



1、11、日常活动/主要工作(职业活动)/社交生活Dear bob,I ll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will find it in teresti ng.I usually get up early and go to work at 8 oclock. I have lunch in the office . And I come back homeat six. As a secretary , I deal with pho ne calls , emails and faxes d

2、uri ng work hours . I also do the paper workfor the man ager .After work , I like to do shopp ing with frie nds or watch TV at home . sometimes I also like to chat onthe in ter net.Best regards,Michelle2、童年的梦想/目前的情况/对未来的希望1st august 2005Dear Jenni fer,Thank you for telling me about yourself, I d lik

3、e to let you know more about me too.As a child , I wan ted to be a detective , I thought a detective was really great because he couldsolve criminal cases to do justice . But my dream never came true. I m mow a librarian deali ng with booksevery day . The work is nothing thrilli ng, but I like it ,

4、Since there are more and more electro nic materials, Ihope that we will have an e-library built soon .Look ing forward to heari ng from you aga in.Best regards,Ian3、 事件发生的时间和地点/人物/事件的经过One day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashi on house, As soon as she was in side , two menope ned the

5、car door , started the engine and drove away in just one minute , Whe n the girl recovered fromthe shock, she called 110 . Luckily, there was a police patrol car n earby . So the girl got in the police car andthey drove in the directi on where the thieves escaped . Twenty minu tes later , they found

6、 the car wait ing ata busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn gree n . Needless to say , the car thieves were caught red-handed.4、自主(autonomous)学习与过程教育 /自主学习与合作(collaborative )学习/你自己的学习 情况Aut on omous lear ning is an importa nt lear ning style in dista nee educati on .It is an esse ntial skill

7、 fordistanee learners because they study alone most of the time They do not meet their tutors or classmates veryofte n . However ,dista nee lear ners can lear n a lot from each other . So aut on omous learni ng lear ner . Ihave to do most lear ning tasks by myself . Mea nwhile we have group activiti

8、es every two weeks to completesome learning tasks or share experiences . I have found both forms of lear ning very helpful.5、 有一种观点认为:声调生活比乡村生活好/你对这种观点的看法/你的结论Some people believe that town life is better than country life . I dont agree with this . Town lifecan be convenient to us in many spects . F

9、or example , you can move around easily, shopp ing can be morefun in a big shopp ing mall and you can enjoy a more colorful ni ghtlife . But there are also many disadvantages , It is much n osier tha n in the coun try . Air polluti on is more serious , It is not easy to park your car .It costs more

10、to live in tow n. To n ame but a few is eno ugh Therefore, I prefer country life.6、 保持身体健康的重要性/保持身体健康的方法/重申保持身体健康的意义Nowadays more and more people know the importa nee of keep ing healthy, Without a healthy body,we can do no thi ng . For me there are three main ways to keep healthy .First , it is n e

11、cessary ot keep a bala need diet , which is the basis of good health , It is better for usto have more fruit and vegetables everyday , Sec on dly , it is importa nt to take regular exercises , such asswimm ing , joggi ng and so on . Last but not least , it is euxe nite to keep in a good mood .Relaxa

12、tio n and en terta inment are ways go renew our spirits and release our stress .When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.7、 哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式/阐述你的理由/做出结论In a moder n city , there are many mea ns of tran sportati on , such as subway , taxi , busand so on .But

13、my favorite means of transportation is by bike.First , riding a bike is good for keeping healthy . I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on mywork ing day , and I thi nk it is a good form of physical exercise . Sec on dly , it is mon ey-sav ing ,Rece ntly ,the private car drivers always compla

14、 in the price of gas is higher and higher but if you ride a bike , it will costyou no thi ng , Thirdly, it is ben eficial for protect ing the environment , so it is a green ” form of transportation .Therefore , although it has some disadva ntages, I like riding a bike best .8、描述你家的位置/各信房间的功能 俵达你对家居条

15、件的态度My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city . We have three rooms in addition to the kitche nand bathroom . The first room is the main room or livi ng room . It is for hav ing meals . relax ing , readi ng ,watch ing televisi on and so on .It is the busiest room in the house .The sec

16、ond room is my daughter?sbedroom . She sleeps and tresses there . The third room belongs to my wife and me . It seems quite spaciousbecause we have little furniture . We sleep . prepare lessons and gen erally relas there . I thi nk my home iscozy and I like my home .9、 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么/你喜欢它的理由/CCTV toda

17、y offers a great variety of programmers to meet differe nt n eeds and tastes , Forexample , the weather forecast , serials , films , sports and so on . My favorite TV programmer , however , isthe n ews .There are several points that are worth men ti oning . For one thing , it covers n ews about impo

18、rtantevents both at home and abroad . Besides , the mews it provides is timely and reliable ,Finally , it broadcastsin the evening during the so-called golden time ”,It saves me much time reading through news-papers forcurrent affairs.In short , watch ing the n ews on CCTV has become part of my dail

19、y life .10、 你理想的的工作是什么/你的理由/如何实现你的理想。Everybody has his dream for his career in the future . He or she might want to be a teacher , adoctor , a scie ntist , a sportspers on and so on , To tell you the truth , my ideal job is in bus in ess , The ideacame into being whe n I was a child .With the develo

20、pme nt of market eeon omy , there are many prosperousopport un ities inbus in ess , I like read ing stories about some successful bus in essme n such as Bill Gates ,Li Jiache ng ,etc . I believe I will be a man like them some day .Now , I am majori ng in Compute ring . I must study hard to get mysel

21、f qualified for my future job.11、 在北京见闻/接下来两天的活动安排/返回的具体时间Dear Mary ,This mor ning we went to Tia nanmen Square . There were many tourists walki ng around and it wasvery crowded . We then visited the Forbidden City . It is very large and there are many in teresti ng things tosee . We all enjo yed th

22、e tour .Tomorrow we are going to the Great Wall and the day after we will visit the Summer Palace . We arecom ing back on Tuesday after noon .The pla ne will take off at 4.35pm and arrive at 7.10pm.See you the n .Joh n12、 接受邀请下周到英国观光旅游/希望对方能到机场接你/告诉对方你抵达的日期和航班号等Dear RobertI m very ;leased to accept

23、the kind invitation you extended in your last email . I m, planning to spend2my holiday in Britain nest week . Since this is my first visit to your country . I hope you will be able to meet meat the airport .My flight details-the pla ne leaves Beiji ng at 12:30 n ext Thursdayand arrives in Londonat

24、14:30(local time).The flight number is CA1347.Tha nk you and look ing forward to meet ing you in London .With best wishes.Zha ng Lin13、 你刚接到了妻子的电话/你不得不回家带小孩子上医院看病/晚上跟老板联系Dear Mr. Burns,I m sorry to say that I canate nd this after noons meeti ng , I just received a phone call from mywife , She told m

25、e our child has a fever and is coughi ng all the time . He has refused to eat or drink anythingsince this moori ng, so I will have to go back homenow and drive them tohospital . I will phone you this eve ning to discuss my new bus in ess pla n .Sorry for the inconvenience .Bob14、 介绍你自己的情况 /表达你想了解对方哪

26、些方面的情况/希望保持经常的联系23 Waima RoadJinan, Shangdong China20thJan , 2005Dear Joa n.Hi, I m Katie , I m 23 years old ,I graduated from Guangzhou University in 2001 and nowI work in a post office . I m interested in English , so I am learning English in my spare time at Jinan TV University.I was glad to meet

27、 you on the In ter net . Id like to know more about you-job, hobbies, etc.I d also like to know about your country.I hope we can write to each other more often and become good friends.Love.Katie15、 因特网与现代社会 /因特网对生活的影响/你对因特网的看法The Internet has become a symbol of moder n society . For example, via the

28、 Internet ,we can send amessage to a friend or a relative in a distant place within seconds ; we can talk to echo other or even seeeach other; we can do shopping without going out ;we can stay home and do bus in ess with foreig n companies. In fact , we can do many things more easily and more cheapl

29、y using the In ter net ,So I can imagi newhat society would be like without the In ter net.16、 远程学习的对象/远程学习的好处/你自己的学习情Distanee learning is for those who can study full time for some reasons . Many of them have a job ,and some have to take care of a family ,But they can study and mean while work or d

30、o other thi ngs.They can study with the help of a tutor and con tact the tutor or other lear ners whe nhav ing difficulties . They can study at any time and any where . For example , I work in a compa ny duri ngthe day , but I am tak ing a course in law in the eve nin g, I find dista nee lear ning i

31、s suitable for me .17、 有一种观点:没有钱就没有爱情/你对这种观点的看法/你的结论。Some people believe that there is no love without money . I don agree . Money is important . but it can buy everything . For example it can buy love .If there were no love without money .all the poor would have no love and all the rich would have

32、love. But this is not true . Many poor people livehappily because they have love , and many rich people live un happily because they do not , Therefore, Ithink there can be love without money .18、 英语讲座通知There will be an En glish lecture on America n In dia ns and America History by Miss Iycidro,an A

33、merican professor from Shenzhen TV Uniiversity . It will be given in the hall of the CultureCentre in our university on Saturday evening from 7:30 to 9:30, May 5, 2004. Those who are interested in itare welcome . And you may also invite your friends from other schools to attend it .Be sure not to be

34、 late . After the lecture , please write a report about it in En glish .Stude nt UnionMay 4, 200419、 王华报社应聘Dear Sirs,My n ame is Wuhua, born on July 6th, 1965 in Cha ngch un, Jili n Provin ce, Chin a. I am a journ alistand have already had eleven years of working experienee. I can speak Japanese and

35、 Germany besidesEnglish and of course I m good at operating computer.I graduated from Journalism Department of Beijing University in 1990 and then worked as a journalist in Shenzhen Daily till December, 1996. I studied in BBC from 1997 to 1998 and since I came back in Janu ary, 1999,I have bee n hea

36、d of the n ews secti on .I will be very lucky if I can work in your newspaper- The 21st Century. And I think I have abilities to do thejob well.Yours Si ncerely,Wuhua1、了解对方 近来的情 况。通 知对方同学将在元旦 举行聚会。请对 方参 加。www.qi ncai. net9o5F%G#7g1U.ODear电视大学资料学习,电大答案,国内较大的电大学生专业交流论坛8e8S/k6R/Y-3sI haven t seeyou for

37、 a long time. What s with you recentlyTHow is your new job? Have you adapt to yoursurroundings? I hope all goes well with you.电大答案,电视大学教学,电大交 流)D(s5v,#m&M)qHow time flies! New Years Day is coming. We ll hold a party. All of our classmates will arrive.That will be interesting. I hope you can join us.

38、 The party will be hold in the old place. I am looki ng forward tosee you. Write to me soo n.国内电视大学学生交流社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。4J#-K0a3p.M#With my best wishesYours2、了解对方最近的学习情况。你的学习情况。请你说说提高英语水平的经验。_ :星魂社区:国内著名电大交流社区e&m7K%T4n.dDear:.What s going on with you these days? How is your study recently? I h

39、ope everything goes well with you.Do you improve your En glish? I got a higher score in the En glish exam this time. I was very happy.I dike to share the methods of learning English with you. Firstly, I insist on reading English aloud everymorning. Sec on dly, I watch En glish movies and enjoy En gl

40、ish songs in my spare time find it is the bestway to study English. Thirdly, I read some English magazines and newspapers, for example, China Daily,which improve my reading ability and writing abilitygreatly.Xx3These are my methods to study En glish. I hope you can also find a correct way for you an

41、d make further step,come on! Write to me soon.:星魂社区:国内著名电大交流社区0刈/V$D(q:u*A(Best wishes for youYours 电视大学资料学习,电大答案,国内较大的电大学生专业交流论坛 2a1r3U)-q丄.R5 n!m电视大学资料学习,电大答案,国内较大的电大学生专业交流论坛3l+B-w,C33、了解对方毕业后的情况。你的近况。邀请对方方便时来访。_国内电视大学学生交流社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。8l;d2a9g-|3x7Dear How time flies! We have graduated f

42、or two years, I missed you so much. How is your everythi ng going? A fewdays ago, I met one of our former classmates, we talked about ourmother school,frie nds, teachers and etc. We both figured that the life which is in school is the happiest. Do you thi nk so? Iknow you are so busy with your work

43、that you have no time to con tact with me, I hope you can be careful yourhealth.:星魂社区:国内著名电大交流社区-w(t;i2m3E!h#EThe same as you, I work in a primary school, I teach Chin ese and En glish, there are more tha n 50 studentsin my class, of course some of them are very naughty, but they are all pure and lo

44、vely. Sometimes, I feel verytired and bori ng, but I will n ever give up this job, I believe that if you stick on it, you will be successful.电视大学资料学习,电大答案,国内较大的电大学生专业交流论 坛 G+r.a)M%v!xWhe n will you come back? I hope you can visit my house as you are free, just call me the n. Ok?With my best wishes!Y

45、ours ever4、 告诉对方你最近将出去旅游。了解对方所在地的旅游景点。请对方给予帮忙安排。电大答案,电视大学教学,电大交流8IA:|:9X-WW0GDear 7k8f8o%(z(tj2Iq0X5JHow a re you? We haven t seen each other for long time, I miss you very much. It is heard that you work inHang Zhou, that is a beautiful place. Now I am so lucky to have got a opport un ity to visiti

46、t. My dream is coming true, but I am a stranger there, I am not familiar with Hang Zhou and I am always losing ways. Would you like to tell me where I should visit and how I can get there? I can stay there only threedays, but I hope to see more sights duri ng my holiday. Have you known Hang Zhou ver

47、y well? Could you giveme a detailed arra ngeme nt? I wait for your good n ews.Best wishes for you!:星魂社区:国内著名电大交流社区3B2J,S7K-P-X-W6Z.QYours ever 电大答案,电视大学教学,电大交流94!y$c$K国内电视大学学生交流社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。Y-P-Z*wT+G5、 你的近况。请对方帮你购买英语语法书。邀请对方便时来访。_国内电视大学学生交流社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。%A(m%n.Y&oHi XX,国内电视大学学生交流

48、社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。_-7h#a/i)w9y;ydHow is everything? I have been learning English these days. Every morning, I get up early to improve myaccent by reciting NCE quickly and loudly. I am making progress in speaking the lan guage now, but I am atthe end of my wits whe n it comes to grammar. I am pu

49、zzled with various verb tenses, subjunctive mood andarticle a/an/the and so on. When I write an article, Icomposing roughly then resort to my sister who majored in English in university to check grammatical errors.I cannot bear it anymore. Can you buy me some English grammar course books in the book

50、 center near yourhome? Thanks. #UDk3p 92、&n3Hl*J!O/o6V/c:u &I6、 告诉对方你将参加英语四级考试。询问对方如何做准备。请对方建议一些参考书。:星魂社区:国内著名电大交流社区 $-l*W-F(W8Hi XX,How time f lies! I haven t heard from you for ages. I heard you had past TEM8 last May. You knew thatI showed little interest in English at school time. I cannot imagi

51、ne myself studying English as my sec ondlan guage now for being aware of its importa nee in moder n society. I am going to take part in CET4 soon.But now I really do not know how to prepare it. I have no idea to which directi on I should walk to improvethe skills required by the exam in ati on. Plea

52、se tell me your ideas and recomme nd some refere neebooks for me. Than ks. 3c%o #h1a7I%L$dXX国内电视大学学生交流社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。/_4H8!m70)vr7、 了解对方最近的工作情况。你的工作情况。请对方说说若何搞好同事间的关系。Dear Tom:www.qi ncai .n et9B/U #s0U&PDoes everyth ing go well with you? How is your job? Do you work as busy as a bee every d

53、ay?I feel blue these days, because I cannot finish my work efficiently. My work is so busy that I often workovertime. So I have no time to communicate with my colleagues. They seem indifferent tome. They n ever inv ite me whe n they go out for a party. This let me dow n and I cannot concen trate onm

54、y work. (i#O8t9Z+S6Y .fCan you give me some suggesti on? How can I get on well with my colleagues? Please write to meas soon as possible. Thank you!电大答案,电视大学教学,电大交流9S3m V1D!IXI look forward to heari ng from you.Yours,电大答案,电视大学教学,电大交流I;B0 xH-5R(Lily 国内电视大学学生交流社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。#D*7f f0OE8、 了解对方上

55、次出国旅游情况。你打算出国去玩玩。请对方给你提点建议。Dear sir,电视大学资料学习,电大答案,国内较大的电大学生专业交流论坛(D,X-S-T4s#SI am very much delighted to receive your letter. I am sorry not to have written back earlier but time seemsto pass so quickly. $v;t/i #f2n:QI lear n from your letter that you were on holiday in Paris last mon th. Paris is a

56、 beautiful city , it is one ofmy favorite cities , too. You enjoyed your self ,did n t you ? I will share the happ in ess with you. I musttell you that how pleased I am now, because I will also go for a vocati on to Paris this summer. Mean while,I m a little worried about it, because this is my firs

57、t time to ano ther coun try.There are many thi ngs I don t know in aboard. Fashi on able dress in Paris is pretty good. Can you tellme where I should go to buy. For beautiful scenery, where should I go ? What about other places ? Tellme your ideas.Hoping to hear from you soon.Tha nk you for your hel

58、p.greatly.Xx49、 了解对方最近的工作情况。你想调动工作。请对方给你点建议。Dear.What sgoing on with you recently? I hope you are very well. Do you enjoy working in your amadwapsany?国内电视大学学生交流社区,提供学习资料下载,交流,电大就业指导等。(Y/%vu;e,IhI am not satisfied with my job no w. I want to make a cha nge. My work are rather rout in e, I do the same

59、thing day by day, year by year. It is really boring. So I want to quit the job and find a new one.I miss you so much. Please call on me at your convenience.I wish I could do somethi ng more challe nging. www.qin cai. net,o&n-B,L%B.M9s9z5How do you think about it? I am wait ing for your advice, pleas

60、e write to me soon.Thank you very much! (2B+z._%vYours sincerely 电视大学资料学习,电大答案,国内较大的电大学生专业交流论坛,&hl6v.K(_)v:G)T,V9i;T1p#L& .s-u W10、了解对方考试准备情况怎样。你在准备中遇到的问题。请对方给你一些建议。Dear How s everything. I m writing to you about the TOFEL Examination. Are you ready for it?It s my pleasure to inform you that I am qu


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