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1、英语七年级英语下册阅读理解专题 1一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1 .阅读理解MikeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:00ChineseMathsEnglishChinesePolitics9:30MathsMathsChineseMathsChinese10:50EnglishChinesehistoryBiologyEnglish12:00-14:00Sleeping14:40PEMusicITArt15:30ArtGeographyPEMusic(1) Mike has every day.A. ChineseB. Engl

2、ishC. Maths(2) There are lessons in the afternoon.A. 3B. 2C. 5(3) Mike doesn't have any lessons on afternoon.A. MondayB. WednesdayC. Friday(4) Mike has for sleeping at noon.A. 1 hourB. 120 minutesC. 2 hour(5) Which is NOT right?A. PE starts at 14:40 pm on Wednesday.B. There are two maths lessons

3、 on Tuesday.C. Mike doesn't have English on Thursday.【答案】(1) AB(3) C(4) BA【解析】【分析】主要讲了 Mike周一到周五的课程。(1)细节题。根据表格可知每天都有Chinese,故选A。(2)细节题。根据表格可知下午从14:40到15:30, 一共两节课,故选Bo(3)细节题。根据表格可知周五下午为空白,即没有课,故选Co(4)细节题。根据表格可知中午从12:00-14:00睡觉,可知一共两个小时,即 120分钟,故选Bo(5)细节题。根据表格可知周三下午15:30上体育,故选 Ao【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细

4、节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。2 .阅读理解One day, Tom is swimming in a river. He doesn't swim well and will be drown (淹死).He callsout loud for help. A man is just passing by. He doesn't help the boy, but stands by and says to him.“It is dangerous to swim in the river.o Oh, yes sir,cries the boy, (责 “Please sav

5、e me a备)me later.Counsel without help is useless.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Tom is bad at swimming.Tom doesn't call out loud for help.The man stands by the river,but he doesn't help Tom.It's dangerous to swim in the river.The underlined sentence means只宥忠告而不给予帮助是无济于事的。(2)(3)(4)(5)(1) 1【分析】主要讲了 Tom游泳游

6、得不好,游泳时差点被淹死,一个路人路过时不帮助他反而告诫他,告诫我们只有忠告而不给予帮助是无济于事的。(1)细节题。根据(2)细节题。根据(3)细节题。根据 男孩,故答案正确。He doesn't swim well可知Tom游泳游得不好,故答案正确。He calls out loud for help.可知Tom大声求救了,故答案错误。A man is just passing by. He doesn't help the boy可知这个男的没有帮助(4)确。(5)细节题。根据细节题。根据him.It is dangerous to swim in the river.可知

7、在河里游泳是危险的,故答案正A man is just passing by. He doesn't help the boy, but stands by and says to“It is dangerous to swim in the river.o Oh, yes sir,cries the boy,“Please sav(责备)me later.可知这个男的没有救Tom,而在那里指责 Tom,无济于事,故答案正确。【点评】考查阅读理解,注意理解句意,从文中仔细寻找答案,选择正确答案。3 .阅读理解A man from a big city with a new cart (

8、马车) and a beautiful pair of horses was driving along a country road . He did not give much attention to where he was going. Very soon he knew he lost his way, but he kept on driving hoping he would meet someone or find his way back.It was a long way. For many hours he kept on driving. When it was al

9、most dark he saw a farmer who was working in a field. He stopped and shouted, “ Hellofarmer! ” H Helloyourself! the farmer answered, still working.“Where does this road go? "h have never seen it go anywhere. It always stays where it is. said the farmer, without stopping his work.“How far is it

10、to the next town?” said the stranger, wdthr 3votcte. louI don't know. I've never measured (硬U量)it . " Answered the farmer.By the time the city man was getting angry. ” seen.“What do you know? You're the biggest fool I'veThe farmer stopped and turned and looked for a while at the

11、 man. Then he said,ybe I do" Manot know much, perhaps I'm a fool. But at least I'm not lost.”11) The city man said “Hello, farmer " because.A. he was friendly to everyoneB. he saw an old man in the countryC. he lost his way and he wished the farmer who would show him the wayD. he w

12、as veryhappy(2) Did the farmer say anything to the city man?A. Yes, he did.B. We don't know.C. No, he didn't.D. The city man didn't find his way.(3) The farmer didn't tell the city man the way to the next town because.A. the farmer didn't know the way, eitherC. The city man asked

13、 the question rudely(4) Was the farmer the biggest fool?A. Yes, he was.B. No, he wasn't. "I'm not lost " means ":A. I'm not a fool.C. I haven't lost anything.【答案】(1) CB. the farmer is busy working in the fieldD. the farmer can't speak clearlyC. Yes, he is.D. We don

14、't knowB. I haven't lost my way.D. I haven't lost myself.A(3) C(4) BB【解析】【分析】这是一篇关于城里人开车去向下迷路,路上遇到一个农民,在问路时城里人很粗鲁,因此农民没有正面回答他的问题,而是愚弄了他一番。(1)细节理解题。根据"Where does this road go?这条路怎么走?可知他在问路。故选 Q(2)细节理解题。根据 The farmer stopped and turned and looked for a while at the man.Then he said, “

15、 Maybe I do not knuwh, perhaps I'm a fool. But at least I'm not lost. 农民停下 来转过身看着这个人一会儿。然后说 或许我知道的不多,或许我是一个傻子。但是至少我 没有迷路”故选Ao(3)细节理解题。根据 He stopped and shouted, "Hello,farmer!”他停下来大喊 你好,农 民!”可知他说话很粗鲁。故选Co(4)细节理解题。根据 The farmer stopped and turned and looked for a while at the man. Then h

16、e said, “ Maybe I do not know much, perhaps I'm a fool. But at least I'm not lost.民停下 来转过身看着这个人一会儿。然后说 或许我知道的不多,或许我是一个傻子。但是至少我 没有迷路”故选Bo(5 )推理判断题。从短文的内容看,我们知道城市里来的人是迷路了,可知农民说至少 自己没有迷路。故选 Bo【点评】此题考查阅读理解。快速阅读短文;通读测试题,明确考查点。先读题,明确题目要求,弄清考点,然后带着问题去读文章。看完短文后,对整篇短文的内容有了大致的了解,然后马上看后面的问题,带着问题去找答案。如果

17、属于客观信息题,就可直接在短文中找到出处。如果是主观判断题,则应迅速再读全文,仔细分析思考,将近似的答案对照 原文反复比较,推敲,选出最佳答案。4 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out (颁 布) in March. Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are.The best students won't only have high

18、marks. The following are some of the new rules.Tell the truth. Have you ever cheated (作弊) in an exam? Don't do it again! That's not something honest students should do.Love animals and other people. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird loving Month in Beijing t

19、his year. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! In that way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect (保护) them.Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought people could live on the moon? Maybe you'll find another earth in space in the future. Everyone's n

20、ew ideas are important.Protect yourself. Has a thief ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to you. If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your study. But some things on the Int

21、ernet aren't for kids, so try to look at the good web pages (网页) . You can use the web pages for fun or homework.( 1 ) What should the best students do in an exam?( 2) What should you do if you have to go back home late?( 3 ) What can the children use the good web pages for?( 4 ) When did the ne

22、w rules come out?( 5) Which new idea do you think may come true?【答案】 ( 1 ) They should not cheat./ They should be honest.( 2 ) We should let our parents know.3 ) For fun or homework.(4) In March. People could live on the moon in the future./People will find another earth in space in the future.【解析】【

23、分析】(1)细节理解。从第二段可以看出,最好的学生就是不要说谎,即要诚实。所以答案是They should not cheat./ They should be honest.。(2)细节理解。从第五段的最后一句可以得出。如果你不得不晚回家的时候,让你父母知道。即 We should let our parents know 。(3)细节理解,从最后一段的最后一句可以得出,儿童使用网络的目的应该是用来娱乐或 者做家庭作业。即For fun or homework.。(4)细节理解。从第一段的第一句看出,新法令是在三月颁布的。即 In March.(5)开放式问题。从第三段可以得出,这些是人们对

24、着些问题可能实现的假设。你可以写其中一个,也可以自由发挥。即 People could live on the moon in the future。或者也可以 you'll find another earth in space in the future. or Peole will find another earth in space in the future.【点评】本题比较简单。应该多从文章中去找相应的答案。并且要有相应的自我变通的能 力。5 .阅读理解What do you usually do in your free time? Play sports? Watch

25、 TV? How about reading books?You must know the Chinese saying: "Read th ousands of books; travel thousands of miles" Booksare important in our life. Reading books is good for us. It can help us know and understand the world better. It can help us get a lot of knowledge (知识).It brings us a

26、new and different world that we have never been before. Almost all the great men like reading, like Chairman Mao and Madame Curie.In a word, books are helpful to us and we must love them. But before you read, remember to choose a good one. Ask your parents or teachers about what books to read. Be su

27、re you are interested in them. There are many different kinds of books: I like biography(传 t己)because Ican learn something from the characters.What about you? Young friends, please love books and read them. They are very helpful to you.(1) Which is NOT mentioned (提及)in the passage (文章)?A. Play sport

28、s.B. Watch TVC. Read books.D. Go shopping.(2) Which of the following is TRUE?.A. We have to choose a good book before we start to read.B. Madame Curie doesn't like reading at all.C. We shouldn't ask teachers about what books to read.D. Reading books can't give us any knowledge.(3) What d

29、oes the underlined part "Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles." mean in Chinese?A.滚石不生苔B.读数千本书就能行数千里路C.读万卷书,行万里路 D.读书百遍,其义自见(4) Reading books can help people.A. understand the world betterB. get more sleepC. know little about themselvesD. get money from others.(5) Which of th

30、e following is NOT true?A. Books are helpful to us.B. Only reading books can make people succeed (成功)C. Young people should read more books.D. Chairman Mao likes reading very much.【答案】(1) DA(3) C(4) AB【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章告诉我们业余时间要多读书,因为书对我们有好处。它 帮我们获得知识,让我们知道我们看不到的东西。像毛泽东这样的为人都喜欢读书。在读 书之前要选择一本好书,问老师或者父母读

31、什么书,要确保你感兴趣。(1)细节理解题,根据 Play sports? Watch TV? How about reading books? Y 可知文中涉及到 了体育锻炼,看电视,读书,没有说购物,故答案是Do(2) 正误判断题,根据 But before you read, remember to choose a good one. 可知在读书之 前一定要选一本好书,因此A的叙述是正确的,故答案是Ao(3)句意猜测题,Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles.的意思是 读万卷书,行万里路”,故答案是Co(4)细节理解题,根据

32、It can help us know and understand the world better. 可知,读书可以帮助我们更好的了解世界,故答案是Ao(5)正误判断题,根据短文内容可知,读书可以让我们增长知识,更好的了解世界,但是只读书还是不够的,要想成功还必须要实践,还要持之以恒,故答案是Bo【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题、正误判断题和句意猜测题。细节理解题要可以直接从文中寻找答案;正误判断题属于细节理解题的一种,也需要根据文章内容进行 判定;句意猜测题,首先要弄明白字面意思,然后考虑其本质含义。6.阅读理解Never a dull momentby Tony Bradman

33、 (1) If you like to keep lively,If you hate being bored, Just come down to our house And knock on the door. It's the noisiest house In the whole of our town, There're doors always slamming (砰地关上) And things falling down.(3) There's my dad, who keeps shouting, And my mum, who breaks thing

34、s, The baby (who'll bite you!) And our dog running rings.(4) There's my sister the screamer And my brother who roars (咆哮), And a grandpa who's stone deaf (He's the one who slams doors ). So come down to our house, You don't need the address, You'll hear it ten miles away And

35、the outside's a mess. You won't mind the racket (嘈杂声),You'll just love the din (吵闹声)For there's never a dull momentIn the house we live in!(1) Who is the writer of the poem?A. Tony Bradman. B. Tony's brother. C. Tony's mum. D. Tony's grandpa. (2) How many characters (角色)

36、are there in the poem?A. Four.B. Eight.C. Five.D. Seven.(3) How can you know which house is the speaker's?A. You can hear the noise from ten miles away and the outside is a mess.B. You can go there by train and find the house by yourself.C. You can ask someone to tell you the address.D. You can

37、ask the speaker to have the address.(4) Which is NOT the reason why it is the noisiest house in the whole of the town?A. My mum breaks things.B. My dad keeps shouting.C. My grandpa always slams the doors. D. I hate being bored. What do you think of the family?A. Boring and unhappy.B. Lively and funn

38、y.C. Slow and sad.D. Beautiful and strange.【答案】(1) AB(3) A(4) DB【解析】【分析】文章大意:这是 Tony Bradman的一首诗歌,介绍了自己的一家是镇里最 热闹的一家,虽然很吵闹,但作者认为自己的家充满了生机。(1)细节理解题。根据短文中的句子 Never a dull moment by Tony Bradman 可知,这首诗 歌的作者是 Tony Bradman,答案为 A。(2)细节理解题。诗歌中作者介绍了热闹的一家,包括爸爸,妈妈,婴儿,小狗,妹妹,弟弟,爷爷,还有作者自己,故答案为Bo(3)细节理解题。根据短文中的句子

39、 So come down to our house, You don't need the address, You will hear it ten miles away And the outside's a mess. 可知,至U作者家,不需要地 址,大老远听声音就可以知道,故答案为Ao(4)细节判断题。根据短文中的句子There're doors always slamming; My dad keepsshouting; And a grandpa is stone deaf , ( He always slams doors.) 可知, A, B, C原文

40、中者B出 现了,答案为Do(5)推理判断题。从诗歌的开头If you like to keep lively, If you hate being bored, Just comedown to our house And knock on the door. 及结尾的句子 For there is never a dull moment In the house we live in!可知,这个家庭充满了生机与趣味,故答案为 B。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文主要考查细节理解题,首先仔细阅读文后的问题,弄清问题 的大意;然后带着问题阅读短文,抓住关键信息,选择正确答案。7 .阅读理解"

41、I've always had a pretty clear idea of what I want to do, "says Mary. You may not be as sure of your career as Mary. But you can start thinking about and planning for your future career. The following helps middle school students plan for careers.Explore your interestsMany middle school stu

42、dents don't know what they want to do. But in fact, students may change their minds several times. And some of tomorrow's careers might not exist(存在)today. Focusing on just one job in middle school isn't necessary. But looking into the kinds ofcareers you might like can help you succeed.

43、Learn about yourselfUnderstanding what you enjoy and what you're good at is the most important step in exploring careers. If you don't know what you want to do , you should ask yourself what you like to learn about. It's important to think about what you like to do because future careers

44、 will finally be a big part of your life.Discover possible careersOnce you've thought about the subjects and activities you like best, the next step is to look for careers that put those interests to use. If you love sports, you might consider a career as a PE teacher or a soccer coach. If you l

45、ike English, a career as an English teacher, a translatoi or a tour guide might be a good choice.Do your researchAfter discovering possible jobs, you should learn more about them. Talking directly to workers on the phone or by email can help you get information about what they do. Ever meeting with

46、them in person is helpful. First-hand information is necessary for you to find out if you'll really like a career.11) What's the passage mainly about?A. How to plan for careers.B. How to start careers.C. How to change careers.D. How to stop careers.(2) Why is it important for middle school s

47、tudents to think about what they like to do?A. Because it's the most important step in exploring their interests.B. Because future careers will be a big part of their life.C. Because it's difficult for them to achieve their dreams.D. Because it's useful for them to make lots of money.(3)

48、 Which of the following is NOT a good choice for a person if he or she is good at English?A. An English teacher. B. A translator. C. A tour guide. D. A soccer coach. (4) Who is most probably interested in the passage?A. Parents.B. Teachers.C. StudentsD. Workers.【答案】(1) A A(3) D(4) C【解析】【分析】主要讲了帮助中学生

49、规划事业的几条建议。(1) 主 旨题。根据 The following helps middle school students plan for careers. 可知主要讲了 帮助中学生规划事业的几条建议。故选 Ao(2)细节题。根据 Understanding what you enjoy and what you're good at is the most important step in exploring careers.可知明白自己喜欢什么和擅长什么是重要的,因为它是探 索兴趣的最重要的一步,故选 Ao(3)细节题。根据 If you like English, a

50、career as an English teacher, a translator or a tourguide如果喜欢英语,可以当英语老师、翻译者或者导游,没有教练,故选Do(4)细节题。根据 Many middle school students 可知是许多中学生,故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答 案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。8 .阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。On most weekends, you can find Zoe Stone. 8. in front of a co

51、mputer. But she isn't playing games or watching videos. She's learning how to write code.Code is a set of instructions (指令).It tells a computer what to do. Coders are the people who write the instructions for a computer. Coders make websites or apps. Apps can be used for everything from play

52、ing games to checking the weather. Coders solve problems and work together. They know how to think big and small.Zoe began to learn coding when she was 4 years old. She uses coding to create art, solve problems and make games. Zoe likes coding because it's creative. "Coding is really fun,&q

53、uot; she said. "You can show what you think in what you make."How does Zoe learn coding? She takes classes at Code. org. The website offers hundreds of free code lessons for kids. In fact, more than 29 million students in 180 countries use it. It hopes to bring coding to even more kids.&qu

54、ot;We believe that every child should have the chance to learn about computers and coding," said Alice Steinglass, the president (负责人) of Code. org. "Computers are part of our world," she said. "It's important for kids to understand how they work."(1) What does Zoe often

55、 do in her free time?A. She does housework.B. She learns coding.C. She plays computer games.D. She watches videos.(2) The underlined word has the closest meaning to "".A. scientists B. engineers C. computer science teachers D. computer programmers (3) What does Zoe think of coding?A. It

56、9;s creative but hard.B. It's difficult and boring.C. It's easy and fun.D. It's creative and fun.(4) Zoe learns to write code.A. onlineB. in other countriesC. with her friendsD. at school(5) Which of the following is TRUE about C?A. It is a website that teaches foreign languages.B

57、. All of the lessons of C are free.C. It hopes to help more kids learn coding.D. Its students come from over 200 countries.【答案】(1) BD(3) D(4) AC【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了一个叫做佐伊斯通的孩子他从四岁开始就学习编码,她在网站上学习免费的编码课程,她用编码来创造艺术、解决问题和制作游戏。佐伊 喜欢编码,因为它很有创意。”编码真的很有趣,”她说。你可以通过自己的制作来展示你的想法。(1)细节理解题,根据短文第一段的叙述可知,佐伊.斯

58、通在业余时间学习编码,故答案是Bo(2)细节理解题,根据 Codersare the people who write the instructions for a computer.可知coder是为电脑编写程序的程序员,故答案是D。(3)细节理解题,根据 Zoe likes coding because it's creative. "Coding is really fun," she said.可知佐伊认为编码有趣也有创造性,故答案是Do(4)细节理解题,根据 She takes classes at Code. org. The website offers hundreds of free code lessons for kids. 可知,佐伊是在网上学习编码的,故答案是A。(5)正误判断题,根据 It hopes to bring coding to even more kids. 可知C句的叙述是正 确的,故答案是C【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题和正误判断题。细节理解题要可以直接从文 中寻找答案;正误判断题属于细节理解题的一种,也需要根据文章内容进行判定。9 .阅读理解To me, music is food and water. I can't live without it. I know this


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