1、精品文案资料范文分享Adopti on of the Declarati on ofAdopti on of the Declarati on ofeleanor roosevelt:adoption of the declarationof humanrightsmr. preside nt, fellow delegates:the long and meticulous study and debate of which this universaldeclaration of human rights is the product means that it reflects thec
2、omposite views of the many men and gover nments whohave contributedto its formulation. not every mannor every gover nment can have what hewants in a docume nt of this kind.there are of course particular provisions in the declaration before us withwhich we are not fully satisfied. i have no doubt thi
3、s is true of otherdelegations, and it would still be true if we continued our labors over manyyears. taken as a whole the delegati on of the un ited states believes thatthis a good docume nt - eve n a great docume nt - and we propose to giveit our full support. the position of the united states on t
4、he various parts ofthe declaration is a matter of record in the third committee. i shall notburden the assembly, and particularly my colleagues of the thirdcommittee, with a restateme nt of that positi on here.certain provisionsof the declarationare stated in such broadterms as to be acceptable only
5、 because of the limitations in article 29providing for limitation on the exercise of the rights for the purpose ofmeeting the requirements of morality, public order, and the general welfare.an example of this is the provisi on that every one has the right of equalaccess to the public service in his
6、coun try. the basic prin ciple of equalityand of non discrim in ati on as to public employme nt is sound, but it cannotbe accepted without limitations. my gover nment, for example, would consider that this is unq uesti on ably subject to limitatio nin the in terest ofpublic order and the gen eral we
7、lfare. it would not con sider that theexclusion from public employment of persons holding subversive politicalbeliefs and not loyal to the basic principles and practices of the constitutionand laws of the country would in any way infringe upon this right.精品文案资料范文分享likewise, mygovernment has madeit c
8、lear in the course of thedevelopme nt of the declarati on that it does not con sider that theeconomic and social and cultural rights stated in the declarati on imply anobligatio n on gover nmen tal acti on. this was made quite clear in the human rights commissi on text of article 23 which served as
9、a so-calledumbrella article to the articles on econo mic and social rights. we consider that the principle has not been affected by the fact that this article noIon ger contains a refere nce to the articles which follow it. this in no wayaffects our whole-hearted support for the basic principles of
10、economic,social, and cultural rights set forth in these articles.in giving our approval to the declaration today it is of primary importancethat we keep clearly in mind the basic character of the document. it is not atreaty; it is not an international agreeme nt. it is not and does not purport tobe
11、a stateme nt of basic prin ciplesof law or legal obligati on. it is adeclarati onof basic principlesof humanrights and freedoms, to be stampedwith the approval of the general assembly by formal vote of its members,and to serve as a com mon sta ndard of achieveme nt for all peoples of alln ati ons.we
12、 sta nd today at the threshold of a great eve nt both in the life of theunited nations and in the life of mankind, that is the approval by the general assembly of the uni versal declarationof humanrightsrecommendecby the third committee.this declarationmay well becomethe internationalmagnacarta ofal
13、l men everywhere. we hope its proclamation by the general assembly willbe an eve nt comparable to the proclamati on of the declaration of therights of the man by the french people in 1789, the adoption of the bill ofrights by the people of the un ited states, and the adopti on of comparabledeclarati
14、 ons at different times in other countries.at a time when there are so many issues on which we find it difficult toreach a com mon basis of agreeme nt, it is a significantfact that 58精品文案资料范文分享states have found such a large measureof agreement in the complex field of human rights. this must be taken
15、 astestimony of our commonaspirationfirst voiced inthe charter of the united nations to lift men everywhere to a higher standardof life and to a greater enjoyment of freedom. man? s desire for peacelies beh ind this declaratio n. the realizationthat the fragrant violation ofhumanrights by naziand fa
16、scistcountries sowed the seeds of the last world war hassupplied the impetus for the work which brings us to the moment ofachieveme nt here today.in a rece nt speech in can ada, gladst one murray said:the cen tral fact is that man is fun dame ntally a moral being, that the lightwe have is imperfect
17、does not matter so long as we are always trying toimprove it ?we are equal in shari ngthe moral freedom that disti nguishes us as men. man? sstatusmakes each in dividual an end in himself. no man is by n ature simply theservant of the state or of another man ? the ideal and fact of freedom?aandnot t
18、ech nology?aare the truedisti nguish ing marks of our civilizati on. this declaration is based uponthe spiritual fact that manmust have freedom in which to develop his fullstature and through commoneffort to raise the level of humandignity. wehave muchto do to fully achieve and to assure the rights
19、set forth inthis declaration. but having them put before us with the moral back ing of58 n ati ons will be a great step forward.as we here bring to fruition our labors on this declaration of humanrights,we must at the same time rededicate ourselves tothe unfinished task which lies before us. we can now move on with newcourage and in spirati on
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