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1、 CWIExercise Questions试题A1. ( C ) Which of the following is not considered to be essential knowledge for a welding inspector ? (下列哪项不是焊接检验员的主要知识?)a. nondestructive testing (无损检测)b. welding symbols (焊接符号)c. welding design (焊接设计)d. welding processes (焊接方法)e. destructive testing (破坏性试验)2. ( D ) Inclusi

2、ons in a weld will appear on a radiograph as (焊缝夹杂和夹渣在射线片上上显示为)a. a dark spot (暗点)b. a light spot (亮点)c. a generalized gray area of varying contrast (不明显的灰色区域)d. either a dark or light spot or area depending on the relative absorption ration of the part material and the inclusion material (按夹杂物不同的相对

3、射线吸收率显示为亮点或暗点)e. none of the above (以上均不对)3. ( C ) Backing strips or bars should be removed from all welds:(衬垫应从所有焊缝上去除)a. Always (总是)b. Never (从不)c. Optional (可选择)4. ( E ) Prior to starting the job assignment , the welding inspector should determine:(在开始指定的工作前,焊接检验员应先确定:)a. what code , standard, or

4、 specification applies (适用的法规,标准和规程)b. when inspections should be conducted (何时开始检验)c. what additional tests (inspections) are needed (什么是附加的试验和检验)d. where records are maintained (记录保存在何处)e. all of the above (以上全对)5. ( E ) The required spot weld size can be shown as: (点焊尺寸可表示为)a. a dimension to the

5、right of the symbol (焊接符号右侧的尺寸)b. a dimension of the required nugget diameter (熔核尺寸)c. a value for the required shear strength (要求的剪切强度值)d. a and b above (上述a和b)e. b and c above (上述b和c)6. ( B ) For the welding inspector, what are the most important means of gaining the cooperation and respect of fel

6、low coworkers:(作为焊接检验员,什么是获得同事合作和尊重的最主要方法:)a. ability to be trained (学习能力)b. professional attitude (专业的态度)c. ability to complete and maintain inspection records (完成和保持检验记录的能力)d. good physical condition (良好的身体状况)e. ability to interpret drawings and specifications (解释图纸和标准的能力)7. ( D ) Groove welds mak

7、e without backup strip, with complete penetration must have:(无衬垫全焊透坡口焊缝必须:)a. The root of joint completely filled with weld metal (焊缝根部填满焊缝金属)b. Root of first pass removed to sound metal before welding second side (在焊接另一面前,去除根部第一道焊缝,直至露出完好的焊缝金属)c. Use new electrode at start of weld (开始焊接时用新焊条施焊)d. a

8、 or b above (以上a和b)8. ( D ) The diagram above shows:(以上图表表示)a. Shielded metal arc welding (手工电弧焊)b. Plasma arc welding (等离子弧焊)c. Submerged arc welding (埋弧焊)d. Stud welding (螺柱焊)e. Electrogas welding (电渣焊)9. ( B ) The symbol below describes what type of weld ? (以下符号表示那种焊缝?)2424a. staggered intermitte

9、nt fillet weld (交叉间断角焊缝)b. chain intermittent fillet weld (对称间断焊缝)c. segmentad fillet weld (分段角焊缝)d. intermittent fillet weld (间断角焊缝)e. none of the above (以上均不对)ABCD10. ( C ) Which of the welding symbols above correctly represents the welded joint shown below ? (上面的焊接符号哪个能正确代表下面的焊接接头)1) A2) B3) C4)

10、D5) None of these (以上均不对)11. ( B ) In E7018 electrode the E designates:(E7081 焊条中的E表示)a. engineered (工程的)b. electrode (焊条)c. electricity (电)12. ( A ) In the symbol below, the “T” dimension describes:(下面符号中的“T”表示:)TR ÷ Ha. weld size (焊缝尺寸)b. flange radius (翻边半径)c. flange length (翻边尺寸)d. depth of

11、 penetration (焊透深度)e. none of the above (以上均不对)13. ( E ) In reference to the below drawing, a magnetic field as shown will detect which of the following defects ? (下图所示的磁场用于探查何种缺陷)A、Cracks parallel to lines of force (平行于磁力线的裂纹)B、Cracks at 90° to lines of force (垂直于磁力线的裂纹)C、Transverse cracks (横向

12、裂纹)D、Longitudinal cracks (纵向裂纹)E、B and C above (上述B和C)ProdsLINES OF FORCE(-)(+)(CRACKS PARALLEL TO LINES OF FORCE)(CRACKS AT 90° TO LINES OF FORCE)14. ( A ) What does the fourth digit (8)of an E7018 electrode indicate:(E7018 焊条中的第4位数字(8)表示:)A、The polarity and the type of coating (药皮的极性)B、The st

13、rength of the weld material (焊接材料的强度)C、The type of material used in the electrode (焊条的材料类型)15. ( A ) The third digit of an E6010 electrode indicates:(E6010 焊条的第3位数字表示)A、The weld may be made in the vertical position (可用于立焊位置)B、Maybe made in the overhead position (可用于仰焊)C、Maybe made in the horizontal

14、position (可用于横焊)D、Maybe made in all positions (可用于全位置焊)16. ( C ) Which of the following electrodes have low hydrogen coating ? (下述哪中焊条是碱性药皮)A、E7024B、E6010C、E7016D、E601117. ( C ) The fillet weld gauge is measuring the:(焊规用于测量)A、Overlap (焊瘤)B、Excessive convexity (焊缝凸起)C、Convex fillet weld size (凸起角焊缝尺

15、寸)D、Insufficient throat (焊喉不够)E、None of the above (以上均不对)ABC18. ( C ) “B” above refers to which of the following ? (“B”表示:)A、back reflection (底波)B、front surface (前表面)C、defect (缺陷)D、shear wave (剪切波)E、none of the above (以上均不对)19. ( A ) “C” above refers to which of the following ? (“C”表示)A、back reflect

16、ion (底波)B、front surface (前表面)C、defect (缺陷)D、shear wave (剪切波)E、none of the above (以上均不对)20. ( B ) “A” above refers to which of the following ? (“A”表示)A、Back reflection (底波)B、Initial pulse (前表面)C、Defect (缺陷)D、Shear wave (剪切波)E、None of the above (以上均不对)FORCE21. ( D ) What type of qualification test is

17、this ? (这是什么试验?)A、Tension test (拉伸试验)B、Root bend test (根部弯曲试验)C、Side bend test (侧弯试验)D、Fillet weld break test (角焊缝断裂试验)E、Compression test (压断试验)22. ( C ) This symbol “ ” was changed to the following “ ” in 1968. What does this symbol represent ? (该符号在1968年更改为下文的含义,哪一个是对的?)A、weld all around (周边全焊)B、b

18、acking weld (封底焊)C、field weld (现场焊)D、melt thru (全焊透)E、convex contour (凸起轮廓)23. ( A ) What is the leg length of this fillet weld ? (该角焊缝的焊脚高是多少)A、1/4.250B、3/16C、1/8D、5/16E、7/824. ( D ) In reference to the below drawing , a magnetic field as shown will detect which of the following defects ? (参照下图,磁场将

19、用于探测下列那种缺陷:)A、Longitudial crack (纵向裂纹)B、Transverse crack (横向裂纹)C、Crack at 45° (45度裂纹)D、B and C above (以上B和C)E、None of the above (以上均不对)25. ( E ) The weld gage on the right is measuring the:(右侧焊规正在测量)A、Excessive convexity (焊缝过高)B、Insufficient throat (焊喉偏低)C、Excessive undercut (过度咬边)D、Overlap (焊瘤

20、)E、None of the above (以上均不对)26. ( D ) Consistent weld quality& repeatability depend heavily upon ? (稳定的焊接质量和再现性主要依赖于)A、Qualified procedures and qualified welders (评定合格的焊接工艺和焊工)B、Skill in selection the electrode oven (熟练选择焊条烘箱)C、Pride of workmanship (优秀的技艺)D、All of the above (以上都对)27. ( C ) In re

21、ference to the above drawing , letter “A ” refers to which of the following weld preparations ? (按下图,字母“ A”表示下述那种焊接坡口)A、Welded from one side only (单面焊焊缝)B、Is a partial penetration weld (部分焊透焊缝)C、Beveled on both sides (双面坡口)D、Broken arrow for ease of draftsman (绘图员的简易折线箭头)E、Fillet weld on both sides

22、, without bevel (双面无坡口角焊缝)ABCDE28. ( E ) In reference to the above drawing , letter “D” refers to which of the following weld preparations ? (按上图,字母“D”表示下述那种焊接坡口)A、Has a full penetration J bevel without additional fillet weld. (“J”坡口全焊透焊缝,无附加角焊缝)B、Has melt thru on arrow side (箭头测全焊透)C、Bevel vertical

23、 member (直立件开坡口)D、Is a partial penetration J bevel (“J”坡口部分焊透)E、Double bevel groove weld on both sides (双面坡口双面焊)29. ( D ) In reference to the above drawings , letter “C” refers to which of the following weld preparations ? (按上图,字母“C”表示下述那种焊接坡口)A、Is back gouged with bead on other dike and with additi

24、onal fillet weld (另一侧背面清根并加角焊缝)B、Has fillet weld on one side only (仅在另一侧加角焊缝)C、Is a single bevel groove weld with no additional fillet weld (单面坡口焊无附加角焊缝)D、Single vee groove weld with backing strip (单面“V”坡口焊带衬垫)E、A and B above (以上A和B)30. ( E ) In reference to the above drawings, letter “E” refers to

25、which of the following weld preparations ? (按上图,字母“E”表示下述那种焊接坡口)A、Weld ha melt thru symbols (全焊透焊缝)B、Broken arrows points to member that is to be beveled (折线箭头指向开坡口的焊件)C、Has a single bevel groove and a double fillet weld (单面坡口双面角焊缝)D、Symbol shows backing strap and strip (表示衬垫)E、None of the above (以上

26、均不对)31. ( A ) The fillet gage on the right is measuring the:(右侧焊规正在测量)A、Insufficient throat (焊喉尺寸不够)B、Weld size (焊缝尺寸)C、Overlap (焊瘤)D、Inadequate penetration (未焊透)E、A and B above (以上A和B)BAC32. ( C ) With reference to the above symbol drawing , the letter “A” represents which welding operation ? (上图焊接

27、符号中字母“A”表示何种焊接操作?)1、 First (先施焊)2、 Third (第三步施焊)3、 Second (第二步施焊)4、 None of the above (以上都不对)33. ( D ) With reference to the above symbol drawing, the letter “C” represents which welding operation ? (上图焊接符号中字母“C”表示何种焊接操作?)1、 Third (第三步施焊)2、 Second weld symbol (第二步施焊)3、 First (第一步施焊)4、 Answers a &

28、; b (以上a 和b.)34. ( B ) What does this welding symbol designate ? (该焊接符号指出什么)1、 Plug weld (塞焊缝)2、 Weld with backing material (带衬垫的焊接缝)3、 Slot weld (缝焊焊缝)4、 Depth of fill (填充深度)5、 Spacer (嵌条)35. ( D ) The fillet gage on the right is measuring the:(右侧焊规正在测量:)1、 Throat (焊喉)2、 Toe (焊趾)3、 weld size (焊缝尺寸)

29、4、 excessive convexity (过度凸出)5、 overlap (焊瘤)36. ( B ) The fillet gage on the right is measuring the:(右侧焊规正在测量:)Weld gage Fillet1、 Inadepquate penetration (未焊透)2、 Insufficient leg (焊脚尺寸不够)3、 Throat (焊喉)4、 Undercut (咬边)5、 Insufficient throat (焊喉尺寸不够)37. ( C ) Extension bars are used to extend the weld

30、 past the parts joined in which type of weld ? (延长杆用于延长何种焊缝越过焊件?)1、 Fillet joint (填角焊缝)2、 Slot (缝焊焊缝)3、 Groove (坡口焊缝)4、 Plug (塞焊焊缝)38. ( B ) All of the following are important ethical requirements for the welding inspector except:(以下哪项不是对检验员的主要道德要求)1、 Integrity (诚实)2、 Volunteering public statements

31、for personal exposure (对个人出场做自愿公开声明)3、 Responsibility to the public (对公众负责)4、 Making accurate and truthful public statements when asked (当有要求时,做准确和真实的公开声明)5、 None of the above (以上都不对)39. ( B ) The width of the cut made by the oxygen stream of an oxyacetylene cutting torch is called the:(氧-乙炔割炬切割时由氧流

32、造成的切割宽度称为)1、 Drag (拖弋)2、 Kerf (切口)3、 Cutting face (切割面)4、 Bevel (坡口)5、 None of the above (以上都不对)40. ( A ) What nondestructive test method is to be applied to the arrow side ? (何种无损检测方法适用于箭头侧?)PTMT1、 magnetic particle testing (磁粉检验)2、 eddy current testing (涡流检验)3、 radiographic testing (射线检验)4、 penetr

33、ant testing (渗透检验)5、 none of the above (以上都不对)60126102308 1670246018ABCDE41. ( C ) For austenitic stainless steel welding which of the above electrodes would be preferred ? (上面不锈钢焊接应选何种焊条?) 1、2、3、4、5、42. ( D ) Which of the above electrodes is low penetration with an iron powder coating (上面哪种焊条是铁粉浅熔深

34、焊条) ( 3/8)5/16(7/16)43. ( E ) A groove weld with melt through is shown at number (上面哪种是全焊透坡口焊缝)1、 22、 33、 64、 75、 none of the above (都不对)44. ( A ) A plug weld not completely filled is shown at number (几号表示不填满的塞焊缝?)A、1B、3C、5D、7E、945. ( E ) A weld with back or backing

35、is shown at number (几号表示带垫的焊缝?)A、1B、3C、5D、7E、946. ( D ) an intermittent fillet weld is shown at number (几号表示间断角焊缝?)A、1B、3C、5D、7E、947. ( B ) To determine the extent of the surface and subsurface porosity that resulted, which NDT method would be most effective ? (何种无损检测方法对表面状况和表面气孔最为有效?)A、MT D、PTB、RT

36、E、ETC、VT48. ( A ) If the tensile strength of a single pass weld with an E6010 electrode is 60,000psi what would the tensile strength of a six pass weld be ? (如果E6010焊条单道焊缝抗拉强度是60,000psi,那么6道焊道焊缝的抗拉强度是多少?)A、60,000psiB、240,000psiC、360,000psi49. ( A ) When a weld has been rejected by a qualified NDT te

37、chnician the welding inspector should:(当焊缝被有资质的无损检测人员拒收时,焊接检验员应:)A、Review the test results and maintain the test records (审阅检测结果,保存检测记录)B、Reinspect to verify the defect (重新检测,确认缺陷)C、Accept the weld if its visual appearance is in compliance with the applicable code or specification (如果焊缝的目视检验结果符合相应法规

38、或标准,则接受该焊缝)D、Require another inspection by a third party (要求第三方进行另一次检验)50. ( B ) The period of time in which the test part is covered with penetrant is called the:(试验部件渗透的时间称为:)A、Bleed time (渗出时间) C、Soak time (浸湿时间)B、Dwell time (停留时间) D、Emulsify time (乳化时间)51. ( D ) What device is utilized during ra

39、diography to indicate the acquired sensitivity of a radiograph ? (何种装置用于射线检测时显示射线片的灵敏度?)A、rate meter (比例仪) D、IQI (透度计)B、dosimeter (放射线测定仪) E、None of the above (以上都不对)C、lead screen (铅屏)52. ( E ) A triangular-shaped weld symbol represents what type of weld ? (三角形的焊接符号表示何种焊缝?)A、bevel groove (单面坡口)B、fla

40、re groove (卷边坡口)C、flange groove (翻边坡口)D、V-groove (V型坡口)E、None of the above (以上都不对)53. ( A ) Equal thicknesses of steel, cast iron, aluminum, lead and copper are radiographed using the same exposure conditions. Which material will result in the lightest radiograph ? (相同厚度的钢,铸铁,铝,铅和铜再相同的曝光条件下,何种材料的射线片

41、最淡?)A、lead (铅) D、copper (铜)B、steel (钢) E、cast iron (铸铁)C、aluminum (铝)54. ( A ) Which type of defect is detectable by the liquid penetrant method ? ()A、Surface crack (表面裂纹) D、All the above (上述全对)B、Internal inclusion (内部夹杂) E、None of the above (上述都不对)C、Sub-surface crack (近表面裂纹)55. ( D ) Capillary acti

42、on plays a role in which NDT method ? (毛细作用在何种无损检测中起作用?)A、ET D、PTB、UT E、MTC、RT56. ( B ) The “Flux Coated” electrode is used in which of the following processes:(药芯焊丝被用于何种焊接方法?)A、Heliarc (氦弧焊)B、Innershield (内保护焊)C、Metal inert gas (熔化极惰性气体保护焊)D、Shielded metal arc (手弧焊)57. ( B ) The size of convex fill

43、et welds are measured:(凸出的角焊缝的尺寸测量应:)A、Across the face (横跨焊缝面)B、Along the shortest leg (沿最短的焊脚)C、Along the longest leg (沿最长的焊脚)D、None of these methods (以上都不对)58. ( E ) Which one of the following is not true of visual inspection? (对于目视检验,以下哪项不 对?)A、They may take place during the actual welding operat

44、ion (可在焊接操作过程中进行)B、Mechanical properties cannot be confirmed (机械性能不能确定)C、They are almost always less expensive than other tests (几乎总是比其它检验更经济)D、The show most large discontinuities (能显示大部分缺陷)E、Almost anyone, even the least experienced can perform them (几乎每个人,甚至经验最少的人都可以进行目视检验)F、The eye can see only s

45、urface discontinuities (眼镜只能看到表面缺陷) 59. ( D ) Which one of the following weld discontinuities is not typically inspected through the use of visual inspection ? (何种焊缝不连续不是典型的目视检验检出缺陷)A、Surface porosity (表面气孔) D、 Laminations (分层)B、undercut (咬边) E、Cracks (裂纹)C、overlap (焊瘤) F、Inclusions (夹杂)60. ( E ) ra

46、diography can be performed using:(射线检验可用:)A、X-ray machine (X-射线机) D、 Cobalt 60 (钴 60)B、Cesium 137 (铯 137) E、All of the above (以上全对)C、Iridium 192 (铱 192)61. ( C ) For the fillet weld at right 5 indicates the:(右图5表示)A、Leg (焊脚) B、Throat (焊喉)C、Face (表面)D、Toe (焊趾)E、Root (根部)62. ( A ) Using the above data

47、, 60,000psi is equivalent to which of the following ? (用上述数据,60,000psi相当于:)a. 413635kpab. 8700kpac. 41,360kpad. 87,000kpae. none of the above (以上均不对)63. ( A ) The degree of sensitivity of the magnetic particle method of inspection decreases:(磁粉检测灵敏度减少:)a. With a decrease in size of the discontinuity

48、 and also with an increase in depth below the surface (不连续尺寸减小和距表面深度增加)b. In defects which are in lengthy cracklike forms (缺陷有长的裂纹型态)c. When defects are perpendicular to the lines of force (当缺陷垂直于磁力线时)d. All of the above (以上都对)64. ( D ) Which magnetic particle inspection method applies the medium to

49、 the surface of the work while the magnetic current is flowing ? (何种磁粉检验方法当磁力线流动时要加媒质在工作表面上?a. Dry method (干法) c. Wet method (湿法)b. Residual method (剩磁法) d. Continuous method (连续磁化法)65. ( C ) Subsurface discontinuity indication produce powder patterns with:(近表面不连续使磁粉呈现) a. A sharply defined appearan

50、ce (清晰显示)b. MT cannot locate sub-surface discontinuities (磁粉检测不能检出近表面缺陷)c. A fuzzy appearance (模糊显示)d. A straight, sharp, fine and often intermittent appearance (正气的,清晰的,纤细的,经常是间断的显示)66. ( D ) The magnetic particle method of inspection is applicable to:(磁粉检验用于:) a. Non ferrous materials (非铁基材料)b. Au

51、stenitic steels (奥氏体钢) c. Braze-welded joints (黄铜焊接接头)d. Ferromagneic materials in which the deposited weld matal is also ferromagnetic (铁磁材料其上的焊缝也是铁磁材料)67. ( A ) Decibel is a term associated with which NDT method ? (术语分贝与何种无损检测方法相关联)a. UT d. PTb. RT e. ETc. MT68. ( B ) Which of the following is tru

52、ly a volumetric test method ? (以下何种是体积检验方法?)a. RT d. MTb. UT e. None of the abovec. ET69. ( D ) For the butt joint at right, 1 indicates the:(右侧对接接头中,1表示)a. Shoulder (肩)b. Included angle (坡口角度)c. Throat (焊喉)d. Root opening (根部间隙)e. None of the above (以上都不对)70. ( B ) In reference to the above drawing

53、, letter “A” represents which of the following defects ? (上图中字母“A”表示何种缺陷?)a. Toe crack (焊趾裂纹)b. Crater crack (弧坑裂纹)c. Underbead crack (焊道下裂纹)d. Throat crack (焊喉裂纹)e. Heat affected zone crack (热影响区裂纹)71. ( E ) In reference to the above drawing, letter “ B” represents which of the following defects ?

54、(上图中字母“B”表示何种缺陷?)a. Crater crack (弧坑裂纹)b. Transverse crack (横向裂纹)c. Toe crack (焊趾裂纹)d. Lamellar tear (层状撕裂)e. Longitudinal crack (纵向裂纹)72. ( D ) In reference to the above drawing, letter “C” represents which of the following defects ? (上图中字母“C”表示何种缺陷?)a. Underbead crack (焊道下裂纹)b. Delamination (分层)c. Tce crack (焊趾裂纹)d. None of the


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