the missing key他正在寻找失踪的钥匙,(2) search n.搜寻,寻找in search of.寻找/寻求某物The villagers continued their search for the lost child in the forest,村民们继续在森林里寻找那个迷路的 孩子。Migrant workers moved from city to

17、city in search of work.流动工人为找工作从一个城市移居到另一 个城市OHe went in search of a doctor for his sick wife.他去为他生病的妻子找医生。2. support(1) support vt.支撑;支持,拥护:维持,赡养;证实The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.老人由孙子扶着进 T房间。They supported the Democratic Party.他们支持/拥护民主党。The desert climate supports little p

18、lant life.沙漠气候使很少的植物能维持下去麻活。He has a large family to support,他要养活一大家子人。Can you give some examples to support your argument?你能举几个例子来论证你的论点吗?(2) support n.支援,帮助;拥护;支撑:供养:Hunter is the chief support of the family.亨特是他家的主要赡养者。Jim was a great support to us when father died.父亲死后,吉姆给了我们巨大的帮助。We need your s

19、upport.我们需要你们的支持。3. witness(1) witness n. c.目击者;见证人;证明,见证a witness to/of是的目击证人The police found the witness to the murder.警察找到了那个谋杀案的目击证人。She was a witness of the accident.她是那次事故的目击证人,You cannot sign your will without witnesses.没有见证人的情况下你不能签署你的遗堀。His whole life was a witness to his honesty,他的整个一生就是对他

20、的诚实的见证©(2) witness vt./ vi.目击,亲眼看见:为作证witness to . / to doing .为某事作证/为做某事作证Did anyone witness the robbery?有人亲眼目睹了这次抢劫案吗?She witnessed our wedding.她见证了 我们的婚礼。He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.他证明说看到那个人进了那栋楼.This gift witnesses to his generosity.这件礼物见证了他的慷慨。4. puzzled(1) puzz

21、le vt.使迷惑,使困惑The woman s illness puzzled the doctor, and he couldift find the cause.那妇女的病使那医生很困惑, 他就是找不到病因。The teacher was puzzled by the student s question.老师被这个学生的问题难住了。(2) puzzle n. n.难题,难解之事,谜We are trying to work out a puzzle.我们正设法解出一个难题。puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的:puzzling adj.令人困惑的,莫名其妙的 a puzzled mo

22、ther 一位困惑的母亲:a puzzling case 一件令人困惑的案件 rm puzzled about what to do next.我很迷茫下一步该干什么。He couldift sleep well as he was thinking about the puzzling problem.他睡不好,因为他一直在思考着 那个令人困惑的问题。She listened with a puzzled expression on her face,她脸上带着困惑的表情在倾听着。(4)注意:在英语中,动词的现在分词或过去分词可用作形容词。当用来表示人的情绪状态或感觉时, 常用过去分词形式的

23、形容词,这些词常用来修饰人或look, expression, voice, face等名词。当表示 事物的特征或属性时,常用现在分词形式的形容词。如:frighten vt,使惊吓:frightened adj.感到害怕的:frightening adj.令人害怕的disappoint vt,使失望:disappointed adj.感到失望的:disappointing adj.令人失望的surprise vt,使惊奇:surprised adj.感到惊讶的: surprising adj.令人惊讶的excite vt.使兴奋excited adj.感到兴奋的,激动的exciting ad

24、j.令人激动的5. convincing(1) convincing adj.使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的convincing evidence令人信服的证据;convincing arguments令人信服的论据No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out.尚未有人能对恐龙的灭 绝作出一个令人信服的解释。(2) convinced adj.相信的,被说服的I'm quite convinced.我很相信(这件事)。(3) convince vt.使相信,说服convince

25、sb. of sth使某人相信某事;sb. be convinced of某人相信某事convince sb. that使某人相信某事;convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事I am convinced of her innocence.我相信他的清白。I have been trying to convince him to see a docto匚我一直在努力说服他去看医生。We convinced Ann to go by train rather than plane,我们说服 Ann 坐火车而不是坐飞机去。He was convinced that it was

26、 necessary to get it across to them,他相信有必要告诉他们这件事。6. due to(l)due to (作表语)由于,因为His absence was due to the stonn.他的缺席是由于那场暴风雨造成的。(2) duo to (作状语)由于,因为He arrived late due to the storm,他由于暴风雨而迟到了。(3)表示“由于;因为”的常用近义短语还有:because of.; owing to.; on account of.但thanks to幸亏,由于:多亏(表示的是正面的原因)Thanks to his effo

27、rt, it is more successful than we have expected,由于他的努力,我们获得了 比预期更 大的成功,7. look into(1) look into 调查;检查 look into a question 调查一个问题;look into a case 调查一个案件The police are looking into the reason why the plane crashed into the sea.警察正在调查那架飞机坠海 的原因。(2) look into注视的内部或深处He looked into the box/ the mirror

28、/ her eyes.他注视着箱底/ 镜子/她的眼睛。For a while the sisters could not look into each othefs faces.好一阵子姐妹俩都不能互相正视对方的 脸。They stopped to look into the window.他们停下来看看橱窗。He looked into the room but found nobody in,他朝房间里看但没发现有任何人在那。与look搭配的常用短语:look about四处寻找: look for寻找,期待 look after照顾,关心:look out 小心,注意:lookback回

29、顾,追忆 look over仔细查看;look down on/upon轻视,看不起;look up仰视,好转8. make up(1) make up 编造The whole story was just made up by him.整件事完全是他编造出来的。(2) make up组成 (被动结构:be made up of由组成)Twelve doctors make up the medical team.十二名医生组成了那个医疗队。The medical team was made up of twelve doctors.那个医疗队由十二名医生组成。(3) make up补足;ma

30、ke up for补偿;弥补We still need $50 to make up the sum required.我们需要五十元以补足所需要的数目。Her beauty can*t make up for her stupidity.她的美丽不能弥补她的愚蠢.We should try our best to make up for our loss.我们应该尽最大努力去弥补我们的损失。(4) make ( sb./ ooneself) up 化妆She took over 30 minutes to make (herself) up.她花了 30 多分钟来化妆。9. take cha

31、rge of(1) take charge (of)负责:接管;照管(在句中用做谓语)Who will take charge of the plans of the party?谁将负责晚会的所有计划?John was elected the new president of the club and took charge at the next meeting.约翰被选为俱乐部 的新主席并在下一次的集会上接管了俱乐部。I am willing to take charge of you. Bob. and to educate you. and provide for you.鲍勃,我愿

32、意照管你、 教育你并且抚养你。in charge of.(某人)负责某事;in the charge of sb./ m sb's charge (某事)由某人负责/照料/管 理;上面两个短语的区别是两者都可以在句中用作表语、状语、定语,但作表语时,表示人的名 词或代词作主语时需用前者,表示某人单位、部门、某项工作时需用后者。Tom works there, in charge of the sales department.汤姆在那工作,负责销售部。Comrade Yang will be in charge of the work for the time being.杨同志将暂时

33、负责那项工作 ©The boy was taken in the charge of his tutor.这男孩受他的家庭教师管理©This department is in the charge of Sun Qing.这一部门由孙清主管°10. be said to do据说(某人/某事)(1) sb./ sth. be said to do. = It is / was said that sb./ sth. .这两个句型替换时要注意谓语动词作相应的 变化。Tom is said to have gone abroad. = It is said that

34、Tom has gone abroad.据说汤姆已出国 了 0The fox is said to be very sly.= It is said that the fox is very sly.据说狐狸非常狡猾。It was said that she was as effective as god, bringing the dying back to life. = She was said to be aseffective as god, bringing the dying back to life.据说她是个妙手回春的民间医生。 (2)类似用法的句型:sb./sth. be

35、believed to do . = It is/was believed that sb./sth.大家都相信sb./ sth. be reported to do . = It is / was reported that sb./sth. . 据报道sb./ sth. be supposed to do . = It is / was supposed that sb./ sth. . 大家公认为sb./ sth. be (well) knwn to do . = It is/was (well) known that sb./ sth. . 众所周知 sb./ sth. be thou

36、ght to do . = It is / was thought that sb./ sth. . 大家公认为四.高一英语第一模块 第一单元重点词组,句型汇总关于学校生活的一篇杂志文章 另外两篇关于学校俱乐部的文章 谈论学校活动和你的同伴讨论学校生活将你的学校生活向你的老师报告 为一个新的学校俱乐部做海报Welcome to the unit1. a magazine article about school life2. two other articles about school clubs3. talk about school activities4. discuss daily

37、school life with your partner5. report your school activities to your class teacher6. make a poster for a new school club7. High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work.高中是一个发现,学习和辛苦工作的时间8. the differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students中国和英国高中学生生活的不同9. Wh

38、at is your dream school life like?你梦想中的学校生活是什么样的?Reading10. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.去英国的一所高中呆一年对我来说是一次愉快而令人激动的经历.11. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. 这意味着我可以比平时晚一个小时起床因为中

39、国的学校8点前开始上学.12. attend assembly参加晨会13. tell us about the rules of the school告诉我们关于学校的规则14. the best way to earn respect赢得尊敬的最好的方式15. achieve high grades获得高分16. sound like听起来象17. the average size平均规模18. move to different classrooms for differentclasses去不同的教室上不同的课19. I found the homework was not as he

40、avy as what I used to get in my old school.我发现家庭作业不象我在原来的学校那么重20. a bit challenging for sb.对某人来说有点挑战性21. improve a lot提高很多22. spend an hour each day reading English books in the library每天花一个小时的时间在图书馆读英语书23.at lunchtime在午餐时间24.e-mail sb. back home for free免费给某人发会邮件25.an extra French class一节额外的法语课26.o

41、n Tuesday evenings每个星期二晚上27.hold a party举办晚会28.drop some subjects放弃一些学科29.choose some subjects挑选一些学科30.miss stli/sb. a lot非常想念某人/某物31.lots of desserts许多甜食32.main meal主食33.play on the school field在学校操场上玩34.relax under a tree在树下放松35.sit on the grass坐在草地上36.experience this different way of life经历这种不同的生

42、活方式37.get a general idea of获得的总的意思38.find certain information找到特定的信息39.scan the text for key words and phrases扫描课文找出关键词和短语40.word by word逐个单词地41.in short sentences用简短的句子42.on average平均43.according to根据,按照44.encourage students to work hard鼓励学生努力学习45.be back in Manchester回到 Manchester46.in an interest

43、ing way以一种有趣的方式47.test your ability测试你的能力48.make something ready准备好某事49.give up放弃50.sweet food eaten at the end of a meal在一顿饭后吃的甜食51.first of all首先52.introduce myself to you向你介绍我自己53.at the weekend在周末54.surf the internet上网冲浪55.at assembly在集会上56.think of sb. immediately立刻想到某人57.I didn't realize h

44、ow different schools in the UK are from schools in China until I read your article.直到 看了你的文章我才意识到英国的学校和中国的学校有多么不同.58.have many chances to do sth.有许多机做某事59.I'm very interested in knowing what life islike in a Chinese high school.我对于了解中国高中的学校生活很感兴趣.60.pass sth. to sb.将某物传递给某人61.what subjects do yo

45、u like best and least?你最喜欢和最不喜欢的科目是什么?62. What subjects would you like to take if you could choose?如果可以选择你会选那些科目?Word power63. at the school entrance64. the quickest way to get to sp.65. walk towards66. go between . and .67. walk/go past68. go straight on69. my appointment with the headmaster70. go

46、back to the dormitories71. afternoon classes72. much more than you expect73. a library with over 18,000 books在学校的入口处去某处最快的路朝.走在.和之间走走过直走我和校长的约会返回宿舍下午的课程比你期待的多许多有18,000多藏书的图书馆74. Twelve science labs are available for different experiments.12个科学实验室可以用来做不同的实验75. The indoor swimming pool is open all yea

47、r round for students who like swimming.室内游泳池常年对喜欢游泳的学生开放76. Each room comes with its own bathroom and Internet access.77. a modern medical center78. experienced nurses79. on campus80. during break times81. a lot of pieces of equipmentGrammar and usage82. in the same way83. no longer84. graduate from

48、85. speak very good Chinese86. develop an interest in87. He donate most of them to our school.88. display in the assembly hall89. school open day90. invite sb. to do sth.91. make a speech about sth.92. 30 minutes for questions and answers93. miss the chance to do sth.94. at the open day95. our story

49、telling contest每个房间都配有浴室和网络一个现代化的医疗中心有经验的护士在校园里在课间休息的时间许多件设备以相同的方式不再从毕业讲很好的中文养成对.的兴趣(donate sth. to sb.)他把当中大多数都捐给了学校 在集会大厅中展出学校开放日邀请某人做某事做关于的演讲39分钟的问答时间错过做.的机会在开放日我们的讲故事比赛我们班长96. the monitor of our class1097. function as98. be replaced by99. relate to起作用 被替代 与相关100. She seems to be a person who can't pay attention to one thing for long.她似乎是个不能把注意力长时间集中在一件事上的人.101. You re one of those people who everybody will find hard to please.102. Tin not a person who is ha


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