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1、二年级英语上册知识点总结Unit 1 Good morning单词:good好;好的 morning早上 afternoon中午 evening晚上 night夜晚 goodbye再见 today 今天 ant 蚂蚁 bear熊短语:Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 中午好 Good evening 晚上好 Good night 晚安 句子:How are you?你好吗? I am fine.我很好。 How are you today ?今天你好吗?Unit 2 Im Danny单词:boy男孩 girl女孩 big大的 small小的 tall 高的 sho

2、rt 矮的 thin瘦的 cow奶牛 dog 狗句子:Im Danny. Youre a boy. Im a girl. Im short. Youre tall. Who am I?Unit 3 Are you Alice?单词:sorry对不起 one一 two二 three三 four四 five 五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 elephant大象 frog青蛙 短语:touch your knees pick up sticks draw a snake do it again句子:Are you a girl? Yes,Im a girl./No,I

3、m a boy. Who are you?Unit 4 Can you swim?单词:swim游泳 draw画画 run跑 write写 fly飞 skip滑雪 sing唱歌 giraffe长颈鹿 hen公鸡 dance 跳舞 read 读 cool酷短语:ride a bicycle sing a song 句子:What can you do? I can Can you draw? No,I cant./Yes,I can. Can you guess who I am?Unit 5 Thats my family单词:young年轻的 old老的 brother哥哥;弟弟 siste

4、r姐姐,妹妹 friend朋友 family家庭 grandmother奶奶 happy高兴 insect昆虫 jellyfish水母短语:句子:Is he your brother? Yes,hes my brother. Is she your sister? No,shes my friend.Unit 6 My hair is short 单词:hair头发 head头 big大的 eye眼睛 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 long长的 kangaroo袋鼠 lion 狮子 短语:句子:My hair is long. Your eyes are big.Unit 7 In the p

5、layground单词:slide滑滑梯 swing秋千 seesa跷跷板 bee蜜蜂 yellow黄色 fat肥胖的 monkey猴子 nightingale 夜莺 短语:句子:What can you see? I can see a swing. What colour is it? Its yellow.Unit 8 In my room单词:bag 书包 box盒子 desk桌子 chair椅子 apple苹果 car汽车 book书本 pencil铅笔 ox公牛 pig猪 work工作 sleep睡觉 pencil case铅笔盒 短语:on the desk在桌子上 on the

6、 chair在椅子上 in the bag在书包里 in the box在盒子里 in the pencil case 在铅笔盒里句子:Put the book in the bag.Unit 9 Dinner is ready单词:bowl碗 plate碟子 spoon 勺子 chopsticks筷子 queen bee蜂王 rabbit兔子 短语:句子:Yes,please. No,thanks. Here you are. How many bowls? Four bowls.Unit 10 In the sky单词:sun太阳 moon月亮 star星星 bright明亮的 sky天空

7、 snake蛇 tiger 老虎 短语:in the sky在天空 句子:Can you see the moon? Yes,its big. Is it big? Yes.Its big. How many stars?Unit 11 In the forest单词:fox狐狸 hippo河马 meat肉 grass青草 cute可爱的 hopping 跳跃 stong强壮的 animal动物 duck鸭子 dove鸽子 swan天鹅短语:look at me in the forest句子:Look at. Its .Unit 12 In the street单词:flower花 tree

8、树 climb爬 pick摘 draw花 colour颜色 cut剪 park 公园 beautiful美丽的 cry哭 fox狐狸 yak 蚝牛 zebra 斑马 zoo动物园短语:in the street句子:Whats this? Dont run.二年级下册英语知识总结Unit 1 What can you see?单词:white brown black red yellow green orange beautiful rainbow bird bees rabbit短语:句子:What can you see? I can see three rabbits. What col

9、our is it? Its brown. What colour are they? Theyre white./Theyre black and yellow.Unit 2 Touch and feel单词:hard soft bag doll nice watch 短语:happy birthday touch and guess open it句子:What is it ? Its a peach. Touch this.Is it hard? Yes./No,its soft. Do you like it?Unit 3 Can you hear a train?单词:train car bus ship 短语:bus stop wait for 句子:Can you hear


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