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1、Un it 5: Family and HomeLess on 28: A Family Pic niccarry 用作及物动词,意为fetch 的区别如下:运送;携带;带着,后常接搬运的东西。carry 与 bring、take、get、carry 运送,一般指车、船、手、肩、背等把人或物运送至另一地方,无方向性。例如:I hopeyou can help me carry these books upstairs._2bring 带来,拿来,有明显的方向性,指的是把某物从远处拿到近处。例如:Bring me a cup oftea, please._3take 带走,有明显的方向性,指的是

2、把某物从近处带到远处。例如:At last, they took Maryto hospital._4get = fetch去取来,去拿来,指的是去了又回到说话者原来的所在地,有往返过程。例如:Goand fetch / get the ball, Henry._3、 There are lots of ftuits and vegetbales for us.我们有很多的水果和蔬菜。lots of = a lot of,修饰可数名词复数时,相当于many;修饰不可数名词时,相当于mucho 例女口: I want to be a lawyer, bacause a lawyer can ma

3、ke_ mon ey.2My teacher isn t rich, but he often buys_ books on the Internet.4、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1一 What is your aunt doing? She_(make) a cake.2They_ (talk) about that young woma n.3Liste n! Mary_(sing) in the classroom.4Our Chin ese teacher_ (wear) a beautiful dress today.5The stude nts are not talk ing.

4、 They_ (laugh).6The cat_(wash) its face.7Danny_(work) in the garde n.8The dog is miss in g. It_(look) for the key.9Jim_ (sta nd) n ear the blackboard and_ (write) in En glish now.10一 What s she doin g? She_(put o n) her skirt.4、 完成短文。In America and_ (力口拿大),many people go out for a picnic on_(周日).The

5、y often ask their_ (好朋友)to go with them. They bring many thingswith them, such as bowls, cups,_(刀子),some nice food and some nice drinks._ ( 有时)they also take their pets with them. If it is very fine, they_(可能)enjoy the meal_(在公园里 ),in a village or at the foot of a hill_(_ ). That s very interesting.

6、Lesson 29: A Birthday Card1、 我和我的家人_n ear the lake_做沙拉_2、 Bob is carry ing a big basket of food.go on a picnic_一大篮子食物_eat the meat_鲍勃正提着一大篮子的食物。1、 have a birthday partywrite a poem-2 -a picture of her familyriddleThey will go on a pic nic tomorrow._2.in sideadv.&n.(在)里面;prep.在_的里面;其反义词是. 。5、Happy Bi

7、rthday, Mum! 生日快乐,妈妈!此句是对别人的生日表示祝贺的交际用语。回答别人的祝贺时,通常用问候的是共同的节日祝福时,则往往回答 _ 。6、根据短文内容从方框内选词并用其适当形式填空。I, have, prese nt, eat, toIt s my birthday today. I am happy. Now, we are1._abirthday party. I get many birthday 2._ . My gra ndfather, myuncle and aunt come to my party. They bring 3. _ a birthday cake

8、.They are singing the songHappy Birthday 4._ You. At seve no clock, we are 5._ the cake.7、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Today is October 15. It s Nancy s birthday. Her friends are all at her home. They areMike, Jim, Hele n, Yang Ling and Gao Shan. Her pare nts are here, too. Look! They are sta nding around the ta

9、ble.There s a big cake on the table.Fourteen candles are on the cake. There is also meat, fish, eggs, dumplings and somedrinks on the table.Theyare singing the song Happy Birthday to You to Nancy. She s going to blow out thecan dles. She is very happy.()1. Today is Nancy s birthday.( ) 2. Nancy is H

10、elen s friend.()3. Nancy is 15 years old.( ) 4. They are sta nding around the table.()5. There are seve n kinds of food on the table.8、(2013 湖南娄底)_April 20, 2013, a terrible earthquake happened in Ya an city,Sichua n.A. InB. OnC. AtD. ForwriteShe is using paper and cray ons to make the card.1use sth

11、. to do sth.,意为用.做某事”2paper 用作不可数名词, 意为纸”。 例如: paper用作可数名词,意为试卷”。例如:她正在使用纸和蜡笔做卡片。例如:I often use a pen to write.一张纸two En glish papers_她把一张全家福放在正面。 s picture ,意为她的全家福”。,意为在正面”。与其对应的是 on the back ,意为在背面”。并且在卡片里面她的家She is putt ing a picture of her family on the front.1a picture of her family = her fami

12、ly2on the fro nt 亠亠And in side the card her family will write someth ing for Gran dma.人将为她奶奶写一些东西。一般将来时的构成形式是,表示发生的动作或状态。例如:Thank you.来回答;若别人1、 have a birthday partywrite a poem-3 -9、 (2013 陕西)We are pla nning to have a surprise party_her fiftee nth birthday.A. atB. inC. forD. with-4 -Less on 30: Gr

13、an dma s Birthday Party1、 set the table_ play with sb._at my grandma and grandpa s house_2、 It s at my grandma and grandpas house.( 晚会)在我奶奶和爷爷的家里。1该词组中用了名词所有格,表示人或事物的所属关系,意为“的”。表示有生命事物的名词所有格,一般在单数可数名词后直接加s。例如:比尔的书 _2本句中表示共同所有,则只在最后一个名词后加s;当表示分别所有时,各个名词后都加s。例如:Ben and Dan s father_ Ben s and Dan s fa

14、thers_3所有格后的地点可以省略。称呼的所有格后省略地点,一般表示住所。例如:at the doctor s_ at the teacher s_at the butcher s_ at my uncle s_3、 Charlie usually talks with his friends on the phone.查理通常和他的朋友们在电话中聊天。1此句中,on 作介词,表示“通过.方式;借助于. ”的意思。例如:He often listens to songson the radio._2此外,on 还可表示在星期几等具体的某一天,也可用来表示在具体的某一天的上午、下午、晚上。例如

15、: on the morning of August 15th_4、 根据对话内容,把短文补充完整。Mum: David, are you study ing?David: Yes, Mum. I m studying.Mum: You are not talk ing to some one?David: No.Mum: Not si nging?David: No, Mum. I m studying!Mum: But David, I hear some one speak ing and I hear some music. Are you watch ing TV?David: No

16、, Mum, I m not. I m studying. I m not watching TV!Mum: If you are not singing, talk ing, or watch ing TV, who is making all the no ise?David : The radio, Mum. I m listening to the radio.David is_ . His_ asks him if he is_some one. He says“_” . He als o says he is _ singing or _TV. His mother hears s

17、ome onespeak ing and some_ . Because David is_ the radio.7、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。My name is Jeff. I have a bedroom. In my bedroom, there is a small bed. A computer is beside the bed. I like toplay on the computer, but my parents often say,“Jeff, it s time to goto sleep. Don t play computer games again. Go

18、od night.” I look at the watch. It s nine-5 -o clock. I turn off thecomputer and turn on my radio. I lie on my bed and listen to theradio, the n I fall asleep.()1. Jeff has a computer in his bedroom.()2. Jeff s parents don tlove Jeff.()3. Jeff s computer is in his parents bedroom.() 4. Jeff falls as

19、leep-6 -after 9: 00 pm.()5 .In Jeff s bedroom, there is a radio, a computer, a TV set and some pictures.单元写作练习题目:描述一下图画里的情景。解析:描述一幅图画,说明图画 里的情景,往往用到动词的现在进 行时。指路:动词的现在进行时动词的现在进行时表示现在正在进行 的动作。例如:Tom is playi ng.汤姆正在玩。I am doing my homework. 我正 在做家庭作业。You are liste ning to the radio.你正在听收音机。They are wa

20、tchi ng TV.他们正在看电视。动词的现在进行时是由“be +现在分词”构成。be 是个助动词,本身没有意义,只起到帮助构成现在进行时的作用,而且要随着主语的变化而变化。主语是单数第一人称,be 变为 am;主语是单数第二人称,be 变为 are ;主语是单数第三人称,be 变为 is ;主语是复数,be 变为 are。现在分词的变化有四种情况:1一般情况在动词词尾力口-s。例如: workTworking playplaying sing singing2如果动词以不发音的 -e 结尾,去 e,加-ing。例如:haveThaving takeTtaking3如果动词以重读闭音节结尾,

21、词尾的辅音字母双写以后,再加-ing。例如:sitTsitting4个别以-ie 结尾的动词,把 ie 变为 y,再加-ing。例如:lieTlying由动词的现在进行时构成的句子结构如下:1肯定句:主语 + be (am, is, are) +现在分词。例如: She is crying. They are worki ng.I am laugh ing.2否定句:主语 + be (am, is, are) + not + 现在分词。 例如: I am not laughi ng. He is not eati ng. They are not talk ing.3一般疑问句:Be (Am, Is, Are) + 主语+现在


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