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1、初中精品资料欢迎下载1Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective( 有效的)?We all know thatChin ese stude nts usually study hard for long 1 .This is very good.But it does nt help2 ,for an effective stude nt must have eno ugh sleep,e no ugh food,e no ugh rest and exercise.Every dayyou n eed

2、3 out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places .1 ts good for your 4.When you return to your studies,your mind will be refreshed( 清醒的)and youll learn more5 study better.Psychologists(心理学家)6 that learning takes place in this way.Here takeEnglish learning7 example.First you make 8 progress

3、 and you feel happy.Then yourIan guage study seems 9 the same.So you will think youre lear ning10 a nd you may 11 .This can last for days or even weeks,yet you n eed nt give up.At some point your Ian guage study willtake 12 big result.Youll see that you have already been learning all along.lf you ge

4、t eno ughsleep,food,rest and exercise, 13 E nglish can be very effective an d 14 .D ont giveup.Lear n slowly and youre sure 15 a good result.()1.A.sec ondsB.weeksC.daysD.hours()2.A.a littleB.a lotC.a fewD.ma ny()3. A.goi ngB.to goC.takeD.to take()4. A.studiesB.learnedC.eyesD.health()5.A. afterB.orC.

5、andD.to()6. A.have taughtB.have thoughtC.have foundD.said()7.A. toB.atC.inD.for()8.A.a lotB.a great nu mberC.a lot ofD.ma ny()9.A.to haveB.to makeC.to stayD.to take()10.A.somethi ngB.anythingC.everythi ngD.nothing()11.A.give inB.give upC.give outD.give out()12. A.anotherB.otherC.othersD.the other()1

6、3. A.speak ingB.studyingC.writi ngD.us ing()14.A.possibleB.interestingC.hardD.difficult()15. A.to getB.to catchC.to makeD.to form2Is one week long eno ugh to make you a differe nt pers on?Some students will1 YES after they attend one weeks military training(军训)in theirschool.Now ,lets see 2 they fel

7、t about their training.One student ,aged 13 ,told us that she used to have a hunchback(驼背)and found _3 difficult toget up early.After one weeks training to be a soldier ,her hunchback_4gone.She could get up at six inthe morning without any help. “have cha nged and this has 5 my mother happy, she sai

8、d.Her health improved as well because she had to sta nd straight 6 hours each day.She and otherfirst-year students at her school had . 7_a weeks training8 their new term began.Army officers taught them how to stand and walk 9 .They also had to wake up early and keepeveryth ing tidy.Some schools 10 t

9、heir first-year stude nts to do military training for one week. Schools_11一 toget them ready for studying hard, said a teacher.Almost all the stude nts were only childre n.Could they deal with trai ning in the summer初中精品资料欢迎下载12 goodfood or drink and care from parents?Most of them said training was

10、hard but they 13 loved it.Training makes us stron ger.Six girls in our class hurt 14 a nd cried duri ng the training , but theydid not stop,” said a student. Our classmates are 15 disciplined(守纪律的)and united(团结的).”()1A sayB.tellC.speakD.a nswer()2.A.whichB.whyC.howD.where()3.A.thatB.itC.thisD.those(

11、)4.A.hasB.wasC.hadD.is()5.A.lettingB.madeC.helpedD.pushed()6.A.inB.withinC.forD.about()7.A.finishedB.knewC.completeD.left()8.A.duringB.beforeC.afterD.whe n()9.A.slowlyB.quicklyC.hurriedlyD.madly()10.A.askedB.toldC.wa ntedD.wished()11.A.hopeB.haveC.likeD.try()12.A.butB.exceptC.besidesD.without()13.A.

12、stillB.yetC.realD.very()14.A.every oneB.n obodyC.some oneD.themselves()15.A.lessB.moreC.quiteD.most3A small man with a fat stomach got on the train at the last stati on before the fron tier(边境).He carried a paper 1 ,and four feet of ducks could be see n un der the cover.The man found an2 seat, put t

13、he bag in the middle of the floor, took out a n ewspaper and bega n to 3.Then a policema n came in. Of course he saw the bag 4 the ducks legs 5 and said, Whose is thatbag?”Nobody answered.The policeman 6 the question, and said, I shall have to 7 it away from theowner. Food must nt be take n 8 the co

14、un try. ”Well, then,” said the small man with a fat stomach. Hurry up and take it.We want to go home.”The policeman took the bag and went on to the next carriage(车厢).At the next station, when they went safely across the frontier, the small man got up, smiled at theother passengers and said, I hope t

15、hat theyll enjoy the ducks feet. The rest( 其余的)of the bag hadnothing 9 rubbish in it. ” Then he opened his coat and pointed to 10 bag he was carrying under it. Itwas tied tightly( 紧紧地)11 the stomach, which was not really 12. Ihave the 13 of the two ducks here, ” he said. With these words, he got 14

16、the train.But while he was happily walking to the exit with the bag in his hand, a policeman _15 up to him,say ing, Hey, man! Foreig n food must nt be brought in. ”()1. A.bagB.boxC.basketD.pocket()2.A.expe nsiveB.emptyC.take nD.cheap()3. A.readB.writeC.copyD.look()4.A.withoutB.butC.withD.a nd()5.A.q

17、uickB.fastC.slowlyD.at once初中精品资料欢迎下载()6.A.showedB.a nsweredC.askedD.repeated初中精品资料欢迎下载()7. A.takeB.payC.putD.bring()8.A.outB.out ofC.i ntoD.in()9.A.alsoB.orC.butD.a nd()10.A.othersB.the otherC.anotherD.other()11.A.belowB.un derC.aboveD.over()12. A.fatB.bigC.highD.tall()13.A.wholeB.restC.allD.some()

18、14.A.out ofB.o n toC.offD.o n()15.A.climedB.jumpedC.we ntD.cameEver since I was little, my favorite seas on was wi nter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hotchocolate.1, win ter n ever gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask mygra ndmother 2 it did nt snow on my birthda

19、y. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions.3one day, she promised(许诺)that she would make it snow on my next birthday.That year,4 my birthday, my gra ndmother died. I was sad but angry because she hadpromised to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the win d

20、ow,_5to see just one sno wflake. But there was no sno w. I felt mad at my gra ndmother. She had broke n apromise.By my sixtee nth birthday, I 6 all hope of getti ng my snow, even though I still wished for 7 . Duringmy party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I 8 the best time

21、ever! Then I saw thewhite snow 9down all around. I was so excited that I ranaround scream ing(尖叫)and laugh ing. My friends all laughed 10 me, but I did nt care.When I 11 home, my gran dpa said he had a gift for me. I was 12 because he had given me a gift.It was a small white box, which looked old. I

22、 opened it. There was a crystal snowflake(水晶雪花)with acard that 13 Happy Birthday. ”How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmothers final 14 on my sweet sixtee nth”.lcried.I was 15 that my smili ng gran dmother was an gel and had bee n watch ing over me()1.A.Certai nlyB.UnfortunatelyC.Im po

23、rta ntlyD.Luckly()2.A.whe nB.howC.whetherD.why()3. A.ButB.OrC.The nD.So()4.A.o nB.afterC.beforeD.in()5. A.hopedB.hopingC.to hopeD.hope()6.A.was losi ngB.lostC.would lostD.had lost()7 AitB.herC.himD.me()8. A.hadB.wasC.playedD.feared()9.A.fellB.to fallC.falle nD.falling()10.A.withB.atC.fromD.off()11.A

24、.arrived atB.remi ndedC.gotD.e ntered()12. A.excitedB.confusedC.pleasedD.frustrated()13.A.wroteB.saidC.explai nedD.appeared初中精品资料欢迎下载()14.A.orderB.mistakeC.wishD.decisi on初中精品资料欢迎下载6()15. A.certainB.a ngryC.sadD.an xious5Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born. So 1 he asked God, They t

25、ell me you aresending me to 2, but being so small and helpless, 3 am I going to live there? ”“ 4 many angels(天使),I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you,” Godreplied.But here in Heave n(天堂),I do 5 else but sing and smile! Thats eno ugh for me to be happy.”God said,

26、 Your an gel will sing and smile for you every day. And you will feel your an gels love andbe 6.”The child said, And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me_7I dont know the Ian guage that they speak? ”God told the child, Your an gel will tell you the most beautiful and sweete

27、st words you will everhear, and with 8patie nee(耐心)and care, you an gel will teach you 9 . ”The child said, Fve 10 that on the earth there are bad men. Who will protect me? ”God said, Your an gel will protect you 11 it means risk ing her life(冒生命危险).”But I will always be sad because I will not see you any more. ”Your an gel will always talk to you about 12


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