



1、The old fisherman is named Santiago seemed likea man, he made living on fishing. He went fishing alone,nothinq but failure In first 84 days, nol until the 85th day di hecaught an enormous marlin. It is a kind of enormouswater animal two feet longer than his boat. The toughman never gave up fighting

2、with the big fish, after 2days* suffering, the man finally stabbed the fish to deathonly with the fish bone left. But it is no doubt that the man isa hero Bone is spiritual pillar, Hemingway seemed not tomake Santiago success, but the bare bone stands ofhardness of his life.Santagos experienee tells

3、 us that we human beings shouldnever give up, people s spirit is permanent. He fails in thereality but success in his spirit. His indomitable spirit ofcombat, dem on strates the dignity ofperson which everyone needed As thesaying goes, failure is the mother ofsuccess . Wed better put a bold front on

4、failure, other than complain for it. Onlywhen you in a confident and optimisticcondition will you gain lot eventually. Inlife, some losses are unavoidable, weshould treat the optimistic attitude, cantworry about petty gain or loss Admittedly, just like noone is perfect. When a person recognizesand t

5、ries to overcome it and not to yield to it,he can eventually overcome this defectitself The old man is such a winner,because he has overcome the defects ofhis compromise, his courage and confidenee make him win.Human nature is powerful, but limited. The fisherman try his best tochallenge the limits,

6、 this limit was extended again and again to testthe old man. The tough man never gave up fighting with that big fish,after 2 days suffering, from that moment we know he is one who daresto challenge his own shortcomings, and one who have the ability tochallenge the limits.In thissense,Life is like an

7、 ocean, wide, and very dangerous It can take you to aheight, will instantly make you lose all his happiness We are happy toretain the trace, will try to wave ranffilled with the blood of our resolve tothe angry sea. You know, a good fisherman, Santiago is to have the willand spirit I thought: Life is the ocean, sometimes rough, sometimes calm. You canfeel the w


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