吉林省磐石市松山七年级英语 Unit 2 Section A 2a--4 学案 人教新目标版_第1页
吉林省磐石市松山七年级英语 Unit 2 Section A 2a--4 学案 人教新目标版_第2页
吉林省磐石市松山七年级英语 Unit 2 Section A 2a--4 学案 人教新目标版_第3页
吉林省磐石市松山七年级英语 Unit 2 Section A 2a--4 学案 人教新目标版_第4页




1、吉林省磐石市松山中学七年级英语 unit 2 section a 2a-4 学案 人教新目标版学习 目标1、学会询问某一场所的位置。2、学会为他人指出去某一场所的路线。3、学会阐述某一场所各个建筑间的位置关系。重点难点联系生活学习英语。通过对话表演方式大胆张口,敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。 学 习 过 程一、【自主学习】(教师寄语:many hands make light work. ) 课前预习 :单词背诵,根据音标会读单词,并能熟练掌握。         1、个人自读、记忆本课单词。 

2、    2、小组互相检查单词读的情况。(1)横过;在对面 (2)在对面 (3)紧靠的旁边;贴近 (5)介于(两者或多者)之间 (6)前面;前边 (7)在前面 (8)在之后           3、能读懂并翻译2a的句子,并能根据词义填写2b中的空白。  学习任务一:朗读第8页的句型(grammar focus),能英汉互译.     1、熟读2a中的句子,理解并复述.2、熟读grammar focus中的重点句型。  

3、;   3、小组为单位,两人合作,互相询问。练习3a的对话。 知识点拨常用的指路方法有以下几种: (1) go / walk along / down this road and . 沿着这条路走. (2) turn left at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口处往左拐。 (3) go across the bridge. 穿过这座桥。 (4) take the second turning on the left. 在第二个转弯处左拐。2、 【合作共建】(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )1. 小组活动: 区

4、别in front of 和 in the front of 有哪些的不同。3、 【系统总结】(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)小组讨论怎样给别人准确的指路。整理到笔记本上。四、【检测过关】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)1、put the following into chinese. 将下列句子和短语翻译成汉语。1. in the neighborhood 2. turn left 3. go straight 4. on the right 5. excuse me. 6. youre welcome 2、a.

5、从b栏中找出a栏的答案。 a b( ) 1. thank you very much. a. yes, there is. its on fifth avenue.( )2. is there a restaurant near here? b. youre welcome.( ) 3.where is the video shop? c. he lives in mexic city.( ) 4.whats your favorite subject? d. on green street.( ) 5. where does he live? e. math.3.填空1where is th

6、e post o_ ? its _ center street.2. the _ (超市) is _ the park _ the hotel.3. is there a _ (图书馆) in the _ (附近) ? no, there _.4. the school is _ _(在对面)my house .5. i sit _ _ (在旁边) li hua.4课后拓展延伸 jim wants to go to the supermarket. but jim doesn't know the way. kate writes the way on the paper(纸) for him.go down first street and you can see a video store. turn left and you are on center street. walk on and pass a library. then turn right and you are on fifth avenue. go straight and you can see a park in front of you. go through the park and turn left. now you are on bridge street. after


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