



1、六年级英语阅读测试题一选择或判断正误1 My ClassI study at Yu Hong Primary School in Guangzhou. I have forty-seven classmates ( 同学).Twenty-three are boys and twenty-four are girls. Our classroom is a nice one. It s very big. There are four windows and two doors in it. We have a big blackboard and a small one. The big o

2、ne is for our teachers and the small one is for us. Mr. Li is our Chinese teacher. He is an old man. We don't like him at all. But Miss Chen, ourEnglish teacher, is a young woman. She is very nice. We all like her very much. So we like English the best. We often play basketball with Miss Li. (1)

3、.() I am a . A. student B. pupil C. teacher(2) . ( ) There are . A. Forty-eight B. forty-seven C. forty-six(3) . ( ) Our classroom is . A. small B. old C. nice(4) . ( ) There is only one in our classroom. A. blackboard B. small blackboard C. big window(5) . ( ) Our favorite subject is .A. Chinese B.

4、 English C. basketball2、(读短文,正确的写T错误的写F)Kim is a girl. She is twelve. Her parents are doctors. Kim can do many things. After school, she often helps her mother. She studies very hard. She is good at math, and she can speak English and Chinese. After supper, she watches TV.()1. Kim s father is a doct

5、or.()2. Kim s mother is a nurse.()3. Kim can t do any thing.()4. Kim can t speak Chinese.()5. She doesn 't watch TV.()6. She is good at math.3、阅读文章,并判断所给的句子是否与短文的内容相符,如相符,在括 号内写,T",如不符,在括号内写“F”。There are three children under the tree. They are all my good friends.The boy in black is Tom. Th

6、e girlin pink and the girl in red is Emma.Tom is in the same class with me. We often play football together. Tom s mother is a nurse and his father is a teacher. Tom wants to be a doctor in the future. Jane 's mother and my mother work at the same factory. They are also good friends. Janesfather

7、 is a teacher. He teaches math very well. He is very kind and we all like him.Emma 's family just moved into the town from countryside. Her farther used to be a farmer. He is nowworking in a small company. Emma s mother is a housewife.()(1) There are one boy and two girls under the tree.()(2) Th

8、ere are only two people in Tom s family.()(3) Tom s mother is a doctor.()(4) My mother is a worker.()(5) Jane s father teaches math.()(6) Emma used to live in the town.()(7) Emma s father was a farmer.(二)根据短文内容选择正确答案。注重理解整篇短文的内容,在阅读时 不要抓住一个单词,一个词组的意思不放,从而影响对整篇文章的理解。 其实有些生词是不影响阅读的,而有些生词是可以根据上下文的意思推敲

9、出来的。因此,不必把它拿出来单独思考。然后再在理解的基础 上进行分析,通过逻辑思维,做出选择,完成题目。1.I am a boy. My name is Li Ming. I am ten. I am a pupil. I have two friends. One is Danny. The other one is Jenny. Jenny is pupil, too. We are in the same row. We like Danny.()(1) How old is Li Ming? A. He'sten. B: He s eleven.()(2) Is Li Ming

10、 a teacher? A: Yes, he is. B: No, he isnt'.()(3) Is Jenny a pupil? A. Yes, she is. B: No, she isn 't.()(4) How old is Danny?A. Sorry, I don 't know. B: She is eleven.()(5) Are Li Ming and Jenny in the same class? A: Yes, they are. B: No, they aren t.2.m in China. I live inI am Mike. I am

11、 a American boy. Now I Shanghai. It s a very beautiful city. I study in a school here. I usually go to school by bus. I like playing football very much. I play it with my friends on the weekends. My mother is a TV reporter. She goes to work by subway. She likes singing very much. She often listens t

12、o music on TV. My father is a teacher. He teaches P.E. in a school. He goes to work on foot .He likes art. He often draws pictures on Saturday.()(1) Mike lives in now.A. Shanghai B: Beijing C: America()(2) Mike is a now.A. teacher B. a reporter C. student()(3) Mike s hobby is A. playing football B.

13、listening tomusic C. painting()(4) His father goes to work A. by subway B. on foot C. bybus3.One day, after school the teacher says to his students:Tomorrowmorning if anyone of you can answer my first questions, he or she can go home early. 'The next day, when the teacher comes into the classroo

14、m, he finds the blackboard very dirty. He is very angry and asks:'Who did it? Please stand up! ” If s me. " Says Tom.“Now , I can go home. Goodbye. Sir! ” ()(1) Tom is the teacher s A. friend B. student C. brother D.son ()(2) Tom makes dirty.A. the desk B. the chair C. thewindow D. the blac

15、kboard ()(3) the teacher is very angry because A. Tom can answerhis first question B. Tom doesn't stand up C: the blackboard is very dirtyD. the classroom is very clean ()(4) The teacher asks the students to A. stand up B. sitdown C. go homes D. clean the blackboard()(5) Which is true? A. It is

16、good for Tom to do it. B. Tom is late for school. C. Tom goes home early every day. D. Tom is a naughty student.4选择填空。Mike likes to collect stamps. He started this hobby of collecting stamp the year before last. He has stamps from China, France and Japan. But most of his stamps are from China, becau

17、se he has lots of friends in China. Mike s stamps are of various shapes Triangle, square, rectangle and circle. His favorite shape is circle. Mike puts all his shapes in several albums. To increase his collection, Mike sometimes exchanges stamps with his friends. John is one of his friends, who also

18、 like to collect stamps. His stamps are pretty and colorful. John and Mike meet once a week. Each time they meet they will show each other their new collection.(1) Mike 's hobby is to A. collect stamps B. make friends C. travelling D. keep albums(2) Most of Mike s stamps are from A. Japan B. Fra

19、nce C. China D.Not mentioned(3) Mike has stamps of different shapes. A. five B. four C. three D.two(4) John is Mike s A. father B. neighbor C. classmate D. friend(5) How often do John and Mike meet?A. four times a week B. three times a week C. twice a week D. once a week(三)根据短文内容回答问题。此类题目是阅读理解中相对而言较

20、复杂的题型,它要求我们在理解的基础上进行分析,并做出合乎情理的解答,且 要注意用词和句子结构,要避免语法错误。1.This is RDZ, the working robot. RDZ lives with the Spacy family in Spaceville( 太空村).He helps the family with the housework every day. He cleans the house, washes the clothes and dishes. He knows how to cook well. RDZ doesn t eat normal( 普通的)fo

21、od. He eats tins and watches and he drinks oil. Do Mr. and Mrs. Spacy eat these things? Never.RDZ often helps Mr and Mrs Spacy s children with their homework. This year he is teaching them Space language. The children are very clever.The Spacy family are holiday on Mars( 火星).They will come back home

22、 in two days.So RDZ has a wonderful time. He won and eat a lot of food.'t clean. He can sit in front of the TV(1) Where does RDZ live with the Spacy family? What does RDZ eat and drink every day?(3) Is RDZ teaching Mr. and Mrs. Spacy s children English?(4) Does RDZ have a wonderful time?(5) When

23、 will Mr. and Mrs. Spacy be back?2.My name is Wang Lin. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my little brother and I. my father is a teacher. He likes drawing pictures. He works in a school. He goes to work by bus. My mother is a nurse. She likes listening to music. She

24、 works in a hospital. She goes to work by bus. My brother is a student. Hw likes watching TV. He goes to work on foot. I like playing football. I go to school by bike.(1) Who works in a school?(2) What does Wang Lin s mother do?(3) What does Wang Lin like doing?(4) Is Wang Lin s brother a student?(5

25、) Does Wang Lin s father go to work by bus?3.It s Monday today. It s twelve o clock now. Jenny and her classmates are having lunch in the classroom. What's on Jenny s desk? There aresome apples, bread and some eggs. Oh, they are very delicious.(1) What day is it today?(2) What s the time?(3) Who

26、 is having lunch? What s on Jenny s desk?(5) Are there any bananas on Jenny s desk?(四卜根据短文内的汉语提示,补全单词。根据汉语提示补全短文,一 定要注意文中的时态、人称等。填完单词以后一定要再通读一遍文章,保 证文章通顺、合理。The Green (1)( 喜欢)going out for a trip on Sunday. This (2)(周日)they want to go to the park. Jack and Mike, their (3) (儿子)get up very early. They

27、 put on the same (4)(牛仔裤),the same (5)( 鞋).After that they (6)their mother do the housework. They putsome bread, meat , (7)( 蛋)and some fruit in a basket and (8) (搬)it to the car. Mrs. Green takes four (9)( 罐)of coke with her. The little dog is (10)(Hfi) after her.(五)完形填空。在处理完形填空时,一定要先将文章的大概意思弄懂, 然后

28、再考虑用单词的什么形式来填空。1.One day, Mr. Ampere went out (1) a walk in the street. There (2) a lot of people there. But all this was (3) to him. He was thinking (4) a maths problem. He had no paper with him. How could he (5) it out?Just then hw saw a blackboard in front of him. He began to write the (6) with a

29、 piece of chalk on it. Then the blackboard moved (7). he moved with it. But it moved so (8) that he could not catch up with it. He looked (9) and saw the blackboard ” (10) him.Why? It was the back of a carriage( 马车)!()(1) A. to B. by C. for D. with()(2) A. were B. are C. is D. was()(3) A. nothing B.

30、 anything C. something D. everything()(4) A. on B. off C. about D. hard()(5) A. work B. start C, take D. bring()(6) A. word B. start C, take D. bring() A. few B. little C. a few D. a little()(8) A. early B. fast C. slowly D. quietly()(9) A. down B. up C. in D. out()(10) A. behind B. beside C. above D. bef


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