



1、4A专项训练(字词句)班级 姓名 一、根据首字母或者中文提示完成句子。1. How m_bananas do you have ?I have _(十二)grapes .2. W_do you have ?I have some _( 贴纸 )3. T_are very beautiful.4. How m_rulers do you have ?5. C_you run? No ,I cant .6. These _( 球)are in that box .7. Can I have a l_?8. He c_play football .9. What _( 怎么样 )you ?10. H

2、ave a _( 试试 ),Liu Tao .11. Can you skate ? Yes , I c_.12. What a_you ,Liu Tao ? Id like a pie too.13. Can Mike _(踢)football? No , he c .14. What do you h_? I have a doll.15. _(不要)be sad ,Bobby .16. Do you have a _ dolls ?17. I have elephant .18. Do you have a _ (香蕉)?19. Lets m a cake .20. I like _(

3、熊猫 ).21. Do you like (monkey)? Yes, I _( do).22. Im twelve (year) old.23. I can ( football).24. I have some (pie).25. How many toy ( car) do you have?26. Do you have (some)apples?27. I like ( tiger).28. Can you jump.? No, I _( can).29. Look, many drinks are at the snack bar. M_, a_juice,o_ juice, te

4、a and c_. What w you l_, Nancy? I_ like some m_. W_ a_ you, SuHai? Id like a c_of c_. Here you a_. _ you.二、根据句意完成对话。 1. Look_my new d_.How beautiful! Her h_ is y_, and her e_ are b_.2. Can I _ _ you?Id like a _ of j_.Anything _?_ _.(一些面条)Here you are.T_.3. Do you h_ _ _ a_ bananas,Yang Ling?No, I_ _

5、. I _some g_.4. Can I _ you?Yes, Id_ _ umbrella.How much_ _?Its _yuan.(13)5. Look_ _ my new_(短裙).How_!Thank you.How much_ _?_ _ fifty-five yuan.6. What _ you _, SuHai?A_(汉堡包) , please.How _you, SuHai?Some n_, please._ _?A cup of c_, please._you are.7. Can I _ you?Id _ a glass of orange_, p_.8. Im_._

6、 too.Heres a _ bar.What _you like?Id like some f_.What _ you? Id like an_.9. This is my d_.Do you like_,Mike?No,I_._do you like?I like p_. They are cute and_.10. Look _Happy Sheep.Wow, hes cool.Look, his eyes are_.Yes, his mouth is_ too.But his _ small._he play f_?Yes , he can play it very_.11. Is t

7、his your_ (玩具)?No, it _._ your _?Its under the desk.12. Do you have_toy cars,Helen?No,I_.What_you_?I have some_(玩具娃娃).Can I _ _ _ look?Yes. Can I_one? Sure.This is _ you.13. Look,the bird can_.Look_ me,I can fly,too.Can you?Ouch!I _ fly.Dont be_.14. _ on the table? Its_ big apple. _ that _apple? No,

8、 it isnt my apple. Do you like_? _, I do.三、句子翻译。 1. 我想要一个红色的书包。Id a _ .2. 你喜欢绿色的夹克衫吗?不喜欢。_ you like_ _?No, I _.3那个是什么?它是一匹可爱的马。Whats ? Its a_ _.4. 这是什么?是一只猴子。_ _?Its a_.5. 你有些牛奶吗?没有。_ you have_ _? No,I_.6. 我有一个可爱的玩具老虎。I_ a _ _.7. 你有多少本故事书? 我有十三本。 _ _storybooks_ _have?I have_.8. 你有什么?我有些球。_do you hav

9、e ?I have_ _.9. 你有些贴纸吗? 是的,我有。Do you have_ _?Yes,I _.10. 你会打乒乓球吗?不,我不会。_ you play_ _? No,I _.11. 你会游泳吗?_you_?12. 我会打篮球,你呢?我会踢足球。I can_ _.What_ _?I can _ _.13. 迈克跑步很好。Mike can_ _.14. 我不会跳。试试吧。I _ _. _ a try.15. 来看一下,这些是你的蜡笔吗?不是的。Come and_. _these _crayons? No, _ _.16. 你的风筝在哪里?它在客厅。_is_kite?_in the_ _

10、.17. 你想要些什么? 我想买一些糖。What _you_? Id like_ _,please.18. 我能帮你吗?一杯咖啡。我非常喜欢咖啡。_I _you?A_of coffee. I_ coffee very much.19. 现在几点了?十一点。_the _? Its .20. 不能在图书馆吃。Dont _in the _.21. 这些三明治多少钱?二十元。How_ _ _ ? yuan, please.四、句型转换。1. I have a peach.(改为复数) I have _ _.2. I have some pears.(改为否定句) I_ have_ .3. I have some grapes.(改为一般疑问句,并写出两种回答)_ you have _? Yes, I_. / No, I_.4. I have two apples


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