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1、RutterBehaviourQuesti on s.docIn stitute of Educati onCentre for Longitudinal Studies,Teaching students quantitative methods usingresources from the British Birth CohortsMeasuri ng behaviour difficulties of childre n and tee nagersThis document, RutterBehaviourQuestions.doc,summarises the questionst

2、hat make up the Rutter Behaviour Scales (Rutter et al 1970), an established set of questi ons which comb ine to give an in dex of behaviour difficulties in the child (Rutter, 1967b, Rutter et al, 1970). Child Scale A is completed by parents, usually the mother and Child Scale B by teachers. It in cl

3、udesa) Background to the Rutter Behaviour Scalesb) A table specifying the questions asked at each age, allowing users of thedata to see which questions are consistently asked across sweeps and across cohorts.c) The different answer categories used to answer the questions at each age and in each coho

4、rt.d) Examples of how the questions were presented to the cohort members inthe questi onn aires.RutterBehaviourQuestions.docThe Rutter Behaviour ScalesAt various ages in childhood parents (and teachers) of both NCDS and BCS70 cohort members have completed a set of questions which combine to give an

5、index of behaviour difficulties in the child (Rutter, 1967b, Rutter et al, 1970). Individual items of this scale can also provide useful information, for example concerning truancy. Parents, usually the mother, completed the parental questionnaire (Child Scale A) and teachers completed the teachers

6、' questionnaire (Child Scale B).The teachers 'questionnaire, or Child Scale B, (Rutter, 1967b) consisted of 26 descriptions of behaviour against which the teacher was asked to indicate whether each description doesnot apply ' appliessomewhat' or definitely applies ' to the cohort

7、 member. The test had both a good inter -rater reliability ( r = 0.72) and retest reliability ( r = 0.89) (Rutter, 1967b).The parental questionnaire, or Child Scale A , had 31 descriptions of behaviour in total, 23 of which were included on the teachers 'questionnaire. The inter -rater and retes

8、t reliability for this test was quite good, but lower than that of the teachers 'questionnaire: inter -rater reliability (r = 0.64) and retest reliability (r = 0.74) (Rutter, 1970). Unlike the teacher questionnaire this scale consisted of three sections. The first section consisted of eight prob

9、lems (e.g. complains of headaches, truants from school), the second section of five questions (e.g. whether child had a speech difficulty, whether child had an eating difficulty). The third section consisted of 18 descriptions of behaviour against which the parent was asked to indicate whether each

10、description doesnot apply ' applies somewhat' or definitely applies' to the cohort member. It is the third section thatwe are concerned with here. The questions were completed by a parent (usually the mother) as part of the home interview. The number of items selected from the Rutter Chi

11、ld Scale A varied across time and cohort, as did response categories.When administered in its standard format behavioural adjustment is measured by summing responses given to each items on a three category scale from 0 to 2,RutterBehaviourQuestions.docwhere 0= Doesnot apply '1,= Appliessomewhat&

12、#39; and 2= Certainlyapplies 'A. high score indicates behaviour adjustment problems. All 18 descriptions of behaviour in the Child Scale A are included in the Child Scale B. Child Scale B was completed by teachers of NCDS cohort members when they were 16.RutterBehaviourQuestio ns.docTable 1: Age

13、 individual Rutter behaviour questions were asked in BCS70 and NCDSBCS70NCDSAge 5Age 10Age of CM vAge 16vhen data collectedAge 7Age 11Age 16Age 16Specific wording of question(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)(teacher)la.Very restless. Often running about or jumping up and dow n. Hardly

14、 ever still.lb.Very restless. Has difficulty stay ing seated for long.2a. Is squirmy or fidgety.2b. Squirmy, fidgety child3a. Often destroys own or others' bel ongin gs.3b. Often destroys own or others' property.3c. Oft en destroys or damages own or others' property.3d. Destroys own or o

15、thers ' bel ongings (e.g. tears or breaks).4a. Freque ntly fights other childre n.4b. Fights with other childre n4c. Freque ntly fights with others.4d. Freque ntly fights or is extremely quarrelsome with other childre n.5a. Not much liked by other childre n.5b. Not much liked by others.6a. Often

16、 worried, worries about many thi ngs6b. Often worries, worries about many thi ngs6c. Worries about many thi ngs7a. Tends to do thi ngs on his/her own - rather solitary.7b. Prefers to do thi ngs on his/her own rather tha n with othersRutterBehaviourQuestio ns.docTable 1: Age individual Rutter behavio

17、ur questions were asked in BCS70 and NCDSSpecific wording of questionBCS70Age 5Age 10(mother)(mother)NCDSAge of CM whe n data collectedAge 16Age 7Age 11Age 16(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)Age 16(teacher)8a. Irritable. Is quick to fly off the han dle.8b. Is irritable, quick to fly off the han dle.8

18、c. Irritable, touchy, is quick to fly off the han dle.9a. Often appears miserable, un happy, tearful or distressed.9b. Is miserable or tearful 10a. Sometimes takes thi ngs bel onging to others.(*this behaviour was not in cluded in the Child Scale A) 10b. Has stole n thi ngs on one or more occasi ons

19、 in the last 12 mon thslla.Has twitches, mann erisms or tics of the face or body.llb.Has twitches or mann erisms of the face, eyes or body.12a. Freque ntly sucks thumb or fin ger.12b. Sucks thumb or fin ger dur ing the day.13a. Freque ntly bites n ails or fin gers.13b. Bites nails 14a. Is ofte n dis

20、obedie nt.14b. Is disobedie nt at home15a. Cannot settle to any thi ng for more tha n a few mome nts.BCS70NCDSAge of CM when data collectedAge 5Age 10Age 16Age 7Age 11Age 16(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)Table 1: Age individual Rutter behaviour questions were asked in BCS70 and NCDS

21、Age 16(teacher)RutterBehaviourQuestio ns.docSpecific wording of question15b. Has difficulty in settling to anything for more than a few mome nts16a. Tends to be fearful or afraid of new thi ngs or new situati ons.16b. Is upset by new situation, by things happening for first time17a. Is over fussy or

22、 over particular.17b. Fussy or over-particular.18. Ofte n tells lies.19a. Bullies other childre n.19b. Bullies others.19c. Is bullied by other childre n.20. Trua nts from school.21. Tends to be abse nt from school for trivial reas ons.22. Un resp on sive, inert or apatheticRutterBehaviourQuestio ns.

23、docTable 1: Age individual Rutter behaviour questions were asked in BCS70 and NCDSSpecific wording of question23. Often compla ins of aches or painsAge 5(mother)BCS70_NCDSAge of CM whe n data collectedAge 10Age 16Age 7Age 11Age 16(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)(mother)Age 16(teacher)24. Has had tea

24、rs on arrival at school or has refused to come into the buildi ng in the past 12 mon ths25. Has a stutter or stammer26. Rese ntful or aggressive whe n correctedRutterBehaviourQuesti on s.docDiffere nt ways Rutter Questi ons have bee n askedin NCDS and BCS70Table 2 summarises how an swer categories f

25、or the in dividual Rutter varied across the sweeps of data collecti on in both studies. Pare nts (and teachers) had to in dicate -circle or tick -the an swer category that best applied. The excepti on was in BCS70 at age 10 whe n a visual an alogue scale was used. This is detailed in table 2 below.

26、The following pages show examples of how the questions were prese nted to pare nts (and teachers) in the questi onn aires.Table 2: Variati on in an swer categories to Rutter Questi ons and attached score to each an swer categorySurvey /AgeAvailable an swer categoriesBCS70 age 5Does not apply (0)Appl

27、ies somewhat(1)Certai nly applies (2)BCS700 (does not apply)(certainly applies)100age 10* A visual an alogue scale:the mother/father had to draw a verticalline through the prin ted line to show how much a behaviour applied(or not) to their childBCS70Does notAppliesCertai nlyage 16applysomewhatapplie

28、s(0)(1)(2)NCDSNeverSometimesFreque ntlyDon' t know/in applicableage 7(0)(1)(2)(miss ing)NCDSNeverSometimesFreque ntlyDon' t know In applicableage 11(0)(1)(2)(miss ing)(miss ing)NCDSDoes notAppliesCertai nlyage 16applysomewhatapplies(0)(1)(2)NCDSDoes notAppliesCertai nlyage 16 (t)applysomewha

29、tapplies(0)(1(2* t=teachers completed this set of questi ons (Child Scale B). All other questi ons were completed by a pare nt, usually the mother (Child Scale A).RutterBehaviourQuestions.docWith the exception of the questions included in the BCS70 age 10 sweep of data collection, all original varia

30、bles have been recoded to have the following values0 = does not apply / never1 = applies somewhat / sometimes2 = certainly applies / frequentlyThe overall Rutter score for a cohort member at each age pointwhen data wasnormacollected is the sum across the individual variables. Categorical ratings wer

31、e calculated for each scale by dividing scores into three levels of severity: scores less than the 80th percentile, “ moderate ”problem scores between the 80th and 95th percentile and“ severe ” problem scores above the 95th percentile(this is a simplified version of the technique adopted in a paper

32、by Thompson, A., Hollis, C. and Richards, D. see RutterBehaviourReferences.doc ). The SPSS syntax for constructing summary Rutter behaviour scores is included in RutterBehaviourVariables.doc .RutterBehaviourQuesti on s.docExamples of questi ons from NCDS Questio nn airesNCDS 1965: Age 7 (mother: sel

33、f-completio n paper questi onn aire)rvvd t*in tc Ibr lolbefJIo nwu*!dKriplicMi ff!衣“计俺址* 仍e科打cihildlftfi I J hh#)rt*. AfiL ifi Mil ww wbdLher that hiniji 时h.wowkhwMchij i!«y hfiipa'ii lotnchrntb. «v frrqurnily ttprc-mi 訓僧耐,Ml SiNI57Mbi Jrffiriiliji >H mg M n>lhinf Iw inert flufl

34、ft* jnarMnliFr«(m is thKip m* kii/Mr own rfehhrf l*it a willbbeiirnyt Of o4hcn lMtentin|ii (* | i«*rl Of hwtlt) h«r F“rfA4hatI J(+)佝*1 ainlLii* 耳加ul'FlivifHu.r" 申 FW?書kPiHF曲轉砂 4*厂啲飞)NCDS 1969: Age 11 (mother: self-completio n paper questi onn aire)71R*i thii to lM mcMhtr. aN-

35、nw I am fnm( la rawmiari namv dlrKnptPoiii 讨 bthmoar tfiown by diikli#L Could 肿an iili -me 阳竝 wheihtr ih«it kindi arMHuviamhxp-pEA hIi ., (chd4)|iar whtthrr iJttjp bspprfi mfnvihrnrim frrwnlly «1 Lh4 riini Eimt.1NlWNlM®»llu d ifiricul Ey inii MEI ling to any di inf ftstPlowjVrvAf

36、 riHirrnn( tpproHAtetfrrUMr*«»w 打斜pi&aiMnwt thin f«w mommli1 _l>49Fhmti an hi*h*r orwn ruliirthan with oeherit2J49MlW11 twIUid by athtr chjKfinLl<349Nl牛50Oitrtyt awn or el her、* <taut of br«:tki)i214孚N许51何h mmrabte ort】J*9N*52sh *quLrm)r w ndfiljrti14中110RutterBehavi

37、ourQuesti on s.docNCDS 1974: Age 16 (mother: self-completion paper questionnaire)pOvEifOC*11* I矗 hiIQn.呼叭i: v!.rg ih*la i-hQi#v1j>r hi 片临屿卜*R« Irkje dl,科 ifiudv Cl,-d!ilNZ5I7 材Nisia 釧N252! iN2522 >N2523 出N252牛科N2525 "-«»*lUi 心訂 Udll,* 鸣冷.汕科 怎*"I-dil> liijf J;Sujy-lf

38、llV I I f 札对QI 1*1 drclrs.yi wn «|lhrr| 0rfkKlff rr«jy Ilf f y/il i hj并 A(tit诗耐 *.|i u.i "rrlvri-*sihi or hiei*1 Ta T'ipr1 hlk 巧 *i f cHFF 卢 f Ih I t C I*Ol'Cr -f*' JI1 lP*»d.jtlm l-i 林声口 占fCllT I M ill"SI OwP* i uni it :t ii u*. < ra 'r alt :h« hjrnH

39、rLi liti <1 第口壮*A'b <星讣曹 1 r4i I mlm dikireiircfNCDS 1974: Age 16 (teacher: self-completion paper questionnaire)= Otlcw i* t mi -eft oFof* Qhe>ijiou* <Qh«m thomn byichool thiMrm円心嘈 *infl| *h«rjumb«r mro Ml cite iq 山仲 哼 which lh« iltidv ch«ki fithibiti ¥h

40、 bih也 dncutrvdF1»«» compifi* ohhim a* iM <h*Jd i 丹学厲鼻的僅” m|M<( J 3 riM>iikltitD<jwm 1 I Aipiiei | CtMtii 鼻p 叭 | Sonses hjii I ApiiMi*NT146tmq?Nil馆N1WKliOO NliOv) Very#!,. h«t HMhcsINF 和讪n。*4 g lonu«) Truinfi If am Khoal *) S<jui*myivj Ghthn dfllhlJCii i# 訥in*硏

41、草I awft Or 疗沾柑p申。”竹”<i Frtqu件卩”r忖 or i& qulffflltoma Adh匚 Y Wcl much i br aihrt < b d«»riN1302ppwirniEi »ba<ut TiiAr rninqtN13CJ5T*rtdi |q ti# 话歼 own-kh*r g.i护章11RutterBehaviourQuesti on s.docExamples of questi ons from BCS70 Questi onn airesBCS70 1975: Age 5 (mother: sel

42、f-completio n paper questi onn aire)氐ow IE wnac of (Mfcripuofii of b«h>viOkir qfMci 事“口咛必 ctiiMf Af Hf EQ斗h italfr ment *tb lhr«n column* "JLkair/t apply"", '"Appt*nd "rC«f I airilyIf vcur ch ltd dafini:aly JhowibahvtcMr ae»r ibcd t)v the ifatument

43、 po* »croil in hr boa undr *JCvraifilyif稅$恰涉敕kgr dclCf rbtfd ttyth lt>t«rry4rit Ej* IO Qb 蛀 pr I CM Of fart. p>KQ * crcil Oder AppllC*komawfix If, * t»r «f you«wim. yowr child duet nol 殊aw the bViour,«Cfon uri'dtK OmiVt 叩plf*Pi崎a pvt ow cr<a»«ich

44、irAVBmtfntO«ati4r *PP'Y鼻:Bdrtltv tarn«wh«lCtrtriRlv apigVtry FWtt*MOfwi hi訴nl曲” ibouF rktuminnfl up Art" dtgmi tlvrd常 «v»r Jtlllo口Id wtulroiv or flwwn' Bl-faIM-oown dirEW <W*ft Erf EMhtri ljv4ar>fprClo1 1 Fraquvn*l|r hgn t* Miifi* . . - . 二口ooMdc imjch lhh

45、«ff lav olhkr cHHM.no口1Otmn 晔你w* irtKW emy 窃、yh* .-口 1TfMidii to <|QI inhing <hrw |ti< rpfBi1ikCbJld laryR 15-F=1- 亠亠一nDOjh1 IrrltBMt it qukk u> Hv 0" tbvoo口,BCS70 1980: Age 10 (mother: self-completio n paper questi onn aire)|)PlftiBM rtulte vvfticdl mark through the Ikrt nioog

46、iiicSa! uh of tfwi fallowtr>Q xtMTt to which the «tflt*m*rrt 仲#U to 仲ir child"« betwrvkiur.TWTta tn inriicata UmDewE當nMC«rt4*nl>k>d444T Very refitl«M- Ohft running* or jumpirbg up fidHardly w«f 裁MilH-. r 12-11 squiffy cr "6«邯|_JV3. Ot1«nown or oth«n bfl-


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