1、UnitI参考词汇位置介绍next to the hospital挨着医院not far from OUr SChOOl离我们学校不远方向介绍go Straight直走turn Ieft at 至y .左转,turn right at.至U右转参考句型1 The SCie nee museum is n ext to2 It's not far from 3 GO Straight 4 TUrn Ieft /right at HOW to Get to the SCienCe MUSeUmWe are going to the SCienCe museum tomorrow .The
2、SCience museum is next to the hospital .Pt S not far from OUr SChOOl. SO We Can go there On foot. FirSt J go Straight from OUr SChOOl .Next, turn Ieft at the POSt OffiCe and Walk for about five minutes. Then turn right at the bookstore . We Can find the hospital On the right .Walk Straight ,and we
3、39;ll See the SCience museum .Unit 2参考词汇交通方式:On foot步行by bike骑自行车by bus乘坐公共汽车by Car乘小汽车by taxi乘出租车动作:Walk步行CrOSS the road穿过马路 Wait等待ride骑,踩go to SChOOl去上学尖于交通的其他词汇:the traffic IightS交通信号灯against the traffic rules违反交通规则 follow /obey the traffic rules句型:1.1 goby 2. I always/USUaIly often/ never DOn ,
4、t Be AgainSt the Traffic RUIeSI go to SChOOl from MOndays to FridayS . I go to SChOOl by bike at 7:30 in the morning . I have to CrOSS two busy roads . I know the traffic rules WeIl. SlOW down and StOP at a yellow Iight .Stop and Wait at a red light. GO at a green Iight. I always ride On the right S
5、ide Of the road . I am never against the traffic rules .Unit 3参考词汇 时间:tomorrow明天tomorrow morning明天上午after IUnCh午饭后地点:bookstore 书店 restaura nt 餐馆 the SUmmer PalaCe 颐和园 KUnming Lake 昆明湖 动作:IOOk for 寻找 read books 看书 eat 吃 Play 玩 row a boat 戈 V 小舟召句型:1.1 , m /We , re going to.21We like Let* S HaVe a NiC
6、e DayTOday is SatUrday . TOmOrrOW morning I, , m going to the bookstore With my friends . We aregoing to have IUnCh in a restaura nt. I Iike ChiCken, beef and VegetableS . After IUnChJ We are going to Play near the KUnming Lake .Maybe We are going to row a boat On the Iake .That WiIl be great !We ar
7、e COming back at 5 in theafter noon.Unit 4参考词汇:En glish 英语,Iisten to the radio 听收音机,COOk Chi nese food 做中国食物,do WOrd PUZZleS猜字谜Iike hobby everyday参考句型:1 .She IikeS 2. She does,nt Iike 3. DOeS She Iike .?Li Ying , S HObbieSLi Ying IikeS English Very much .She WOrkS hard at it. She reads English every
8、 morning .She IikeS SPeaking English . She IikeS IiStening to the radio ,too . She WatCheS TV Only OnSatUrday evening DOeS She Iike COOking Chinese food ? No,she does*n t .She IikeS doing Word PUZZleS . She doesIT t Iike Playing basketball .Her Parents IOVe her. AIl the teachers and friends IOVe her
9、 ,too .She SayS her hobbies make her happy .Unit 5词汇:doctor医生,teacher教师PilOt飞行员StUde nt学生hos Pi tai医院SChOOl学校Beijing北京by SUbWay乘坐地铁by bike骑自行车by Plane乘飞机句型:1. He/She WOrkS in 2. He/She goes to WOrk by .I IOVe my familyHere is a PhOtO Of my family . There are four PeOPle in my family .They are my fat
10、her, my mother ,my brother and me .My father is a doctor. He WOrkS in a hospital . He goes to WOrk by SUbWay . My mother is a teacher. She WOrkS in a SChOOl near my home . She goes to WOrk by bike . LOOk , the tall boy is my brother. He is Older than me . He is a PiIOt. He's in Beijing now . He
11、goes there by PIane .Pma StUdent now .I IOVe my family .Unit 6 ?词汇:Sad难过的 WOrrieCl担心的afraid害怕的IiSten to music听音乐take a deep breath深深吸一口 气ask for help寻求帮助句型:1 FirSt. Then . NeXt 2. YOU ShOUlcl.What ShOUlcl YOU DOWhen you feel Sad Or WOrrieCl, What ShOUlCl you do ? Let me tell you . FirSt you ShOUlcl
12、take a deep breath . Then you ShOUlCl IiSten to SOme music . NeXt you WiIl be relaxed . YOU wo,nt be SO Sad Or WOrrieCl. When you are afraid , What ShOUlCl you do ? ,lt S easy . YOU ShOUICl ask your friends for help . If you have friends With you , you WOn ,t feel afraid . Try to be happy every day
13、.书面表达(1)你的家人都从事什么职业?他们每天怎么样去上班?他们有什么爱好?请以”MYFAMlLY ,为题写一篇短文描述一下你的家人的情况。I have a happy family. They are my father,my mother ,my brother and I. My father is a doctor, he OfteD goes to WOrk by Car J SOmetimeS he goes by bus .He IikeS reading , SO he USUaIly reads newspapers in his free time .My mother
14、is a nurse .She is a teacher She teaches EngIiSh in my SChOOl .She goes to WOrkS On foot .She IikeS Singing JShe Often SingEnglish SOngS at home .My Older brother is a StUdent. He StUCIieS in a high SChOOl .He goes to SChOOl by bike.He IikeS ClraWing ,he Can draw Very . I am a StUdent ,too. I Often
15、Walk to SChOOl With my mother. I Iike Singing ,too . I Often Iearn SOngS from my mother.I IOVe my family . HOW about you ?There are five PeOPle in my family . They are my grandfather,my grandmother,my father J my mother and me . My grandparents are farmers .They Iike Planting flowers .My father is a
16、 POIiCe OffiCer He goes to WOrk by Car. He IikeS running . My mother is a doctor. She goes to WOrk Orl foot. And She IikeS reading books . I am a StUdent. I go to SChOOl by bike . I Iike doing WOrd PUZZleS .(2)面十张明的个人信息卡,根据下面的内容以“My Frienel Zhang Ming ”为题写一篇作文,介绍一下张明的基本情况。姓名:张明 年龄:13学校:东方小学上学方式:骑自行车
17、喜欢的科目:英语,数学、理想职业:歌手爱好:旅行,唱歌I have a good trie nd . HiS n ame is Zhang Ming .He is 13 years Old .He is furmy and helpful .He StUClieS in DOngfang Primary SChOOl .He Often goes to SChOOl by bike .His favourite SUbjeCtS are English and maths .He is Very good at them . He Often help me With my maths . H
18、e IikeS Singing and travelling . TO be a famous Singer is his ClreamS .And he WantS to travel around the WOrlCl One day .Zhang Ming is my good friend. HeiSl3 years Old .He is a StUdent .He StUClieS in DOngfangPrimary SChOOl. He goes to SChOOl by bike every day . He IikeS English and maths. He IikeS
19、Singing and travelling . SOmetimeS he teaches me to Sing and dance . What does he Want to be ?He WantS to be a Singer.(3)你的爱好是什么?请以“ My HObbieS ”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的爱好。HeIIOJ everyOne . DO you Want to know SOmething about me ? NOW Iet me tell you My name is Lucy. I am a girl. I StUdy in a Primary SChOOl . I
20、 have many hobbies .Such as , Singing Jdancing JClraWing and SO On . BUt I Iike Singing bestCanSingChinese SOngS , I also Can Sing English SOngS . I Often Sing English SOngS for my SChOOl English Party DO you Iike Singing Or dancing ? Maybe We Can be good friends .(4)写出你某天的情绪变化,写清楚因为什么事使你的情绪发生了怎样的变化
21、,你是怎么样处理的。TOday is an UniJSUal day . I WatCheCl TV With my brother at home . We had SOme POPCOrn together. We IOVecl it .We Were happy . BUt When I Went to get SOme Water, he ate all the POPCOrn . I WaS angry . I told him he ShOUld Share With me . He SaiCl SOrry to me. We WatheCl TV together happily again .(5)谈谈你在日常生活中是怎样遵守交通规则的。I am a StUdent. I USUaIly go to SChOOl by
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