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1、人教版高中英语必修二测试题及答案本试卷分第I卷和第n卷两局部.卷I第分30共两节,总分值听力第一局部共第一 节分7.5分,总分值1.5小题;每题5三个选C、B、 A段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的5听下面秒钟10项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相 应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有的时间来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.Whatare the two speakers talking about? . 1 How to keep fit. . B How to kill the time. A How to handle pressure. . C Where does t

2、he conversation take place? . 2 On the phone. . B At the woman's home. . A On a bus. C . 3How did the man buy his last car? From a friend. . B hand shop. From a second. A Through a newspaper ad. . C What do we know about John? . 4 He is 川.A He's always on time. . B He's back from hospita

3、l. C What will they probably do next? . 5 Go back home. . B Have a rest. . A Go to the bookstore. . C 分 22.5 分,总分值 1.5小题;每题15共第二节、A段对话或独白. 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的5听下面听每段对话或独白前,并标在试卷的相应位置.三 个选项中选出最正确选项,C、B秒钟的作答5各小题 将给出听完后,秒钟;5每题你将有时间阅读各个 小题,时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.题.7、6段材料,答复第 6 听第 What can we learn about Susan?

4、. 6 She's traveled to many places around the world. . A She's traveled to many places in China. B She's traveled to many places alone. . C What kind of tour does she like now? . 7 Specific tour. . B Package tour. A C Yourself tour. It Do.题.9、8段材料,答复第 7听第 What can we know about the suit t

5、hat the man bought? . 8 It's light brown. . A It's more than $150. . B It will be delivered in 24 hours. . C How many shirts does the man buy? . 9 One. A Three. . C Two. B听第题.12 至10 段材料,答复第 8 How did the man get the car probably? . 10 He made it by himself. . A He bought it from a car store.

6、 . B . C He bought it from another person. What does the price of the car include? . 11 All fees but no taxes. . A Free service for one year. B month service agreement. A one. C What will the man probably do next? . 12 Test out the car by himself. . A Get the car keys for the woman. B Get the contra

7、ct ready to sign. . C题.16至13段材料,答复第9听第 What makes the garden so untidy? . 13 The dead flowers. . B The dead trees. . A . C The new trees. What is the man going to do this Sunday? . 14 To cut off the tops of the dead flowers. . A To pull up the roots of the flowers by the wall. . B To dig up that dea

8、d tree at the bottom of the garden. . C 15Why will the man not water those new fruit trees? . Because he just watered them. . A Becausethey don't need watering. . B Becauseit is going to rain. . C What will the man and woman put on? . 16 Gardening boots. . B Gardening coat. . A Gardening gloves.

9、 . C 题.20至17段材料,答复第 10 听第.17Why are works of art displayed in the New York's subway? To brighten riders' trip. A To attract artists to the city. . B To keep them in a good state. . C How many works of art are there in the underground art museum? . 1830. A 265. . C 100. BWhat can be seen on t

10、he ceiling ofGrand Central Terminal? . 19 Native plants and flowers. . A A huge painting of the night sky. . B and metal creatures. ? rounded, Small. C 20What can we learn from the talk? . Artists are active in creating works of art. . A Visitors show little interest in the art collections. . BRider

11、s think highly of the underground art museum. . C 听力原文 Text 1 I don't worry about anything.How about you? , When I'm playing the piano : W I go to the gym every day.It helps me deal with stress. : M Text 2 bedroom house you said in yesterday's paper.It I'm calling about the three , H

12、i: W sounds really nice. : Mespecially if you have children. , It is Text 3 hand car? Can you help me figure out the best place to buy a second: W There are a lot of different ways to go.I bought my last one from an advertisement : M in the paper. Text 4 W川 John be coming to class this afternoon? :

13、W He's supposed to.But actually he won't come to this class from the hospital until : M next week as the doctor has said. Text 5Oh: MI am so tired.Shall we go back?, darling, But we'll have to buy some cartoons for our boys. : W I would rather do it tomorrow. : M if you insist. , OK:W Te

14、xt 6 I heard you've been to many places in China during the past year. ! Susan, Hi: M, Yes WI have.I love traveling. Going on a package tour with a tour agency or going on ? Which do you prefer : M tour? Yourself It Do a your ownI usually took package tours but now I've found Do, When I firs

15、t came to China: W Yourself tours are more interesting It 一a in freedom much so not independently.There's traveling like are.I they , Yes M package tour. Text 7 sir.What can I do for you? , Yes W I'm shopping around for a suit. : M sir.What size do you wear?, Yes W I think my size is 42.I

16、9;d like something in light brown. : M I have something here that might suit you. : W That's nice.It must be expensive. : M plus tax. , It's only $150.00: W How long will it take to alter it by the tailor? : M You can pick it up in 24 hours. : W Good.I also need a couple of shirts. : M pleas

17、e.Do you know your neck size? , sir.Right over here, Yes WMI'm not familiar with American sizes., No:sir. , I can easily measure you.The shirts onthis shelf are your size, Well: W I'll take this one and this one. : M OK. : W Text 8 she's a beauty.One previous owner kept it in the garage

18、the , as you can see, So: M and only drove it on weekends. , whole time : Weven though it's ten years old. , 000 miles on it, That's why it only has about 25 Exactly.The owner also kept all the service records.So you can tell it's been taken : M care of. Does this car come with a service

19、 contract? : W so you won't pay for anything within day agreement All our cars come with a 30 : M we can't offer anything beyond that. , the first month.But since this car is used 000 seems a little high.Is there any way we can , I see.The price of almost $15: W bring that down?madam.And bas

20、ed on our research of similar , This car is in very good condition : M taxes price.All fair a it's believe we , areathe in sold being cars are fees and included as well. OK.Can I take it for a test drive? : W Absolutely! Let me just get the keys. : M Text 9 What are you going to do on this beaut

21、iful warm Sunday? : W I think I shall do a bit of gardening.Will you help me? : MWI will.Shall I put on my gardening boots? , Of course: I am going to dig up that dead tree at the bottom of the . do and so will I , Yes M garden. Shall I be able to help you? : W, No: Mdead the of tops the off cutting

22、 be can will.You you think don't I they make the garden look so untidy.And all those flowers by the wall flowers can you the before clear quite be to ground the want roots.We the by up pull winter. Are you going to water those new fruit trees? : WMI shan't do that.Because I think it will rai

23、n tomorrow.But I am going to cut the , No: grass. I will cut it if you like. : W you just clear the flowerbeds and then we will see. , No: M I say how black those clouds are getting! I think it is going to rain. : W Then we shall leave to put off our gardening until this afternoon. : M Text 10 Milli

24、ons of New Yorkers and visitors ride the city's subway each day.The public however.It also has one of the most , transportation system offers more than just a trip public art collections in the world.Some people call it New York's " underground art brighten to meant are art.They of work

25、s 265 includes It . museum ride everyone's around the city. Central Grand of ceiling the on sky night the of painting huge a is There Terminal.New Yorkers have been looking up at thatartwork for 100 years.For the past works that relate to city life around a train station have been made.There are

26、 , 30 years metal creatures of the Atlantic Ocean.Native plants and flowers can , rounded, small be found in a garden scene in Brooklyn. nice it's think I, “saysPierreart.Tonya underground the praise ridersMany when you see these kinds of attractive things in places like the subway stations that

27、 little a seem York's New in works the , dayswinter cloudy on dull.Even bit “ underground art museum can also bring life into the dark passage. 5.B 4.A 3.C 2.B 1.C 答案 12.B 11.C 10.B 9.B 8.A 7.C 6.B18.B A 17 16.B 15.C 14.C 13.B20.B 19.C 分40共两节,总分值阅读理解第二局部分 30分,总分值2小题;每题15共第一节、B、A阅 读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选

28、项中,选出最正确选项.D,口 C A Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May.It's not just about a day off school and the beginning of summer.This holiday goes all the way back to America's especially , peopleof millions by celebrated is and War Civil the Memorial Day is a day to remember a

29、ll those who died while .退 伍军人 veterans serving their country. Georgia ,1866 in Columbus, The first Memorial Day was observed on May 30, 1868flowers.In with soldiers of graves the decorated who groups women's by officially made , at the time)参议院 General John Logan (a member of the Senate Memoria

30、l Day a holiday to honor soldiers who had died in the Civil War.After World IWar but War Civil the in fighting died who those honor just didn't holiday the , of majority the war.Although any in fighting died who Americans all honored the some southern states , country celebrates Memorial Day on

31、the last Monday in May celebrate it on different days.) put small 步兵团 200 soldiers of the 3rd US Infantry(, the 1 , Since the late 1950s Arlington at them) of 000 , 260about are (there grave every on flags American)the 巡逻 National Cemetery on the Thursday before Memorial Day.Theythen patrol( graveya

32、rd 24 hours a day during the weekend to make sure that every flag remains the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts place , standing.On the Saturday before Memorial Day 300 of them) at the Fredericksburg and , a candle at each grave (there are about 15 Spotsylvania National Military Park on Marye's Heights

33、.They've been doing this since1998.本文介每年五月的最后一个星期一是美国对阵 亡将士的纪念日.【语篇解读】绍了这个节日的来历. .People began to honor all those who lost their lives in America's wars . 21 in 1868 . B in 1866 . A in the late 1950s . D after World War I . C根据第二段中的细节理解题.C答 案 the holiday didn't , After World War I just h

34、onor those who died fighting in the Civil War but honored all Americans 正确. C可知 who died fighting in any war. . 200 soldiers of the 3rd US Infantry celebrate Memorial Day by , The 1. 22 placing a candle at each grave . A putting small American flags on each grave . B going around the cemetery to pro

35、tect the flowers . C decorating the graves of soldiers with flowers . D B答案细节理解题.根据最 后一段第一句可知答案.We can infer from thepassage that . 23 day holiday during Memorial Day Americans have a three. A people visit the graves of their ancestors on Memorial Day . B Memorial Day is celebrated in many different

36、 countries . C the meaning of Memorial Day is the same as before . D 自从根据短文最后一句可知,推 理判断题.D答案Memorial年庆祝1866 的方式 没有改变.Day What can we learn about Memorial Day from the passage? . 24 Memorial Day is celebrated throughout the USA on the last Monday in May. . APeople celebrate Memorial Day to remember t

37、hose who were killed in wars. . B Memorial Day became a holiday throughout the USA in the year 1866. . C People celebrate Memorial Day in order to remember their dead lovers. . D didn't holiday the 细节理解题. 根据第二段中的B答案those honor just who died fighting in the Civil War but honored all Americans who

38、 died fighting 选项正确.B可知 in any war B instruments musical Chinese ancient of some with familiar be may You called but you may be not familiar with some other ancient Chinese music , Erhu or Guzheng such as the Hujia.These instruments are gradually dying out because of a , instruments Northeast in man

39、 young a , nowthem.But for preservation and attention of lack China's Shenyang City is hoping to change that. China and graduated , Liaoning Province, Da was born in Shenyang CityLiuwhere he majored in , from Tchaikovsky Music University in Ukraine two years ago carpenter a like more now is Liu

40、, pianista than rather piano.But the of most for to recreate the musical instruments of ancientChina. : day.And it's all for one thing the artists from around the world would , during major festivals, In Ukraine “use and clothes traditional own their in up dress to instruments musical own their

41、play.I had an opportunity to see a lot of music instruments in these festivals.So I was Liu said. , from where I'm from , our music as well , inspired to present our culture Liu Da started to recreate ancient Chinese music instruments after he graduated from university.It usually takes him betwe

42、en six to eight months to make one ancient so he could , instrument.Liu Da has even learned the Manchu and Mongolian language consult historic files to make accurate designs. the During musical of kinds different 23 recreated has he ,yearstwo last thousands over back dating some ,Chinaancient from i

43、nstruments Thisye ars00C.B, It dates back to 3.)牧笛 a reed ripe(, musical instrument is called a Hujia Liu Da said., " It's very old and it has a very interesting history Liu Da's next plan is to form a band with these 23 instruments to get an authentic flavor for ancient music.Why are s

44、ome ancient Chinese musical instruments dying out? . 25 They have lost their value in the modern society. . A People in China are not able to play them. . B People pay no attention to preservation for them. . C People in China don't know how to recreate them. . D These instruments are gradually根

45、据短文第一段中的细节理解题.C答案 可知, 由于人 dying out because of a lack of attention and preservation for them.们很少关注和保存这些 古老的乐器,所以它们濒临灭绝.26What inspired Liu Da to recreate ancient Chinese musical instruments? No artists were invited to play in major festivals in Ukraine. . A Musicians played their own musical instrum

46、ents in festivals. . B Artists from other countries knew little about Chinese culture and music. . C Chinese modern musical instruments were not popular with artists. . D world the around from artists the细节理解题.根据第三段中的B答案in up dress would musical own their use and clothes traditional own their由于见到世界各

47、地的艺术家在节 庆时演奏自己的乐可知,instruments to play.重新 制作中国古代乐器的欲望.Liu Da器,这激起27 .It can be known from the passagethat. Liu Da began making musical instruments when he was in the university . A Ancient Chinese musical instruments are easy to recreate for Liu Da . B Liu Da has recreated 23 different kinds of musi

48、cal instruments from the world . C Liu Da has made great efforts to recreate ancient Chinese musical instruments . D 每天 都像一个木匠,DaLiu推理判断题.根据短文内容可 知,D答案他付出了巨由此可知,学习满族语和蒙 古语查阅资料来制作这些古代乐器.大努力来重新制 作这些古代乐器. What does Liu Da plan to do in the near future? . 28 To form a band with instruments he recreated.

49、 . A To recreate more musical instruments. . B To go for further study in Ukraine. . CTo perform all around the world. . D 想用自己重新制 DaLiu细节理解题.根据短文最后一段可知,A答案 .A造的中国古代乐器来组成一个乐队.应选C Do be to want you Do life? daily your in confidence lack you that think you more confident? The following tips will help

50、you build your confidence. Really look at yourself.Stand in front of your mirror and take Look At Yourself, a good look.This is really hard for a lot of kids to doit's important.That's but try , your face that you're looking at and your face is going to be with you for a long time so it

51、would be really helpful if you would stop worrying so much about it and start liking it.Learning to look at yourself in the mirror and accepting all the good and not so good things about your face is an important step in feeling more comfortable with with everyone else. , you and then you look if ,

52、perfect.Butyour face look make needs practice to It Practiceat your think may perfect.You looks one no that see will you , facespeople's other looks actor or singer favorite is perfection of idea everyone's but , perfect needs you.It about things beautiful the seeing start to is job different.Your practice.You might notice that the expression on your face makes a big difference in how you look. and physically feel you make clothes t


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