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1、四年制护理学 专业本科培养方 案Undergraduate Program for Nursing Specialty (4-year schooling)一、培 养目标I . Educational Objectives培养系统掌握基础医 学、护理学及相关学科理论与技能,适应 社会经济发展需求,德、智、体、 美全面发展,品学兼优的初级护师。To cultivate nurses with all-round development who can master thetheories and practicalskills of the basic medical , nursing and

2、 related disciplines to adapt to socio-economic development.二、基 本培养要求II Basic standards required学生应掌握基础医学 、临床医学、护理学及相关的人文社会科 学的基本理论、基础知识与技能,热爱护理专业,具有 良好的思想品德和职业态度。毕业后能够从事临床护理、社区护理工作。Students should master the basic medicine, clinical medicine, nursing and related humanities and social sciences of th

3、e basic theory, knowledge and skills and they also develop the love of the nursing profession, have good moral character and professional attitudes. After graduation, they can be able to engage in clinical care and community care work.态度目标主义精神,愿为护理事业的发展贡1 .树立正确的人生观和 价值观,具有爱国主义、人道主义和集体献力量。2 .树立关爱病人理念

4、, 尊重病人人格,保护病人隐私;坚持以预 防疾病发生、减轻和驱除患者的病痛为己任,认识到提供临终关怀的道德责任。3 .充分认识护患沟通与交流的重要性,并积极与病人及病人家属 进行交流,使其充分理解和配合护本获取护理对象最佳健康水平的意的重要性。 解其人文背景及文化价值。安全处理的护理活动,能主动寻求识产生、新技能的发现做出贡献的自身的权益。理计划的制订与实施 。4 .树立成本效益观念, 注重选择合理的护理方案,以最小医疗成识,达到护理对象康 复的最大效益。充分认识到不断自我完善和接受继续教育 观念,尊重个人信仰,尊重每一个人,理 态度,对超出自己的业务能力而不能有效健康利益作为自己的职业责任。

5、 质疑、敢于分析批判的精神,具有为新知5 .树立终身学习观念,6 .树立正确的医学伦理7 .树立实事求是的科学 其他护师的帮助。8 .始终将病人及社区的9 .具有创新精神和敢于 意识。10 .尊重同仁,树立团队意识。11 .树立依法执业的观念,在职业活动中,学会用法律保护病人和Attitude requirements1. Establish a correct outlook on life and values, with a patriotic, humanitarian and collective spirit, willing to contribute to the develo

6、pment of nursing science.2. Establish the ideas of caring about patients, respect patients personality, protect patients privacy; adhere to the prevention of diseases and alleviation of patients sufferings as their own duty, and realize the ethical responsibility of providing end-of-life care.3. Com

7、prehensively realize the importance of communications between nurses and patients and communicate with patients and their family members actively so as to make them fully understand and cooperate with the drawing up and implementing of the nursing plans.川北医学院本科人才培养方案4. Establish the cost-effective i

8、dea, pay attention to selecting nursing plan rationally, apply correctly the principle of a fair and effective distribution and rational use of the limited resources, and fully utilize the resources available to attain the greatest benefit of rehabilitation.5. Establish the idea of studying througho

9、ut one s life and fully realize the importance of unceasing selfperfection and continuing education.6. Establish the idea of medical ethics, respect personal faith, respect everyone, and have a good understanding of his background of human culture as well as the culture value.7. Establish scientific

10、 attitudes of seeking truth from facts, when meeting with nursing activities that go beyond one's own professional ability or that one cannot manage effectively and safely, seek the help of other nursesvoluntarily.8. Regard health interests of patients and the community as your own professional

11、responsibility all the time.9. Establish the initiative spirit and spirits of daring to doubt and of daring to analyze and criticize, have the ideology of wishing to make contributions to the formation of new knowledge and to the discovery of new skills.10. Respectcolleagues and establish team spiri

12、t.11. Establish the concepts of law practice and learn how to use the legal protection of the rights and interests of patients and their own in occupational activities.1 .基本掌握生物科学、行为科学和社会科学2 .掌握生命各阶段人体的正常结构、功能和知识目标的科学方法,并能够用于指导未来的学习和护理实践。常见病、多发病和急、难、重症患者护理 及临床合理用药原则。 理论、程序、方法和基本技能。 预防和筛查的原则,掌握缓解与改善疾

13、患心理状态。程序。、康复以及临终看护的有关知识。的护理原则。3 .掌握人体各阶段各种4 .熟悉基本的药理知识5 .掌握社区护理的基本6 .掌握健康教育、疾病7 .了解预防医学的有关知识与方法。8 .掌握常见急症、急救护理原则。9 .熟悉传染病的发生、发展、传播的基本规律,掌握常见传染病Knowledge requirements1. Grasp the basic knowledge and scientific methods of bioscience, behavior science and social science, and usethem for guiding study a

14、nd nursing practice in the future.2. Master the normal structure, function and psychological condition of the human body at different stages of life.3. Various stages of the human body have a variety of common, common disease and the urgent, difficult, severepatient care procedures4. Obtain the basi

15、c knowledge of pharmacology and principles of rational clinical use of drugs.5. Grasp basic theories, procedure, methods and skills of the nursing care in community settings.6. Grasp the principles for health education, disease prevention and screening and possess the relevant knowledge of alleviati

16、ng illnesses and of promoting rehabilitation and hospice nursing.7. Understand of preventive medicine knowledge and methods.8. Grasp the principles of diagnosis and first aid for emergency cases.1.Obtain the acquaintance with the basic laws for occurrence, development and spread of infectious diseas

17、esand grasp the principles for prevention and treatment of common infectious diseases.技能目标规范书写护理病历。1.具有全面、系统、正确地采集护理病史、2 .具有较好的临床思维 和表达能力。3 .掌握内、外、妇、儿 各科常见病、多发病的护理常规及常用临4 .具有常见病、多发病 的病情观察和护理能力,具有对危急重症 公共卫生事件的应急 救护能力。5 .具有根据具体情况选 能力。择使用合适的健康评估技术,选择最适合6 .具有与同仁、病人及7 .具有利用各种信息资8 .具有对病人和公众进9 .具有护理管理、教学其家

18、属进行有效交流和调动他们合作的能 源和信息技术进行自主学习与研究的能力 行有关健康生活方式、疾病预防等方面知 和科研的初步能力。床操作技术。的抢救配合和应急护理能力及突发、最经济、合乎伦理的护理方法的力。O识宣传教育的能力。10.具有一定的外语交流 能力。Skills requirements1. Be able to collect nursing care data history and write standardized care and medical records with comprehensive, systematic, and the right approaches,

19、2. Have good clinical thinking and expressing abilities.3. Grasp nursing routine and skills for the common diseases in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and pediatrics.4. Possess the ability to observe and care the common, frequently-occurring diseases, and possess the capacity to treat severe

20、, critical and emergency diseases with doctors to meet requirements of public health emergencies as well as the ability of emergency ambulance.5. Have the ability in choosing and using the suitable health-evaluation skills according to concrete conditions and in choosing the most suitable, economica

21、l and ethical nursing methods.6. Have the ability to communicate with colleagues, patients and their family members effectively and arouse their senseof cooperation with paramedics.7. Have the ability in making full use of various kinds of information resources and technology to keep on study and re

22、search independently.8. Have the ability in carrying out publicity and education to patients and the public about healthy life style, prevention of diseases, etc.9. Have preliminary ability in nursing management,teaching and research.10. Have the ability to communicate in foreign languages.三、培养特色出.

23、Program Features能有效将临床护理知 识与人文、信息、计算机知识相结合,培养具有良好素质的初级护师。Effectively combine clinical nursing knowledge with the humanities, information, and computer knowledge to cultivate primary nurse practitioners with good quality.四、主干学科N m Major Disciplines基础医学 preclinical medicine > 临床医学 clinical medicine

24、 > 护理学 nursing五、学制与学位V . Length of Schooling and Degree学制:四年。Basic system: 4-years授予学位:理学学士Bachelor of medicine degree or science degree六、学时与学分VI. Hours/Credits完成学业最低学分:175.5The minimum credits to complete their studies: 175.5完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:172.5Minimum Credits of Curricular (Inclu

25、ding course system and intensified internship practical training): 168.完成学业最低课外学分要求:3Minimum Extracurricular Credits: 31 .课程体系学时与学分:118.5Hours/Credits of Course System: 118.5课程类别课程性质学时/学分占课程体系学分比例()基础课程必修650/35.537.6 %限选学科基础课程必修765/3638.3 %限选276/1588.2%专业课程必修460/2223.4 %限选36/211.8%合 计1875/93.5100%Co

26、urse ClassifiedCourse NatureHrs/CrsPercentage (%)General EducationRequired650/35.537.6 %ElectiveBasic Coursesin Nursing DisciplineRequired765/3638.3 %Elective276/1688.9%Coursesin SpecialtyRequired460/2223.4 %Elective36/211.1%Total1875/93.51875/93.52 .集中性实践教学环节周数与学分:54Weeks/Credits of Intensified Int

27、ernship and Practical Training : 54实践教学环节名称课程性质周数/学分占实践教学环节学分比例 (%)军事训练必修1/11.9%入学教育必修1/11.9%毕业考试必修2/47.4%临床实习必修48/4888.9%合计54100%Internship & Practical TrainingCourse NatureWeeks/CreditsPercentage (%)Military TrainingRequired1/11.9%Admission educationRequired1/11.9%Graduation examinationRequire

28、d2/47.4%Clinical InternRequired48/4888.9%Total54100%3 .课外学分:3Extracurricular Credits: 3序号名称要求课外学分1*早期接触临床的教育第3学年暑假参加2周医疗单位的护埋,作,提交实践息结及单位 证明,经考核合格者22社会实践活动提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者1个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践沽动枳极分子者,集体被校团 委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者23英语及计算机考试全国大学英语六级考试考试成绩达到学校要求者2全国计算机等级考试获二级以上证书者2全国计算机软件资格、水平考试获程序员证书者2获高级程序员证书者3获系统

29、分析员证书者44兄费校级获一等奖者3获二等奖者2获三等奖者1省级获一等奖者4获二等奖者3获三等奖者2全国获一等奖者6获二等奖者4获三等奖者35论文在全国性刊物发表论文每篇论文2-36科研视参与科研项目时间与科研能力每项1-37实验视创新情况每项1-3注:1.参加校体育运动会获第一名、第二名者与校级一等奖等同,获第三名至第五名者与校级二等奖等同,获第六至第八名者与校级三等奖等 同。2.*标注的项目为必须完成的项目No.ItemsRequirementsCredits1*EarlierclinicalEducationbeforeinternshipConducting health care o

30、r nursing work in a medical unit for 2 weeks in summer of the 2nd academic year, submit a working summary and a unit certificate, being examined and approved22social practiceSubmit report and passoral defense1Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of the college or Sichuan Province;Membe

31、rship of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Sichuan Province23Examination in English and ComputerCET-6Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements2National Computer Rank ExaminationWin certificate of Band-2 or higher2N

32、ational Computer Software QualificationWin certificate of programmer2Win certificate of Advanced programmer3Win certificate of System Analyst44CompetitionsUniversity LevelWin first prize3Win second prize2Win third prize1Provincial LevelWin first prize4Win second prize3Win third prize2National LevelW

33、in first prize6Win second prize4Win third prize35ThesisThose whose thesis appearsin national publicationsPer piece2-36Scientific ResearchDepending on both thetime spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific researchprojectEach item1-37ExperimentsDepending on innovative extentEach item1-3Notes:1.

34、In the college 'Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, thesecondprize and the third prize of university level.2. “*shows that theitem and requirements must becompleted by every

35、 student.七、主要课程W. Main Courses in Specialty人体解剖学 Human Anatomy、生理学Physiology、病理学 Pathology、药理学Pharmacology、预防 医学 Preventive Medicine > 诊断学 Diagnostics> 护理学基础 Fundamentals of nursing、内科护理学 Medical nursing、夕卜科护理学 Surgical nursing、妇产科护理学 Gynecological & obstetrical nursing、儿 科护理学 Pediatric nu

36、rsing > 社区护理学 Community nursing > 老年护理学 Gerontological Nursing。八、主要实践教学环节(含专业 实验)皿. Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)临床见习 Clinical Extern > 临床实习 Clinical Intern九、教学进程计划表IX. Table of Teaching Schedule专业:四年制护理学Specialty: Nursing(4-year' schooling)院(系):川北医学院护理学

37、院School(Department):College of Nursing, North Sichuan Medical College必修课:学分93.5 (总学时1875,理论1376,实验501)Cor课程 类别Course Classified课程 性质CourseNature课程 代码Course Code课程名称Course Name学时/ 学分Hrs/Crs其中Including二田从各学期学时Hour Distribution in a Semester勿“ 1Extra - cur.实验 Exp.上机 Oper ation-1st2nd3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th

38、八8th基础展Gene纥修Required思想政治理论课Ideological and Political Theory Course224/143248484848必修Required形势政策Situation policy32/2.01688必修Required沐肓(一)Physical Education ( I)24/1.02424必修Required体育J)Physical Education ( n )24/1.02424必修Required体育(二)Physical Education (W)24/1.02424必修Required体育(曲)Physical Education

39、(IV)24/1.02424必修鼎qucad)n大了央诺(一)College English ( I )64/3.564必修Required大字英语(一)College English ( n )64/3.564必修Required大学英语(二)College English (m )42/2.542必修Required大学英语(四)College English (IV )42/2.542必修Required计算机应用基础Introduction to ComputerTechnology86/3.54386学科胃Basic必修Required人体解剖学Human Anatomy82/3.5

40、3482必修Required医学基础化学Medical basic chemical48/2.51248必修Required组织学与胚胎学Histology andembryology48/2.51248必修Required生理学Physiology52/3.052必修Required医学微生物与免疫学Medical microbiology and immunology48/2.548赢Id人体寄生虫字Human Parasitology18/1.018必修Required病原学实验Experimental etiology16/0.51616必修Required病理学Pathology68

41、/3.51668必修Required药理学Pharmacology48/2.548必修Required机能学实验Functional Study32/1.03232必修Required预防医学PreventiveMedicine55/2.51555理港1n RequiredGeneralDisciplneDiagnostic Study78/3.53078必修Required护理学基础(一)Fundamentalsof Nursing92/4.04592必修Required护理学基础(二)Fundamentalsof Nursing62/2.53062必修Required高校毕业生就业指导Gu

42、idethe employment ocollegegraduates18/1.018课程 类别Course Classified课程 性质CourseNature课程 代码 Course Code课程名称Course Name学时/ 学分Hrs/Crs其中Including各学期学时Hour Distribution in a Semester课外 Extra- cur.实验 Exp.上机 Operation1st2nd3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th程nmo 专 H必修Required内科护理学Medical Nursing132/6.535132靡修Required外科护理

43、学Surgical Nursing132/6.535132限选课程:学分17.0 (总学时312,理论288,实验24)课程 类别Course Classified课程 性质CourseNature课程 代码Course Code课程名称Course Name学时/ 学分Hrs/Crs其中Including各字期字时Hour Distribution in a Semester味外 Extra - cur.实验 Exp.上机 Oper ation1st2nd3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th学科1限选生物化学Biochemistry57/3.057限选病理生理学Physiopath

44、ology27/1.527限选社会医学Community Medicine24/1.0624限选医学伦理学Medical ethnics24/1.524限选护理心理学Nursing Psychology36/2.0636tj: h LU171、1 1限选护理管理学Nursing Management Study36/2.036限选护理研究Nursing Research36/2.0636限选护理教育学Nursing Education36/2.0636专业 课限选全国护士职业考试National Vocational Nurse Examination36/2.036es ees urs Co

45、n Cor必修Required妇广科护埋字Gynecological &Obstetrical Nursing56/2.51656必' 修Required儿科护埋学Pediatric Nursing56/2.51656必修Required社区护埋学Community Nursing36/2.0636必修Required老年护理学Gerontological Nursing24/1.0624必选Required急救医学Emergency Medicine24/1.0624实践王Intern必修Required军事训练Military training1w/1.01w必修Requi

46、red人字教育Admission education1w/1.01w帮、修Required毕业考试Graduateexamination4/2.04必修Required护理学基础实习Clinical intern of fundamentalsof Nursing3w/3.03w必修Required内科护埋字实习Medical Nursing Intern16w/1616w必修Required外科护理学实习Surgical Nursing Intern16w/1616w必修Required妇产科护理学实习Gynecologica&ObstetricalNursing Intern5w/

47、55wshtiparndPrRequiredacticalTrair徐解护理学实习Pediatric Nursing Intern5w/55w必修Required社区护理学实习Community Nursing Intern3w/33w任选课程:8学分,32学分(总学时412,理论347,实验65)类别Cours eClassi- fied课程 性质CourseNature课程 代码 CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/ 学分Hrs/ Crs其中Including各学期学时Hour Distribution in a Semester课外 Extra- cur.实验 Exp

48、.上机 Oper ation-1st2nd3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th亲睡而任选Optional计算机网络Computer Network24/1.52412 9川北医学院本科人才培养方案任选Optional央语提图班English classesto improve72/372仕选Optional病原生物学Etiology48/2.51548任选Optional放射诊断学Diagnostic Radiology20/1420任选Optional医用文献检索与运用Medical literatureretrievalandapplicationof36/21836任选Opti

49、onal流仃病学Epidemiology28/1.51018任选Optional营养学Nutrition36/2636任选Optional临床药理学Clinical Pharmacology36/236任选Optional医学专业英语Specialized English Medical32/232专业一任选Optional眼耳鼻喉科护理学Eye ENT Nursing54/31254果,/选 optional精神科护理学Mental Health Nursing36/236十、说明X. Explanations各门课程应精选和更 新教学内容,改进教学方法,强化基础理 论、基本知识和基本技能的

50、训练,加强自学能力、实践 能力、外语及计算机应用能力和初步科学 研究能力的培养,加强早期接触临床,注重基础与临床的渗 透,加强医德医风教育,增强预防为主的观念,加强文、理知识,提高心理素质,拓宽学生的专业面和知识面,注重人际交流,增强社会适应性,提高学生的整体素质。在课程改革中,要注 重形态学科课程应以减少讲授、增加实验为主;机能学科课程、护理学基础应削减验证性实验,增加综合性实验,提高动手能力以适应学科发展和专业岗位对学生知识的需求。1 .教学内容分课内和课外教学,课内教学形式包括大课、小课(讨论课、案例教学等 卜实验课、见习、实习等;课外教学是指学生通过课外自主学习、社会实践等形式学习教学大纲要求的教学内容(不包括学生复习)。2 .军事教育:集中军训 1周。3 .外语教学:要求必须 通过国家英语四级考试,开设了公共外语和


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