



1、2. What can she(do) for her mother?2019-2020 年八年级英语下册 Module5ShoppingUnit3Languageinuse 同步练习 3一、英汉互译。1.在母亲节 _2. what color_3. buy sth. for sb. _4. too much _5. one of _6. because of_7.的价格 _8.试穿 _9.在任何时候 _10. pay for_二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. My mum often buys hamburgers, eggs, meat and milk in the s_ .

2、2. Seeing these old ladies get on the bus, s_ students offered( 主动提供 ) them their seats.3. You can _ ( 比较) this school with that one.4. Can you help me? C_ .5. I r_ a letter from my pen friend today.6. How to keep _ ( 安全的 ) in the forest?7. Please don t tell the news to _( 任何人 ).8. Do you know the _

3、 ( 优点) of the computer?9. I have to p_ two hundred yuan for the T-shirt.10. Let s go o_ for a walk.1. Everyone(study) hard in myclass.3. There are many ways of_ (fini sh) the work.4. A few_(boy) are helpi ng the old man.5. I have several_(classmate) in No. 1 Middle School.四、句型转换,每空一词。1. She wants Si

4、ze M.(对划线部分提问)_ she want?2. My mother likes red best.(对划线部分提问)_ your mother like best?3. I need two boxes of chocolate.(对划线部分提问)_of chocolate do you n eed?4. How much is the T-shirt?(改为同义句)_ of the T-shirt?5. Can I help you?( 改为同义句)_can I do_ you?五、连词成句。1. is, everyth ing, price, half (.)2. it, may,

5、 try, I, on (?)3. like, else, what, you, would (?)4. look, the, very, strawberries, fresh (.)5. would, kilos, like, two, I, eggs, of (.)六、从方框中选择合适的词填空。how many; how much; how long; how often; how soon; how far1. _ will the meet ing beg in?In five mi nu tes.2._ do the childre n take art less ons a we

6、ek?Three or four times.1 让我看一看。Let me_ .2 我收集全世界的火车票。I collect trai n tickets_.3.did you pay for the CD?Only nine dollars.4. You speak En glish so well.have you lear ned English?For five years.5.is it from Beijing to Tianjin?It s about 140 kilometers.6.stude nts are there in your school?About 1,000.

7、20佃-2020年八年级英语下册Module6HobbiesUnit1Doyoucollectanything同步练习新版外研版I.单项选择()1 .My bedroom is_ a mess.A . a bitB. a little of C. a bit of()2 .My skirt does nt cost as_ as yours.A . manyB. muchC. more()3want to try_.A . new somethingB.new anythingC.something new()4.My mother gave_as a present.A . me a map

8、B . g ive a map for meC . give to me a map()5.The piano_too muchroom.A . takes off B . takes up C . takes on3 .他想要记住重要的东西。He wants to remember_ .4 .玲玲收集邮票,并把它们放在她卧室的架子上。Lin gli ng collects stamps and keeps them on a_ in her bedroom.川.综合填空British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats (公寓) an

9、d won a National Bravary Award.Leechsaid that w hen he was sending -out milk as 1_ along Pine Street, he suddenly2.h_ a sound beh ind him and the n he saw some smoke coming out of a shop in Corn wall , souther nEn gla nd. “ That must be a fire , I 3 .t_,” Leech said. The n I quickly 4.d_to do someth ing.l5.p_ the door in and th en I shouted for the people inside.Then I poured milk 6.e_.” He used320 pints of milk to 7.s_ the fire.Whe n firemen 8.a_ at the shop, the fire was under control.Leech helped save the 9 J_of eight people.How 10.b_ he was!参考答案I.1 5 CBCABn.1


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