



1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。九年级英语复习Unit 5I 单词检测 写写看 找出不会的 记住它们1.属于(词组)2.郊游野餐3.发带(词组)4.可能地(adv.)5.落下6.形成(词组)7.最后的8.烦恼的9.物主10.天空11.赶上(车船等)12采访13噪音14.风15.邻居16.主管17.猴子18.气味19.手指20.举起21.石头22.蚂蚁23.海洋24.用完(词组)II重点词组 完成下列词组 记住不会的1.belong to属于的;是的一员 The book - - him.那本书属于他的。 I - - the tennis club.我是网球俱乐部的一员 2.表示

2、肯定推测: must 一定,肯定; can/could 可能; may/might也许,或许; 表示否定推测:cant 不可能 The French book - - Li Yings , she is the only one whos studying French. The homework - - Carols, she wasnt at school today. The ticket- - my aunts or my uncles, they are both going to the concert.3.- car 玩具汽车 4.- - 最喜欢的作家 5.- the - 在野餐

3、中6.- - - music听古典音乐 7.a - band 一个发带 8.go to the - 去听音乐会 9.have any/some ideas = know 知道 have no idea = dont know10.because; because of:because of +代词/名词 而because+从句 She didnt know yesterdays homework, - she didnt come yesterday. She is worried because of her test, - - these, he failed. 11.- the - 在音

4、乐会中 12.- the symphony - 在交响乐大厅 13.- -30% - 百分之三十计入14.the - exam 期末考试 15.chase = run after;赶走,追捕 The alien is - the boy. 外星人在追那男孩。The cat - the mouse but could not catch them. 那猫追老鼠但追不上。16.run for exercise跑步锻炼 He could - - for exercise.他可能在跑步锻炼17. - the - 在天空中 18. a - creature 一个奇怪的生物19. a woman - a

5、- 带着照相机的妇女 20. wear a - 穿西服21. - a bus 赶公共汽车 22.in our - 在我们社区 23.the local school/newspaper/zoo 地方的学校/报社/动物园 24.strange - 奇怪的声音 25.- our window 在窗户外 26.- - - 隔壁邻居27.his or her- idea她(他)自己的看法28.there must be - - - 一定有正玩的高兴 29.- night深夜30- the hallway 在走廊31.-in the - 进入窗户 32.- - - - 从逃跑 逃走 33.in - -

6、在海洋里 an ocean of 许许多多、无穷无尽的an ocean of paper题海 Im swimming in an ocean of paper now.34.too - /- 太多.35.the movie - 电影导演 36.- - =look out = - -当心、小心37.be - of -sth. 害怕做 38.- -/-the plane 上/下飞机 39.- -about- - 担心 40.a strange - 一种奇怪的味道 41.句型: It is + 形容词/名词 + to do sth It is the best time to swim. It is

7、 my greatest happiness to help others.帮助别人是我最大的快乐. 42.pretend to do sth假装做某事 He pretended to be reading。. 他假装在看书. pretend to be ill装病 43.use up=run out =run out of用光,用完,耗尽 Yesterday I - - all my money.44.be less of a problem 不成问题III 重点句子 完成下列句子 读一读 背一背1.If you - - -where - - please call me.如果你知道它可能在

8、哪,请打电话给我。 2、Its crucial that I study for it because it- - 30%- the final exam. 关键我必须学,因为它占期末考试的30%。 3、What do you think “anxious”-?你认为“anxious”是什么意思? 4、He - - - for exercise.他可能是跑步锻炼身体。 5、He - - - - - a bus.他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。 6、Why - - - the man is running?你觉得那个男的为什么跑? 7、- - mystery in Bell Tower neighbo

9、rhood.钟塔附近不再有神秘的事了。 8、One finger cant - a small stone.独木难支。 9、When - - says“ocean”,he is talking about a small pool.井底之蛙。 10.Its - - a - to be poor than to be dishonest.宁穷勿贱/不诚实比贫穷更可怕。 11、- - - the person who does not talk and the dog that does not bark.明抢易挡,暗箭难防。 12、You cant - a person who is prete

10、nding to be -.真人不露相。/装睡的人叫不醒。(天要下雨, 娘要嫁人, 随他去吧.) 13、Tell me and Ill -. Show me, and I may not -. Let me try, and Ill -. 有亲身体验才能明白其中的道理。/纸上得来终觉浅,须知此事要躬行。 14、Dont let yesterday - - too much of today. 过去的就让它过去吧。 15、He who would do great things should not attempt them all - .一个好汉三个帮IV 同义句1 The book must

11、 be Anns.The book must - - Ann.The - of the book must - Ann.2.The hair band is probably hers.The hair band - - hers.The hair band - - - hers.3.The soccer is possibly Toms.The soccer - - - Tom.4.Im almost sure that the bike isnt GracesThe bike - - - Grace.5.They both play soccer.- - - play soccer.6.D

12、ont throw the waste paper everywhere.Dont - the waster paper -.7.It blew strongly last night.There - - - last night.The wind - - last night.8.He doesnt know what to wear.He doesnt know - - - wear.IV串串烧 头脑风暴1. 采访某人 - - have/do - - - sb2. 感冒 - - -赶火车 - the -抓小偷 - - - 抓猴子 - -3. 唤醒某人 - - -苏醒过来 - -醒着的 -

13、-去睡觉 - - -入睡 - -睡着的 - -感到困倦的 - -4. 某人用光某物 sb - - sth sb - - - sth某物用光 sth - -5. 闻某物的味道 - sth闻起来味道好 - -闻起来像某物 - - sth有某物的味道 have - - of sth6. 正确答案 - /- answers不正确答案 - / - answers纠错 改正错误 - -7. 开/ 关 电视 - / - the TV开/ 关 门 - / - the - - /- the -调大/ 调小收音机 - - / - the -8. 拒绝某人/ 某物 - sb / sth拒绝干某事 - - - sth9. 把


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