



1、.精品文档.英语欢迎词演讲内容整理了一篇杰出女性英文演讲,事实上,这篇演讲仅仅是主席访英的一个片段,整个接待过程都展示了英国皇室的 精致和品味。下面就是欢迎词,演讲目的是传播欢迎的情绪, 促进双方的友好气氛。Mr. PresidentPrince Philip and I are delighted to welcome youand Madame Peng to Buckingham Palace this evening.Your visit to the United Kingdom marks a milestonein thisunprecedented yearofco-opera

2、tionandfriendshipbetween the UnitedKingdom and China,as wecelebratethe ties betweenourtwo countriesandprepare to take them to ambitious new heights.The United Kingdom and China have a warm and longstanding friendship. Prince Philip and I recall with great fondness our visit to China almost thirty ye

3、ars ago, where we were privilegedto experience yourcountry ' s rich history and culture,including the GreatWall, the Forbidden City and the Terracotta Warriors: all unforgettable memories of China ' s ancient civilisation.2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作-独家原创1 / 59 /乙6uirieg jo seijio jeej6no人 A|uo

4、jou pejisiA eq ©IWd eouijj pue jiesAuu e>in JeeA siq;创|巳0 euiqo ojjisia jsjy siq 6uunp se6ueqo eseqj sseujiM oj e|qe sbm uuei|l!M QOuijj uospuej6Auu 样屮 pejq6i|ep se/v | seAi| s <e|doed uo speye eAijisod6uiqoeej 科 屮!m jueuueAeiqoe ouojsiq pue e6nq e :ApeAod jo 川o suoi|!uj jo spejpunq peyi|

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11、6ueqs pue.精品文档.of links between the people of our two countries, which are essential in building mutual understanding and friendship, while we welcome the increasing numbers of Chinese tourists, students and business visitors to the United Kingdom.Mr. President, your visit is a defining moment inthi

12、s very special year for our bilateral relationship.I am confident that it will serve to highlight thesincerity and warmth of our friendship and to strengthen relations between our countries for many years to come.Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you to rise and drinka toast to the President and Madame Peng and to the people of China.英国女王,是英国的精神领袖。她的态度,不仅仅代表 了英国政府的态度,而且反映了英国民众的普遍价值观。因


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