九年级英语 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to 教学案人教新目标版_第1页
九年级英语 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to 教学案人教新目标版_第2页
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九年级英语 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to 教学案人教新目标版_第4页
九年级英语 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to 教学案人教新目标版_第5页
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1、unit 6 i like music that i can dance to. (section a)课型:新授课 【学习目标】1.useful expressions 2.to express preferences【学习重难点】 1.定语从句 2.remind sb. of sth.i.单词:1.更喜欢_ (pt.)_用法:_ 2.歌词_(常用pl.) 3.轻柔的_ 4.喜欢_ (反)_ 5.提醒_ 6.内心_ 7.细绳,线_8.音乐家_ii短语:1.随之哼唱_ 2.随之跳舞_3.不同种类的_ 4.唱得清楚_5.无法忍受_ 6.使某人想起某事_iii.基本句型:1.你喜欢什么类型的音乐?

2、_ _ _ _ do you like?2.我喜欢能随之唱歌的音乐。i like music that_.3.我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。i like music that_.4.我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。i_ music that_ _ _.5.我喜欢不太喧闹的音乐。i like music _ is_ and_.6.卡门(carmen)喜欢能演奏各种不同音乐的音乐家。carmen likes _ who play_ _ _ _.7. 我喜欢自己创作的歌手。i love singers_.【课堂探究】3a1. read jennifers cd review, then match the sen

3、tence parts.2. read again and underline the following phrases and sentences.1) 把这张cd带到聚会上_2) 一些歌手吐字不清。_3) 提醒,使忆起_ (造句) 3b-4 (3b) 1.你认为它怎么样?(2句)_ _ 2.i listened to one _ (call) heart strings(心弦)。3.我不能忍受的音乐。_4.对某人来说很重要_跟踪训练一、 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1. -do you like m_?-yes, i do. i like singing very much.2. xia

4、n xinghai was a great m_.3. he doesnt like autumn. he p_ spring.4. walk a_ the road, and youll see the post office on your left.5. i love singers who write their o_ music.6. this is her f_ group and she often listens to their cds.7. who sings the songs _(清楚地)?8. the sweet cake _(尝起来)good.9. john is

5、_(紧张)because he doesnt know what to wear at the party.10. tom feels _(自信的)about his future.二、 单项选择1. all the students _ english to math.a. like b. love c. enjoy d. prefer2. i hate people _ dont help others. a. who b. which c. they d. if3. he likes movies _ are about monsters. a. who b. that c. where

6、 d. when4. when people want to relax themselves, they prefer _ tv or listen to music rather than_ newspapers. a. watching, read b. watching, to read c. to watch, read d. to watch, reading5. the music is wonderful because we can_ it. a. dance b. dancing c. to dance d. dance to三、句型变换1. rose likes musi

7、c that is quiet.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _music _ rose like?2. i like the book. the book has many pictures. (合并为一句)i like the book _ _many pictures.3. i cant stand his red hair. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ _ _ his red hair?3. i think its good to watch tv. (改为否定句) i _think it _ good to watch tv.4. bill would rather stay at

8、home than go to a movie. (改为同义句) bill_ _ stay at home _ _go to a movie.四、 用单词的适当形式填空1. the music reminds me of _(brazil) dance music.2. she has a daughter _(call) li na.3. thats not _ (real) important to me.4. i cant hear what he said _ (clear).5. what cd did you listen to _ (recent). 学习指导:grammar定语

9、从句1. 阅读课本p143语法知识定语从句。定义:在复合句中,修饰_或_的从句,叫做定语从句。位置:定语从句所修饰的词,叫_。定语从句放在它_(前/后)。关系词: 关系词用来引导定语从句,放在_和_之间,起联系作用,同时又作定语从句的一个成分。关系代词有_(指人或物,作主宾表)、_(指物,做主宾)、_(指人,作主宾)、_(指人,作宾)、_(指人或物,所有格,作定)关系副词有_(指时间,作状)、_(指地点,作状)_(指原因,作状,先行词只能是reason)。在复合句i know some people who speak french.中,_是先行词,_是定语从句,关系词是_,它在从句中作_成分

10、,不能省略。句意是_. 从句谓语speak的形式受先行词影响。2、prefer的用法:1) prefer sth. to sth.比起茶来,他更喜欢咖啡。he _coffee _ tea.2) prefer doing sth. to doing sth.我宁愿看书而不愿看电视。i prefer_ to _.4) prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.他宁愿给他打电话,也不愿给他写信。he preferred to call him rather than _ to him.九年级英语教学案 2010年10月unit 6 i like music that i

11、 can dance to. (section b)课型:新授课 【学习目标】1.useful expressions 2.to express preferences 3.掌握定语从句的用法【学习重难点】 1.定语从句 i.单词:1)fisherman(复数) 2)late(比较级) (最高级) 3)photography(指人的名词) 4)miss(汉意两种) /_5)suggest(名词) 6)energy(adj) 7)pro(反义词) 8)sink(p.t) (p.p) 【课堂探究】1. preview section b 1a-2c and find these sentences

12、1)他喜欢奇装异服。_.2)我喜欢悲剧电影。_.2. 2a listen and write down the three things in the picture. 2b listen again,write what michael likes and why he likes each thing.3. groupwork in 2c.4. 3a (一)fast readinga: find the following phrases 1)最新的电影 2)这些年来 3)拍了一些很好的影片 4)有几个好的特点 5)务必做某事 _6)世界上最有名的中国摄影师_7)展览 / 8)不够成功 _

13、 9)世界级摄影大师 _ b: answer the questions1) the reviews are about _。(多选)a. a fisherman b. an exhibition c. a band d. a movie2) what does the writer think of yellow river fisherman?3) who is amy kim?4) does the writer love to listen to the music that wild and windy plays?(二)careful readinga: complete the

14、chart in 3b.b: find the sentences 1) he _ (make) some great movies over the years.2)if youre looking for entertainment, stay at home and watch tv.(句意)_3)amy kim is one of the _(well-known) chinese _(photographer) in the world.4)they dont interest me.(同义句) i _ _ _ _them.5)无论你做什么,都不要错过这次展览 6)这些年,我们目睹了

15、许多名字相当怪异的音乐组合来往于乐坛。 7)few have stranger names than this band, _ _? (完成反意问)8)正如它的名字一样,这支乐队充满活力。 9)然而,这就是那些(即使是在星期一早晨也能让我们快乐起来的)音乐家。 跟踪训练一、单项选择1. amy kim is one of the best _ chinese photographers in the world today.a. famous b. know c. knew d. to know2. i arrived at the station too late and i _ the t

16、rain. a. lost b. missed c. left d. forgot3. -what kind of music do you like best? -i like the music _ is quiet and gentle. a. who b. that c. whose d. where4. the house _ we live is very old. a. which b. that c. whom d. in which5. can you show me the dress _ you bought yesterday? a. who b. whom c. wh

17、ere d. which二、根据所给汉语完成句子1. 我建议乘飞机去纽约。i suggested _ _ new york by plane.2. 老师让我们去做什么,我们都不相信。well do _ the teacher _ us to do.3. 无论你说什么,我们都不相信。we dont believe _ you _.4. 近年来我们看到了很多歌手的兴衰。weve _ many singers _ _ _ these years.5. 请按照我说的去做。please do _i _.学习指导:1.interest的用法:1) n. 兴趣短语:对···感兴

18、趣_例句:我对音乐感兴趣。_2) v.吸引,使产生兴趣例句:这个新方法会是你感兴趣。 the new way will_ _.3) adj.有趣的短语:有趣的故事_4) adj.感兴趣的短语:对···感兴趣_例句:他对运动感兴趣。he is _ sports.2、suggest的用法:1) v. 显示,暗示正如名字所示,这个乐队活力无限。as the name_,the band has lots ofenergy. 2) v. 建议例句:我建议完成这项工作。i _ the work should be finished.3) n. 建议_短语:给某人一些建议_例

19、句:你可以给我一些建议吗?_3. sure 的用法:1)_2)_3)_例句:1)今天务必打扫干净我们的教室。_ _ _clean our classroomtoday.2)我确信你的能力。i _ _ your ability.3)你确信他会来吗?_you _ that he will come?4. 你觉得这部电影怎么样?1)_.2)_.5. 无论什么:whatever无论谁:_无论哪里:_无论怎样:_无论何时:_教(学)后反思:九年级英语教学案 2010年10月unit 6 i like music that i can dance to. (self check)课型:新授课 【学习目标】

20、five sentences in self check.【学习重难点】1)prefer to do 2) remind sb. of sth. stand导学步骤:一、revise the words in this lesson.二、new lessoni.fill in the blanks with the words given.ii.translate the sentences.iii.find the phrases.1.更喜欢做某事 (否定形式) 2.古典音乐 3.流行音乐 4.传统音乐 5.提醒某人做某事 6.一个安静的度假地方 7.一个值的观光的地方 8.在炎热天 9.六

21、个月的英语课程 10.适合某人 11.不同种类的食物 12.房东 13.期望去做 14.期望某人去做 iv. make sentences using the phrases 1. 5. 10. 13. 14.三、exercisesi.翻译句子1.那个人使我记起我的英语老师。 2.我们在寻找一处安静的度假之地。 3.我喜欢在炎热的夏天吃冰激凌。没有比这更好的了!_4.我忍受不了汉堡包,他们使我感到恶心。 5.我很幸运能在这里学习六个月的英语课程。 6.我不知道该期待什么因为我以前从未看过印度电影。 ii用单词适当形式填空1. thats not _ (real) important to me

22、.2. most people think the film is _ (bore).3. his _ (hobby) are playing the piano and collecting stamps.4. are you _ (interest) in taking photos?5. _ (fortunate) , she was late for school because she had an accident.6. mary thinks the chinese movie shaolin temple is a _ (success) action movie.7. i n

23、eed some _ (entertain) in my life.8. im sure that the boy will become one of the best _(music) in five years.unit 6 reading一revise the words in reading.1. discuss (n.) 2 .agree (n.) 3. fry (adj.) 4. main (adv.) 5. taste (adj.) 二before reading discuss which diet is healthy and why.三while reading,answer the questions1. what is the style of english in the reading ?2. what kind of food does peter eat?3. what about tony? does he


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