已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、期末复习1. 我们有一个大蛋糕和一些面包。We have aand.1. 你能把你的红色女式衬衫借给我参加时装表演吗?Can you lend for the fashion show?2. 我们周末通常玩得很愉快。We usually at weekends.3. 我是南昌人,现在和家人住在上海。INanchang and now I my family inSha nghai.4. 下课后我们在一起聊天或在操场上玩耍。After class, we play in theplaygro und.5. 米莉正在找一件黑色的丝绸短裙。Emily is looking for 6. 我觉得白衬衫

2、看起来很干净,而且白色和任何其他颜色都搭配。I thi nk white shirts look clea n, and white7. 狗不穿衣服。Dogs.8. 那么我可以在书店多待半小时了。I can in the bookshop then.9. 今天的表演到此结束。谢谢光临。for today ' show. Thank.10. 我想去购物但是没有钱。I would like to go shoppi ng, but I.11. 店里有各种各样的外套。There are in the shop.12. 我喜欢看电影,所以电影院是这个购物广场里我最喜欢的地方。I love ,s

3、o the cinema is my in themall.13. 金山公园是与朋友见面和玩乐的好地方。Jin sha n Park is a good placefrie nds and14. 这条裤子太小了,莉莉想试穿另一条。This pair of trousers is too small and Lily wan ts to15. 我的同学用纸做明信片。My classmates paper.16. 作弄残疾人是不对的。It 'not right the disabled people.17. 春节时,爸爸常放烟花庆祝。At the spri ng festival, my

4、father oftencelebrate it.18. 我度假的时候通常会拍很多年照片。When I am on holiday, I usually .19. 哪位女士是你的妈妈?那位穿红衣服的。is your mother? The one.20. 卡尔经常和家人去野餐。his family.Carl ofte n21. 基蒂每个星期四去Kitty goes to her lessons every22. 吃太多对你没好处。Eati ng23. 音乐总能使我开心。Music can24. 我希望你可以来和我一起看足球比赛。I hope you come an the football m

5、atch with me.25. 放学后我需要好好休息一下。I n eed to26. 我喜欢和朋友在I like27. 在儿童节那天我们玩得很开心。We28. 我想要告诉你关于我的学校生活。I would like you29. 同学们对我都很好。My classmates _30. 让我带你参观这个公园。Let me you31. 从香港到北京路途遥远。It' 32. 露西喜欢骑自行车上学。Lucy likes to go to school_33. 请向你的老师问好。Please34. 课桌上只有几本书。isyou.after school.in the playgro und.

6、on Childre n'Day.my schoolme.the park.Hong Kong to Beiji ng.teacher.There are onlybooks on the desk.35. 我最喜欢的运动是踢足球,你呢?My favourite sport is. 36. 我们希望他的梦想成为现实。We his.37. 游泳能使我们强壮。 can.38. 她看起来怎么样?她看起来很苗条。? She looks very slim.39. 你们经常在课后讨论足球赛吗?Do you often after class?40. 我们的数学老师带着眼镜。Our Maths t

7、eacher .41. 迈克,这是我们班新来的同学,琳达。Mike, this,Li nda.42. 她很苗条,留着短发。She slim and43. 西蒙不擅长足球。Sim onfootball.44. 那个小男孩非常喜欢放风筝。That little boykites very much.45. 昆明的冬天既不太冷也不太热。It' too cold too hot in win ter in Kunming.46. 白色看起来很干净,而且和其他任何颜色都相配。White and .47. 看,模特们穿着不同风格的衣服。Look! The styles of clothes.48.

8、 牛仔裤在学生中很流行。Jean students.49. 看!格林先生穿着一件绿色的棉质 T恤衫。Look! Mr. Green is wearing .50. 彼得穿那件紫色的衬衫很精神。Peterthe purple shirt.51. 这些书帮助孩子们了解不同风格的艺术。These books help the childre n lear n aboutart.52. 他们两人都穿着轻便的运动鞋。Are weari ng light trai ners.53. 这台晚会将向我们展示世界上各种各样的节日。The party willaround the world.54. 冰箱里有三瓶

9、牛奶。There three in the fridge.55. 我想买一些面包和一些土豆。I ' like to buyan .56. 我们需要买一些纸杯。We nee .57. 这种水果里含有太多的糖分。There in this kind of fruit.58. 桌子上有一些蔬菜吗?是的,有。on the table? .there.59. 这件外套价格太高,所以我不想买它了。The price of this coat is, so I don 'wa nt to buy it.60. 去年的足球卡每张1元。football cards are one yuan .6

10、1. 请稍等片刻,我马上来。please. I'm comi ng soon.62. 我们商店里有许多种音乐盒。There aremusic boxes in our shop.63. 这件衬衫与你的外衣不配。This shirt your coat.64. 我妈妈非常喜欢吃芒果和牛肉。My mother likes eating an .65. 王涛的叔叔每年在农场种许多西瓜。66. Wang Tao's uncle plants man every year.67. 他很忙,很少有空闲时间。He'very busy and he .68. 餐桌上有两部收音机和三个土

11、There ar an .70.我每天喝三杯茶。I have three every day.69. 充足的睡眠对学生很重要。Eno ugh sleep stude nts.70. 如果你想健康,你就必须少吃多运动。If you , you should eat less andexercise more.71. 你早饭通常吃什么?我吃点面包和果汁。-1 have some bread and juice.72. 吉姆打算改变他不健康的生活方式。mhis un healthy lifestyle.73. 躺在床上看书对我们的眼睛不好。Readi ng in bedour eyes.74. 在所

12、有的节日中,他最喜欢中国新年。Of all the festivals, he75. 他会用南瓜做提灯。He can lanternpumpkins.76. 进房间之前先敲门。before you go into the room.77. 你不应该捉弄他。You shouldn't .78. 谢谢你给了我这么多帮助。so much help.79. 他们举行晚会并发礼物。Theyand give .80. 她想在派对上装扮成女王后。She wan ts ta quee n at the party.81. 我经常拿咖啡来招待我的朋友们。I often my friends some c

13、offee .82. 该是吃早饭的时候了吗?breakfast?83. 我所有同学对我都很好。All my classmates me.84. 我们早上七点半开始工作。Our at 7:30 a.m.85. 埃米是游泳俱乐部的成员,她擅长游泳。Amy isthe Swimmi ng Club. She is86. 他一周去一次阅读俱乐部。He 一Club87. 早饭有助于为我们一天做好准备。 can help me the day.88. 运动对你有好处。Sportsyou.89. 周末,我有太多的作业,没有许多时间看电视。At the weekend, I have homework. I

14、don'twatch TV.90. 感谢你告诉我你的生活情况。Tha nks forme about.91. 我有很多时间做家庭作业。I havetime do my .92. 吉姆是学校足球队的一员。他经常放学后和朋友练习踢足球。Jim is the school football team. He oftenfootball with his frie nds after school.93. 我经常去溜旱冰,我喜欢这项运动。I ofte n. I like it.94. 我们的课八点开始,我们上午通常上四节课。Our lesson 8:00. We usually have fo

15、ur lessonsthe morni ng.95. 你想和我一起看足球比赛吗?我很乐意。watch the football match with me? Yes, I'd like to.96. 在课堂上请不要交谈。Don 'in class please.97. 学生们星期一到星期五上课。Stude nts have lessonsMon day Friday.98. 老师们星期三下午开会。Teachers have meetin.100 .我们在学校总是很愉快。We always at school.101. 我们星期二下午四点去阅读俱乐部。I go to the sc

16、hool Readi ng Club102. 小华是学校舞蹈俱乐部的一位成员。Xiaohua is aof the school Club.103. 放学以后我很少运动。I do sports.104. 你们上午几点开始上课?Whe nyour less onsin the morning.105. 我七点一刻出门,否则上学会迟到。I leave home at, or I will be school.106. 现在是下午5点,是我们回家的时候了。It is 5:00 p.m. It 'timehome.107. 你们每天做早操吗?不。-.you every day?-No,108.

17、 感谢你的来信。 your letter.109. 我每天步行上学。(两种表达方式)I go to school every day.Ischool every day.110. 我住在离学校很远的地方。I livethe school.111我在这个城市有几个好朋友。I havegood frie nds in this city.112. 我和我的同学喜欢所有的老师,他们很友好。My classmates and I likeour teachers. They very to us.113. 托尼喜欢踢足球,他在学校足球队。Tony likes. He is the school.114

18、. 我喜欢课后和我的朋友一起玩。I likemy friends .115. 让我告诉你关于新学校的事情。Let tell you our new school.116. 请帮我向李老师问好。Please Mr. Li for me.117. 我们是好朋友,不是吗?We are, right?118. 什么?在电话里我听不清你讲什么。 ? I can't you well.119. 墙上有我朋友们的许多照片。There aremy friends.120 .我所有的同学都很好,我爱他们。are very n ice. I love.121. 让我带你参观一下学校。Let me you

19、the school.122. 教学楼前有许多树。There many treesthe classroombuildi ng.123. 那位穿红裙的女士是我的英语老师。The woman a red is my .124. 学校礼堂是用来开会的。The is meetings.125. 图书馆在一楼,我喜欢在那看书。The library is.I like there.126 .我们八点整在学校门口见面吧。Let 'meetat 8:00.127. 在开放日这一天,家长可以来学校听课。On the, parents can come to our lessons.128. 我们下午

20、一点半开始上课。Our 一at 1:30 in the .129 .我的很多学生喜欢运动。like sports.130 .我们经常讨论足球,看电视上的足球比赛。We often football and onTV.131.西蒙经常在周末和他的姐姐一起打乒乓球。Sim on oftenhis sister .132 .他姐姐是学校音乐俱乐部的一名成员His sister isthe school 133. 踢足球让我们感觉彳Playi ng football.134. 我最喜爱的网球运动员是郑洁。is Zheng Jie.135. 比利是一只黄色的小狗,它是我们家的新成员。Billy, a y

21、ellow little dog, isour family.136 .他看起来很强壮,足球踢得很好。He and he plays football.137. 在业余时间,他经常看电视。, he ofte n watches TV138. 他们的教室是大还是小? their big or ?139 .他们很快乐吗? they very ?140 .这个女孩不擅长数学。This girl Maths.141. 我的同学们对我很好。Myto me.142. 看,米莉在那边。Look, Mille.143 .我是李雷。欢迎来到第一中学。 Li Lei.No.1 Middle School.144

22、.你知道如何照料你的电子狗吗?Do you know how to your e-dog?145.西蒙擅长踢足球而安迪喜欢阅读。Sim on isfootball, and Andy 146 .妈妈,这是我的同班同学弗兰克,他来自南京。Mum, is my , Frank. He Nanjing.147.放学后,他经常踢足球。He often football .1. Millie 'coat is made of cotton.Millie has a.2. Here comes Sim on.Simon .3. I'm listening to music in my be

23、droom.I listening to music in my bedroom.4. I exercise three times a week.对划线部分提问) do you exercise?5. My classroom is on the ground floor.对划线部分提问) is your classroom on?6. Does Amy do well in sports?(改为同义句)Amysports?7. They come from Shanghai.改为同义句)They Shanghai.8. The boy takes a bus to schooI改为同义句)

24、The boy goes to schooj.9. My father runs for one hour every day.(划线部分提问)does your father run every day?10. The man on the bike is my father.对划线部分提问) man is your father?11. Daniel is looking for his watch.(改为否定句)Daniel his watch.12. They are swimming in the river now.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) in the river now

25、? J 13. Sim on ofte n plays football.(用 now 替换 often)Sim onfootball .14. I am waiting for Millie now.(对划线部分提问)you for?15. Sandy is talking to her friends on the Internet now对戈卩线部分提问)Sandy now?16. Look! Here comes the bus.Look! The bus .17. Jenny writes a letter to her parents once a weel改为同义句)Jenny

26、her parents once a week.18. Mr. Wang is spending his holiday in Hainan.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) Mr. Wang his holiday in Hainan? J 19. My home is near a beautiful park.(改为同义句)My home isa beautiful park.20. Do you plan to buy a present for him?改为同义句)Do you plan to a ?21. Your glasses match your pink dress改为同义句

27、)Your glasses well your pink dress.22. The shopping mall has seven floors. There are shops on each floo合并一句)The shoppi ng mall hasshops.23. The bookshop has different kinds of birthday cards改为同义句) different kinds of birthday cards24. There is some meat in the fridge.改为一般疑问句) meat in the fridge?25. T

28、here are three oranges in the box对划线部分提问) in the box?26. There is a computer in her bedroom改为同义句) a computer in her bedroom.27. There's a glass of milk on the table.用 some将句子改为复数)of milk on the table.28. There are some apples in the baskets为否定句)apples in the basket.29. Lunch gives us en ergy for

29、 the whole after noon.Lunch gives energ us for the after noon.30. What is your pla n for dinner?What youeat for dinner?31. A good breakfast helps us get ready for the day.A good breakfast helps u the day .32. She often drinks a glass of milk for breakfast.对划线部分提问)she often for breakfast?33. Daniel p

30、lans to swim twice a week.对划线部分提问)Dan iel pla n to swim?34. Kitty sits in front of Alice.(对划线部分提问)Kitty sit?35. There are three packets of salt on the table对划线部分提问)packets of salt are there on the table?36. I plan to have beef and rice for lunch.改为一般疑问句) youto have beef and rice for lunch?37. After

31、dinner, we see the Spring Festival Gala on TV对划线部分提问)you after dinner?38. They go to see the lion dance show对划线部分提问)to see the lion dance show?39. Sometimes I listen to some pop songs in the evening对戈U线部分提问)do you liste n to some pop songs in the eve ning?40. What else do you buy in the shop?改为同义句)W

32、hat do you buy in the shop?41. Wendy comes from the USA.对划线部分提问)Wendy from?42. She likes going shopping at weekends.对划线部分提问)she like at weekends?43. The woman in a red dress is my aunt.对划线部分提问) is your aunt?44. The poor girl makes money by selling matches.对戈U线部分提问)the poor girl money?45. He is late

33、for school because he gets up late对划线部分提问) he late for school?46. There is_a computer less on every week 对戈 U线部分提问) computer lesson there every week?47. I "d like to watch the film.(改为一般疑问句) you to watch the film?48. My favourite festival is Christmas.(改为同义句)I Christmas .49. He often listens to

34、 English songs.改为同义句)He often to English songs.50. Shall we walk after dinner?(改为同义句) after dinner, shall we?51. I give the children a treat of some candy and chocolate改为同义句)I give the childre n some candy and chocolate.52. Is it time for breakfast/(改为同义句)Is it time ?53. They often have fun at the b

35、irthday party改 为同义句)They often at the birthday party.54. Kate usually goes swimming at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday对划线部分提问)Kate usually swimmi ng on Sun day?55. The man in a white shirt is our English teacher对戈U线部分提问 ) is your En glish teacher?56. That new building over there is our library.对划线部分提问) that new

36、 buildi ng over there?57. There is an art room and a music room at my schoo改为同义句) an art room and a music room.58. Which is your favourite subject?(改为同义句)Which subject you like ?59. Kate goes swimming every summetr.改为否定句)Kateswimmi ng every summer.60. He is good at playing football.(改为同义句)He footbal

37、l very .61. The girls like si ngi ng and dan ci ng.对划线部分提问)singing and dancing?62. She reads an English story every evening主语改为 they) an En glish story every eve ning.63. I want to be a football player some day对划线部分提问) you want to be some day?64. Daniel does his homework every evening.改为否定句)Dan ielh

38、is homework every eve ning.65. I do my homework every evening.(改为一般疑问句) you your homework every evening?66. She does morning exercises in the garden every morning改为一般疑问句 ) she morning exercises in the garden every morning?67. Lucy doesn'watch TV every evening.(改为肯定句)Lucy TV every evening.68. Her

39、 English teacher lives in Spring Street.对划线部分提问)her English teacher ?69. She plays games at 4:30 p.m对划线部分提问) she paly games?70. He plants a tree in the garden every spring对戈U线部分提问) he a tree every spring?71. He has bread for breakfast every morning改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) he bread for breakfast every morning

40、? ,he .72. He does his homework from 7 to8 every evening对戈U线部分提问) he from 7 to 8 every evening?73. They are in the school Football Club.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)in the school Football Club? Ye.74. He enjoys listening to music.对划线部分提问)he?75. I am in the Reading Club.改为同义句)I am the Reading Club.76. Sim on looks

41、 stro ng .对划线部分提问)Sim on ?77. These red shirts are Kat'.改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) red shirts Kate's?No,.78. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old.(对划线部分提问) Lily and Lucy?79. Kitty and Annie are in the same school.改为否定句)Kitty and Annie in the same school.80. Her hair is long and black.(改为同义句) long and bl

42、ack hair.81. My Chinese teacher is from England.划线部分提问)your Chin ese teacher from?82. My sister is good at English.对划线部分提问) sister good at?83. Miss Ya ng is an En glish teacher.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)84. Kitty and Daniel are good friends.(改为否定句)85. are, my mother, from, I, Beijing, and( 连词成句 )86. His name

43、is Li Xiaonan.(对划线部分提问)87. Their school is very beautiful.(改为一般疑问句)88. Sim on does well in swimmi ng.( 改为同义句 )Sim on swimmi ng.89. Her hair is Iong.(改为同义句)Shehair.90. The woman is 80 years old.(对划线部分提问)the woma n?91. Her name is Millie.(对划线部分提问) her ?92. He is from Nanjing.(改为一般疑问句)from Nanji ng?1.

44、Li Na is a very great tenni (play).2. Do you want (drink) a bottle of orange juice.3. We (not celebrate) Halloween in China.4. It' 6:30 p.m. now. My family (have) dinner.5. Mr. Wu has two (child). One is a boy, and the other is a girl6. This eve nin g, I will go to a dinner party and I am thi nk

45、i ng about what(wear).7. Jimmy is a member of the school football team. Look! He(practise) it.8. Do you like this skirt? Yes, It feels soft. It is (make) of silk.9. Look, here (come) Jack and his friend, John.10. I plan (go) to Hongshan Zoo tomorrow if the weather is fine.11. He needs me(carry) all

46、the bags.12. Mike doesn'thav (some) money for lunch.13. My jacket (not match) my blue jeans. I want a new one.14. He is not (interest) in studying. He likes painting.15. There are different kinds of (restaurant) in Sunshine Town.16. There are some (mango) in the basket.17. It is important for us

47、 (have) healthy meals every day.18. Getting up early helps you (start) a day well.19. It is good for (we) to read English loudly every morning.20. Do you like Chin ese food? Yes, I like dumpli ngs best. They taste(good).21. Thank you for (chat) with me today. I feel better now.22. What do you think

48、of the story? Very (interest).23. Do you have lots of (fun) at today"sparty?24. She will go to me if she (have) problems.25. Let's (kno ck) at the door of the teachers office.26. What do you want to buy? I ' like (buy) some books.27. Many young people enjo (chat) with others on the Inte

49、rnet.28. Do you know all your classmates(good)?29. There are some (library) in the city.30. These books help us (learn)more about animals.31. She is too young. She does'know how (look)after herself.32. Do you enjoy (play)volleyball?33. Lucy practises (swim) after school every Friday.34. I am a l

50、ittle busy. I don 'have much time (chat)with you.35. I hope (see) you soon.36. We have (meeting)in the school hall every week.37. I enjoy (play)tennis at weekends.38. Would you like (go) swimming with me?39. It takes me an hour (do) my home work at the weekend.40. Let (he)tell you about the scho

51、ol.41. We should work hard and make our dreams (come)true.42. I have many hobbies, such as reading, dancing and (draw).43. Do you enjoy (talk) with each other on the Internet or on the phone?44. Mary loves dancing. She dances very (good).45. Jay Chou and Jackie Chen are my (hero).46. Millie and I li

52、ke (listen)to music.47. Every one in our class (be) running in the playgro und.48. They are very glad (see)each other again.49. My uncle, Jim, is good at (play) the guitar.50. We (not be)happy today because our teacher Mr. Wu is ill.51. They are talking about (design)a new bridge.52. I don'think

53、 the trainers fit your (foot).53. On Christmas Day, children usually we (colour)clothes.54. Trainers are very (comfort)and I like wearing them for sports.55. I will go to a party but I don 'know what (wear).56. (lady) and (gentleman), welcome to our show!57. Mr. Wang has many different (tie) to

54、match his clothes.58. Tony always wears (jeans)an (tra in er).59. (scarf)can make you look different if you know how to wear them.60. The dancer looks (beautiful).She dance (beautiful), too.61. How many gloves do you need? Ten (pair), please.62. It svery easy (find) the new shopping mall.63. Would you like (take)a walk after dinner?64. Wang Lin's mother wants him (read) English every morning.65. The little girl needs her father (help)her with her home work.66. The English Club is a good place (practise) your English.67. My m


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