1、初中英语教师资格证面试逐字稿一一阅读教学教学类型:语音教学语法教学阅读教学听力教学写作教学口语教学英语教学设计的基木步骤:一. 教学内容二. 教学目标与要求三. 教学重、难点分析四. 课前准备五. 教学过程1、Warm-up/ Lead- m 复习/导入2、PreSentatIOn 呈现3、PraCtICe 练习4、PrOdUCtIolI 巩固练习5、SUnmKIryr and HOmework 总结&作业六. BIaCkbOard DeSIgn 板书设iTips:面试时一定要写板书阅读教学Tips:阅读教学采用PwP模式,有读前活动、读中活动.读后活动。 授课思路:PVP模式1 Wa
2、rming-UP/Lead m:2. Pre-Ieadmg3. WTllle-Ieading4. PoSt-Ieadlng5.Summary and homework1. 题目:Small talk2. 内容:SmaIl talk is a COnmIOn form Of COmnIUnICation. BUSineSS travelers, for example. always meet new PeOPle and USUany make Smail talk before discussing SenOUS business. WOrkerS In ShOPS or IeStaUran
3、tS also find Sniall talk helftl when they are SerVmg customers. In most cultures, it is UnPOrtant to SniiIe and keep the COnVerSatIOn IIght and humorous. MakIng Other PeOPle SmIle Can make them feel IeIaXed- However, the most ImPortant thing IS to give the Other PerSon a ChallCe to SPeak and IiSten
4、to What they have to say.3. 要求:(1)设汁阅读教学活动:(2)举例讲解加粗单词:(3)全英文试讲:(4)试讲时间:10分钟。1 Warming-UP/Lead in:HelIo, everyone. IlICe to See you again. HOw was everylhmg going? Great? NOt bad? m SO glad to hear that. LaSt Wreek, I vatched a Venr IntereStmg VideO and I Want to Share VrIth you. do you Want to know
5、? Well, let's IOOk at the PPT. rhat Can you See In the video? Yes, Some people. WhO are the>r? Yes, they are Some businessmen.Mat are they doing? RIghL they are having a Small talk before having a meeting. and the topic they are talking is ver>, funny, SO the atmosphere IS relaxing, right?
6、 DO you know Why they are doing this before an ImPOrtant and SerIOUS meeting? WeIl. today we will IeanI something about this. We will IeanI Small talk (板书)2 Pre-readingEgBefdre reading, I Wlll ShOW SOme new WordS Of this PaSSage that you may have difficulty m your reading. PleaSe IOOk at the blackbo
7、ard, here, humorous. What the meaning Of this rord? WelL PleaSe IOOk at the PPT. WlIo are they? Yes, GUO Degang and YU Qian.DO you IIke them? Yes? Why. because they Can make US laugh. TIlen We Can Say they are humorous. It means fimny and IntereStmg. GOt it? YOU are SO clever.Then. IOOk at the title
8、. Can you guess What does PaSSage mainly talk about? Can you have a try? Lucy, what's your opinion? YOU think It talks about how to make Small talk. HOW about you Michael? OIh It talks about the advantage Of Smail talk?MQyb匕 well, let's read this PaSSage to See If your guessing is IIglIt. ok
9、?3. rhile-reading r解大惫fast reading: 检测预测.处理单诃。WhilC-reading格选择CarCfUI reading: 刿師对锚问答匹配时间爭件:>(原因结果Fast-readingGUys, PIeaSe Iead the PaSSage as quickly as you can. So We Can CheCk your PredICtIOlI (After that, you need to tell me the main Idea Of it.) And If there are WordS you are not famar with,
10、 you Can guess the meaung through context. YOU WIIl have 3 minutes. OiC IetS start. Time's up. IS your PredlCtIOn right? Really? YOU are SO clever?Are there any difficult words? I heard SomeOne SaId customers.(板书)ok. let*s WatCh the PPT, here IS a.IeStaIIrant. SO clever, here, the PerSon Standmg
11、 beside the table IS ,aiter. And the PerSon Slt in Chair IS customers. SO CUStOmer means the PerSOn WhO Paying for service, clear?CarefUI-Ieadlng完成句子NOW Iets read the PaSSage again. ThIS time, you need to Iead It CarefUny and focus On SOme detailed Infbrmation. YOU have 10 minutes. Later, I will inv
12、ite Some Of you to conlete the SentenCeS on the blackboard.Ok, time is up. IOOk at the blackboard. Any idea? WhO Can have a try? That girl m red, you please? Ok, do you agree WlttI her? Exactly. Very good, thank you, PIeaSe go back to your seat. YbU are SO brave.或者判断正误ThlOUgh reading, Can do me a fa
13、vor? Here, On the PPT. there are two sentences, Can you tell me Whether they are TrUe or False, the first one, who can? Let,s answer together. Yes5 the answer is tne, and how about the SeCOnd one. Yes, LlSa you please. False? I See SOme StUdent Shake then heads, how about you. Jack? True? Wow, two a
14、nswers. Let's SCan the PaSSage again, yes, you got it.(结合文木)In the IaSt Senteiice, theauthor says: "the most mortant thmg IS to give the Other PerSOn a ChanCe to SPeak and sten to What they have to Sayo. SO the answer IS True. JaCk gives US the right answer, but LlSa you are also Veiy brave
15、, I beeve IIeXt time you Wlll do better keep trying, ok? Thank you, both Of you.4 Post-readingEglDear StUdelits, after three times Of reading, And here. I ,ant to Share you an USage Of this word. COmlnUmCation. I know you have figured OUt the meaning Of COnmIUmCation.(扳书)We ShOUId also know it's
16、 Verb form, It IS ColimmnIcate, andusually, the following Prq)OSltIOn IS ,th. SO We CaiI say, I USUalIy CoInmllmCate with my ParentS for suggestions. Clear?I think all Of you know more about SmalI talk, t*s VCTy important When We Want to Start a conversation, right? Can you introduce Small talk to o
17、thers? Can you IeteIl this passage? Well I Can give you 5 minutes to practice, you Can UTlte down IeSS than 10 key words to help you. Later. I WIIl IIIXIte SOme Of you to have a try.Ok, (Ime is up. WhO Want to be the first? Yes, Calvin, you please, wonderful, your Ietellmg IS IOgICal and clear. AlIy
18、One else, who Want to Chanenge him?E.g.2Dear students, after three times Of reading. I Ihmk all Of you know more about Smail talk, t*s Very mortant When re Want to Start a COnVerSation, right? So, how to make a Small talk? HaVe you ever made a SInalI talk? Wll, how about let*s do a IOle-Play? YOU Ca
19、n Work with your elbow partner, and ChOOSe any SlnIatIOn you like. And IrytO do a SmaII talk. 10 minutes later. I will InVlte Some VOhInteer to give a PerfdrmanCe On the stage. Ok?.ok. tune is up. who'd Ilke to show?Yes, twins you please, wow, your Small talk is Very IntereStmg, and you two Ilke
20、 Ieal actors, Very good、another pair9 MTio Want to Challenge them? YOU are SO active, WhICh PaIr ShOllid I choose? En.how about that Pair near the window. COme to the stage, ronderful, your PrOnUnCIatIon IS perfect, you two Set a good exanle for us. IettS give them a big hand. The IaSt chance, WhO W
21、ant to SeIZe it?yes, OIir monitor and your partner. EXCellent, its a tense atmosphere, but your Smail talk InakeS It IelaXlng. .interesting, and you Can COntmUe to PraCtlCe after class.5 SlImmalay and homeworkGUyS, I Can See here COmeS the end Of OUr class, WhO Can Illake a SUmmary for us? YeS , OUr
22、 momtor, you. please, right, today XV亡 IeaInt What Small talk IS and ov to do a Smail talk. Very good. Slt down please, and guy, being good at COmmUnlCatIIlg Can make US popular. I hope you Can Iearn more about COInmUmCatIOn in your SPare tune. OkOHere is yor after SChOOl task. PIeaSe finish the exe
23、rcise On your book, and try to know more about Small talk through internet, clear? Ok, CIaSS is over, See you next time.阅读教学教学设计1. TeaChing aims1) KnOwledge aimSnIdeIltS will master new WordS IIke humorous、CUStOmer, CommUmCation.2) Ablllty aimSnldentS will be able to make SmaIl talk.3) EmOtIOnal aun
24、SnldentS will know the IinPOrtanCe Of Startmg a COnVerSatIOn In IeIaXing atmosphere2. TeaCIIing key and (IiffiCUIt POintS(1) Key POlntHeIP SnldentS to InaSter the new WordS(2) DIffiCUltPOmtGUIde StUdentS to make Small talk3 TeaChmg and Iearmng methodsTask-based IangUage teaching method (TBLT); COOPeratIVe I
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