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1、剑桥国际少儿英语第五 册 k b 5 文 本WelcomeDan: Hi,Shari. Did you have a good holiday?Shari: Yeah. Lovely, thanks, Dan. Do you know Alvin? Helives near me and hes new at school.Dan: Hi, Alvin. Nice to meet you.Alvin: Hi, Dan.Alvin: What s that on the board?Shari: It s a poster about a new school ezine.Dan: What s

2、 an ezine?Shari: It s an Internet magazine.Dan: Oh!Dan: Look. It s a competition for the best ezine in the school.Shari: Oh,that s interesting. And there s a prize! Shall we tryand write one?Alvin: Good idea, but what shall we write about?All: Hmm.Alvin: Oh! Can we write about sport and computers?Da

3、n: We can write about anything we like.Shari: Let s write our first ezine on our school so Alvin canlearn about it.Dan: Ok.Alvin: Great!clock.Dan: See you outside school at four oAlvin and Shari: See you!U1 Time for televisionNarrator: It s ten to four. Dan, Shari and Alvin are in the library.Alvin:

4、 Look at this, Dan. Fun Time is on TV1 at ten past four. Shall we watch it?Dan: Wait a minute. Animals is on Tv2 at twenty past four.Shari: Let s watch that because we all like it.Dan: Yeah, that a good idea, but what time is it now?Shari: It s five to four. If we want to watch it, we have to leave

5、now.Alvin: Come on, then, let s go!Dan: Phew. Just in time. It s quarter past four.Shari: Hi, Dad. Can we put TV2 on, please? We want to watch Animals.s on TV3Mr. Nelson: Oh, I m sorry, Shari. Not today. The golfand you know I love golf.Alvin: What time does it finish, Mr. Nelson?Mr. Nelson: Oh, don

6、 t worry. It finishes at twent-yfive past seven!Three children: Oh!Shari: Well, boys, I think we can watch TV another day.Alvin: You re right. Let s go and write somethin gT aVb four tour ezine.Dan: Yeah. We can t watch T, Vbut we can write about it. Mr. Nelson: SssshhhhThree children : Ooh!U2 Peopl

7、e at work 工作中的人们Dan: What are we going to write about for our ezine this week? Shari : I don t know. Have you got any ideas, Alvin?Alvin : Er, no, but let have a slo ok at the exhibition on jobs and think about it.Dan: Look at this nurse. That s an interesting job. I think Igoing to be an nurse when

8、 I m older. Shari: Hmm. A nurse is OK, but I think I m going to be a dentist. What are you going to do, Alvin?Alvin: I m not sure, but Im going to have an exciting job.Teacher : Everybody has to leave the school building now,please. Walk quickly, but don Shari: Oh, no! I hope the school isn Teacher

9、: It s OK, everybody. It Alvin: That s a really exciting job. I Shari: Well, now we know what we this week s ezine! jobs.t run. t going to burn down.prasc otincley. a m going to be a firefighter. re going to write about ins jobs.Dan: Let s write about famous people Shari and Alvin: Yeah!Dan: Yee ha!

10、 We re gointog win that prize!U3 City life 城市生活Mr. Grey : OK, kids. We re going to meet back here at half past five. Don t get lost!Dan: No problem, Dad! It s ten past two now, so we ve gotmore than three hours.Shari: We want to get some interesting information for our ezine, so where shall we go fi

11、rst?Alvin: Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge in London.Let s go there.Shari: How do we get there?Alvin: Let s look at the map . Now, we re outside the station.That s here.Dan: We have to go straight along thi s road. We don t go across the river. We turn left here Dan: Ok, now we re at a corner

12、. Do we want to go left or right, Alvin?Alvin : Er, I don t know. I think we take the third street on theright, then walk past this park.Shari: Er, boys turn the map round! Were going in the wrongdirection.Shari: Excuse me. Can you tell us how to get to Tower Bridge, please?s behind yWoman: Look, de

13、ar. It s just across the street. ItU4 Disaster! 灾难!Shari: That was amazing!Alvin: It was really scary as well.Alvin: Now we ve go ta great project for our ezine Disasters!Shari and Dan: Yeah! reporter : Well, hello, children. Are you getting warm?Shari, Dan, and Alvin : Yes! reporter : Can you tell

14、me what happened?Shari: It was hot and sunny this morning, so we decided to sail to the small island for a picnic with my dad.Alvin: When we were sailing to the island, the sky went dark. Reporter : Were you listening to the weather on the radio?Dan: The radio was on, but we werent listening to tthe

15、r .w eaWe were listening to music.Reporter: Why didn t you go back to the beach?Dan: Because we were very near the island.We decided to wait there for the weather to get better but it didn t.A storm started. Shari: We were walking up the beach, looking for somewhere safe to stay,when lighting hit th

16、e boat and it caught fire. Reporter: What a disaster!Shari: We couldn t leave the island, so Dad had to phone for help.Alvin: At first, the phone didn t work. But when they tried again and it was OK. Phew!Reporter: Were you afraid?Shari, Dan and Alvin: Yes!Dan: But it was really exciting when the he

17、licopter came to get us.Shari and Alvin: Yeah, that was great!U5 Material things 材料Shari : This is a great new shopping centre. It was all made of brick. Look at the sweet shop!Dan: Wow! Look at those mice! They re made of whitechocolate.Alvin: Let s go and buy some sweets.Dan: Ahah! Do you like my

18、new teeth?Shari: Ugh. They re horrible. What are they made of?Alvin: Ha ha! They re made of sugar. They re great. Nice one,Dan!Dan: Hee hee hee.Shari: Ooh, look! These snakes are made of rubber. They are fantastic.Alvin: Yeah! Ooh, I m going to buy one of these spiders.They re made of fur. s going t

19、o bet haofrsaeid. ofs big black spider on yourDan: Really? I don t think anybodyShari: Ah! Look out, Dan! Thereshoulder!Dan: No, there isnt.Alvin: Oh, yes, there is. That spider isn t made of fur, Dan. Itreal!Dan: Aagghhh!Alvin and Shari: Ha ha ha!Alvin: It s OK. We were only joking.Dan: Hmph, well.

20、 let s go and find out what things are made offor our next ezine.Alvin: Ok.Shari: Oh, yeah.Alvin: Well. it s strong blue cheese, Shari.U6 Senses感 觉(Shari : Yeah, I thought so too. )five senses. First weTeacher: In this week s science club we re going to look at theing tor elo gook at the sense the t

21、ouch.Shari: Put your hand into this box, Dan. What does it feel like?Dan: It s very soft. It feels like fur. Is it an animal?Alvin: No, Dan. It s my toy spider.Dan: Not again.Alvin and Shari: Ha, ha, ha!Shari: I didn nto kw we had to do the senses of hearing too.Alvin: That s horrible! It sounds lik

22、e somebody falling downstairs.Teacher: That s my new CD.Dan: That s cool!Alvin and Shari: Dan!Teacher: We re exploring the sense of smell. What does this smell like, Shari?Shari: Phoargh! That smells terrible! It smells like Alvin socks.Teacher: And now the sense of taste. What does this taste like,

23、 Alvin?t thinAlvin: Mmm. It it tastes like pizza. It s great! I didnliked pizza.Dan: You do now.Alvin: Let s find out how to make the perfect pizza for our next ezine.Shari and Dan: Yes!U7 Natural world 自然界Dan: This is great! A day in the country!Alvin: Yeah, but we ve only got two more days to writ

24、eu ro next ezine project and we haventopic.t Wgoht at shall wewrite about?Shari: I don knt ow, but it s vheoryt, so we should put our hats on.Dan: Phew! You rreig ht. The sun is strong .I think we should put some sun cream on, too. Here you are.Shari : Thanks , Dan . Do you want some, Alvin?Alvin: E

25、r.Er? Look! What s that man doing? Let go and ssee.Alvin: Excuse me. Can you tell me what you re doing?Man: Sure. I m taking the glass bottles and plastic bags out of the lake because theyre dangr ewroildu sb firods. I have to dothis every week.Dan: That s terrible! People should put their rubbish i

26、n theb ins. They shouldn t leave it on grass or throw it in tlhaek e.Shari: What should we do about this? Can we do anything to help?Man: Well, most people don t know that this is a big problem for birds and other animals, so you should tell your friends and family about it.Alvin: Yeah. We should write about it in the ezine.Dan: Come on! We ve got a job tod o.U8 World of sport 体育世界Teacher: Today s the school prize day. First we re going tohave our yearly obstacle race. Then we re going to gi


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