



1、归纳推理:会议要简短-A Laconic Answer to Our Meeti.会议要简短【内容提示】人们都讨厌并反对冗长的讲话和拖沓的会议。但是,在学校、在行政 机关、在其他一些事业单位等,开会是经常性的,而且一开就是一天, 半天,至少也有一两个钟头。有些领导一讲话就拖泥带水,总要拖好 长时间。请你结合自己的所见所闻和亲身体会对这一问题发表看法, 把论点集中在简短会议、珍惜时间上。要求写一篇归纳推理的议论文。 以下词语供参考:1. Spartus n.斯巴达人2. Lania n,拉哥尼亚3. Lans n,拉哥(尼 亚)人4. tn n.企业巨头.lani a,简洁的;简短的【作文示范】

2、A Lani Anser t ur eetingsI heard that in anient Greee there lived a peple alled Spartus The Spartus ere faus fr their braver and siple life As the lived in Lania, the ere als alled Lans The Lans had a lt f strange rules ne f the as that the shuld spea briefl and never use re rds than neededThis str

3、ade e thin f a unir iddle shl lassate f ine ne he tld e that theirLeagus seretar ften put the t the truble f lng eetings, at hih she uld ade lng, lng speehes, all ept rds Everbd suffered Suh eetings ahieve little and aste preius tie But she herself did nt realize it If anne dared t prevent her fr sp

4、eaing r get in se rds t ut her shrt, she uld get angr and ritiize hi severelfriend said regretfull ,"I uld rathr be regarded as a bad student nl inthis a uld I ae free use f preius tie “ Suh a rear sunds disuraging But suh things nt nl happen in friend / s shl, but als in an ffies and units Eve

5、rne ust alas bear in indD that tie is ne, tie eans life Tda, if ne still ens a t-hur eeting ver a up f tea and a igarette, he is asting his life, and the lives f thers as ellgetting rid f hairsIn fat peple had taen easures t ut the eetings shrt befre A apanese tn ne suggested that his ffiials eep st

6、anding during the eetings It as reprted as” In the United States, there asnneeaeindngtsAnd in lass the nitr ne had us stand during a lass eeting, ust as the tn didAlthugh it seeedfunn, it shed that e ere all fed up ith unneessarlng eetingsTie is ne; tie is life e ust all treat tie as a treasure, espeiall in ur dern rldLani eetings, r n eetings at all【词语解释】severelsK vi+liad .严厉地;严肃地regretfullri / gretfuli ad.懊悔地;遗憾地)©bear in ind 记住(be) fed up ith (对)极其厌倦【写法指要】本文先举出古代拉哥尼亚人的一条章程,要求人们说话要简洁。因此,英语中有一个意为 简洁的”形容词就是 拉哥尼亚”的形容词“lani。然 后作者想到他的同学班会开得过长, 干部说话冗繁的


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