



1、Unit 8 Fashion showGrammar一、教材分析:本课时着重两个知识点的学习:1. can和may表示许可或请求的用法和区 别。2.掌握表示顺序的生词的使用方法.。要求学生通过学习能很自如地区别使 用can和may,并能做到注意分场合、 分对象使用, 强调语言的运用能力。 其次 要求对五个副词(first, then, next,afterwards, finally)的学习,能熟练地对事件 发生的先后顺序进行描述, 从而提高口述能力。 这两个知识点都着重在语言运用 能力上,所以在设计教学方法时就应该考虑到知识和生活相联系, 以提高语言运 用的机会,实现知识为生活服务的最终目标

2、。二、学生分析:初一学生还保留有很多的童趣, 所以设计教学方案时考虑到了学生的个性特 点,以多种教学模式激发学生的学习兴趣, 在和谐的课堂氛围中充分发挥学生的 主体参与性,通过自主学习、 组内合作探究、 互助学习等模式使得学生共同进步, 掌握语法功能的同时,将课本知识更好体现生活化。三、教学设计:Teaching aims and demands:知识目标:1.掌握can和may表示许可或请求的用法及区别。2.掌握表示顺序的生词的使用方法。 能力目标:1.能自如区别使用can和may,注意分场合、分对象使用。2.能熟练使用表示顺序的生词描述事件。情感目标:与周围老师、 家长及同学讲话时注意语言

3、的使用, 关注到场合和对象, 做一个礼 貌、文明的学生。Teaching important and difficult points:1. can和may的用法及区别,并能注意分场合、分对象。2.用表示事件顺序的五个生词熟练地对事件的发生进行正确的描述。Teaching methods:Presentation Practice Consolidation ActivityTeaching tools:Cards, computer, crayon, cardboardsTeaching procedures:Step1. Warm-upSay the following rhyme tog

4、ether.Clap Your HandsClap,clap,clap your hands,As slowly as you can.Clap,clap,clap your hands as quickly as you can.Shake,shake,shakeyour hands,As slowly as you can.Shake,shake,shakeyour hands as quickly as you can.Roll,roll,roll your hands,As slowly as you can.Roll,roll,roll your hands as quickly a

5、s you can.Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers,As slowly as you can.Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your finger as quickly as you can.Pound,pound,pound your fists,As slowly as you can.Pound,pound,pound your fists as quickly as you can.【设计说明】快速将学生带入英语课堂,调动气氛,活跃学生的英语思维。Step 2. PresentationPresent: -Can I have a loo

6、k at your watch?- Yes, you can.- Can I use your red ball pen?- Sorry, you cantI. donthave one.Present the response on TV.【Pair work】Ask the students to make short dialogues using“can”.Say: I have many beautiful cards. Do you want some? If you do, how do you ask me forit?Let one student ask me for on

7、e card, pay attention to using“may”.Present the response on TV. And give them one minute to prepare for one or twoquestions to ask me.【设计说明】抓住初一小朋友的心理特点,通过精美卡片吸引他们的注意力,让 学生为了得到卡片而开动脑筋思考问题, 极大地调动了学生的积极性,且活跃了 课堂气氛。Step 3. ComparisonWhatsthe difference between“can”and“may”?Ask the students to summarize

8、 the differences.【设计说明】通过学生自己的总结,加深在头脑中的印象,而且能充分发挥学生 的主体作用。教者只需要根据学生回答情况作适当补充。Step 4. Activity【Group work】Get the students to make up situational dialogues according the topics in their cards.1.同学之间及师生之间关于在校园内可做或不可做的事情进行对话交流。2.在家庭里,孩子之间、父母之间及孩子与父母之间讨论可做或不可做的事情。3.在动物园里,同学之间、师生之间讨论可做或不可做的事情。 【设计说明】通过情

9、境设计中对新知的运用,起到了及时巩固知识的作用,很好 地为将来生活中应用知识打下牢固的基础。Step 5. ExerciseFinish the exercises on Page 97. Then check the answers.Step 6. Presentation1. Listen to the story“TheHare and the Tortoise”.2. Order the pictures according to the story using“first, then, next, aferwards,finally”.3. Read these five adver

10、bs.4. Talk about my daily life using these five words.First, I get up.Then, I choose what to wear.Next, I take a bus to go to work.Afterwards, I have dinner with my family.Finally, I watch TV.【设计说明】通过学生很熟悉的“龟兔赛跑”故事引出新单词,自然、深刻。谈 论自身情况更贴近生活,将知识很好地生活化。Step 7. ExerciseFinish the exercises in Part B1 on

11、Page 98 and Part B2 on Page 99. Check t heanswers one by one.Step 8. PracticeShow some pictures of food and drinks. Get the students to talk about how th ey willchoose the food and drinks, e.g.First, I eat.Then, I haveNext, I haveAfterwards, I haveFin ally, I haveAsk some individual student to show

12、his/her choice.Step 9. Consolidation【Group work】Talk about the activities at the weekends in groups of five.1. Each member of the group thinks about one activity at the weekend.2. Order the activities like this:First -ThenNextAfterwards Finally【设计说明】联系生活实际编制情景语言,既巩固了知识,又贴近生活,提高了 学生以后学习生活中知识灵活运用的能力,

13、且极大地提高了课堂有效性,减轻了 学生课后负担。Step 10. ActivityActivity: My fashion design1. We will make a“FashionWall”in the classroom. Please design some cloth es ingroups of five. Each member of the group design one kind of clothes, f or example, ahat, a T-shirt, a shirt, a skirt, a pair of trousers, a pair of shoes

14、/trainers, etc. Then talkabout the designs, e.g.First, we designThen,Next,Afterwards, -Finally,Itmade of.Its very comfortable to wear.Itfrsom the 1990s.Young people all like to wear it.2. Get some groups to show their works and report to the whole class.【设计说明】安排让学生动手合作完成服装设计, 培养学生的合作意识,体会到团队协作的作用。通过

15、此活动将本单元Readi ng语言现象和后面即将学习的Main Task紧密贴合起来,强调了知识的系统性和整体性,为下面写作课时作了很 好的铺垫。( ) 1. -Can you answer this question?A.Yes,I am.B. No, Imnot.C. Yes, I do.D.No, Icant.( )2. Ittsoohotin this room. May I _ the window, Mr.Zhang?A. turn onB. turn offC. openD. close( )3. Icanftind my pen. Can I _ _ yours, Jack?A

16、. useB. takeC. bring D.carry()Step 11. ConsolidationMultiple choice4. - Hello. May I speak to Mary?- _ . She isnatt homeA. Yes, you may. B. Sorry, you cant. D. Yes, youmay not.) 5. I must ask my mother_. _now.C.Yes, of course.can go to the parkwith you.A. then; FirstD. first; Then ( )B. next; Afterw

17、ardsC. next; FirstD.)6. - May I drink- Sorry. I donA. any; someD. any; any7. Can you show me your photosA. of B. with k?thave_ .B. some; anyC. some; some_ theC. infashion show?e.(Can I borrow your bike, Sandy?OK. _.A. Here it is. B. Here you D. Here is it._ speak English well. ItB. may notar

18、e.C. Here they aresasy for me.C. can May I take themagazine home? No. youA. could notD. do notStep 12. HomeworkWrite a passage about your own day, using“thesequencing events9. I _A. may10. -B. may notD.C.Possible title: A good dayA bad dayA funny dayA (n) _ daycantneed not四、教学反思:本课时通过学生自主学习、 合作探究等形式, 在课堂中很好地帮学生理解并 掌握了学习重点。 设计多种情境让学生将课本知识在课堂上


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