



1、口译教学大纲英文名称:Interpretation一、课程目标1.课程性质:口译为英语专业学科基础课程的后续课程,为英语专业本科四 年级必修课程。口译活动是集听、说、读、写、记为一体的复杂言语交际活动,因而必须以精读、泛读、听力、口语等课程为基础,在掌握这些课程所传授的技 巧的基础上才能顺畅完成教学任务,是培养英语专业学生的综合语言能力的课 程。此外,口译课涉及内容大多与现实生活的方方面面相关, 因此除了注重词汇、 句式积累,该课程注重学生的知识面拓展, 努力提高学生的语言综合及运用能力, 该课程将为社会培养基础实用人才。2.教学方法: 课堂教学为主,课后练习为辅3.课程学习目标和基本要求口译

2、课旨在通过讲授口译基本及其和逻辑推理能力训练, 并结合口译实 践,拓宽学生知识面,培养学生跨文化交际能力、口译相关及其的这运用能力、认知、推理能力及相应的心理素质。课堂教学应以学生为主体,教师为主导,改变以教师为中心的教学模式。注 重培养学生的学习能力,学习兴趣和语言应用能力。 在教学中开展以任务为中心, 形式多样的教学活动。 教师更多采用采用启发式, 讨论式, 发现式和研究式等教 学方法,充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。 在精心组织课堂教学的同时, 结 合口译技巧教学部分开展丰富多彩的课内外实践活动, 如英语讲演, 辩论,田野 采集等方式,并积极探索利用现代化的语言教学手段丰富课堂教学内容

3、。4.课程学时:36学时5.课程学分:3学分6.课程类型: 学科专业课7.考核方式: 考试8.适用专业与年级: 英语专业本科四年级 二、课程结构Chapter One A brief introduction to Interpretation(学时数: 2)知识点:1) the history of interpretation2) the criteria of interpretation3)the process of interpretation4)the patterns of interpretation重点:the history of interpretation; the

4、criteria of interpretation; the process ofinterpretation; the patterns of interpretation, etc难点:interpretation skills, the culturalelements in interpretationChapter Two Ceremonial interpretation and public speeches skills(学 时数: 4)知识点:1) skills for public speechesThe speakers style,The speakers deliv

5、ery:The speakers Voice2) A brief introduction to gourmet, dinner and diplomatic etiquette3)specific sentence structures for ceremonial interpretation重点 :master specific sentence structures and chunks for ceremonial interpretation, have abetter understanding of the role of ceremonial interpretation i

6、n the whole process ofinterpretation. Make a brief introduction to diplomatic etiquette and its role ininterpretation, the process of public speech and its reminders.难 点: fluently interpretspecific sentence structures for ceremonialinterpretation from English into Chinese and vice versaChapter Three

7、 International exchanges and preparation for interpretation(学时数: 4)知识点:1) Chinese and English expressions for peaceful coexistence principle for China2) typical expressions and sentence structures for the topic of international exchange3)other much-talk-about topic in international exchanges issues重

8、点 :have ageneral view on diplomatic policies of the countries around the world, interpret typicalexpressions and sentence structures for the topic of international exchange难 点 : terminologies inthe topic of international exchanges; proceed preparation worksaccording to a specific occasion.Chapter Fo

9、ur Tourism and Sight interpretation theory(学时数: 4)知识点:1) introduction to the expressions of famous scenic spots in western countries2) introduction to the expressions of famous scenic spots in China 3)How to carryout syntactic linearity in interpretation重点: interpretfamous scenic spots in western co

10、untries and that in China; the basicrequests of sight interpretation theory and its operation难 点 :training to be a site touring guide;syntactic linearity in interpretationChapter Five Culture and education and memory exercises知识点:1)the range of culture2) the definition of culture and its main topics

11、3)comparison of education system in china and western countries4)long term memory and short-term memory学时数: 4)重点:make a discussion on main topics of culture and education;themechanism of interpretation memorizing and key skills难 点 :typical paragraphs on culture and education and their interpretation

12、;transferencefrom short-term memoryand long-term memoryChapter Six Sports and Note-taking for interpretation(学时数: 4)知识点:1) common expressions in sports2) different origins of sports and activities3)the components of the note-taking for interpretation.4)the importance of symbols重点:make a discussion o

13、n main topics ofsports;the comparison betweennote-taking for interpretation and traditional notes, the components of the note-takingfor interpretation.难点:typical paragraphs on sports their interpretation;exercises onnote-taking for interpretationChapter Seven Press Conference and multinational pronu

14、nciationclarification(学时数: 4)知识点:1) key roles of the press conference and their functions2) sentence of host for linking different stages of the conference3)the phenomenon of multinational pronunciation重点:the combination of the press conference, make a discussion on main topics of pressand press con

15、ference;collecting different features ofpronunciation in different areas of the world.难点 :interpreting typical paragraphs on press;An analysis on multinational pronunciationand imitationChapter Eight Health and Fitness and figure interpreting(学时数: 4)知识点:1) abbreviations on the field of Health and Fi

16、tness2)key words and key sentences in the topic of Health and Fitness3)principles of transference of figures from English intoChinese andvice versa重点:interpreting key words and key sentences in the topic of Health and Fitness;principles of transference of figures from English into Chinese and vice v

17、ersa.难点:interpreting typical paragraphs on Health and Fitness;interpreting big figures fromEnglish into Chinese and vice versaChapter Nine Exposition and cultural-bounded words interpreting(学 时数: 2)知识点:1) a brief account onkey words and key sentences in the topic ofexposition2) the function of exposition and its influence on the wordingof thematerials used in the expo.重点: key words and key sentences in th


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