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1、2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学1汪榕培汪榕培2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学2英语词汇学教学与研究的历史和现状英语词汇学教学与研究的历史和现状 1.四本西方词汇学著作四本西方词汇学著作2.三本西方词汇学教材三本西方词汇学教材3.新编的英语词汇学系列教材新编的英语词汇学系列教材4.2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学3I. 英语词汇学教学与研究的历史和现英语词汇学教学与研究的历史和现状状在中国和西方的语文学研究中,在中国和西方的语文学研究中,“词词”一直是不可或缺的内一直是不可或缺的内容;英语的容;英语的lexicology(词汇学)这个名称在(词汇学)这个名称在1809年就已见年就已

2、见诸于英语书籍。诸于英语书籍。Medical_Repository (p.374).pdf作为对词汇的历时研究,历史比较词汇学早在作为对词汇的历时研究,历史比较词汇学早在19世纪已经在世纪已经在西方产生。西方产生。但是,在但是,在20世纪初索绪尔开创的西方现代语言学世纪初索绪尔开创的西方现代语言学(linguistics)中,语言的语音系统和语法系统是主要的研究中,语言的语音系统和语法系统是主要的研究对象,词汇系统却没有受到足够的重视,他们振振有词地把对象,词汇系统却没有受到足够的重视,他们振振有词地把表示表示“所指所指”意义的意义的“词语词语”排除在语言学的研究范围以外排除在语言学的研究范围

3、以外,认为词汇学属于语文学,认为词汇学属于语文学(philology)的范围。其实,结构主的范围。其实,结构主义语言学能够比较容易地阐明语音系统和语法系统的义语言学能够比较容易地阐明语音系统和语法系统的“结构结构”,而无力阐明词汇系统的,而无力阐明词汇系统的“结构结构”,于是避重就轻、一推,于是避重就轻、一推了之,使西方(尤其是美国)的词汇学研究耽误了几十年的了之,使西方(尤其是美国)的词汇学研究耽误了几十年的时间。时间。 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学4此外,跟词汇有关的若干分支学科已经取此外,跟词汇有关的若干分支学科已经取得了相对独立的地位,例如词典学得了相对独立的地位,例如词典学(

4、lexicography)、形态学(morphology) 和词汇语义学(lexical semantics),还有一些分支学科已经取得了半独立的地位,例如短语学(phraseology)和心理词汇(mental lexicon),这些分支学科似乎把词汇学的研究范围分割掉了。2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学5l在在20世纪结构主义语言学(尤其是美国结构主义语世纪结构主义语言学(尤其是美国结构主义语言学)的影响下,英语词汇研究和英语词汇教学的研言学)的影响下,英语词汇研究和英语词汇教学的研究在英美处于相对滞后的状态,究在英美处于相对滞后的状态,Leonard Bloomfield就认为,就认

5、为,“词汇实际上是语法的附录,也词汇实际上是语法的附录,也就是不规则的基础形式的清单就是不规则的基础形式的清单 (really an appendix of the grammar, a list of basic irregularities) 。 ” 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学6在法国、德国和俄罗斯,词汇学受重视的程度较高。在法国、德国和俄罗斯,词汇学受重视的程度较高。2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学72022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学8lAnna Wierzbicka甚至认为甚至认为“句法只不过是把句法只不过是把词粘在一起的粘合剂而已词粘在一起的粘合剂而已 (no mor

6、e than the glue that is used to paste words together)。”l21世纪以来,随着计算机科学的发展和语言学世纪以来,随着计算机科学的发展和语言学研究的深入,词汇研究在西方(包括英美,尤研究的深入,词汇研究在西方(包括英美,尤其在欧洲)引起了越来越多的重视,相继出版其在欧洲)引起了越来越多的重视,相继出版了一系列词汇学著作。了一系列词汇学著作。2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学9l其中包括其中包括David Singleton主编的主编的语言与词汇语言与词汇 (Language and the Lexicon, 2000),Leila Behre

7、ns等主编的等主编的聚焦词汇:聚焦词汇:当代词汇学的竞争与交汇当代词汇学的竞争与交汇(The Lexicon in Focus: Competition and Convergence in Current Lexicology,2002)、由)、由David Alan Cruse等主编的等主编的1900余页的余页的词汇学:词词汇学:词和词汇性质和结构的国际手册和词汇性质和结构的国际手册(Lexicology: An International Handbook on the Nature and Structure of Words and Vocabularies, 2002,2005)、

8、由)、由Dieter Wunderlich主编的主编的词词汇理论的进展汇理论的进展(Advances in the Theory of the Lexicon, 2006)、由由M. A. K. Halliday等编著的等编著的词汇学概论词汇学概论(Lexicology:A Short Introduction, 2007)、由)、由Patrick Hanks主编的主编的2400余页余页的的词汇学:语言学重要概念词汇学:语言学重要概念(Lexicology: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, 2008)等一系列重要的词汇学论著,)等一系列重要的词汇学论著,为英

9、语词汇研究注入了活力,词汇取得了语言学研究的中心地位。为英语词汇研究注入了活力,词汇取得了语言学研究的中心地位。八本西方词汇学著作八本西方词汇学著作2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学10II. 四本西方词汇学著作四本西方词汇学著作lLexicology: Websters Timeline History, 1801 - 2007 (Paperback)lby Icon Group International (Author) l(April 16, 2009) 第第一一本本2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学11lWebsters bibliographic and event-based

10、 timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on Lexicology, including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have Lexicology in their name).

11、lAs such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with Lexicology when it is used in proper noun form. Websters timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. lT

12、hese furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology,

13、 mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. lThis data dump results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name Lexicology, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The r

14、esulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under fair use conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain. 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学12lLanguage and the Lexicon: An Introduction (Paperback)lby David Singleton (Author) lPublisher: A Hodder Arnold Pub

15、lication (December 14, 2000) 第第二二本本2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学13lThe lexicon is becoming an increasingly popular area of investigation within linguistics and language studies. lLanguage is popularly conceived of in terms of words, and words are also integral to the way in which linguists have traditionally a

16、pproached language as an object of study. lThis volume is the first to provide a comprehensive yet accessible overview of lexicology and will prove invaluable to the growing number of students of lexicology who need an interdisciplinary approach to the study of language. 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学14lPreface

17、l1 Introduction: the lexicon - words and more 1l1.1 Some preliminary definitions 1l1.2 Words and language 1l1.3 Whats in a word? 5l1.4 The domain of the lexicon 10l1.5 Summary 12l2 Lexis and syntax 17l2.1 Colligation 17l2.2 The computational perspective 18l2.3 The London School perspective 20l2.4 Th

18、e Valency Grammar perspective 21l2.5 The Lexical-Functional perspective 22l2.6 The Chomskyan perspective 23l2.7 Summary 282022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学15l3 Lexis and morphology 33l3.1 The inner life of words 33l3.2 Morphemes and allomorphs 34l3.3 Lexical morphology and inflectional morphology 35l3.4 Inflection

19、al morphemes and the lexicon 38l3.5 Summary 42l4 Lexical partnerships 47l4.1 Collocation: the togetherness factor 47l4.2 Collocational range 48l4.3 Fixed expressions and compounds 49l4.4 Collocations and the dictionary 51l4.5 Corpora and collocations 52l4.6 Creativity and prefabrication in language

20、use 55l4.7 Collocations, the lexicon and lexical units 56l4.8 Summary 582022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学16l5 Lexis and meaning 63l5.1 Words making the difference 63l5.2 Meaning seen as reference or denotation 64l5.3 Structuralist perspectives on meaning 66l5.4 Componential analysis 75l5.5 Cognitive approaches to

21、meaning 77l5.6 Summary 80l6 Lexis, phonology and orthography 85l6.1 Lexis and levels of articulation 85l6.2 Phonemes, stresses and tones 85l6.3 Lexical phonology as a reflection of lexical grammar and lexical meaning 88l6.4 Association between particular sounds and particular (categories of) lexical

22、 items 89l6.5 Lexis and orthography 91l6.6 Orthography as a reflection of lexical grammar and lexical meaning 97l6.7 Association between particular written signs and particular (categories of) lexical items 99l6.8 Summary 1002022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学17l7 Lexis and language variation 105l7.1 Variety is the

23、spice of language 105l7.2 Language variation: sociolinguistic perspectives 106l7.3 Lexical aspects of geographical variation 109l7.4 Lexical aspects of social variation 111l7.5 Lexical aspects of ethnic variation 114l7.6 Lexical aspects of gender-related variation 116l7.7 Lexical aspects of context-

24、related variation 119l7.8 Lexical variation, culture and thought 123l7.9 Summary 127l8 Lexical change 133l8.1 Language in motion 133l8.2 The comparative method and internal reconstruction 134l8.3 Changes in lexical form 138l8.4 Changes in lexical meaning 143l8.5 Changes in lexical distribution 146l8

25、.6 Lexical changes associated with language contact 148l8.7 The case of proper names 150l8.8 Lexical engineering 152l8.9 Summary 1562022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学18l9 Acquiring and processing lexis 161l9.1 The mental lexicon 161l9.2 Meeting the lexical challenge 162l9.3 Before the first words 163l9.4 First word

26、s and beyond 167l9.5 Models of lexical processing 170l9.6 L2 dimensions 180l9.7 Summary 184l10 Charting and imparting the lexicon 193l10.1 Dictionaries and didactics 193l10.2 Lexicography: a potted history 194l10.3 The lexicon - lexicographers bane! 201l10.4 Approaches to lexis in the language class

27、room 211l10.5 Lexical learning and other aspects of language learning 226l10.6 Summary 229lConclusion 2352022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学19Lexicology - An International Handbook on the Nature and Structure of Words and Vocabulariesby D. Alan Cruse (Editor)Publisher: Mouton de Gruyter; Bilingual edition (2005) 第第三

28、三本本2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学20lThe handbook (1944 pages) identifies and deals with the following aims for academic progression and practical/theoretical research: l- the establishment and maintenance of an independent profile for the discipline of lexicology l- the collection and documentation of up-to-dat

29、e knowledge in the field of lexicology l- the documentation of research still out-standing and the provision of guidelines on concrete fields of study. lIn conclusion the present state of lexicology made it necessary to deal thoroughly with questions about the discipline, its methodology and its lin

30、ks with related disciplines. 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学21lThe handbook starts off with the two main sections word and vocabulary. lThe sense relations act as the threads which bind these two sections together, because their ability to link words in pairs allows us to make successive inroads into the vocabul

31、ary. Moving from the term word to the term lexical element forces us into a more detailed investigation of phraseology. lDetailed treatments of each of the ways of looking at vocabulary are provided, in view of the ambiguity of the term vocabulary (vocabulary in its relation to a natural language vs

32、. vocabulary in its relation to an individual mental lexicon vs. vocabulary in its relation to grammar lexicon). lSimilarly, synchronic and diachronic points of view are taken into account, in order to be able to arrive at an adequate description of the underlying dynamics of the vocabulary of natur

33、al languages. 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学22Volume Onel该手册第一卷的 23 章可以分为五个部分,第一部分介绍了词和词汇学的基本概念:l I. The foundations and fundamental questions of lexicologyl II. Reflection on the wordl III. The word in the context of different theories of language/grammar 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学23l第二部分介绍了词的形式层面和内容层面:l IV. The form

34、level of the wordl V. The content level of the word I: General overview lVI. The content level of the word II: Lexical decomposition l VII. The content level of the word III: Conceptual approachesl VIII. The content level of the word IV: Structuring of word meaningl IX. The content level of the word

35、 V: Dimensions of meaning l X. Relations between the level of form and the level of content2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学24l第三部分介绍了词汇单位的特殊形式:l XI. Special forms of lexical units I: Idioms l XII. Special forms of lexical units II: Shortened words, abbreviations and other lexical units with a status similar to wo

36、rds l第四部分介绍了词汇结构的意义关系:lXIII. Lexical structures based on sense relations I: General overview, inclusions and identityl XIV. Lexical structures based on sense relations II: Exclusion and opposition, derivational relationsl XV. Lexical structures based on sense relations III: Descriptive models2022-1-

37、421世纪的英语词汇学25l第五部分介绍了词与词汇的各种结构关系:lXVI. Lexical structures in a syntagmatic perspectivelXVII. The architecture of the vocabulary I: Word classes lXVIII. The architecture of the vocabulary II: Word familieslXIX. The architecture of the vocabulary III: Lexical fieldslXX. The architecture of the vocabul

38、ary IV: Structurings related to conceptslXXI. The architecture of the vocabulary V: Functional varietieslXXII. The architecture of the vocabulary VI: Layers of originlXXIII. The architecture of the vocabulary VII: Vocabularies for specific purposes 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学26Volume Twol该手册第二卷也可以分为五个部分,l第一部

39、分介绍了词汇学的方法论和词汇的特征:lXXIV. Methodology of LexicologylXXV. Structural Properties of Vocabularies from Contrastive and Typological Points of View lXXVI Special Properties of Vocabularies 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学27l第二部分从社会语言学的角度介绍了语言的地域方言、时间变迁和社会方言:lXXVII. A Selection of Regional Vocabularies and Vocabularies

40、of Dialects I: German lXXVIII. A Selection of Regional Vocabularies and Vocabularies of Dialects II: EnglishlXXIX. The Etymology of Words lXXX. Lexical ChangelXXXI. Epoch VocabularieslXXXII. Vocabularies of Famous Personalities I: LiteraturelXXXIII. Vocabularies of Famous Personalities II: Church, M

41、usic, State and SciencelXXXIV. Contrastive Studies of Lexical Fields2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学28l第三部分介绍了词汇与语法的关系:lXXXV. Lexicon and Grammar I: The Analysis of Lexical UnitslXXXVI. Lexicon and Grammar II: Changing Lexical Units lXXXVII. Lexicon and Grammar III: The Combination of Lexical Units l第四部分介绍了心理词汇:l

42、XXXVIII. Mental Lexicon I: The WordlXXXIX. Mental Lexicon II: The VocabularylXL. Mental Lexicon III: Acquisition and Lossl第五部分介绍了词汇学跟其他学科的关系:lXLI. Lexicology and Neighbouring Disciplinesl最后还附有索引:lIndex of nameslIndex of topics2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学29P. Hanks, ed.Lexicology - Critical Concepts in Linguis

43、tics6 vols.Publisher: Routledge (2008) 第第四四本本2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学30lThis new Routledge Major Work is a six-volume collection (2768 pages) of nearly one hundred papers, articles, and extracts covering every aspect of lexicology. lIt ranges over philosophy of language, prototype theory, artificial intel

44、ligence, cognitive linguistics, systemic linguistics, structuralism (European and American), generative lexicon theory, meaning-text theory, natural semantic metalanguage theory, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, and child language acquisition. lCarefully edited extracts from writings o

45、n the lexicon by Aristotle, Wilkins, Leibniz, and Wittgenstein make the central observations of these great thinkers readily available to scholars and students. lAnd major articles by lexical semantic field theorists (Trier, Porzig, Gipper, and Coseriu) are made available for the first time in Engli

46、sh translation. lA general introduction by Patrick Hanks, a leading scholar in the field, gives a comprehensive overview of the subject and its main issues 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学31lVolume 1: Philosophy and Word Meaning lPart 1: Foundations lPart 2: Beyond Necessary Conditions lPart 3: Variability and Va

47、gueness lVolume 2: Lexical Semantics and Structures lPart 4: Semantic Field Theory lPart 5: Structuralist Semantics lPart 6: Componential Analysis of Kinship lPart 7: The Lexicon in Early Generative Grammar: Markerese lPart 8: The Lexicon in Modern Generative Theory lVolume 3: Core Meaning, Extended

48、 Meaning lPart 9: Primes and Universals lPart 10: Polysemy lPart 11: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Lexicology 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学32lVolume 4: Syntagmatics lPart 12: Syntagmatics: The Firthian Tradition lPart 13: Lexicon Grammar lPart 14: Frame Semantics lPart 15: Preferences, Meaning, and Context lVol

49、ume 5: Cognition and the Lexicon lPart 16: Child Language Acquisition lPart 17: Prototypes and Stereotypes lPart 18: The Mental Lexicon lVolume 6: Formal Approaches to the Lexicon lPart 19: Meaning-Text Theory lPart 20: Statistics of Word Association lPart 21: Lexical Resources for Computational Lan

50、guage Processing lPart 22: Computational Representation of the Lexicon2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学33III. 三本西方词汇学教材三本西方词汇学教材Lexicology: A Short Introduction by M. A. K. Halliday (Author), Colin Yallop (Author) Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group (2007) 第第一一本本2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学34lThis book prese

51、nts a concise survey of lexicology. lIt surveys the study of words, providing an overview of basic issues in defining and understanding the word as a unit of language.lIt include a section on meaning, with discussions of etymology, a social view, cognitive linguistics, translation, and other topics.

52、 lIt also examines the history of lexicology, the evolution of dictionaries and developments in the field. 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学35lThe first section of the book is a survey of the study of words, providing students with an overview of basic issues in defining and understanding the word as a unit of lan

53、guage. This section also examines the history of lexicology, the evolution of dictionaries and recent developments in the field. lThe second section extends this study of lexicology into the relationship between words and meaning, etymology, prescription, language as social phenomenon and translatio

54、n. 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学36lTable of ContentslLexicology M. A. K. Halliday 1What is a word? 1Methods in lexicology: the dictionary 5Methods in lexicology: the thesaurus 11History of lexicology: India, China, the Islamic world, Europe 16Evolution of the dictionary and the thesaurus in England 19Words and

55、 Meaning Colin Yallop 23Words in language 23lWords and meaning 24Etymology 33Prescription 42A social view of language and meaning 50Saussure and Firth 56Cognitive linguistics 62Language and reality 66Language and languages 78Translation 88The Future of Lexicology M. A. K. Halliday 94Recent developme

56、nts in lexicology 94Sources and resources 100Glossary 104References 110Index 115 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学37English Lexicology. Lexical Structure, Word Semantics, and Word- Formation. by Leonhard LipkaPublisher: Narr (2002) 第第二二本本2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学38lThis book aims to provide a modern, comprehensive, inter

57、disciplinary survey of all relevant aspects of English and general lexicology. lOn the basis of the thoroughly revised former Outline of English Lexicology it represents the state of the art in 2002.lAs an introduction to be used in university courses it gives an up-to-date survey of approaches to a

58、ll aspects of words and their functions and to the English vocabulary. lIn particular, the book stresses the productive processes in the lexicon, i.e. dynamic lexicology, and offers new and so far neglected perspectives. lBesides discussing lexical structure, word semantics and word-formation, Engli

59、sh Lexicology offers new directions in going beyond a purely language-immanent, structuralist approach. 2022-1-421世纪的英语词汇学39lThe referent of a word is not regarded as a purely mental conceptual unit, but as a concrete entity or a class of objects with certain properties. lThus, visual and other perc

60、eptual phenomena play a prominent role in modern lexicology as well. lAlso, words, as a subclass of signs, are considered in use, esp. their functions in texts and situations. lNot only pragmatic and semiotic approaches are incorporated, but also Cognitive Linguistics, such as conceptual aspects of


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