八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Period 8学案 (新版)牛津版-(新版)牛津版初中八年级上册英语学案_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Period 8学案 (新版)牛津版-(新版)牛津版初中八年级上册英语学案_第2页
八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Period 8学案 (新版)牛津版-(新版)牛津版初中八年级上册英语学案_第3页




1、unit6学习目标1.to invite people at the same time give information about times, places and activities. taking notes. 2.to respond to an invitation 3.to include only important information when taking notes. 4.to use short forms and symbols when taking notes.学习重点:to invite people at the same time give info

2、rmation about times, places and activities. taking notes.学习难点: to use short forms and symbols when taking notes.教具学具: ecorder, picture .etc.part one 预习作业&预习交流;a:检查学生预习单词请况(个别读且纠正集体读巩固重点单词)1. the f_ washed away many houses. luckily, no one was lost.2. there are 50 students in our class, i_ four a

3、merican students.3. we must do more exercise often to p_ the disease.4. s_ is coming. its getting colder and colder.5. zhalong nature reserve has an a_ of more than 210000 h_.6.would you like _ (climb) the mount tai with us?7.tom had to _ (stay) at home yesterday because of the rain 8. liu xiang is

4、one of the best _ (run) in china.9. the film was so _ (bore) that all of us slept for a long time.10.jims father often prevents him from _ (play) computer games(1.flood 2.including3.prevent 4.snowstorm 5.area/hectare 6.to climb 7.stay 8.runners 9.boring 10.playing)b:调查实践:下列缩写自己抽空去查一查吧!(1)月份的缩写 (2)星期

5、的缩写(jan feb mar apr may jun july aug sep oct nov decsun mon tue wed thur fri sat) c:在我们的日常学习中,经常在数学,历史等各科中见到下列字母缩写,你能猜猜它们表达了什么意思吗?猜完后在看答案,看看你对了几个?这能表明你平时是不是个有心人哟?课本上还有它们的全称呢! 1.1.cm._2.e.g_.3etc_.4sec_5info_6km_7min_ 8no._ part two交流展示&点拨提高:speak upa. listen to the tape and answer questions.1. w

6、ho would sandy like to invite to go birdwatching ?(daniel)2. where will they go ?(beijing wildlife park)3. what can they do in beijing wildlife par ?(they can see different kinds of birds and an interesting bird show as well.)4. when is it ?(its on saturday ,15th december.)5. what time does it start

7、 ?(it starts 9.30 p.m. and finishes at 3.30p.m.)b. read after the tape and talk about how to invite others and how to reply to others invitation. 1. how to invite people?2. how to reply to people?c. how to make an invitation?d. work in pairs.study skills (discuss and answer)a. when do people need to

8、 take notes?b. how to take notes quickly?c. complete the context of part a.b&c.part3:当堂检测一、单项选择1.i didnt know he came back _i met him in the street.a.since b.when c.until d.after2. “my dad bought me a new mp4,but i dont know _.”lets read the instructions.”a.what to use b.which one to use c.how t

9、o use it d. when to use it.3.there isnt _airport near where i live ._nearest airport is 110 kliometres away.a. a;the b.an;/ c.an;the. d.a;/4. a new report says that the average size of families in beijing has become _from 3.89 members in 1982 to 2.71 members now.a.less .b.more .c.larger .d.smallar5.i really want to have a _. i feel so tired after such a long walk.a.talk b.rest c.swim d.look二、写出下列所给词的完整形式1.wed _ 2.sept _ 3.e.g _ 4.cm _5.km _ 6.info _三、用英语表达下列符号1.= _ 2.> _ 3.< _ 4.+ _5. _ 6.$ _ 7.% _ 答案:预习题答案无一、选择:cccdb二、1


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