



1、Sports旁白:今天阳光明媚,A和B约定好了一起看足球赛。A:太精彩了,可是都要结束了 B怎么还不来。B:不好意思,我来晚了,有点事耽误了,比赛进行的怎么样了?A:没事,比赛很剧烈呢,双方实力相当,现在都还是0-0。B:还好,没有错过。快看,好球!唉,还是失球了。A:好可惜!哎,快看,进球了!太好了,可是怎么有点不对劲。B:进是进了,不过好似是进了对方的球网里。A/B互相对视了一眼。旁白:比赛结束了,最后打成平局。B:天气这么好,趁着激情还在,我们去打羽毛球吧?A:好主意!我最喜欢打羽毛球了,但是我们没有球怕怎么办呢?B:没关系,C刚买了一副新的羽毛球拍,我们可以向她借。A:太好了,我们走吧

2、。旁白:就这样,A和B找到了 C.B:你好吗?我们一起打羽毛球吧,正好用你新买的拍子。C:真不好意思,我把它借给 D 了,不过我们可以一起找他,然后一起玩。旁白:就这样,ABC一起去找到了 D.D正在打游戏。C:你好!这是我的朋友 A和B,我们来找你拿我的羽毛球拍。我们准备去打球,一起去吧。D:你好,AB很快乐见到你们。A、B:你好,很快乐见到你!D:但是真的很抱歉,那天我和 E一起打完羽毛球后就把羽毛球拍放在他那里了,所以。C:你不是在开玩笑吧?那怎么办呢,我们还准备去打球呢。D:真的很抱歉!要不我们一起去找E吧?C:转身问A和B你们认为呢?A/B :啊?不会吧?旁白:这时候 A和B都有些灰

3、心了。C:那谁还有什么好的提议呢?E:要不我们一起玩电子游戏吧,很有意思的。A:还是算了吧,我觉得我们应该多做一些运动,这样才能有助于身体健康,而玩游戏没有什么好处。B:我赞同A的观点。而且多运动可以减肥,我最近一直都在运动,效果显着吧!C:嗯,我也觉得玩游戏不好,我们再想想其它的吧。对了,大家都说说自己喜欢的运动工程吧。首先我来,我喜欢 打羽毛球,我认为它很花费力气而且很考验人的反响能力。D:我更喜欢打篮球,我觉得男生打篮球很酷,是不是?A:呵呵,我喜欢的运动是打乒乓球,我觉得它很轻松而且我喜欢它是因为我喜欢邓亚萍。你呢,B?B:对于我个人而言,我喜欢跑步。当我跑步的时候我会忘记所有的事情,

4、完全得到放松,而且可以使我保持好的体 型。旁白:正在大家讨论得剧烈的时候,突然听见屋外响起了雨滴的声音。大家也都停止了讨论。D:现在看来我们什么都做不了了。最近天气怎么这么善变呢?C:也许我们可以打麻将?A/B :啊?别开玩笑了。旁白:就这样,ABCD 一下午什么运动都没有做。Narrator: it 'sunny today, A and B agreed to watch a football game.A: come on ! Wonderful, but it will come to an end ,B how not to.B: I am sorry , I m late,

5、 having something else to delay the game, what's going on?A: all right, competition is very intense, both sides are equally strong, still O-O(love-love).B: Okay, don't miss. Look, the strike! Alas, still lost.A : what a pity! Hey, look, scoring! great, but something is wrong.B: enter into, b

6、ut seems to be into the opponent's net.A/B looked at each other at a glance.Narrator: the end of the game, the game ends in a tie.B : anyway the game is wonderful.the weather is so good, while the passion is still, why not go to play badminton?A: good idea! I like playing badminton, but we don&#

7、39;t have the racket, what should we do?B: never mind, C just bought a new pair of badminton racket, we can ask her to borrow.A: Well, ok,let's go.Narrator: so, A and B find C.B: Hello! We d love to play badminton, can we use your new racket?C: I feel shy, I lent it to D, but we can go to find h

8、im, and then play it together.Narrator: so, ABC go looking for D.D is playing the computer game.C: hello! This is my friend A and This is my friend B, we come to take my badminton racket. We are ready to play, how about go with us? Today is very suitable to exercise.D: Hello, A,B., nice to meet you.

9、A, B: Hello, nice to meet you too!D: but rm really sorry, that day after I and E exercised, badminton racket is put on him there, and so.C: are you kidding? we're ready to play.D : I'm really sorry! Why don't we all go to looking for E?C: (turns to ask A and B) what do you think?A/B: ah?

10、 That won't happen, will it?Narrator: when A and B are discouraged.C: who has any good suggestions?E: shall we play computer games, it 'also very interesting.A: Well, I think we should do more exercise, so as to contribute to a healthy body and keep fit, but playing games isnot good .B: I ag

11、ree with the point of A. But exercise can reduce weight, I have been in motion, effect is remarkable!C: Well, I think that playing games is not good way to exercise, we will think of others. Yes,let'talk about the sportwe like. First I come, I like playing badminton, I think it needs energyand t

12、ests the ability to respond.D:As for me, I like to play basketball, I think the boys playing basketball is very cool, is it right?A: Oh, I love playing pingpang , I think it is very easy and I like it because I love Deng Ya Ping. How about you, B?B: personally, I love running. When I run, I will for

13、get all the things, completely relaxed, which also can keep me ingood shape.Narrator: In the heat of the discussion, suddenly heard the sound of rain sounded. Theyall stopped talking.D: now we can do nothing. Recently why is the weatherso changeable?C: maybe we can play mahjong?A/B: ah? Stop joking!

14、C:maybe we can talk some sports that we like . First I come, I like playing badminton, I think it needs energyandtests the ability to respond.and you,D?D:As for me, I like to play basketball, I think the boys playing basketball is very cool, is it right?A: Oh, I love playing pingpang , I think it is very easy and I like it because I love Deng Ya Ping. How about you, B?B: per


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