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1、文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载!                         高中英语写作课教案设计-推荐信的写作教学指导一、 授课类型:高三英语总复习写作指导课课题题目:  How to polish our writing -an example of describing a person相关教材:人教版 必修四第二单元相关

2、领域:介绍人物 推荐信授课时间:45分钟二、教材分析:写作是英语教学和语言训练的重要内容,也是语言学习评价的重要项目。然而在高三阶段,绝大部分教师对如何提高学生的写作能力都颇为头疼,同时,几乎每位学生一谈到写作就觉得力不从心。最终形成了两难:老师认为教写作难,学生认为学写作也难。本课例是人教版必修4第二单元复习教学的延伸和拓展,属于写作探究课,目的是通过教学策略和训练方法,让学生之间分工合作,来完成一项推荐人物的任务。三、学情分析:笔者首先考虑上什么、为什么和怎么上这节课,从而使得教学目标的设计实在可行。这节指导课面对的对象是高三学生,学生英语学习能力相对较好,接受能力也较强。大部分学生的思维

3、活跃、学习热情比较高、表现欲望强烈,并且具备一定的合作精神。教师设计了不同层次的教学任务,包括说读写,指导学生在“学中做,做中学”,从而让学生能够用准确的用词来描述人物和阐述自己的观点。四、教学目标:1、通过这节课的学习,学生能够能写出常见体裁的应用文-推荐信。2、通过这节课的学习,学生能够学会准确地使用单词、短语和相关句型。3、通过这节课的学习,学生能够使用恰当的语言形式完成一篇关于人物介绍的书面交际任务。五、设计理念: 5 / 7这堂课是笔者根据新课程标准,结合本人对高三英语写作教学方法的实践积累和思考进行设计的一堂探究课。本课例创造性地结合了教材内容,对使用性较强的词汇和表达方法进行了整

4、理与补充,改变重知识轻运用的倾向,采用“任务型” 和“探究性”教学模式,进行了一次有益的实践。首先,教师先开门见山宣布本节课的学习任务,即:你校将在假期组织部分学生赴英国学习。作为该项目的负责人, 你需负责将两位赴英学生的情况介绍给英方家庭。通过这样一个介绍人物的写作任务,让学生在“探究性”的英语教学模式和“任务型”的英语教学途径中层层深入学习,接着后面所有的教学活动都围绕着完成这个任务来设计,通过带领学生分析要完成这个中心话题写作任务的词汇、句型、技巧、文章结构等,最后大家共同完成任务。在这个过程中培养学生的听说读写能力,突出写作技能的训练和实践、强化学习策略的培养,从而使学生深刻领会语言信

5、息的输入与输出、知识迁移和写作能力之间的内在联系,并引导学生独立思考并以探究、合作学习的方式练习英语写作。同时,提供一次实际运用英语表达交流思想的机会,增强使用英语的信心。六、教学方法: 任务型教学、 探究性教学七、教学过程:I. Teaching tasks and Students will be able to:1. Get some useful adjectives and sentences to describe a person 2. Develop students ability of writing 3. Get some information about how to

6、 write a basic writing of a letter.4. Learn how to write a short passage of a great man.II. Writing strategies:1. Brainstorm to get some useful adjectives to describe a person2. Review and discuss to master some sentences by practicing.3. learn how to write a basic writing of a letter4. Finish

7、the writing in pairsIII. Teaching aids: multi-media equipments (computer, PPT,etc.) IV. Homework: rewrite and polish the passage 八、教案:Step I Revision and Lead inReview five basic sentences structure设计说明: 开门见山宣布本节课的学习任务,让学生心中有数。先简要复习五个句子结构,为接下来的句子写作和表达打下框架的基础。Step 2 Pre-writing1. let s

8、tudents think about how to describe a person. eg:determined, capable, warmhearted, easy going, energetic, honest , humorous ,diligent ,independent ,cautious ,creative, efficient, intelligentbe born in a poor family, attend school, at the age of ,during his childhood, sense of humor, devote ones

9、 life to ,graduate from , take an active part in, open-minded and optimistic ,be admitted to , have a gift for , be skilled in, be experienced in, be an expert in, speak fluent English , a boy with great ability2. Use these words to how to describe a classmate or a teacher in the class and get vocab

10、ulary input.eg:Wu xiaodan always behaves herself / well.Wang ye is not only gifted but also diligent.Lin rongzhen is a very capable monitor.She is always ready to help her students improve their reading ability.She devoted herself to scientific research and made great contributions to her country. 设

11、计说明:作为文课的头脑风暴部分,复习词汇这块,采用让学生们先自行写出表达人物的品质、性格等相关的形容词和常用短语,再开展小组合作互补有无,再通过抢答的形式进行呈现。最后教师利用PPT当场应用。本课设计的一大亮点在于所举的例子均采用班级同学的真实姓名和情况,主要为了实现:充分调动全体学生的学习兴趣和激发学生的学习热情,自然而然地引至主题。3.Find out some useful sentence patterns by practicing. (1) “so + adj. /adv. + that” eg:Mary is so diligent that she always comes f

12、irst in her study. (2) adj. +enough to do stheg:Hu zhenghong is confident enough to solve all the problems by himself.(3) “a person with + n.”eg:Jian jingcheng, a boy with imagination, is able to make up many new stories.(4). “with+n.”eg:David did his homework with care.设计说明:在掌握基础词汇的基础上,进一步加深指导学生掌握重

13、要的句型和句式使用,目的是满足英语学习优异的学生能够掌握并写出优美多样的句子,此外也让学生在理解的基础上,为后面的写作进行素材的收集和写作结构的梳理。Step 3. DiscussionIf you want to write a composition about a person, how will you write it?1.we can write about: 概况 age, gender, birth-place, background外貌性格 appearance , character教育:education 事迹;big events in his or her life

14、( in order of time )评价;evaluation2.Some examples:1) Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky on February 12,1809.2) Li zhengjiang is a near-sighted boy with a pair of glasses on his nose. 3) Not only is Hou Yaowen interested in science, but also he has a gift for music.4)Tu yo

15、yyou sets us a good example , so all the people speak highly of her. 设计说明:在掌握任务写作基础知识后,将文章框架更深入地进行梳理,归纳,总结。Step 4.writing1. Give students the writing topic once again.2. Tell students that the passage must be written by using the words, expressions and structures that they learn in this class.3. Giv

16、e students time to get key informationSentence    Main information       1      what are the two students characters and hobbies?       2      what are they differen

17、t questions and worries?      3     how will you introduce them to the hosts?4 which kind of tone will you write this letter?设计说明:让学生读题,理清本课书面表达所要求的内容,先独立整理思路、组织素材、规划文章结构、组织语言、遣词造句,目的培养学生的写作审题能力。新课改强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,设计教学步骤,让学生在体验、实践、参与和交流中发展语言运用能力。St

18、ep 5. Group work: Discussion 1. Ss check the translation for their partners and discuss how to correct their mistakes2. Thinking: how to polish our writing?3. Sample and Summary设计说明:学生在教师的引导下,进一步明确写作要点,文章结构,注意要点等,为课后完成写作任务扫清障碍。Step 6. : Homework 1.Recite the useful words and expressions to introduce a person.2.Make necessary changes in your writing and copy them in your exercise boo


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