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1、HTR-10 高温气冷堆一回路电气贯穿件高温气冷堆一回路电气贯穿件Primary circuit EPA of HTR-10清华大学核能技术设计研究院INET, Tsinghua University周惠忠Professor ZHOU Huizhong15th January, 2013内容内容 Content0 引言 Foreword1 电气贯穿件的功能 Functions of EPA2 HTR-10电气贯穿件技术特点 Technical Features of HTR-10 EPA 使用环境 Environmental Conditions; 技术参数 Technical Paramet

2、ers3 结构 Structure 总体结构 overall structure; 密封结构 sealing structure; 气体泄漏监测 leakage detection4 试验 Test 型式试验实验内容 Type test; 型式试验方法 Test method; 产品试验 Product test5 结论 Conclusion引言引言 Forewordn电气贯穿件是防止反应堆的放射性气体向环境泄漏而采取的必要而有效的方法之一; EPA is one of the necessary and effective methods to contain any radiation;

3、n电气贯穿件既提供了电气性能的贯穿,又保持了边界的完整和防止泄漏; EPA does not only provide electrical feedthrough, but also maintain the integrity of the pressure boundery and prevent leakage; n安全壳的电气贯穿件可看成核电站安全防护的最后屏障; EPA on the containment shell is regarded as the last protection of the nuclear power plant safety; 引言引言 Forewor

4、dn高温气冷堆的转动设备采用覆盖式结构,避免了复杂的穿轴动密封问题,增加了一回路边界电气贯穿件的难度; The HTR adopts rotation devices of overlay structure to avoid the complex seal problem, which increases the difficulty of primary circuit EPA. n电气贯穿件要求能随时监测气体泄漏率。 EPA is required to monitor the gas leakage rate at all times. 电气贯穿件的功能电气贯穿件的功能 Functi

5、ons of EPAn压力边界内、外侧间的电气连通; Electrical connection between the inside and outside of the pressure boundaryn满足电流、电压、电阻阻抗及屏蔽等电气要求; Meet the electrical requirements of the current, voltage, resistance impedance and shieldn各路导体之间及导体对地的绝缘; Insulation between the conductors and between the conductor and gro

6、undn压力边界的承压能力; Pressure resistance of the pressure boundaryn气体泄漏率的限制; Gas leak rate limitn不加其它装置即能经常地监测气体泄漏率; Be able to regularly monitor the gas leakage rate without adding other devices.n对事故的应对。 Respond to accident.HTR-10电气贯穿件技术特点电气贯穿件技术特点HTR-10 EPA Technical Features使用环境 Application Environmentn

7、一侧是高温高压高辐射的纯氦气;另一侧是高温空气; One side is pure helium with high temperature, high radiation and pressure, while the other side is high temperature airn密封介质为氦气; The sealant is helium n介质压力为3MPa; The media pressure is 3MPa.n结构紧凑:压力壳钢制,壳薄;贯穿件短、直径较小。 Compact structure: the containment is made of steel, with

8、thin shell; and the EPA is short with small diameter. HTR-10电气贯穿件技术特点电气贯穿件技术特点 HTR-10 EPA Technical Features技术参数Technical Index(1)型号 Type低压动力型Low-voltage power type仪表控制型Instrument control type用处Application主氦风机电机Main helium blower motor主氦风机仪表控制Main helium blower motor instrument control工作温度Operating

9、Temperature,100150100150工作压力Operating Pressure,Mpa3.03.0设计压力Design Pressure,MPa3.53.5工作电压Operating Voltage,V380AC200AC/48DC额定电流Rated Current,A4003.5气体泄漏率 Leakage rate,Pam3/s110-4110-4芯数Number of Cores120密封方式Sealing Method陶瓷组件封焊Closure welding by using the ceramic components钢管聚砜旋锻密封Sealed by steel pi

10、pe polysulfone swaging HTR-10电气贯穿件技术特点电气贯穿件技术特点HTR-10 EPA Technical Features技术参数Technical Index(2)型号 Type低压动力型Low-voltage power model仪表控制型Instrumental Control Type用处Application燃 料 球 传 动 F u e l b a l l s transmission控制棒、吸收球传动Transmission of control rods and absorbtion balls工 作 温 度 O p e r a t i n g

11、Temperature,100150100150工作压力Operating Pressure,Mpa3.03.0设计压力Design Pressure,Mpa3.53.5工作电压Operating Voltage,V380AC380AC/48DC额定电流Rated Current,A104气体泄漏率Gas Leakage Rate,Pam3/s110-4110-4芯数Number of Cores724密封方式Sealing Method陶 瓷 组 件 封 焊 C l o s u r e welding by using the ceramic components陶瓷组件封焊Closure

12、welding by using the ceramic components结构示意图结构示意图Structure Schematic Diagram结构结构电气贯穿电气贯穿Structure Electrical Penetrationn要求导体电阻小,用无氧铜制造; Require small resistance of the conductor, using oxygen-free copper for manufacturen导体间,导体与外壳间要绝缘; Insulation between conductors, and between conductor and contain

13、ment.n导体与端板的绝缘,密封是电气贯穿件的“技术核心”; Insulation between the conductor and the end plates; and sealing is the the “ Technical Core“ of EPAn电气贯穿件内外电缆接线:大电流用接线鼻子,小电流用插接。 Internal and External cable connection of EPA: use butt splices for high current, and use plug in connector for low current结构结构压力边界压力边界Str

14、ucture - Pressure Boundaryn电气贯穿件的承压管上有一个突缘,安装时突缘焊接在设备焊接短管上; A flange is on the pressure tube of EPA, and is to be welded into welding equipment short pipen承压管能承受外压一回路侧的压力;测量泄漏率而充气时的内压。 Pressure pipe can withstand the external pressure - side pressure of one circuit; internal pressure while in aerati

15、on to measure leakage rate钢管聚砜旋锻密封结构钢管聚砜旋锻密封结构Sealing Structure of Steel Tube Swaging Polysulfone 陶瓷组件封焊密封结构陶瓷组件封焊密封结构Seal welded sealing Structure of Ceramic Components陶瓷贯穿件的焊接安装陶瓷贯穿件的焊接安装Welding Installation of Ceramic Penetration设备焊接短管Equipment Welding Short Pipe承压管Pressure Pipe可伐件Kovar Piece陶瓷件C

16、eramic Piece导体Conductor结构结构气体泄漏率监测气体泄漏率监测Structure Monitoring of Gas Leakage Raten两套带密封结构的端板与承压管间组成密闭腔体;nA closed cavity formed between two sets of end plates of sealing structure and pressure pipe.n在密闭腔体上焊出一根测泄管; Weld out a measured vent tube from a closed cavityn测泄管末端装压力表和充气阀; Install pressure gau

17、ge and inflation valve on the end of measured vent tuben密闭腔体内充稍低于工作压力的氦气,氦气压力的变化可得出气体泄漏率, Pam3/s(考虑温度的影响)。 Fill helium gas into the closed cavity to be slightly lower than the working pressure, ang get the gas leakage rate through changes in helium pressure. Pa m3 / s (considering the influence of t

18、emperature). =V(P2-P1) V 气体容积(Gas Volume),m3; t 试验时间(Time for the Test),s。P1 开始试验时的压力(Pressure in beginning of the test),MPa;P2 结束试验时的压力(Pressure in ending of the test),MPa;试验试验 Testn型式试验内容 Contents of Type Test气压试验、气体泄漏率试验、介电强度试验、绝缘电阻试验、导体连续性试验、额定持续电流试验、短时过载电流试验、动态稳定电流试验、地震试验。n型式试验方法 Air pressure t

19、est, gas leakage rate test, dielectric strength test, insulation resistance test, conductor continuity test, rated continuous current test, short-time overload current test, the dynamic stable current test, sesimic test.按照试验大纲,按程序进行,有些项目要反复进行。例如总程序28个,气体泄漏率试验进行了6次,介电强度试验和绝缘电阻试验各进行了5次。Based on the te

20、st program, execute in accordance with the procedure, and some of the projects have to be repeated. For example, in 28 of the total programs, gas leakage rate test is done six times, and the dielectric strength test and insulation resistance test is done 5 times for each .地震试验后样机未见损坏、变形、泄漏。试验中做了导体连续性试验,试验后还进行了一系列试验。Nno damage, deformation, leakage on the sample equipment after earthquake test. Tests are also done on conductor continuity during the test, and a series of tests are also


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