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1、外贸跟单员优秀英文简历模板n ame: * gen der: * wedlock: * n ati on: hanreside nee: * age: *locatio n: * height: 170cmtarget locati on s: *target p ositi ons: tradi ng-foreig n trade missi on er/assista ntman ageme nt-ma nager assista ntquality/safety man ageme nt-s upp lier/ve ndor man ageme ntin dustry/factories

2、-order clerktarget jobs: suppliermanagemen、project engineer、managerassista nt20*_09 2O*-O7 hubei uni versityof tech no logy mecha ni cal desig n,manu facturi ng and automatio n bachelor degreetrai ning20*-09 20*-11 gate Ian guage village oral en glish】educati onpany category:other【you are not full m

3、ember, pl ease con tact us. pany type:foreig nenterp risep roduct ion,manu facturi ng,p rocess ingjob title: order adm ini strator p ositi ons: otherjob descri pti on: new and poten tial customers through the website, offere quotati ons, n egotiate terms and sp ecificati ons as n ecessarycon tact cu

4、stomers, sample, n egotiati on, sig n order, follow order, reas on able han dli ng customer plaintsup the order from p roduct ion to delivery goods , coord in ate each dep artme nt to guara nteed the delivery goods as quality and qua ntity, track the p roduct ionp rogress of all orders,take the in f

5、ormatio nconn ecti on to coordi nate the customer , simulta neously feed back the customer request to the factory , build a very high sp eed effective p latform for the in formatio n muni cati onthe declarati on, the shi pping, and the progress of the freight,guara ntee the goods to be put in storag

6、e safely and smoothly.5. kee p the muni cates and conn ecti on with the customers, coordi nate the delivery, the quality and the product design ,maintain good munication relati ons whe n the customer have differe nee,arrange the samp lesaccording to the customer' s request.customers ' requir

7、ements and resolve issues and plaints.【you are not full member, pl ease con tact us.pany category:otherpany type:p rivateenterp risep roduct ion,manu facturi ng,p rocess ingjob title: p roject engin eer po siti ons: otherjob descri ptio n:p roduct p roject planning,impi eme ntati onandprogress of th

8、e project, explain the pany' s ministries function anddesig n of p roducts; orga nize releva nt dep artme nts to have a meet ing of thenew p roject,the releva ntdep artme nts to pro vide approp riatearra ngeme nts for the costi ng / p roduct ion p rojects offer;p roject docume nts : fixture list

9、, bill of materials, model list,tech ni cal docume nts, and other docume nts, orga nize releva nt dep artme nts to plete the tran sfer of case and follow up their p rogress, hel p me to op erate no rmally.3. collect and up date customer in formati on,p rogress schedule of mold,confirm the time of se

10、nding sampi es; make bom, convene the releva ntdepartments to have a meeting for preparing the trial production, confirm whether all material are ready;4. p roduct samp les and muni cate related to test ing sta ndards andmethods with customers;coordinatethe cooperation and munication betweendep artm

11、e nts, arran geme nt and imp leme ntatio n of the overall dep artme ntwork ;projectsabout old products, organize meetings, formulate planning,assess sampi es, and assist members of the work, track p rogress.pany category:other【you are not full member, pl ease con tact us. pany type:foreig nenterp ri

12、sep roduct ion,manu facturi ng,p rocess ingjob title: man ager assista nt po siti ons: otherjob descri pti on: 1. assist the man ager to deal with the daily cases of the pany , draft summary plan ,record of imp orta nt meet ings of the pany;coop erate with the man age' s job , coordi natethe in

13、ternalcontradictionsabout staff to assist in managing the relationshipbetweenthe dep artme nts.3. p ick up calls, give approp riate res pon se, and make tele phonerecords, master the schedule of general manager, arrange an appointment.4. track the progress of the project according to project plan, f

14、ollow up the pu rchase p rocess.5. serious and timely p leti on of the other work of leadersh ip and report the results.p roject exp erie neep ull in new p roductsjob title: p roject engin eerproject description:mainly responsible for pullingin the bosch newp rojects, coordi nate and follow up the p

15、 rogress of p roduct ion, orga nise trial p roducti on , and assist pmc prep arati on, make flow of ie , desig n fixtures of me. assist the man ager to prepare the releva ntp rojectdocume nts, in clud ing: fixtures, bills ofmaterial, tooli ng lists, p ricelists, tech ni cal docume ntati on, tech ni

16、cal issues and other docume a nize releva nt dep artme nts to p lete the tran sfer of case and follow up its p rogressres pon sibility:p roduct p roject planning,impi eme ntati onandprogress of the project, explain the pany' s ministries function anddesig n of p roducts; orga nize releva

17、nt dep artme nts to have a meet ing of the new p roject, the releva ntdep artme ntsto pro vide approp riatearra ngeme nts for the costi ng / p roduct ion p rojects offer;2. collect and up date customer in formatio n,p rogressschedule of mold,confirm the time of sendingt1 samp les;3. formulate bom,c

18、onvene the releva nt dep artme nts to have a meet ingfor preparing the trial production,confirm whether all material are ready;4. p roduct samp les and muni cate related to test ing sta ndards and methods with customers, arran geme nts for releva nt dep artme nts to solve the issues app eared in the

19、 proofing p rocess of tech no logy and p rocess;sp ecial skillspro fessi onal title:pu ter level: seniorpu ter skills:stre ngths: en glish flue ntly, have good liste ning and sp eak ing and read ing skills.2. familiar with the op erati on of the p rocess .3. independently with a strong inter-departm

20、entalproblems andmuni cati on skills.4 good muni catio n, strong team sp irit.5 p roficie ncy in pu ters, flexible use of various types of officesoftware, skilled use of erp systems., there is a strong word processing cap abilities.Ian guage skillschin ese: good canton ese: gen eralen glish level: c

21、et-4 sp oke n gooden glish: goodcareer objectivecareer direct ion:look ingfor supp lierman ageme nt, projectengin eer,ma nagerassista nt,foreig ntrademissi on er/assista ntandrelated p ositi onrequireme nts: n egotiableself info.self assessme nt: am con fide nt and op timistic, rigorous thinking, lo

22、gic, have good interpersonal skills and strong team sp irit; have a stro ng desire to lear n and a good ability to ada pt to the challe nge, and actively p artici pate in various activities.have flexibility in their work skills and a good attitude to internal and external munication. positive attitude to work and highly responsible. new thin gs, ability to acce pt new work, have greater self-motivated. no bad habits in life, to frie ndshi p and co-workers;3. understand the qualitymanagementsystem, quality managementandthe concept of a strong sense of acce ptance of ne


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