



1、文档来源为:从网络收集整理,word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持劣质广告 Bad AdvertisingTrue storyOne time while dining in a hotel cafeteria , I noticed a funny spelling error. Instead of writing “Hash Brown Potatoes the sign read Harsh Brown Potatoes : The words hash and harsh “ lpdbutsthnaltaextra r acreates big difference in meaning

2、. Instead of sayin9 hash browhe sign ends up meanin9 涩口的棕色薯饼 Doesn t sound very good!The word “harsh” has several meanings : 涩口,粗糙 “ an时刻”.一次在一家酒店的餐厅吃饭,我注意到了一个很有趣的拼写错误。菜牌上写着: “Harsh Brown Potatoes ;而不是 “Hash Brown Potatoes hash 和 harsh 这两个单词看上去很像,但是多出来一个字母”L意思就有天壤之别了。菜牌上 的“Harsh Brown Potatoes指的就是 涩

3、口的棕色薯饼”,而不是“hash browns炸( 薯饼)。这听:去感觉可不怎么好!单词“harsh#好几种意恩 涩口,粗糙”和苛刻”。文化背景:Potatoes are an important part of most Western diets . For many foreigners , they are considered a type of staple food( 主食). 与土豆”相关的词汇:请慢用 Bon AppetitTrue storyA foreign friend of mine once noticed the following spelling error

4、at a salad bar. Instead of saying “ coleslaw if read “coleslow. Coleslawis a type of salad made with raw cabbage and it is written as one word But in this example , the name of the saladis written as two words coleslaW literally meaning请慢慢吃你的蔬菜我的一位外国朋友曾经在一家沙拉店里注意到了下面的拼写错误: “coleslaw写成了 “coleslow。col

5、eslaw是一种由生的卷心菜做成的沙拉.是 一个完整的单词。但在这里,这种沙拉的名字被写成了两个单词 一一“cole slow,” 它字面上的意思是请慢慢吃你的蔬菜: 饮食文化:Eating raw vegetables and salads is very common in Western countries and is a part of almost every meal for most Westerners as they are considered light and healthy .相关词汇:mixed greens凉拌蔬菜Greek salad希腊式沙拉(黄瓜、奶酪、橄

6、榄、洋葱、灯椒、蕃茄、橄榄油、醋、 调料)Caesar salad恺撒沙拉(蔬菜、培根火腿、烤面包块儿、大蒜、色拉酱 )Nicoise salad尼斯沙拉(金枪鱼、橄榄、熟绿豆、蕃茄、撒榄油、彩醋、调料 ) common salad dressings 普通沙拉酱:Thousand Island 千岛 French 法式 Italian 意式 blue cheese 蓝(臭)奶酪沙漠点心Food or PlaceDialogue:文档来源为:从网络收集整理,word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持Zhang: So , what do you think of Western food?Wang: I

7、 think most of it is pretty tastyZhang: Do you have any particular dishes?Wang: Well , I m really fond of deserts张:你认为西方食物怎么样? 王:我认为大部分都相当好吃。 张:你有什么特别喜欢的吗? 王:我非常喜欢沙漠。注意重音:The words desert a nd“dessert 6 oth have two syllables(音节);thedifference in pronunciation comes from whether the first syllable i

8、s stressed DESert or whether the second syllable is stressed : desSERT .Funny Drink Name ;锅头 和两个头Dialogue:Chinese : And now we should order something to drinkForeigner : Ok, sounds good .Chinese : Should we try something Chinese?Foreigner : Sure , why not?Chinese : Ok, let s order some“Two Pots of H

9、ead. ”Foreigner : (confused)That sounds interesting .中国人:我们应该叫点喝的东西。外国人:好,不错。中国人:我们要点中国的怎么样?外国人:好,为什么不呢?中国人:那我们要 头的两个锅中巴。外国人:(迷惑)这听起来有点意思。问题分析:Of course , the Chinese host was trying to order a famous Beijing brand of rice wine , “ErGuo Tou二锅头 “,which , when translated character bycharacter , litera

10、lly means o;twot, head . By sayin9 two pots of head it even worse though , because it means 头的两个壶 与酒”相关的词汇:发音不准 Poor Pronunciation Leads to MisunderstandingI Was having a conversation with a friend about food and he was telling me how fond he was of Western food . At one point , how ever , he said s

11、omething that sounded like , “I really like pizza pizza. It would bdike a Westerner saying“ I like dumplings dumplings . The problem was poor pronunciation. Whatthe student really wanted to say was , “I really like a piece of pizza . ”我和一位朋友讨论食物,他告诉我他很喜欢西餐。但忽然他说的听起来像:“I really like pizza pizza.(我真喜欢

12、比萨饼比萨饼)”,就好像西方人的说法:like dumplings dumplings .(我喜欢饺饺子):问题就在于发音不准。这个学生真正 想说的是:“I really like a piece of pizza .(我很喜欢比萨饼)”分析提示:The pronunciation problem here is essentially a problem of“word joiniig” 连读).In English , when certain words are read together ,the sounds blend together : piece of=pieca文档来源为:

13、从网络收集整理,word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持发音练习:Now take a look at some other common examples of phonetics苍蝇炒虱子 Some People W川 Eat AnythingI Often ate Chinese food when l was young in Canada One time l went into a restaurant and ordered a “fried rice. W hen the waiter repeated the order to me , however, I was startled

14、 . He had trouble pronouncing the letter r ”So itsounded to me like he said , “okay you want one fly lice . 我年轻的时候,经常在加拿大吃中国菜。一次,我去一家餐馆点了一份“friedrice(炒饭)当侍应生重复菜单的时候,我大吃一惊。他不会发字母“”所以他说的听起来就像是:“Okayyou want one fly lice .(你点了一份苍蝇炒虱子)” 发音练习:脸面 Talking About NoodlesA friend told me that he recently went

15、 to a noodle shop , although you wouldn t have known it from the English sign that read “Face Powder. The reason for this mistake is because of the Chi nese characters 面One of the meanings of 面” isface , but not in this case .我的一位朋友告诉我,他最近去过一家面馆,但是从英文招牌“Face Powder” 不会知道这是家面馆。误解的原因就是因为汉字面”。面”的一个意思是“

16、face,”但不能用在这里。与面”相关的词汇:吃过炒沙拉吗?To Cook or Not to Cook?I love to cook and one time I invited several friends over for dinnerWedecided that it would be “potluck, meaning that each person would prepare a dish . I made several dishes , one of which was a “salad. Most of my friends liked but one person wa

17、s curious and asked Who cooked this salad? The correct answer is that no one cooked the salad because salads areraw” 我喜欢烹饪。一次我邀请几位朋友来吃饭,我们决定采取“potluck形式,就是说每一个人准备一个菜。我准备了几个菜,其中一个是沙拉。大部分朋友都 很喜欢,但有一位朋友很好奇地问:“Who cooked this salad?(谁炒的沙拉)正确的回答是:没有人cooke岭)沙拉,因为沙拉是生的。提示:In Chinese w e say 沙拉(sha la) ; an

18、d consequently many students , when speaking English have trouble differentiating between sand .shMany students often say, “I like to eat sha la or “I like to eat “shalad 发音练习:你喜欢吃什么 What Do You Like Eat?I once had an interesting discussion about food with a friend . We were talking about what our f

19、avorite foods were when suddenly , he said something that sounded like . “I really like to eat snakes . At first I thought that was his meanin9 , because I knew that in some pans of China , eating snakes is common . But as the conversation went on I realized it definitely was not his meanin9 . What

20、he wanted to say was . “ really like to eat snacks Poor pronunciation was the problem 文档来源为:从网络收集整理,word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持一次我和一位朋友很开心地在讨论食物。我们说到了各自最喜欢的食物,他突然说的话听起来像:“I really like to eat snakes .(我特别喜欢吃蛇):一开始 我并没有想到他有什么特别的意思,因为我知道在中国的一些地方,吃蛇是很普 通的一件事。但是随着谈话的深入我清楚地意识到这并不是他的意思。他想说的是:“I really like to eat sn

21、acks(我特别喜欢吃零食).”发音不准真是个问题。 发音练习:清洁至上 Cleanliness Is EverythingOne time while eating in a student dining hall I saw a sign which read “Be disinfected . Following SARS . many Chinese restaurants put up signs letting customers know that it was safe to eat at their establishment and that the restaurant had been disinfected . However , by not mentioning the“cups orcutleryhe only interpretation is that the customer must be disinfected . The sign shoul


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