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1、反义疑问句一.句型解释反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question)即附加疑问句.它表示提问人的看 法,没有把握,需要对方证实.反义疑问句由两局部组成:前一局部是一个陈述句,后一局部是一个简短 的疑问句,两局部的人称时态应保持一致.1 .陈述局部肯定式+疑问局部否认式2 .陈述局部否认式+疑问局部肯定式She was ill yesterday,wasn' t she?You didn ' t go, did you?二.分外的句型1 .祈使句.祈使句后大凡加上 will you或won “t yout勾成反意疑问句,用 will you多表示 请求,用won

2、“t you表示提醒对方注意.例如:Let引导的祈使句有两种情况:1)Let “后的反意疑问句用shall we或shan “t we例如:Let “s go home, shall we/ shan回iMe?好吗?2)Let us/me后的反意疑问句用 will you或won “t you例如:Let me have a try, will you/won"t you?3)祈使句都用 will you或won' t you2 .当陈述局部含I think (believe, suppose)that结构时,其反意疑问句须与 从句的主、谓语保持一致,注意主句的主语必须是第一

3、人称.例如:| don “tthink he will come, will he?1 / 23假设是非第一人称,那么与主句的主语相一致He thinks that she will come, doesn' t he?反意疑问句的陈述局部为 I(We) don ' t think(believe, suppose, consider)+ that 从句时,从句为否认意义,问句局部的动词和主语仍与that从句保持一致且用肯定式.如: I don ' t think that you can do it, can you?F用 do I?) We don' t b

4、elieve that the news is true, is it?(不用 do we?)反意疑问句的陈述局部为主语 +said( told, reported, asked ) + th的时,问句局部的动词和主语与陈述局部的主句动词和主语保持一致.如: They said that you had finished your work, didn (不用'hatdhey? you Kate told you that she would go there, didn(不用'wo shfef?' t she?3.当反意疑问句的陈述局部为从句时,假设主句主语为 I,反

5、意局部的主语为 从句主语;假设不为I,反义局部的主语为主句主语. I know your father is a worker, isn" t he? she knows your father is a worker, doesn' t she?4 .当陈述局部含有以下这些含有否认意义的词时:few, little, seldom ,hardly, never, not, no, no one, nobody, nothing,none, neither 等,其反意疑问句需 用肯定结构.例如:He is never late for school, is he?5 .当陈述

6、局部所含的否认词是通过加前缀或后缀构成的,其后的反意疑问句 依然用否认结构.例如:It is unfair, isn这不喙?F,是吧?6 .陈述局部主、谓语是I am.时,反意疑问句用aren “t而不是am not I (可用 am I not).例如:I “m working now, aren 我荏?C作,是吗?2 / 237 .陈述局部的主语是 everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, nobody, no one, none, neither时淇反意疑问句的主语需用复数代词 they.例如:Everyone is

7、 here, aren为Ithey?了,是吗?No one knows about it, do they?没有人知道这件事,对吗?8 .陈述局部的主语是 everything, nothing, anything 或 something 时,反意疑 问句的主语应用代词 it.例如:Something is wrong with my radio, isn"t it?我的收音机出毛病了,是吧?9 .陈述局部的主语是指示代词this或that时,反意疑问句的主语用it,当陈 述局部的主语是指示代词these或those时,其反意疑问句的主语用they.例如:This is a plan

8、e, isn这是Ht架飞机,是吗?These are grapes aren “t they?些是葡萄,是吗?10 .陈述局部的主语是不定代词 one时,反意疑问句的主语可以用 one,也 可用you.例如: One should be ready to help others, shouldn"t one?每个人都应该乐于助人,是吧?11 .当陈述局部谓语动词是need, dare,且这些词被用作实义动词时,其反意 疑问句需用do的适宜形式.例如:He needs help, doesn"t他e?要帮助,是吗?12 .当陈述局部主语是从句、不定式短语、动词-ing形式时,

9、反意疑问句的 主语应该用it.例如: What you need is more important, isn ? t it你需要的东西更严重,是吧?3 / 2312 .have(has不是表示 有的意思,并在句中做谓语时,其反意疑问句的助 动词要用do, does, did.例如: They had a meeting just now, didn “t they?他们刚刚开了个会,是吗?15 .陈述局部有have to时,其反意疑问句要用助动词的否认形式.例如: You have to water the vegetables every day, don "t you?You

10、had to water the vegetables every day, didn“ t you?16 .He used to stay up late, usedn didn " t he/?17 .陈述局部是there be句型时,其反意疑问句中要用there.There was a hospital here, wasn“ t there?18 .陈述局部有had better时,反意疑问句中要用hadn例如: We d better go to school at once, hadn "t we?He' d rather go home, wouldn

11、 ' t he?19 .当陈述局部含有情态动词 must时,我们便要分析一下 must的含义.如 果must作 J定;要;必须讲,反意疑问句须用 mustn "或needn “工而当 must作推测意义 幺定是;必定讲时,反意疑问句那么需根据 must后的动词原形 选用相应的形式.例如: He must work hard at physics, mustn"t he?他必须努力学物理,是吧?Tom must be at home, isn "t he?母定在家,是吧 He might have forgotten his pen in the class

12、room yesterday, didn(不用 mightn' t he?/ hasn ' X he?4 / 23You must have got up late this morning, didn不用'nrtiystu? tyou?/haven ' t yOu?20.反意疑问句的答复用yes, no,但是,答复意思相反,当陈述局部是否认 形式时,答复要按事实.例如:They don ' t work hard, do they?Yes, they do不,他们工作努力./No, they don 对,t他们工作不努力.反意疑问句的陈述局部为I am

13、 时,问句局部习惯上用aren' t I表示. 如:I am a very honest man, aren ' t I?反意疑问句二反意疑问句是英语四大问句之一,它是由一个陈述句加上一个短问句而构 成的.反意疑问句的根本构成形式是:陈述句 +动词肯定或否认+主语? 如:She often has lunch at school, doesn' t she? You don t like sports, c一、反意疑问句中问句局部的动词与陈述局部的动词在语气上成相反的对 应关系,即:肯定+否认?否认+肯定?如:You can ' t do it, can you

14、? They are very late for the meeting, aren二、反意疑问句中问句局部的动词与陈述局部的动词种类要对应一致. 如: He has supper at home every day, doesn不宵bfl!e?asn ' t he? They have known the matter, haven'mhey? don' t they?三、反意疑问句中问句局部的动词在时态上应和陈述局部的时态一致.如:5 / 23?不能ey?don' t they? aren They will go to town soon, won the

15、y?) He works very hard, doesn'不 he? didn ' t he?won' t he?四、反意疑问句的陈述局部带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom 等否认意 义的词时,问句局部用肯定式.如: She never tells a lie, does she?不用 doesn' t she? He was seldom late, was he?不用 wasn' t he?五、反意疑问句的陈述局部含有由un-, im-, in-, dis-,等否认意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述局部要视为肯定含义

16、,问句局部用否认形式.如: Your father is unhappy, isn不能 he?s he? The man is dishonest, isn不甭跪I? is he?六、反意疑问句的陈述局部为I am 时,问句局部习惯上用aren'It?表t I?示.如:I am a very honest man, aren八、反意疑问句的陈述局部为I(We) don ' t think(believe, suppose, consider)+that从句时,从句为否认意义,问句局部的动词和主语仍与that从句保持一致且用肯定式.如: I don ' t think t

17、hat you can do it, can you?F用 do I?) We don' t believe that the news is true, isit?(不用 do we?)九、反意疑问句的陈述局部为非第一人称主语 + think(believe, suppose, consider) + that从句时,问句局部的动词和主语与陈述局部的主句动词和主语 保持一致.如: They all think that English is very important, don (不用 isn' 't th野? He didn ' t think that

18、the news was true, did he?F用 wasn' t/ was it?6 / 23十、反意疑问句的陈述局部为主语 +said( told, reported, asked 洪that句时,问句局部的动词和主语与陈述局部的主句动词和主语保持一致.如: They said that you had finished your work, didn (不用'hatdhey? yOu Kate told you that she would go there, didn (不用 wO shfef?' t she?十、 陈述局部的主语为不定代词 somethi

19、ng, anything, nothing, everything 时,问句局部的主语用 it.如: Something is wrong with the computer, isn ' t it? Nothing has happened to them, has it?十二、陈述局部的主语为不定代词 somebody(someone), anybody(anyone), nobody(no one), everybody(everyone)时, 问句局部的主语用 he 或 they, 这时问 句动词的数应和he或they 一致.如: Someone has taken the s

20、eat, hasn ' t he? Everyone has done their best in the game, haven' t they?十三、陈述局部为Let me时,问句局部习惯上用shall I?或will you?形 式.如:Let me have a try, shall I?(will you?)十四、陈述局部为Let us时,问句局部习惯上用 will you?陈述局部为 Let' s时;问句局部习惯上用 shallwe?如:Let us stop to rest, will you?Let ' s go home together, s

21、hall we?十六、陈述局部用上述情况以外的祈使句时,问句局部大凡用will you?形式表示请求,用won' t you?形式表示婉转请求或邀请.如: Do sit down, won ' t you?/ will you? Jim,you feed the bird today, will you? Please open the window, will you?(won' t you?)十七、陈述局部为否认祈使句时,问句局部大凡用will you?如:7 / 23Don' t make any noise, will you?十八、陈述局部为There

22、 (Here) + be吐语时,问句局部用动词 +there(here)?.如: There are two cakes on the plate, aren' t there? Here is a story about Mark Twain, isn' t here?十九、陈述局部用had better +原形动词表示建议时,问句局部用 hadn' t + 主语?.You' d better tell him about the matter, hadn' t you?We had better do it by ourselves, hadn

23、9; t we?二十、陈述局部用used to +主语时,问句局部用didn '史语?或usedn' t He used to live in the country, didn' t he?/usedn ' t he? They used to be good friends, didn' t they?/usedn ' t they?二十一、陈述局部用 must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,假设句中 带有明明的过去时间的状语,问句局部动词用过去时形式.如: He might have forgotten hi

24、s pen in the classroom yesterday, didn(不用 mightn ' t he?/ hasn ' )t he?You must have got up late this morning, didn(不用'mtyjiu? tyou?/haven ' t you?二十二、陈述局部用 must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,假设句中 没有带明明的过去时间的状语,问句局部动词用现在完成时形式.如:t they? Everyone must have known the death of the waitr

25、ess, haven (不用 ' mustn ' t they?You must have worked there a year ago, didn (不用 t you? mustn ' t you?/ haven u?) t yo二十三、陈述局部的主语为从句时,问句局部的主语大凡用it代替,如:8 / 23 What he said is true, isn(不用 t didn t he?Where we will build the dam has not been decided yet, has it?(不用 won' t we?)二十四、陈述局部的主

26、语为动名词或不定式时,问句的主语用it代替.如: To do one good deed is easy for a person, isnist y?ur faVSkatingsport, isn " t it?反意疑问句考点反意疑问句是高考严重考点,其构成形式是 肯定+否认 和 否认+肯定 阻也 有一些特例.本文结合高测试题,对反意疑问句的易考点进行归纳.1 .陈述句局部的谓语是be, had better或情态动词等时,反意疑问句仍用这些 动词.原题再现Bill “ s aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertisin

27、g on TV is 川egal, ?A. isn " t it B. is it C. isn" t he D. is he答案:A2 .陈述局部的谓语是have时假设have作 宥 解,反意疑问局部用have(has俄 do(does)的肯定或否认式;假设have作使役动词,那么只能用do (does, did)的适宜形式 进行反问.原题再现His wife had the front door painted green yesterday,she?A. did B. had C. didn " t D. hadn “ t答案:C9 / 233 .陈述局部含

28、有 no, never, seldom, hardly, few, little, nowhere, nothing 等否认 意义的词时,反意疑问局部用肯定形式;但陈述局部假设使用含有否认意义的前缀或 后缀的词时,反意疑问局部仍然使用否认形式.原题再现He seldom has lunch at school,?A. hasn "t he B. has he C. doesn "t he D. does he答案:DThey dislike English, d)n “t they?们不喜欢英语,不是吗?4、含有以下情态动词时构成的反意疑问句形式a、陈述句有had bett

29、er时,问句中用had(hadn t)You' d better go home now, hadn ' t you?b、陈述句中有 must表示 必须时问句用needn “戴mustn "tYou must do your homework, mustn " t you?/ needn " t you?We mustn ' t go home, must (need) we?c、must表示 推测时,问句中那么不能用情态动词,而需要用其它形式.如: She must be in the room, isn ' t she?You

30、must have been to Shanghai, haven ' t you?原题再现There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, ?A. didn “t they B. don “t they C. mustn “t thney D. haven "t答案:D10 / 235 .陈述局部的主语是 everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, no one 等不定代词时,其疑问局部的主语可根据句子的内涵选用he或they.例如

31、:Everyone knows his job, doesn " t he?Everyone had lent you a hand when you were in trouble, hadn“ t they?6 .陈述局部的主语是 something, anything, everything, nothing 等不定代词,其 疑问局部的主语大凡用it.例如:Everything is ready, isn "t it?Nothing goes well, does it?7 .陈述局部是there be句型时,反意疑问局部用“.there?"原题再现Ther

32、e “ s not much news in today “ s paper,?A. isn “ t it B. are thereC. is there D. aren “ t there答案:C8 .陈述局部谓语含有used to时,反意疑问局部可用usedn 也可用didn '陈 述局部含有ought to时,反意疑问局部可用oughtn "或shouldn '两种形式.例 如:Tom used to make fun of Peter, usedn"t / didn "t he?We ought to learn the law knowl

33、edge by heart, oughtn" t / shouldn " 19 .陈述局部的主语是this,that,不定式短语、动名词短语或从句时,反意疑问 局部的主语用it;陈述局部的主语是these, those时,反意疑问局部的主语用 they.例如:This is a most wonderful place, isn" t it?Learning a foreign language well takes a long time, doesn"t it?11/23That they are close friends doesnt seem

34、true, does it?10 .陈述局部的主语后有同位语从句或定语从句修饰时,反意疑问局部仍应对主句主语进行反问.原题再现The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ?A. did they B. di dn “ t they C. did it D. didn“ t it答案:D11 .陈述局部为含有宾语从句的主从复合句时,通常要对主句主语进行反问;但 假设陈述局部是 “I(don "t)think/suppose / believe / imagine / expeCt+宾语从句 时, 要对宾语从

35、句的主语进行反问,同时要注意否认转移现象.原题再现I don “ t suppose anyone will volunteer,?A. do I B. don “ t I C. will they D. won “ t they答案:C12 .陈述局部为祈使句时,不管祈使句是肯定形式还是否认形式,反意疑问局部 通常用will you;但Let “引起的祈使句的反意疑问句局部通常用shall we.原题再现If you want help-money or anything, let me know,you?A. don "t B. will C. shall D. do答案:B13

36、、陈述句局部是“I wish句型时,附加问句局部用 may I.例如:I wish I were you, may I砒希望我是你,可以吗?12 / 23I wish her to come here, may I锹希望她到这儿来,可以吗?预测题iOneyDt theyI.Nobody says a word about the incident,?A. is heB. doesn ' t heC. d2 .You never told me why you were late for the class,?A. weren t youB. didn t youC. had youD.

37、 did you3 .They dare not call you a fool,?A. would theyB. dared theyC. dares theyD. dare they4 .There is not much news in toda/' s paper,?A. isn t itB. are thereC. is thereD. arent there5 .The manager came here in a car,?A. was heB. did heC. wasn ' t heD. didn ' t he6 .She must have arri

38、ved there yesterday,?A. have sheB. must sheC. didnt sheD. mustn t she7 .Peter hardly ever goes to parties,?A. doesn t heB. do heC. does he8 .What a lovely day,?A. doesn t itB. isn t itC. shan t it9 .Let me do it,?A. shall IB. shall weC. will you10 .Nothing he did was right,?13 / 23A. did heB. was it

39、C. didnt it11 .There used to be a church behind the cemetery,?A. didn ' t thereB. used thereC. usedn ' t it12 .He must be in the library now,?D. is heD. hasn t itD. will ID. was heD. didn ' t itA. doesn t heB. mustn t heC. needn t heD. isn t he13 .You would rather not have fish,you?A. ha

40、dn ' tB. wouldn ' tC. wouldD. had14 .-You are not a new member, are you?. I joined only yesterday.A. No, I ' m notB. Yes, I ' m notC. No, I amD. Yes, I am15 .My sister often needs help with her study,?A. need sheB. needn t sheC. does sheD. doesn t she16 .You ' d better send for a

41、 doctor for your mother,you?A. hadB. hadn ' tC. wouldD. wouldn ' t17 .Let ' s go swimming,?A. aren t weB. shall weC. will youD. wont we18 .Li Ming can ' t be in the classroom,?14 / 23A. can heB. is heC. cant heD. must he19 .He ought to have looked after his father,?A. oughtn ' t

42、heB. ought he not toC. oughtn' t he toD. oughtn ' t to he20.I have nothing to do with the matter,?A. have IB. has itC. do ID. does it21 .He was in good heath when I saw him last time,?A. wasn t heB. didn t heC. hadn t he22 .John had his hair cut yesterday afternoon,?A. haven ' t heB.didn

43、 ' t heC. hadn ' t he23 .None of the pupils attended the sports meet,?A. did theyB. do theyC. didnt they24.I ' d like to go with you,?A. had IB. wouldn ' t IC. hadn ' t I25.It is the third time that John has been late,?A. hasn t heB. isn t heC. isn t it26.I suppose he is serious,

44、?A. do IB. don ' t IC. is heD. hasn ' t heD. hasn t heD. don t theyD. would ID. hasn t it15 / 23D. isnt he27.She dislikes this skirt,?A. doesn ' t sheB. does sheC. isn ' t sheD. is she28 .You mustn ' t tell it to youother,?A. must youB. do youC. need youD. will you29 .They have t

45、o face the difficulty,?A. haven t theyB. don t theyC. do theyD. must they30 .The man in blue must be your brother,?A. mustn t heB. needn t heC. isn t heD. is he答案与提示:1 .C 当陈述局部中的主语为 everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody等不定代词时,反意疑问句局部中的主语常用 they.且陈述局部为否 定意义的词nobody,反意疑问局部应用肯定形式.2 .D当

46、陈述局部是主从复合句时,反意疑问局部中的动词和主语代词通常应 和主句中的动词和主语保持一致.3 .D当陈述局部中含有情态动词dare时,反意疑问局部也应用情态动词 dare 没有人称和数的变化4 .C陈述句局部含有not,是否认式,所以反意疑问局部应用肯定式.而且当 陈述局部是there be结构时,反意疑问局部用there,省略主语代词.5 .D当陈述局部的动词是行为动词时,而且前面又没有任何助动词时,这时 的疑问局部要用do/does/did.6 .C如果must have done句式中的时间状语为表示过去的时间的词,如 last year, yesterday, the day bef

47、oreyesterday等,反意疑问局部常用 didn ' i+l.16 / 237 .C如果陈述局部已有表示否认意义的副词,如 never, nothing, seldom, rarely, hardly等时,反意疑问局部应用肯定形式.8.B当陈述句局部为感慨句 时,反意疑问句局部常用否认形式,且问句局部的动词常用be.9 .C当陈述局部是祈使句时,反意疑问局部常用will you.10 .B 当陈述局部的主语是 everything, anything, nothing, something 等表物的 不定代词时,反意疑问局部的主语常用it.11 .A当陈述局部是there be结

48、构时,反意疑问局部用there,省略主语代词. 当陈述局部含有情态动词usedto时,反意疑问局部可用used to形式或did形 式.所以此空应填 didn ' t ther或usedn' t there12 .D must/ may/ can '礴d的现在情况的推测,反意疑问局部用大凡现 在时.He must be in the librarynow.相当于 I think he is in the library now.13 .C 当陈述句局部含 had better/best, would like to, would rather 等约定俗成 分外短语时,反

49、意疑问局部应保存第一个词.如此题中的陈述局部含有wouldrather的否认式,那么反意疑问局部用 would.14 .D反意疑问句的答语应根据实际情况来答复,如果事实是肯定的,前面 要用yes,否那么用no.答复中的肯定否认关系可以用下面这个公式表示:+表 不肯定,一表不否认问句中:十,或一,十答复中:+, 十或一,一15 .D陈述句局部含有实义动词needs所以反意疑问局部要用助动词 doesn t16 .B当陈述局部有had better时,反意疑问局部应用 hadn't17 .B当陈述局部是祈使句时,反意疑问局部常用will you.但以Let '开头的祈使句,反意疑问

50、局部常用shall we.以Let us开头的祈使句,反意疑问局部常用will you.17 / 2318 .B当陈述局部含有情态动词 must,may, can且表示推测时,反意疑问部 分不能用must, may, can自身,应和后面的实义动词保持一致.Ling Ming can be in the classroom相当于:I don ' t think Li Ming is in theclassroom.19 .A当陈述局部含有情态动词ought to时,反意疑问局部常用oughtn't20 .C此题中的陈述局部中的have是实义动词,不作 有解,所以反意疑问 局部应

51、需借助助动词do, does,did等来完成.21 .A当陈述局部是主从复合句时,反意疑问局部中的动词和主语代词通常 应和主句中的动词和主语保持一致.此题的主句是:He was in good health.22 .B此题中的陈述局部中的had是实义动词,不作 有解,所以反意疑问 局部应需借助助动词did来完成.23 .A 当陈述局部的主语是 everybody, everyone, someone, none, nobody, somebody等不定代词时,反意疑问句局部中的主语常用they.此题中的陈述句局部用的大凡过去时态.24 .B当陈述局部中有would like时,反意疑问局部应用

52、 wouldn't25 .C当陈述句局部是强调句或类似强调句的结构时,反意疑问局部常和句 首的It is/was保持一致.26 .D当陈述局部的主句是I suppose, I think, I believe, I imagin峙结构时,反 意疑问局部往往与从句保持一致,而且要注意否认转移.27 .A当陈述局部中含有im, in, dis, un等否认前缀或less等否认后缀时,应 把陈述局部看成是肯定的,反意疑问局部要用否认式.28 .A当陈述局部含有情态动词 mustn'表示 禁止"时,反意疑问局部常用 must.29 .B当陈述局部含有have,而且have作

53、有"解时,反意疑问局部用 have/has或借助助动词do, does, did等来完成;如果陈述局部中的 have是实义18 / 23动词,那么反意疑问局部应需借助助动词do, does, did等来完成.此题陈述局部中的have to 不得不为实义动词,所以反意疑问局部不能用haven't.30.C当陈述局部是must, may, can且庆示推测时,反意疑问局部不能用 must, may, can自'身,应和后面的实义动词保持一致.此题中的陈述局部The man in blue must be your brother 相当于:I think the man i

54、n blueis your brother.反意疑问句练习二1. I suppose the shoes will last you at least one year,?A. won' ttheyB. will theyC. do ID. don' t2. Everyone is surprised at the news,?A, is heB. are theyC. aren ' t theyD. is not he3. You will come to have dinner with us, won' t you?A. Excuse me, I won

55、' t.B. I haven re. t been theC. You are welcome.D. Yes. That ' s very nice of you.4. Tom isn ' t a-hamcking student, for it is the third time he has been late,?A. wasn ' t itB. hasn ' t itC. isn ' titD. hasn ' t he5. You don ' t have to go school on Sundays,u? yoA. ha

56、veB. doC. shouldD. would6. I don ' t think he had his supper at the school,?A. had heB. did heC. do ID. don ' t you1. I don ' t think he ' d like to take such a difficult job,?A. had heB. would heC. do ID. don ' t you8. I don ' t think her passport ' s gone,?19 / 23A. is

57、itB. has sheC. do ID. don' t you9. Do pay attention to my work and keep your eyes open all the time, ?A. will youB. don t youC. shall weD. won t we10. All the drivers dislike driving on the narrow roads?A.don ' t theyB. don ' t each of themC. do ID. don ' t you11. Let s go and have a

58、 walk,?A. doB. shallC. haven ' tD. shan ' t12. Go and fetch a chair for him,?A. don ' t youB. shall youC. won ' t youD. will you13. There used to be a shop behind the factory,?A. didn t thereB. used thereC. usednt itC. didn t it14. I m sure he must have been sleeping at the moment,?A

59、. aren ' t IB, mustn ' tC. wasn ' t heD. hasn ' t15. I had to tell the truth,?A. hadn ' t IB. wouldn ' t IC. didn ' t ID. shouldn ' t I16. Why is Tom absent now ?He must be sick,?A. isn t heB. must heC. is heD. mustnt he17. He ' d like to have a look at your picture,-he ?A. hadn ' tB. didn ' tC .couldn ' tD .wouldn ' t18. You don ' t think he will come,?20 / 23A. do youB. will youC. will heD. won' t he19. Let ' s go home, shall we?.A. That ' s right.B. That ' s allC.That ' s all rightD. All r


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