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1、大工20春大学英语3在线测试2试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分)1.It is the best film () I have ever seen.A.thatB.whoC.whomD.which答案:A2.Life is getting more () and difficult.A.complexB.complexerC.complexestD.complexly答案:A3.May I () an appointment?A.makeB.takeC.tookD.made答案:A4.She () look rather appealing in th

2、at dress.A.doesB.doC.doingD.done答案:A5.I informed him () my decision.A.ofB.withC.inD.for答案:A6.Do you know the reason () she did it?A.whyB.whichC.whereD.when答案:A7.Shes rather () to fits of temper.A.disposedB.disposingC.disposeD.be disposed答案:A8.He has a knife () to defend himself.A.with whichB.with th

3、atC.with whereD.with when答案:A9.Their sudden attack made us more () of the danger around usA.awareB.awarerC.awarestD.awarely答案:A10.Mathematics () a study or science of numbers.A.isB.areC.beD.were答案:A11.Our company was () in 1994.A.establishedB.establishingC.establishD.to establish答案:A12.His generosit

4、y to the poor () well known.A.isB.areC.beD.am答案:A13.There are two () a day.A.performancesB.performanceC.performD.performs答案:A14.The rain kept us from () there on time.A.gettingB.gotC.getD.having答案:A15.I dont want to talk about it now. Im not in the ().A.feelingB.attitudeC.emotionD.mood答案:D16.We came

5、 () conflict over money.A.inB.intoC.withD.for答案:B17.They are () together by their religious beliefs.A.boundB.bindC.bindingD.bond答案:A18.Would you like something ()?A.drinkB.to drinkC.drinkingD.for drinking答案:B19.Would you let () to the park with my classmate, Mum?A.me goB.me goingC.I goD.I going答案:A2

6、0.You dont mind () you Xiao Li, do you?A.callB.to callC.to callingD.calling答案:D二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)21.The flower smells sweetly.答案:错误22.Work shortages are a consequence of low pay.答案:正确23.We want to keep the debate alive.答案:正确24.The meeting is going to be hold next week.答案:错误25.The book is worth to read.答案:错误26.We enjoyed a quiet celebration on our own.答案:正确27.A subway will built in the city.答案:错误28.Granny takes care of the girl.答案:正确29.He dis


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