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1、1 / 6九年级英语全册Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版Section A一、学习目标:(一)Important words and phrases:shake, kiss, bow, greet, custom, land, relaxed, towards,shake hands, drop by, after all(二)Important sentences: 1) What are you supposed to do when you meet someone? Youresupposed to kiss. Y

2、oure not supposed to shake hands.2) When were you supposed to arrive?I was supposed to arrived at 7:00. 3) You should have asked what you were supposed to wear?二、预习检测1.和某人握手2.向某人鞠躬3.第一次4.用错误的方式5.被邀请6.对某事随意 _7.有点晚 _8.顺便访问 _划去做某事 _10.守时 _11.毕竟 _12.没有事先打电话 _13.应该做某事 _14.本应该做某事 _三、教案过程Step1情景导入:What do

3、people do when they meet for the first time?Step2自主学习:1a、Match the countries with the customs.1c、2c PairworkStep3合作互动:3aRead the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss studentand fill in the chart .四、梳理归纳: 这节课我学习了 _.五、当堂检测(一)单项选择( )1. She often makes plans _ others.A. helpsB. helpingC. to hel

4、pD. help9.计2 / 6( )2.Tom ate bread _ eating rice for breakfast .A. insteadB. instead ofC. ofD .but3 / 6( )3.The old man _ ten years ago.A. deadB. is deadC. died D. was died( )4.What _you _to do before the last meeting ?A. did, suppose B. are, supposing C. were, suppose D. were supposed( )5.The idea

5、of“sunshine sport”makes it possible for kids to choose and do _aboutsport as long as one hour every day.A. pleasant somethingB. anything pleasantC. nothing pleasantD. pleasant anything( )6. Without _a word, the man left in a hurry.A. to sayB. saysC. saying D. said( )7. Do you think _ useful to learn

6、 a foreignlanguage ?A. thatB. it C. thisD. they( )8. The foreigner will get used to _with chopsticks soon.A. eatingB. eatC. ateD. going to eat( )9.He hurried home,_ behind from time to time as he went .A. looking B. looked C. being looked D. was looking( )10.- Is there _in todays newspaper?- No, the

7、res _.A.anything special。something unusual B. anything special。nothing unusualC.special anything。nothing unusual(二)根据句意及字母提示补全单词。1. As a student , he isnt sD.special。unusual nothingto make faces in class.2.In Korea you are supposed to b3.We often just drop by our friends4.They are pretty rwhen you m

8、eet someone for the first time .home wcalling first .5.We are going to pto visit a few places of interest in south tomorrow.6.Its rto talk while eating something .Do you agree with me ?7.His mother never gave up t8.Tom has a good h9.The small shop is open everyday e10. Dont get on the c(三) 任务型阅读to h

9、elp him .of doing eye exercises.Sunday .bus .Wait for thenext ,please .about tim e , arent they?1005.4 / 6For several years ,Americans have enjoyed teleshopping -watching TV and buying things by phone . Nowteleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries ,people can turn on thei

10、r TVs and shop forclothes , jewelry ,food, and many other things. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Europe. The biggest Swedishcompany sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries , and in one year it can make about million. InFrance there are two teleshopping channels .In German

11、y ,teleshopping was only on one channel for an hour everyday last year. Now the government allow opening other channels for teleshopping ,including the largest Americanteleshopping company and a 24hour teleshopping company. German businessmen hope this new teleshopping willhelp them sell more things

12、.3 Some people like teleshopping because they can do some shopping without leaving their homes, especially in thecities with heavytraffic. But at thesame time, otherEuropeans do not like this new way of shopping .They call teleshopping“Junk on the airThey usually worry about the quality of the thing

13、s sold on TV.The need for high quality makes the European teleshopping companies have to be different from theAmerican companies. 4They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell if they want to wantmore money .任务一:根据短文内容,简单回答问题。1.Where is teleshopping growing ?2.Why do s

14、ome Europeans not like teleshopping ?任务二:将短文中划线句子译成汉语。3.4.任务三:请给短文加一个适当的题目。Section B一、学习目标: (一) Important words and phrases:stick, point, fork, full, spoon, knife,rubbish, form, symbol, mark, beside, riddle, experiment, proper, normally, whose, make a noise, go out of ones wayto do sth, make sb feel

15、 athome, table manners, be/get usedto,(二) Important sentences: Youre supposed to write quickly.二、预习检测: 1.刺、插 _2.指向 _3.叉_ 4.吃饱的 _5.调羹 _6._刀_7.垃圾_8.构成_9.象征_10.记号_11.在附近 _12.谜语_13.实验_14.合适的 _15.通常、正常地 _16.谁的_17.制造3.第一次4.用错误的方式5.被邀请6.对某事随意7.有点晚 _8.顺便访问 _9.计划去做某事 _10.守时_11毕竟 _12.没有事先打电话13.应该做某事 _14.本应该做某

16、事_三、教案过程Step1情景导入:How much do you know about table manners around the world?Step2自主学习: Part1.2cStep3合作互动:3aRead the e-mail message from Wang Kun and answer the questions.1.Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France?2.Why did she have no reason to be nervous?3. How has her Frenchimproved ?

17、4. What is one particular challenge she is facing ? 5.What does she find surprising?四、梳理归纳:1.Pick up 2.Make 3.While 4.Point at与point to 5.Go out of ones way to do6 / 66. Make me feel at home7.Offer8.Find五、当堂检测一)、单项选择( )1.To keep our classroom clean, please_ waste paper _whenever you see it.A.take。up

18、 B. pick。up C. put。up D. send。up( )2.Susan enjoys a cup of tea at times , but _ she drinks coffee.A. mostlyB. almostC. nearlyD. most( )3.The people in that country is _ time.A. relax withB. relaxing to C. relaxed about D. relaxed at( )4.As you can imagine ,things in France are not the same as the _t

19、hey are in China.A. wayB. road C. path D. street( )5.- Did you go to Sams weekend party ? -No, I_A. am not invitedB. wasnt invitedC. havent invitedD. didnt invite( )6.To students ,learning how to live is _important _learning how to study.A. too。to B. so。that C. as。as D. not only。but also ( )7.He wen

20、t his waysome flowers for his mother .A. out。of to buy B. out。to buyC. out of( )8._ a lot of noise _not polite.()9. Are you used to _your friend after school?二)首字母填空1. I thought it was rof her not to answer my letter.2. You can sthe fork into the potato .3. Its a good mnot to spit in public.4.Put yo

21、ur kand fork down on the plate if youve finished eating .5. In some countries , you should wyour mouth with your napkin every time youtake a drink.(三)用所给单词的正确形式填空Everything ,free,they ,on, fact, much, hate, with, slow, hour5 / 6buying D. out。buyingA. Make。is B. Making。are C. Making。isD. Make。areA. e-mailB. e-mailingC. e-mailedD. e-mails( )10.Sir, you shouldthis letter.A. postB. have postedC. have postD. had posted8 / 6The American think a lot about time. They lear


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