



1、名著 Oliver Twi st?雾都孤儿?中英文 简介Oliver Twist, written in 1837-1838 , was the second novel of Charles Dickens. Ittells the story of an orphan boy, whose adventures provides a description of the lower depths of London. Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s, England. His mother, whose name no one kn

2、ows is found on the street and dies just after Oliver' s birth. He is brought upthe workhouse where he and other orphans are maltreated and constantly starved.One day, because Oliver asks for more gru嘛粥,he is sent to an undertaker球力、人to work as an apprentice律徒,Noah Claypole, makes disparaging诽谤的

3、comments about Oliver' s mother, Unable tobear it, Oliver attacks him and run away to London. There he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves headed by old Jew Fagin. In thhieves ' den贼窝Oliver is taught the skill of pocking and stealing and is forced to steal. He is rescued for a time by

4、the kind-hearted Mr. Brownlow. But Nancy and other gang members find him and bring him back .It finally turns out that a mysterious man Monks wants to make the boy a criminal.Once Oliver is forced to help a burglar, Bill Sikes, in a burglary. In the course of it, Oliver is shot and badly wounded, th

5、e kindly care from Mrs. Maylie and her beautiful adopted niece Rose brings him back to health, Nancy, who now repents懊悔for what she has done, tries to help .she tells Rose and Mr. Brownlow of the mystery about Oliver'origin and is found out by the gang and brutally残忍地murdered byBill Sikes. Persu

6、ed by his guilty conscience 内疚and an angry mob, he inadvertentlyGF成心地hangs himself while trying to escape. Fagin is arrested and executed行.It is now know that Monks is the half -brother of Oliver and he does allthis for the purpose of seizing the wholeof their father ' s property. Rose is reveal

7、ed健露in the end to be the sister of Oliver' s dead mother. Oliveris finally adopted by Mr. Brownlow. Monks is exiled放逐and dies in prison. Bumble, the self -important beadle散区执事of the workhousewho has conspired密谋策戈U with Monk, become an inmate阿狱3巳人 of the workhouse over which he formerly ruled.?奥列

8、佛特维斯特?/?雾都孤儿?,写于1837-1838年,是查尔斯狄更斯的第二本小说.故事讲述了一个孤儿的故事,他的冒险故事描述了伦敦底层深处的生活.Oliver Twist出生于19世纪30年代的伦敦的济贫院.他的妈妈,无名无姓,在Oliver出生后就被发现死在街上.Oliver在济贫院里长大在那里他和其他孤儿们一直受到虐待,也持 续挨饿.一天,由于Oliver想索要更多的稀饭,他便被送往一个承办人那里当学徒.Noah Claypole一直对发表一些对 Oliver的诽谤的言论,Oliver由于无法忍受,便攻击了他,然后逃亡伦敦.在那里他落入了一伙窃贼的手里,首领是老Jew Fagin.在窃贼们

9、的贼窝里,Oliver被教会了扒窃 和偷东西.他有一次被善心的 Brownlow先生所救.但是Nancy和其他团伙人找到了他并把他带回去了 .结果是一个叫做Monks的神 秘人想要让Oliver成为一名罪犯.有一次Oliver被迫要在一次盗窃中帮助一个窃贼Bill Sikes.在此过程中,Oliver被击中并伤的很重.是 Mrs. Maylie和她收养的美 丽外甥女Rose让Oliver恢复了健康.而Nancy后来对自己的所作所 为感到懊悔,便也想尽力救助 她告诉Rose和Mr. Brownlow有关 Oliver的来源,但是后来她被团伙人找到并被Bill Sikes残忍的杀害了.由于内疚还有受到围追堵截,Bill Sikes在逃跑过程中不慎吊死了 Fagin那么被逮捕和处决了 .后来得知Monks是Oliver的同父异母的弟弟,他这


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