1、宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷It may be hard to believe that many PeOPIe eat insects (昆虫)and bugs (虫子) IIISeCtS are now Very COnmlOn in all Of their PrOCeSSed food (力H 工 食 5 ) ImRginG S让tig down at the CIimIer table ad b86SerVred abowl Of vorms(软体虫) Ifs enough to make most WeStemerS StOmaChS t87 BUt i Othei co
2、mtries the Same meal makes peoples mouthsWatere Eatmg bugs I-IaS been aound for thousands Of years in SOme COLmtrieS TOday its estimated (fl) that more than half Of the PeOPle Of the WOrlel eat Clifferent kinds Of bugs. NOt Ollly do tlese insects tasteg_88. but also tley ae a CheaP and nutritious fo
3、od SOLUCe In the USZ SOme PeOPIe eat bugsfor quite a different IeaSOn to ShOW their COUrage Iii television ShOWS 189SUrViVOoCOnteStants(参赛者)eat beetles(甲壳虫)and SPiders(蜘蛛),and VieWerS WatCh tle ShOWS at homez feeling ShOCked ad CUSgUSteel(恶心白勺) BUt many Of tle VieWeIS dot IeaUZe that they may have C
4、lOne the SeUne tiling but just dont know it! Many AnIenCan PeOPle ClOnZt P90eat bugs,but i the future they may. There are fewer and fewer natural r91ad the POPUlatiOn isgetting IeUger and larger. EXPertS Say that insects Will be raised as an CdtematiVe (可彳共选择的) form Of PrOtem (蛋白质) If more PeOPle di
5、d their Part to eat bugs and broaden their diets and CIid not just go OUt and eat CIliCkelIZ beef and POrkZ the PIeUIet WOUld be better Off (境况改善) today VVeStenI CIiildren are not as n92about bugs as theii ParentSZ because they OftenViSit SCienCe musetus ad zoos, and at SChOOl they are IeeUlIilig mo
6、re about the environment and bugs.长宁区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷ZZJUSt Sign here, Sirr the CleIiVGrylYIan Said as he handed OSCar Reyna a PaCkageThe PaCkage COnSiSted Of a IOngz ITalTOW box, C86v?IPPGC1(包装)in brown paper.OPelIing the box, OSCar SaW an Umbrella inside - a VeIy OlCl One With a beautifully CarVed
7、 handle. A87he had not Seen it for more than 20 years, he IeCOglliZecl it immediatelyOSCar WaS 16 When he first SaW tle U 88 UmbreIla. He had gone to a COnCert With his grandparents, as they Were IeaVmgz he noticed an UmbreIIa On an empty seat. InlPreSSed by its beauty, OSCar felt a StlOng desie to
8、find its o89VVitlI the meuager,s help, Oscai found 辻 belonged to Mrs. Katie O,Brien.OSCar and his grandparents Went to Mrs. OzBrieiVs house On their Way home. VvI-Ien he IalIg the bell, the ClOOr OPenedZ and an elderly WOmeUl appeared ZZMay I help you? She askedyzd Iike to r90it if its yours: OSCar
9、SaidZ holding OUt the UmbrelIa as if PreSentilig agift tlat had IOng been vished for.Vhy, yes! Ifs ninez IePliecl Mrs. OzBrien With a WiCle Snlile and SIliIling eyes ZZlt v/as given to me by my father years ago. Thank you SO much May I offe, you a IeWard f91yotr kindness?No, Infamr he SaidZ My greud
10、mother SayS a good deed is its OvVn IeWard.z,YeaIs IaterZ OSCar WaS StarilIg at tle finely CarVed handle Of the UmbrelIa as he Iemembered Mrs. O,Brien It WaS in PerfeCt COnditiOnZ COnSideIilIg how Old 让 was. Vhy had it a 92 here today?AS if i answer, a note fell from the paper. It read: MrS OZBrien
11、WeUited you to accept tlis UmbrelIa as a PreSent for a kind, UnSelfiSh gesture IOng ago.崇明县初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷DO you WaI-It to be an Oliline student? It is important to Iemember tlat OllIilIe education is not Iight for eveyone.On your timeOlIe Of tle b 86 adveutages Of OIIlme ClaSSeS is that you are ab
12、le to enter your ClaSSrOOm vhen it is COnVelIient for you. DO you WOrk all day? TlIen you CalI log oil (登录)to your ClaSS i the evening or at the Weekend AIe you an GarIy riser? YOU CalI IOg On to your CIaSS in the early morning h 87 YOur VirtUal (虚拟的)ClaSSrOOm is OPen around the ClOCkz SeVen days a
13、week.The teacher,s IeCttIreIii an OllIiiIe CIaSSrOOm your teachers IeCttlre is Written Iather than S 88 TlIere areSeVered advantages. Tl-Ie Olliine CIaSSrOOm is COmPIeteIy different from tle real one. If you Carft remember What your teacher SaidZ all you have to ClO is to IereaCl his or her IeCttIre
14、 In most CaSeS you Will be able to get a COPy Of the IeCtUre YOU will be able to review your teacher s IeCtUre W 89 even getting online agai.StUdentSZ interactionOlIline StUclentS may find it Cl 90 to talk With each Other face to face T 91 CIiSCUSSiOn forums (论坛)and Chat IOOmS PrOVide SOme WayS for
15、StUdent interaction, they do not PrOVide the SOCial COImeCtiOn Of an On-CalllPUS ClaSSVve IlaVe to Sayz the CIiSaClVantageS to be an OllliIle StUdent eue CIear FOr example, the teachers can,t help you face to face Tl-Iey WOnZt PreUSe your WOrk OTalIy (口 头)AIl adveutage is the fact that SOme StUdentS
16、 are shy. TlIey are more Wiilmg to SPeak OUt their ideas On the discussion forum and are USUalIy more 192 to ask their teacher a question byemail They Tpill feel more COnlfOrtabIe TVith tlis OllIilIe interaction奉贤区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷COnneCt to the WOrIdCxrer the PaSt 20 years, the Intemet has g,eatly i
17、nfluenced OUr WOrld CUId CheUIged OUr lives. TlIe Internet mekes it much G86= for PeOPIe to SearCh for information FOr example, whenWe Write a history IePOrtz We dont have to go to the Iibraly VVe Can find Iiifomiation about WOrld IeaderS and IliStOriCal events On Clifferent WebS让gs. EVelytIlilIg We
18、 WeUlt to know Can be found at the CliCk Of a buttonThe IlItemet helps US to Stay COImeCted to family, friends and the WOrld CUoUnd us. NOt IOng ago, We WrOte IetterS by h 87= and WaiteCl WeekS for a IePIy TOdayZ When We USe QQZ We Send and IeCeiVe messages across thousands Of IlIileS in a few SeCOn
19、dSThe Intemet gives US a Way to express OUr OPUIiOllS in P 88= We Share interestingideas With Otller PeOPIe On QQZ BaidU TiebaZ blogs or foms(论坛) If We dislike the food at school, We Can discuss it in the SChOOrS forum or in the Tieba Of OUr OWn class.A _89_ the Internet has made Our vorld better in
20、 Inany WaySZ in SOme WayS 让 Can be a bad influence There is a IOt Of false UIfOrmatiOn OlI tle Internet. It is important not to believe A90二 We read On the Internet.In add让ion, many teenagers ChOOSe to keep in touch With each Other OnIirIG instead Ofmeeting face-to-face. PeOPIe W _91_that tlis harms
21、 their SOCiaI COnIIlIUlliCatiOn skills.SOme teenagers SPend too much time Playmg Internet games They may IOSe focus On theii StUdies.There are nillions Of interesting SiteS to ViSit CUld SO many WOncIerfUl tilings to do online. HOW COUld We IiVe WithOUt tle IlItemet nowadays? BUt Iemember to USe tle
22、 IlItemet P 92_ and wisely. TIy to Iet the Internet be your good SGrVanty not your bad master!虹口区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷NikeZ AdidaSZ Converse., ClO you know these WOrld-famous brands (商标)? IVhat do you think Of tlem? Do you USe their products?Sam: m a Nike fan. Many Of Nikes 86 On TV are fun and 让S PrOdUC
23、tS are great! Joe: Iii my eyes, top brand means top quality. SO I IOVe top brand PrOdUCtS 87 theyre Vety expensive.Sally: Tlle IOgOS Of famous brands are USUally UlliqUe (独一无二的) and IiiCe Its C=SS=IO OWn PrOdUCtS With those IOgOSJackie: MaIly top brand PrOdUCtS are advertised by SPOkeSmen SPOkeSmen
24、eue my favourite StarS IIOVG the StarSZ SO Of COUrSe I WeUIt to USe the PrOdUCtS they SPeak f89Susan: I know ifs PoPUlar for young PeOPle to have famous breud PrOdUCtS nowadays. BUt I have no i 90in following the fashion I OnIy ChOOSe the PrOdUCtS that StUt (适合) meAdam: AS StUdentSZ We dont earn mon
25、ey OurSelVeS Its not easy for OUr ParentS to SUPPOrt us. So I USe WhateVer they ChOOSe for me now. Vvhen I grow UP and become financially i 91 I may buy the famous brand PrOdUCtS I am fond of.Bob: I IikG PIaymg basketbedl With my ClaSSmateS Wllen We PIay On the PlaygIOUndZ We dont Care about What yo
26、u WeeIr as IOng as (只要)you Can PIay W 92 SO in my OPiIliOnZ thereis no need to Care SO much about the brands Of What you WGar黄浦区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷页启内容Dr Lynn Moorman WaS SPCndinS SatUrday night at her Parents house. WhCnCVer ShC SIayCd With them. ShC s86IhC bed in the bedroom. ThC bed WaS against the
27、WaIlUndCr a IarBC window.C ArOUnd IhrcC o,c!ock that moun, r MOonnan OPCnCd her and SaW aflashing light (阿光)OUtSidC the house. She thought that it WaS ar7yXx 火虫) A moment Jatcr. as IhC Iieht COnUnUCd to flash, ShC realized Ihat it WaS too bright CO be a firefly.ThCn the Iight moved toward the WindOW
28、 and一UnbeliCVablythrough IhC WindOW into IhC room. It passed in CrOnt OfhCrt PCrhaPS as C)OSe as three feet. Dr MOOrman found that it has two SCtS Of WirCS COniing from the top and bottomS 88 the family dog, SlCCPIng UndCr Ihe bed. WOkC UP and SaW the flashing IighL EaCh time ChC ObJCCtt Dr MOOrman
29、SaW it ClCarIy; but WhCn the Iight turned O(Ttthe OhyCCt also CLDr MOorTinQn quite IrigfltCnCd by now ShC thought about C 90 for help, but ShC CX)IiIdnMt OPCn her mouth. WhCn the Iight moved InIO Ihe kitchen, She ran to her SiSteTtS bedroom. ThC next morning at b 91 ShC told her family What had happ
30、ened, but no OnC ClSC had SeCn a_92 NO OnC believed her, SO It WaS StiU a puzzle to her Ond CVeryonC CISC-嘉定区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷Peggy CaIdOna Palked her blue NiSSali at a SUPermelrket One day in FebrUaIy ZZrII COme and OPen tle door for youz She told her four-yeer-old gieuidsOnZ Ryaii ESIllemallZ in tl
31、e back S 86_TlIe Car moved ahead before CardOna COUld even CIOSed the door. Nana, the Car is moving, Ryall cried. CardOna jumped into the ClnVerzS Seat and IeaChed for the Iiandbrake (手闸), her Ieft Ieg StePPing OUtSidez trying to S 87 the car. She couldnt find the b,akez and She got OUt Of the Car a
32、s it moved ClOWn the SteeP SSPe(陡坡)toward a POnd 20 feet Way Ryan WaS VeIy f 88 and Clied Nana! as tle Car fell into tle POnCl and tle Water began POuring in.yzHel, CardOna Cried as the Car moved from the bank. /7My grandson is i 89!A SUPemlarket CIerkZ CIillt FOLUItCullZ 24z had just StePPed OUtSiC
33、le for a break When he SaW aCrOWd gatleing by the pond. He jumped CIoWrI tle SlOPe and CliVed ito the COld water. ReaCIling tle car, FOtmtam SaW RyanXS teified face just mches above tle water. Unlock the ClOOrrZ FOUntam shouted. TlIe boy,s (infers fumbled (未触到)With the lock.FOUnteUn hit on the back
34、WindOWZ but the glass wouldnt break. A 90 mail DiCk MCCIUng dived in and handed him a IiamnIer (锤子) GrabbilIg it, FOLmtain told the boy to move aside, and broke the glass. HiS hands Wellt tlrough the boken XVirICIOW in the black Water and PUlIed the boy out. At that moment the IaSt flash Of the blue
35、 Car Cl 91UlIder tle WaterClimb OntO my back, FOtmtaill SaiCI. RyaII did SOz but tle tired mail COUIdIt SWmI back. MCCIUngZ Shll beside tlem in tle WaterZ PiCked UP Ryan and SWam to the bank S 92.LaterZ doctors found Ryan had got Oi-Iiy a Iittle Iiypotlieiiiiia (体温过低)ZZThey IiSked thei, IiVeS to SaV
36、e Ryanr CardOna Said Of the men. ZZI thank GOCl every day for them.z,金山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷MarCO POIOtracing MarCO POlo Chine ROUtGIt is difficult to iagie What the WOrlel WaS Iike in 1254 EtlrOPe WaS IiVing i an age tlat We Call the Medieval PeriOd (中世纪) It WaS a time Of many wars.It WaS in that time
37、that MarCO POIO WaS bom in VelliCeZ ItaIy Life i VelliCe WaS d86 from Iife in most Of Europe. VelIiCe WaS a city Of beautifulbuildings ad vater CanaIS (运汕J) MalIy businessmen did business in Venice.MarCO POIO S father and tmcle Were businessmen They had traveled to a far-off CoUrItry Called Cathay.
38、(CeIthay is now Cailed China.) Tliere they had friends Vvith the great IUIerZ KubIai KlmI(忽必烈) He i87 them to IetLlrn to Cathay.Vvhen MclrCO POIO WaS SeVenteen years Oldz he began a journey to Chma Witl IliS father and UnCIe TlIey SaiIeel the IndieUI OCean CUld CIOSSed the desert and mountdins Of AS
39、ia On CaIlleIs.TlIe journey to Cllina took tluee years.Ktb1i KllalI gieeted the POlOS and Sent them IOtS Of gifts. He WaS eseciedly impressed (留 印象)Yvith MarCo, WhO COUld SPeak four 18S_ including ClliIleSe and OtherSKIlaIl Sent MarCO On Inany trips t89 Cliiiia. On these trips, MarCO SaW manyamazing
40、 things that he had never Seen in EUrOPeZ SUCh as COal USed as fuel, PaPer money i90 Of COmSZ and PaPermaking and Prmting PrOCeSSeS MarcO made many notes aboutIife i Cliilia After almost twenty years in Cllillaz the POlOS began thek journey home to Italy. KUbled Khan gave them many gifts Of ivoyz Si
41、lkZ jewels, and jadeVvhen tley retumed to VelIiCeZ they found theii City at Weir MalCO POIO WaS PUt in PriSOn He SPent IIiS time W91 a book about his years in CIlina The book is CalIed DeSCriPtiOIlS Ofthe World. It became tle most P92- book in Europe. BeCaUSe Of the book, Inany PeOPIei EurOPe IeallI
42、ed about Iife in China 静安区(青浦区)初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷Li Mmg has StUdieCl in the UK for nearly tvo years now. BUt he,ll never forget IIiS first few WeekS Of IiVing in a different COuntryThe FOOdIn Cliiiiaz ll eat almost anything. BUt I Iemember the first food I tasted at SChOOl in England. We had tlis SOUP
43、 and it tasted Of n 86 at all. In CIIinaZ OUr food is quite salty, but We Iike it because the Salt m 87 it taste nice. A friend advised me to ty SOme CheeSe and bisctdts. I thought biscuits Were tle SaIlle as ZCOOkies, ill AmeriCa but I WaS WrOng AgamZ I felt CliSaPPOilIted at tle taste Of the biscu
44、its and the CheeSe WaS Ieany SOtIr IntrOdUCtiOnSIn CIIina When you meet SOmeOne for the fkst time, you SOmetimeS ShakG hands. I WaS SO S 88 When my friends mother gave me a kiss When I Ieft IIiS house I felt SO GmbarraSSeCl and I know my face Went Very Ied at that moment.T 89Vvhen I Want to go anpvh
45、ere in CllilIaZ I just take my bicycle Here in EngIeUIdZ I have to get a bus everywhere IFS IealIy COllfUSmg b 90 buses dont StOP automatically Iike they do inBeijing. YOU have to PUt your hand OUtz ring the bell or PreSS the SigIlal buttonSOCialiSnlg (社交)I Iemember When I Went CIrOUnd to a friends
46、house and I Wanted to Say ZZtllaIIk you to IIiS motler Iii Cliiiia, We Often give PeOPIe CakeS as P 91 The boy,s mother SteIred at the cake.She WaS trying to be POlitG but I knew from her face that I had taken Sometliiiig vrong In EngIandZ a Cake is more o 92 given On someones birthday.闵行区初三英语第一学期期末
47、质量抽査试卷HUCkICbCrry Finn. IhC great CharaCter from Mark TWain book. did not IikC SCbOOt I Ie preferred to c_ . ating down IbC MibiHppi River nd looking adventure ThIlt is VVhy generations Or RChoOlbOyS have IoVCd reading 1 IaCkICbCrry I inn they feel the SamC Way about HChoOI as IlC didInnl i Por VTmn
48、y boys, tci forced to Bit q 87 UIl clay in U tch1 fcon IH PUniShed for n Crime they did not COmrnIt ThCrC arc CnCilCftS hours hrclon WPCnt ICarning IhingX they IlaVC no interest , “nd fowing rules that mkc no SCnM6 ThalP Why ITWny boys Iittrdly tocus On *chcxl Q 88 In Acnca KO PCrCCnt f high SCbooI
49、dropouts (W*F 打.讪 ;” )nrc boy%anIronically ( H iM 刖図咏 HbJ. Qhc WhOlC IdeXl for SChOOhl WaH invcntc! r boys. SChOmrMhiP (直彷 舍)ICaderhp. and if a boy Wanted to grow UP to be U cluctcl. Grmhlaly PeoIMC rcalxcl IhAI CdUCal .oOd ilc4 too AncL rncl1y . WC Can d IhC AChOol vy*ten suit* t Ju*t Nnc: W nC 1*u
50、lt ki,h much better Ihan boy in BChoo1.NO OMfrea严 knws Why thal is s Say that girls mature (成刻 MUiCkCr Ihan hoy and adapt (适应)b曲r o SChOOl lifc. SOnle also Say tha the SChOOl SyStCm and IhC CUrriCUIUm (课理)have Changed to encourage girls and Ihat the needs OfbOyS have been OVerlOOked EdUCatorS arcnw
51、tryin lo nd WayS to get boys to be more S 91in SCh如ThCrC arc s8esl,0ns t SCParatC Ihe Sg and teach boys separately. TherC is also a C to Change Ihe CUmCUIUm to make it morc Jntcresttn8 Forboys to achieve their goals.WhatCVer th6 gnges arc, boys Still Will be boys, .nd drea Of floating down Uw MiSSiS
52、SiPPi RiVer WIn be more attractive thanj Sitting in a classroom.浦东新区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷If you thought you COUId PrOteCt yourself On tle Web by Iymg about your PerSOlial CletaiIs, you,d better think again In OllliIle ConmAuiiication at IeaStZ entering UntrUG CletaiIS about name or age may no IOnger PreV
53、ent OtherS from WOrkmg OUt exactly W 86 you are.MiCrOSOft is developing a new SOfhveUe that COUld accurately guess yotr neuez yotu age, your S 87 and POSSibly even your IOCatiOn MeUIy StUeIieS ShOW that tlere are StrOng IelatiOnSIIiP b 88 tle WebSiteS that PeOPle ViS让 and their PerSOllaIities. FOr e
54、xample, 74% Of WOmen ty to get SOme Hiformation about health ad medical information online, while Only 58% Of men do. TlIe SOftWarG COUlcl USe a Wide SerieS Of SUCh CiGtaiIS to make a good guess about thek ID from a P 89 browsing histoy.SO fai the SOftWare Can Ollly guess you* age ad Other informati
55、on With any accuracy, but the IeSeeUch team Say tley expect to be able to UPIediCt (预测J) yotu, job, and PerhaPS your IOCatiOn One day.H 90 Z ROSS AlIderSOnz a COmPUter SeCtIrity engineer at the UlliVerSity Of Cambridge, thinks the i 91 COUld PUt MiCrOSOft in big trouble. ZZI think it h 92 if MierOSO
56、ft Were to SelI SUCh SOftVJare WideIy It may PrOVide OPPOrtUnity for SOmeOne to make a mistake or even to COnmiit a crime.普陀区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽査试卷Dear PeterI hope everything is going WeiL I have SOmetlIilIg VeIy SPeCial to tell you LaSt Week I Went into SPaCe for the first time!My PaIentS ViSiteel SPaCe
57、IaSt yeeu,z but I WaS too Y 86 to go With them Allyway, a montl ago I had my birthday Party It WaS VerJr exciting When I OPened my presents. There Were IOtS Of WOndeIfUl games, but I WaS IeCilIy happy When I SaW a t 87 for a SPaCe flight!TWO WeekS after my bithday, I had to go On a ShOrt training COtUSe It WaS qu让G CliffiCtlltZ and I had to StUdy Very I-Iard L 88. I got a good ma in the exam in the end, and myParentS Were able to b 89 the date Of the SPaCe ight. I
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