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1、高二上册期末考英语作文书面表达历来是英语教学中一个难点,要想在限定的时间内写出一篇质量上乘的文章,非一日之功。下面xx给大家分享高二上册期末考英语作文内容,希望能够帮助大家!高二上册期末考英语作文1Nowaays, mor and more ole preer to tavl qui often.By rveng, not ony can reax seve ut alsobroadenor nwldge cleFrommy aspect, I hink w can makeman inds ad ravlih thm.Fisy, e can enytebautil scney and rel

2、 ourles.For mod le, were busy wih our wok with high psseowever, whee ravel, we will etrcted grea ladscape an orge ressure from bohork and ife.Snly, w anmak friends by raveig.ormst traelrs, tetend to fnd mny comaion to travel ithI yo check theer, you wll find t som popl il call otrs o jonthemr trve.T

3、hough his kd of rael, we can mety ifferent pepe and mefiens ih them to brade our scicirle.Thrdly, ecan lrn mch knwledge frm travel.Before you go to soheeto trvel, enerally, yu need t makplans for your al.ouc fi ots of tinsyu dnt kn enyou mkea plan, suh as,th io acetan aa, the cusom f fferent ras, lo

4、alfoodand sncocson,we can oony rlax ousles a make newfrinds but at he same timee canarnmuc o travel.高二上册期末考英语作文2Evryne kns tateyereone of temotmrta pas of ur bdy.Haing god eyesiht eas wcantony eethn cleary,ut also noy som beauiful scee.thr is also a saying going tt yr h ndow u mi.uthocan eptect our

5、eys?er ar oe tipsfo ou .rtl,t s a god hbisnot t red yorbooks o newppror long time because r eyes ned st,too.ecny,don#39; read bosin strogr porligh,otherise,t ligh olhrm oureyes.t last,meber tokee on oin eexciand atc moregree rasand other pats.高二上册期末考英语作文astwee or music ce ugts ng, nmednebted a Thogh

6、 it I know tha we sould iv th hakfla At that tim, I thnk o my rets. I hik theyarete first pole I should hn. Isthmwh ie melif. Its hem who gv e home. It them who bin me p Ithe wh ooafer mt hem who tea me knowldge andliehappi. Ishoud tan mypaets givinge somuh. ye shul hik h o pa bakt love myparens giv

7、eme.Bt nw thn t est wy tobeapiated my parens is to sdywell d theneg uful peron ote sciet when I gow up.高二上册期末考英语作文4Thepoduct ioe tas the lead inart phone maret all the tm. The gratEO See obsis nown y the world. Thouhha pase ayfor se tm,ople still think f him hen tese the produt.Steve obs one gave an

8、 inspirin speechin a op university. Hetol studets to say hugry an stay folh, wichnwhas ecme classc ordsugry a foolishmenmtivatio o mon. tve od us neverto lo the passio o sercthorld Oce w sto thnng,w wll l beind andlkea aking dead. A oldlady picked up hedc we e wa early 70. Se finally oun hroy theold

9、age. So evry dificult wege ovr wikes strongr, the w continue t coqr anoher. Liewi meaningful.高二上册期末考英语作文5he wa baskeball gam inour sc this aternnItwa etwen clss 3 and clas of grade .They are the best tms inour cho. Wh the gamestart, bot tem playe activelyuldonlyse te bll a qickly rom e to anoer I w

10、realy a woderflam. At lastlass 6 won te first piz and clas 3 cogratulted them warmly They rl emodiedh port spirtf friedhpfrst, cmeiion secn.高二上册期末考英语作文6As secondar of higschool ife hascome, I ee a little strssful, becsI ant tonr a bter colege, butmyscore worris me Ihae made m mnd t ke great rogs o my ty. Firtly,I ned toimprve my eakujects. Geoap nd ma arealwasmy wekness, s I decid to o over te ioran knowledge dask hep frommy cssms.Mygoodfien isveypatit, a he x e dtaime Wither hlp, il make prgss.Secndy, vey im whnth exm aper adedon, i


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